/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

 * Utility interfaces for testing.

#include "nsISupports.idl"

[scriptable, function, uuid(d58a82ab-d8f7-4ca9-9273-b3290d42a0cf)]
interface nsIXPCTestFunctionInterface : nsISupports {
  string echo(in string arg);

[scriptable, uuid(1e9cddeb-510d-449a-b152-3c1b5b31d41d)]
interface nsIXPCTestUtils : nsISupports {
  nsIXPCTestFunctionInterface doubleWrapFunction(in nsIXPCTestFunctionInterface f);

 * TypeScript bindings specific tests.

// Typedefs with a TSNoncompat underlying type are not defined.
typedef voidPtr Noncompat;

// Not [scriptable] interfaces are not generated.
interface nsIXPCTestNotScriptable : nsISupports {
  // Empty.

[scriptable, uuid(1bbfe703-c67d-4995-b061-564c8a1c39d7)]
interface nsIXPCTestTypeScript : nsISupports {
  attribute long exposedProp;
  void exposedMethod(in long arg);

  // Members referencing TSNoncompat typedefs are not exposed.
  [noscript] attribute Noncompat noncompatProp;
  [noscript] void noncompatMethod(in Noncompat arg);

  // [noscript] attributes and methods are not exposed.
  [noscript] attribute long noscriptProp;
  [noscript] void noscriptMethod(in long arg);