// |reftest| async // This file was procedurally generated from the following sources: // - src/async-generators/yield-promise-reject-next-yield-star-sync-iterator.case // - src/async-generators/default/async-expression.template /*--- description: yield * (async iterator) is treated as throw value (Unnamed async generator expression) esid: prod-AsyncGeneratorExpression features: [async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] info: | Async Generator Function Definitions AsyncGeneratorExpression : async [no LineTerminator here] function * BindingIdentifier ( FormalParameters ) { AsyncGeneratorBody } ---*/ let error = new Error(); let iterable = [ Promise.reject(error), "unreachable" ]; var callCount = 0; var gen = async function *() { callCount += 1; yield * iterable; }; var iter = gen(); iter.next().then(() => { throw new Test262Error("Promise incorrectly resolved."); }, rejectValue => { // yield Promise.reject(error); assert.sameValue(rejectValue, error); iter.next().then(({done, value}) => { // iter is closed now. assert.sameValue(done, true, "The value of IteratorResult.done is `true`"); assert.sameValue(value, undefined, "The value of IteratorResult.value is `undefined`"); }).then($DONE, $DONE); }).catch($DONE); assert.sameValue(callCount, 1);