// |reftest| async // This file was procedurally generated from the following sources: // - src/function-forms/params-trailing-comma-single.case // - src/function-forms/default/async-meth.template /*--- description: A trailing comma should not increase the respective length, using a single parameter (async method) esid: sec-async-function-definitions features: [async-functions] flags: [generated, async] info: | 14.6 Async Function Definitions AsyncMethod : async PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncFunctionBody } Trailing comma in the parameters list 14.1 Function Definitions FormalParameters[Yield, Await] : FormalParameterList[?Yield, ?Await] , ---*/ var callCount = 0; var __obj = { async method(a,) { assert.sameValue(a, 42); callCount = callCount + 1; } }; // Stores a reference `ref` for case evaluation var ref = __obj.method; ref(42, 39).then(() => { assert.sameValue(callCount, 1, 'async method invoked exactly once'); }).then($DONE, $DONE); assert.sameValue(ref.length, 1, 'length is properly set');