// |reftest| module // Copyright (C) 2019 Adrian Heine. All rights reserved. // This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file. /*--- description: A default export cannot be provided by an export * or export * from "mod" declaration esid: sec-static-semantics-exportentriesformodule info: | 15.2..3.6 Static Semantics: ExportEntriesForModule [...] ExportFromClause : * as IdentifierName 1. Let exportName be the StringValue of IdentifierName. 2. Let entry be the ExportEntry Record { [[ModuleRequest]]: module, [[ImportName]]: "*", [[LocalName]]: null, [[ExportName]]: exportName }. 3. Return a new List containing entry. flags: [module] features: [export-star-as-namespace-from-module] ---*/ export * as default from './export-star-as-dflt_FIXTURE.js'; import Self from './export-star-as-dflt.js'; import { default as named } from './export-star-as-dflt.js'; import * as ns from './export-star-as-dflt.js'; assert.sameValue(Self.x, 1, 'Module was re-exported under the name `default`'); assert.sameValue(named.x, 1, 'named binding was re-exported under the name `default`'); assert.sameValue(ns.default.x, 1, 'namespace was re-exported under the name `default`'); reportCompare(0, 0);