// GENERATED, DO NOT EDIT // file: testBigIntTypedArray.js // Copyright (C) 2015 André Bargull. All rights reserved. // This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file. /*--- description: | Collection of functions used to assert the correctness of BigInt TypedArray objects. defines: - TypedArray - testWithBigIntTypedArrayConstructors ---*/ /** * The %TypedArray% intrinsic constructor function. */ var TypedArray = Object.getPrototypeOf(Int8Array); /** * Calls the provided function for every typed array constructor. * * @param {typedArrayConstructorCallback} f - the function to call for each typed array constructor. * @param {Array} selected - An optional Array with filtered typed arrays */ function testWithBigIntTypedArrayConstructors(f, selected) { /** * Array containing every BigInt typed array constructor. */ var constructors = selected || [ BigInt64Array, BigUint64Array ]; for (var i = 0; i < constructors.length; ++i) { var constructor = constructors[i]; try { f(constructor); } catch (e) { e.message += " (Testing with " + constructor.name + ".)"; throw e; } } } // file: testTypedArray.js // Copyright (C) 2015 André Bargull. All rights reserved. // This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file. /*--- description: | Collection of functions used to assert the correctness of TypedArray objects. defines: - floatArrayConstructors - nonClampedIntArrayConstructors - intArrayConstructors - typedArrayConstructors - TypedArray - testWithTypedArrayConstructors - nonAtomicsFriendlyTypedArrayConstructors - testWithAtomicsFriendlyTypedArrayConstructors - testWithNonAtomicsFriendlyTypedArrayConstructors - testTypedArrayConversions ---*/ var floatArrayConstructors = [ Float64Array, Float32Array ]; var nonClampedIntArrayConstructors = [ Int32Array, Int16Array, Int8Array, Uint32Array, Uint16Array, Uint8Array ]; var intArrayConstructors = nonClampedIntArrayConstructors.concat([Uint8ClampedArray]); // Float16Array is a newer feature // adding it to this list unconditionally would cause implementations lacking it to fail every test which uses it if (typeof Float16Array !== 'undefined') { floatArrayConstructors.push(Float16Array); } /** * Array containing every non-bigint typed array constructor. */ var typedArrayConstructors = floatArrayConstructors.concat(intArrayConstructors); /** * The %TypedArray% intrinsic constructor function. */ var TypedArray = Object.getPrototypeOf(Int8Array); /** * Callback for testing a typed array constructor. * * @callback typedArrayConstructorCallback * @param {Function} Constructor the constructor object to test with. */ /** * Calls the provided function for every typed array constructor. * * @param {typedArrayConstructorCallback} f - the function to call for each typed array constructor. * @param {Array} selected - An optional Array with filtered typed arrays */ function testWithTypedArrayConstructors(f, selected) { var constructors = selected || typedArrayConstructors; for (var i = 0; i < constructors.length; ++i) { var constructor = constructors[i]; try { f(constructor); } catch (e) { e.message += " (Testing with " + constructor.name + ".)"; throw e; } } } var nonAtomicsFriendlyTypedArrayConstructors = floatArrayConstructors.concat([Uint8ClampedArray]); /** * Calls the provided function for every non-"Atomics Friendly" typed array constructor. * * @param {typedArrayConstructorCallback} f - the function to call for each typed array constructor. * @param {Array} selected - An optional Array with filtered typed arrays */ function testWithNonAtomicsFriendlyTypedArrayConstructors(f) { testWithTypedArrayConstructors(f, nonAtomicsFriendlyTypedArrayConstructors); } /** * Calls the provided function for every "Atomics Friendly" typed array constructor. * * @param {typedArrayConstructorCallback} f - the function to call for each typed array constructor. * @param {Array} selected - An optional Array with filtered typed arrays */ function testWithAtomicsFriendlyTypedArrayConstructors(f) { testWithTypedArrayConstructors(f, [ Int32Array, Int16Array, Int8Array, Uint32Array, Uint16Array, Uint8Array, ]); } /** * Helper for conversion operations on TypedArrays, the expected values * properties are indexed in order to match the respective value for each * TypedArray constructor * @param {Function} fn - the function to call for each constructor and value. * will be called with the constructor, value, expected * value, and a initial value that can be used to avoid * a false positive with an equivalent expected value. */ function testTypedArrayConversions(byteConversionValues, fn) { var values = byteConversionValues.values; var expected = byteConversionValues.expected; testWithTypedArrayConstructors(function(TA) { var name = TA.name.slice(0, -5); return values.forEach(function(value, index) { var exp = expected[name][index]; var initial = 0; if (exp === 0) { initial = 1; } fn(TA, value, exp, initial); }); }); } /** * Checks if the given argument is one of the float-based TypedArray constructors. * * @param {constructor} ctor - the value to check * @returns {boolean} */ function isFloatTypedArrayConstructor(arg) { return floatArrayConstructors.indexOf(arg) !== -1; } /** * Determines the precision of the given float-based TypedArray constructor. * * @param {constructor} ctor - the value to check * @returns {string} "half", "single", or "double" for Float16Array, Float32Array, and Float64Array respectively. */ function floatTypedArrayConstructorPrecision(FA) { if (typeof Float16Array !== "undefined" && FA === Float16Array) { return "half"; } else if (FA === Float32Array) { return "single"; } else if (FA === Float64Array) { return "double"; } else { throw new Error("Malformed test - floatTypedArrayConstructorPrecision called with non-float TypedArray"); } }