// Copyright (C) 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file. /*--- description: Return value after successful match with capturing groups es6id: info: | [...] 5. Let global be ToBoolean(Get(rx, "global")). 6. ReturnIfAbrupt(global). 7. If global is false, then a. Return RegExpExec(rx, S). Runtime Semantics: RegExpExec ( R, S ) [...] 7. Return RegExpBuiltinExec(R, S). Runtime Semantics: RegExpBuiltinExec ( R, S ) [...] 20. Let A be ArrayCreate(n + 1). [...] 24. Perform CreateDataProperty(A, "index", matchIndex). 25. Perform CreateDataProperty(A, "input", S). 26. Let matchedSubstr be the matched substring (i.e. the portion of S between offset lastIndex inclusive and offset e exclusive). 27. Perform CreateDataProperty(A, "0", matchedSubstr). 28. For each integer i such that i > 0 and i ≤ n [...] d. Else, fullUnicode is false, i. Assert: captureI is a List of code units. ii. Let capturedValue be a string consisting of the code units of captureI. e. Perform CreateDataProperty(A, ToString(i) , capturedValue). [...] 29. Return A. features: [Symbol.match] ---*/ var result = /b(.).(.)./[Symbol.match]('abcdefg'); assert(Array.isArray(result)); assert.sameValue(result.index, 1); assert.sameValue(result.input, 'abcdefg'); assert.sameValue(result.length, 3); assert.sameValue(result[0], 'bcdef'); assert.sameValue(result[1], 'c'); assert.sameValue(result[2], 'e'); reportCompare(0, 0);