// Copyright (C) 2022 Richard Gibson. All rights reserved. // This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file. /*--- esid: sec-array.prototype.tolocalestring description: > The toLocaleString method of each non-undefined non-null element must be called with no arguments. info: | Array.prototype.toLocaleString ( [ _reserved1_ [ , _reserved2_ ] ] ) 4. Let _R_ be the empty String. 5. Let _k_ be 0. 6. Repeat, while _k_ < _len_, a. If _k_ > 0, then i. Set _R_ to the string-concatenation of _R_ and _separator_. b. Let _nextElement_ be ? Get(_array_, ! ToString(_k_)). c. If _nextElement_ is not *undefined* or *null*, then i. Let _S_ be ? ToString(? Invoke(_nextElement_, *"toLocaleString"*)). ii. Set _R_ to the string-concatenation of _R_ and _S_. d. Increase _k_ by 1. 7. Return _R_. includes: [compareArray.js] ---*/ const unique = { toString() { return ""; } }; const testCases = [ { label: "no arguments", args: [] }, { label: "undefined locale", args: [undefined] }, { label: "string locale", args: ["ar"] }, { label: "object locale", args: [unique] }, { label: "undefined locale and options", args: [undefined, unique] }, { label: "string locale and options", args: ["zh", unique] }, { label: "object locale and options", args: [unique, unique] }, { label: "extra arguments", args: [unique, unique, unique] }, ]; for (const { label, args } of testCases) { assert.sameValue([undefined].toLocaleString(...args), "", `must skip undefined elements when provided ${label}`); } for (const { label, args, expectedArgs } of testCases) { assert.sameValue([null].toLocaleString(...args), "", `must skip null elements when provided ${label}`); } if (typeof Intl !== "object") { for (const { label, args } of testCases) { const spy = { toLocaleString(...receivedArgs) { assert.compareArray(receivedArgs, [], `must invoke element toLocaleString with no arguments when provided ${label}`); return "ok"; } }; assert.sameValue([spy].toLocaleString(...args), "ok"); } } reportCompare(0, 0);