// Copyright (C) 2018 Valerie Young. All rights reserved. // This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file. /*--- esid: sec-asynciteratorprototype-asynciterator description: Return value of @@asyncIterator info: | %AsyncIteratorPrototype% [ @@asyncIterator ] ( ) 1. Return the this value. features: [Symbol.asyncIterator, async-iteration] ---*/ async function* generator() {} const AsyncIteratorPrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(Object.getPrototypeOf(generator.prototype)) const getAsyncIterator = AsyncIteratorPrototype[Symbol.asyncIterator]; const thisValues = [ {}, Symbol(), 4, 4n, true, undefined, null, ]; for (const thisValue of thisValues) { assert.sameValue( getAsyncIterator.call(thisValue), thisValue ); } reportCompare(0, 0);