/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "js/shadow/Realm.h" // JS::shadow::Realm #include "vm/Realm-inl.h" #include "mozilla/MemoryReporting.h" #include #include "jsfriendapi.h" #include "builtin/WrappedFunctionObject.h" #include "debugger/DebugAPI.h" #include "debugger/Debugger.h" #include "gc/GC.h" #include "jit/JitRuntime.h" #include "js/CallAndConstruct.h" // JS::IsCallable #include "js/friend/ErrorMessages.h" // js::GetErrorMessage, JSMSG_* #include "js/GCVariant.h" #include "js/Proxy.h" #include "js/RootingAPI.h" #include "js/Wrapper.h" #include "vm/Compartment.h" #include "vm/DateTime.h" #include "vm/Iteration.h" #include "vm/JSContext.h" #include "vm/PIC.h" #include "gc/Marking-inl.h" #include "vm/JSObject-inl.h" using namespace js; Realm::DebuggerVectorEntry::DebuggerVectorEntry(js::Debugger* dbg_, JSObject* link) : dbg(dbg_), debuggerLink(link) {} ObjectRealm::ObjectRealm(JS::Zone* zone) : innerViews(zone, zone), iteratorCache(zone) {} Realm::Realm(Compartment* comp, const JS::RealmOptions& options) : JS::shadow::Realm(comp), zone_(comp->zone()), runtime_(comp->runtimeFromMainThread()), creationOptions_(options.creationOptions()), behaviors_(options.behaviors()), objects_(zone_), randomKeyGenerator_(runtime_->forkRandomKeyGenerator()), debuggers_(zone_), allocatedDuringIncrementalGC_(zone_->isGCMarkingOrSweeping() || zone_->isGCFinished()), wasm(runtime_) { runtime_->numRealms++; } Realm::~Realm() { MOZ_ASSERT(!hasBeenEnteredIgnoringJit()); MOZ_ASSERT(!isDebuggee()); // Write the code coverage information in a file. if (lcovRealm_) { runtime_->lcovOutput().writeLCovResult(*lcovRealm_); } if (allocationMetadataBuilder_) { forgetAllocationMetadataBuilder(); } MOZ_ASSERT(runtime_->numRealms > 0); runtime_->numRealms--; } void Realm::init(JSContext* cx, JSPrincipals* principals) { /* * As a hack, we clear our timezone cache every time we create a new realm. * This ensures that the cache is always relatively fresh, but shouldn't * interfere with benchmarks that create tons of date objects (unless they * also create tons of iframes, which seems unlikely). */ js::ResetTimeZoneInternal(ResetTimeZoneMode::DontResetIfOffsetUnchanged); if (principals) { // Any realm with the trusted principals -- and there can be // multiple -- is a system realm. isSystem_ = (principals == cx->runtime()->trustedPrincipals()); JS_HoldPrincipals(principals); principals_ = principals; } } bool JSRuntime::createJitRuntime(JSContext* cx) { using namespace js::jit; MOZ_ASSERT(!jitRuntime_); if (!CanLikelyAllocateMoreExecutableMemory()) { // Try to release memory first instead of potentially reporting OOM below. if (OnLargeAllocationFailure) { OnLargeAllocationFailure(); } } jit::JitRuntime* jrt = cx->new_(); if (!jrt) { return false; } // Unfortunately, initialization depends on jitRuntime_ being non-null, so // we can't just wait to assign jitRuntime_. jitRuntime_ = jrt; if (!jitRuntime_->initialize(cx)) { js_delete(jitRuntime_.ref()); jitRuntime_ = nullptr; return false; } return true; } #ifdef JSGC_HASH_TABLE_CHECKS void js::DtoaCache::checkCacheAfterMovingGC() { MOZ_ASSERT(!str || !IsForwarded(str)); } #endif // JSGC_HASH_TABLE_CHECKS NonSyntacticLexicalEnvironmentObject* ObjectRealm::getOrCreateNonSyntacticLexicalEnvironment(JSContext* cx, HandleObject enclosing, HandleObject key, HandleObject thisv) { MOZ_ASSERT(&ObjectRealm::get(enclosing) == this); if (!nonSyntacticLexicalEnvironments_) { auto map = cx->make_unique(cx); if (!map) { return nullptr; } nonSyntacticLexicalEnvironments_ = std::move(map); } RootedObject lexicalEnv(cx, nonSyntacticLexicalEnvironments_->lookup(key)); if (!lexicalEnv) { MOZ_ASSERT(key->is() || !key->is()); lexicalEnv = NonSyntacticLexicalEnvironmentObject::create(cx, enclosing, thisv); if (!lexicalEnv) { return nullptr; } if (!nonSyntacticLexicalEnvironments_->add(cx, key, lexicalEnv)) { return nullptr; } } return &lexicalEnv->as(); } NonSyntacticLexicalEnvironmentObject* ObjectRealm::getOrCreateNonSyntacticLexicalEnvironment(JSContext* cx, HandleObject enclosing) { // If a wrapped WithEnvironmentObject was passed in, unwrap it, as we may // be creating different WithEnvironmentObject wrappers each time. RootedObject key(cx, enclosing); if (enclosing->is()) { MOZ_ASSERT(!enclosing->as().isSyntactic()); key = &enclosing->as().object(); } // NOTE: The default global |this| value is set to key for compatibility // with existing users of the lexical environment cache. // - When used by shared-global JSM loader, |this| must be the // NonSyntacticVariablesObject passed as enclosing. // - When used by SubscriptLoader, |this| must be the target object of // the WithEnvironmentObject wrapper. // - When used by XBL/DOM Events, we execute directly as a function and // do not access the |this| value. // See js::GetFunctionThis / js::GetNonSyntacticGlobalThis return getOrCreateNonSyntacticLexicalEnvironment(cx, enclosing, key, /*thisv = */ key); } NonSyntacticLexicalEnvironmentObject* ObjectRealm::getNonSyntacticLexicalEnvironment(JSObject* key) const { MOZ_ASSERT(&ObjectRealm::get(key) == this); if (!nonSyntacticLexicalEnvironments_) { return nullptr; } // If a wrapped WithEnvironmentObject was passed in, unwrap it as in // getOrCreateNonSyntacticLexicalEnvironment. if (key->is()) { MOZ_ASSERT(!key->as().isSyntactic()); key = &key->as().object(); } JSObject* lexicalEnv = nonSyntacticLexicalEnvironments_->lookup(key); if (!lexicalEnv) { return nullptr; } return &lexicalEnv->as(); } void Realm::traceGlobalData(JSTracer* trc) { // Trace things reachable from the realm's global. Note that these edges // must be swept too in case the realm is live but the global is not. savedStacks_.trace(trc); DebugAPI::traceFromRealm(trc, this); } void ObjectRealm::trace(JSTracer* trc) { if (objectMetadataTable) { objectMetadataTable->trace(trc); } if (nonSyntacticLexicalEnvironments_) { nonSyntacticLexicalEnvironments_->trace(trc); } } void Realm::traceRoots(JSTracer* trc, js::gc::GCRuntime::TraceOrMarkRuntime traceOrMark) { // It's not possible to trigger a GC between allocating the pending object and // setting its meta data in ~AutoSetNewObjectMetadata. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!objectPendingMetadata_); if (!JS::RuntimeHeapIsMinorCollecting()) { // The global is never nursery allocated, so we don't need to // trace it when doing a minor collection. // // If a realm is on-stack, we mark its global so that // JSContext::global() remains valid. if (shouldTraceGlobal() && global_) { TraceRoot(trc, global_.unbarrieredAddress(), "on-stack realm global"); } } // Nothing below here needs to be treated as a root if we aren't marking // this zone for a collection. if (traceOrMark == js::gc::GCRuntime::MarkRuntime && !zone()->isCollectingFromAnyThread()) { return; } /* Mark debug scopes, if present */ if (debugEnvs_) { debugEnvs_->trace(trc); } objects_.trace(trc); } void ObjectRealm::finishRoots() { if (objectMetadataTable) { objectMetadataTable->clear(); } if (nonSyntacticLexicalEnvironments_) { nonSyntacticLexicalEnvironments_->clear(); } } void Realm::finishRoots() { if (debugEnvs_) { debugEnvs_->finish(); } objects_.finishRoots(); } void ObjectRealm::sweepAfterMinorGC(JSTracer* trc) { InnerViewTable& table = innerViews.get(); if (table.needsSweepAfterMinorGC()) { table.sweepAfterMinorGC(trc); } } void Realm::sweepAfterMinorGC(JSTracer* trc) { globalWriteBarriered = 0; dtoaCache.purge(); objects_.sweepAfterMinorGC(trc); } void Realm::traceWeakSavedStacks(JSTracer* trc) { savedStacks_.traceWeak(trc); } void Realm::traceWeakGlobalEdge(JSTracer* trc) { // If the global is dead, free its GlobalObjectData. auto result = TraceWeakEdge(trc, &global_, "Realm::global_"); if (result.isDead()) { result.initialTarget()->releaseData(runtime_->gcContext()); } } void Realm::traceWeakDebugEnvironmentEdges(JSTracer* trc) { if (debugEnvs_) { debugEnvs_->traceWeak(trc); } } void Realm::fixupAfterMovingGC(JSTracer* trc) { purge(); traceWeakGlobalEdge(trc); } void Realm::purge() { dtoaCache.purge(); newProxyCache.purge(); newPlainObjectWithPropsCache.purge(); plainObjectAssignCache.purge(); objects_.iteratorCache.clearAndCompact(); arraySpeciesLookup.purge(); promiseLookup.purge(); if (zone()->isGCPreparing()) { purgeForOfPicChain(); } } void Realm::purgeForOfPicChain() { if (GlobalObject* global = global_.unbarrieredGet()) { if (NativeObject* object = global->getForOfPICObject()) { ForOfPIC::Chain* chain = ForOfPIC::fromJSObject(object); chain->freeAllStubs(runtime_->gcContext()); } } } // Check to see if this individual realm is recording allocations. Debuggers or // runtimes can try and record allocations, so this method can check to see if // any initialization is needed. bool Realm::isRecordingAllocations() { return !!allocationMetadataBuilder_; } void Realm::setAllocationMetadataBuilder( const js::AllocationMetadataBuilder* builder) { // Clear any jitcode in the runtime, which behaves differently depending on // whether there is a creation callback. if (bool(allocationMetadataBuilder_) != bool(builder)) { ReleaseAllJITCode(runtime_->gcContext()); if (builder) { zone()->incNumRealmsWithAllocMetadataBuilder(); } else { zone()->decNumRealmsWithAllocMetadataBuilder(); } } allocationMetadataBuilder_ = builder; } void Realm::forgetAllocationMetadataBuilder() { if (!allocationMetadataBuilder_) { return; } // Unlike setAllocationMetadataBuilder, we don't have to discard all JIT // code here (code is still valid, just a bit slower because it doesn't do // inline GC allocations when a metadata builder is present), but we do want // to cancel off-thread Ion compilations to avoid races when Ion accesses // numRealmsWithAllocMetadataBuilder_ off-thread. CancelOffThreadIonCompile(zone()); zone()->decNumRealmsWithAllocMetadataBuilder(); allocationMetadataBuilder_ = nullptr; } void Realm::setNewObjectMetadata(JSContext* cx, HandleObject obj) { MOZ_ASSERT(obj->maybeCCWRealm() == this); cx->check(compartment(), obj); AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion oomUnsafe; if (JSObject* metadata = allocationMetadataBuilder_->build(cx, obj, oomUnsafe)) { MOZ_ASSERT(metadata->maybeCCWRealm() == obj->maybeCCWRealm()); cx->check(metadata); if (!objects_.objectMetadataTable) { auto table = cx->make_unique(cx); if (!table) { oomUnsafe.crash("setNewObjectMetadata"); } objects_.objectMetadataTable = std::move(table); } if (!objects_.objectMetadataTable->add(cx, obj, metadata)) { oomUnsafe.crash("setNewObjectMetadata"); } } } void Realm::updateDebuggerObservesFlag(unsigned flag) { MOZ_ASSERT(isDebuggee()); MOZ_ASSERT(flag == DebuggerObservesAllExecution || flag == DebuggerObservesCoverage || flag == DebuggerObservesAsmJS || flag == DebuggerObservesWasm || flag == DebuggerObservesNativeCall); GlobalObject* global = zone()->runtimeFromMainThread()->gc.isForegroundSweeping() ? unsafeUnbarrieredMaybeGlobal() : maybeGlobal(); bool observes = false; if (flag == DebuggerObservesAllExecution) { observes = DebugAPI::debuggerObservesAllExecution(global); } else if (flag == DebuggerObservesCoverage) { observes = DebugAPI::debuggerObservesCoverage(global); } else if (flag == DebuggerObservesAsmJS) { observes = DebugAPI::debuggerObservesAsmJS(global); } else if (flag == DebuggerObservesWasm) { observes = DebugAPI::debuggerObservesWasm(global); } else if (flag == DebuggerObservesNativeCall) { observes = DebugAPI::debuggerObservesNativeCall(global); } if (observes) { debugModeBits_ |= flag; } else { debugModeBits_ &= ~flag; } } void Realm::setIsDebuggee() { if (!isDebuggee()) { debugModeBits_ |= IsDebuggee; runtimeFromMainThread()->incrementNumDebuggeeRealms(); } } void Realm::unsetIsDebuggee() { if (isDebuggee()) { if (debuggerObservesCoverage()) { runtime_->decrementNumDebuggeeRealmsObservingCoverage(); } debugModeBits_ = 0; DebugEnvironments::onRealmUnsetIsDebuggee(this); runtimeFromMainThread()->decrementNumDebuggeeRealms(); } } void Realm::updateDebuggerObservesCoverage() { bool previousState = debuggerObservesCoverage(); updateDebuggerObservesFlag(DebuggerObservesCoverage); if (previousState == debuggerObservesCoverage()) { return; } if (debuggerObservesCoverage()) { // Interrupt any running interpreter frame. The scriptCounts are // allocated on demand when a script resumes its execution. JSContext* cx = TlsContext.get(); for (ActivationIterator iter(cx); !iter.done(); ++iter) { if (iter->isInterpreter()) { iter->asInterpreter()->enableInterruptsUnconditionally(); } } runtime_->incrementNumDebuggeeRealmsObservingCoverage(); return; } runtime_->decrementNumDebuggeeRealmsObservingCoverage(); // If code coverage is enabled by any other means, keep it. if (collectCoverageForDebug()) { return; } clearScriptCounts(); clearScriptLCov(); } coverage::LCovRealm* Realm::lcovRealm() { if (!lcovRealm_) { lcovRealm_ = js::MakeUnique(this); } return lcovRealm_.get(); } bool Realm::collectCoverageForDebug() const { return debuggerObservesCoverage() || coverage::IsLCovEnabled(); } void Realm::clearScriptCounts() { zone()->clearScriptCounts(this); } void Realm::clearScriptLCov() { zone()->clearScriptLCov(this); } const char* Realm::getLocale() const { if (RefPtr locale = creationOptions_.locale()) { return locale->chars(); } return runtime_->getDefaultLocale(); } void ObjectRealm::addSizeOfExcludingThis( mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf, size_t* innerViewsArg, size_t* objectMetadataTablesArg, size_t* nonSyntacticLexicalEnvironmentsArg) { *innerViewsArg += innerViews.sizeOfExcludingThis(mallocSizeOf); if (objectMetadataTable) { *objectMetadataTablesArg += objectMetadataTable->sizeOfIncludingThis(mallocSizeOf); } if (auto& map = nonSyntacticLexicalEnvironments_) { *nonSyntacticLexicalEnvironmentsArg += map->sizeOfIncludingThis(mallocSizeOf); } } void Realm::addSizeOfIncludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf, size_t* realmObject, size_t* realmTables, size_t* innerViewsArg, size_t* objectMetadataTablesArg, size_t* savedStacksSet, size_t* nonSyntacticLexicalEnvironmentsArg) { *realmObject += mallocSizeOf(this); wasm.addSizeOfExcludingThis(mallocSizeOf, realmTables); objects_.addSizeOfExcludingThis(mallocSizeOf, innerViewsArg, objectMetadataTablesArg, nonSyntacticLexicalEnvironmentsArg); *savedStacksSet += savedStacks_.sizeOfExcludingThis(mallocSizeOf); } bool Realm::shouldCaptureStackForThrow() { // Determine whether a stack trace should be captured for throw-statements (or // similar) in JS code in this realm. We don't want to do this unconditionally // because capturing stacks is slow and some scripts throw a lot of // exceptions. // // Note: this is unrelated to Error.stack! That property is observable from // JS code so we can't use these heuristics there. The code here is mostly // relevant for uncaught exceptions that are not Error objects. // To match other browsers, we always capture a stack trace if the realm is a // debuggee (this includes the devtools console being open) or if unlimited // stack traces have been enabled for this realm (used in automation). if (isDebuggee() || isUnlimitedStacksCapturingEnabled) { return true; } // Also always capture for chrome code. This is code we control and this helps // debugging. if (principals() && principals() == runtimeFromMainThread()->trustedPrincipals()) { return true; } // Else, capture the stack only for the first N exceptions so that we can // still show stack traces for scripts that don't throw a lot of exceptions // (if the console is opened later). static constexpr uint16_t MaxStacksCapturedForThrow = 50; if (numStacksCapturedForThrow_ > MaxStacksCapturedForThrow) { return false; } numStacksCapturedForThrow_++; return true; } mozilla::HashCodeScrambler Realm::randomHashCodeScrambler() { return mozilla::HashCodeScrambler(randomKeyGenerator_.next(), randomKeyGenerator_.next()); } void AutoSetNewObjectMetadata::setPendingMetadata() { JSObject* obj = cx_->realm()->getAndClearObjectPendingMetadata(); if (!obj) { return; } MOZ_ASSERT(obj->getClass()->shouldDelayMetadataBuilder()); if (cx_->isExceptionPending()) { return; } // This function is called from a destructor that often runs upon exit from // a function that is returning an unrooted pointer to a Cell. The // allocation metadata callback often allocates; if it causes a GC, then the // Cell pointer being returned won't be traced or relocated. // // The only extant callbacks are those internal to SpiderMonkey that // capture the JS stack. In fact, we're considering removing general // callbacks altogther in bug 1236748. Since it's not running arbitrary // code, it's adequate to simply suppress GC while we run the callback. gc::AutoSuppressGC autoSuppressGC(cx_); (void)SetNewObjectMetadata(cx_, obj); } JS_PUBLIC_API void gc::TraceRealm(JSTracer* trc, JS::Realm* realm, const char* name) { // The way GC works with compartments is basically incomprehensible. // For Realms, what we want is very simple: each Realm has a strong // reference to its GlobalObject, and vice versa. // // Here we simply trace our side of that edge. During GC, // GCRuntime::traceRuntimeCommon() marks all other realm roots, for // all realms. realm->traceGlobalData(trc); } JS_PUBLIC_API JS::Realm* JS::GetCurrentRealmOrNull(JSContext* cx) { return cx->realm(); } JS_PUBLIC_API JS::Realm* JS::GetObjectRealmOrNull(JSObject* obj) { return IsCrossCompartmentWrapper(obj) ? nullptr : obj->nonCCWRealm(); } JS_PUBLIC_API void* JS::GetRealmPrivate(JS::Realm* realm) { return realm->realmPrivate(); } JS_PUBLIC_API void JS::SetRealmPrivate(JS::Realm* realm, void* data) { realm->setRealmPrivate(data); } JS_PUBLIC_API void JS::SetDestroyRealmCallback( JSContext* cx, JS::DestroyRealmCallback callback) { cx->runtime()->destroyRealmCallback = callback; } JS_PUBLIC_API void JS::SetRealmNameCallback(JSContext* cx, JS::RealmNameCallback callback) { cx->runtime()->realmNameCallback = callback; } JS_PUBLIC_API JSObject* JS::GetRealmGlobalOrNull(JS::Realm* realm) { return realm->maybeGlobal(); } JS_PUBLIC_API bool JS::InitRealmStandardClasses(JSContext* cx) { MOZ_ASSERT(!cx->zone()->isAtomsZone()); AssertHeapIsIdle(); CHECK_THREAD(cx); return GlobalObject::initStandardClasses(cx, cx->global()); } JS_PUBLIC_API bool JS::MaybeFreezeCtorAndPrototype(JSContext* cx, HandleObject ctor, HandleObject maybeProto) { if (MOZ_LIKELY(!cx->realm()->creationOptions().freezeBuiltins())) { return true; } if (!SetIntegrityLevel(cx, ctor, IntegrityLevel::Frozen)) { return false; } if (maybeProto) { if (!SetIntegrityLevel(cx, maybeProto, IntegrityLevel::Sealed)) { return false; } } return true; } JS_PUBLIC_API JSObject* JS::GetRealmObjectPrototype(JSContext* cx) { CHECK_THREAD(cx); return &cx->global()->getObjectPrototype(); } JS_PUBLIC_API JS::Handle JS::GetRealmObjectPrototypeHandle( JSContext* cx) { return cx->global()->getObjectPrototypeHandle(); } JS_PUBLIC_API JSObject* JS::GetRealmFunctionPrototype(JSContext* cx) { CHECK_THREAD(cx); return &cx->global()->getFunctionPrototype(); } JS_PUBLIC_API JSObject* JS::GetRealmArrayPrototype(JSContext* cx) { CHECK_THREAD(cx); return GlobalObject::getOrCreateArrayPrototype(cx, cx->global()); } JS_PUBLIC_API JSObject* JS::GetRealmErrorPrototype(JSContext* cx) { CHECK_THREAD(cx); return GlobalObject::getOrCreateCustomErrorPrototype(cx, cx->global(), JSEXN_ERR); } JS_PUBLIC_API JSObject* JS::GetRealmIteratorPrototype(JSContext* cx) { CHECK_THREAD(cx); return GlobalObject::getOrCreateIteratorPrototype(cx, cx->global()); } JS_PUBLIC_API JSObject* JS::GetRealmAsyncIteratorPrototype(JSContext* cx) { CHECK_THREAD(cx); return GlobalObject::getOrCreateAsyncIteratorPrototype(cx, cx->global()); } JS_PUBLIC_API JSObject* JS::GetRealmKeyObject(JSContext* cx) { return GlobalObject::getOrCreateRealmKeyObject(cx, cx->global()); } JS_PUBLIC_API Realm* JS::GetFunctionRealm(JSContext* cx, HandleObject objArg) { // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-getfunctionrealm // 7.3.22 GetFunctionRealm ( obj ) CHECK_THREAD(cx); cx->check(objArg); RootedObject obj(cx, objArg); while (true) { obj = CheckedUnwrapStatic(obj); if (!obj) { ReportAccessDenied(cx); return nullptr; } // Step 1. MOZ_ASSERT(IsCallable(obj)); // Steps 2 and 3. We use a loop instead of recursion to unwrap bound // functions. if (obj->is()) { return obj->as().realm(); } if (obj->is()) { obj = obj->as().getTarget(); continue; } // WrappedFunctionObjects also have a [[Realm]] internal slot, // which is the nonCCWRealm by construction. if (obj->is()) { return obj->nonCCWRealm(); } // Step 4. if (IsScriptedProxy(obj)) { // Steps 4.a-b. JSObject* proxyTarget = GetProxyTargetObject(obj); if (!proxyTarget) { JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_PROXY_REVOKED); return nullptr; } // Step 4.c. obj = proxyTarget; continue; } // Step 5. return cx->realm(); } }