# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. screenshot-toolbarbutton = .label = Chapoj ruwäch .tooltiptext = Tichap jun chapoj ruwäch screenshot-shortcut = .key = S screenshots-instructions = Taqirirej o tapitz'a' ri ruxaq richin nacha' ri k'ojlem. Tapitz'a' ESC richin niq'at. screenshots-cancel-button = Tiq'at screenshots-save-visible-button = Tiyak wachel screenshots-save-page-button = Tiyak chijun ruxaq screenshots-download-button = Tiqasäx screenshots-download-button-tooltip = Tiqasäx chapoj wachib'äl screenshots-copy-button = Tiwachib'ëx screenshots-copy-button-tooltip = Tiwachib'ëx ri chapoj wachib'äl pa molwuj screenshots-download-button-title = .title = Tiqasäx chapoj wachib'äl screenshots-copy-button-title = .title = Tiwachib'ëx ri chapoj wachib'äl pa molwuj screenshots-cancel-button-title = .title = Tiq'at screenshots-retry-button-title = .title = Titojtob'ëx chik chapoj ruwachib'al screenshots-meta-key = { PLATFORM() -> [macos] ⌘ *[other] Ctrl } screenshots-notification-link-copied-title = Ximonel Wachib'en screenshots-notification-link-copied-details = Xwachib'ëx pa molwuj ri ruximonel awachib'al. Tapitz'a' { screenshots-meta-key }-V richin natz'äm. screenshots-notification-image-copied-title = Xwachib'ëx chapoj screenshots-notification-image-copied-details = Xwachib'ëx pa molwuj ri ruchapoj awachib'al. Tapitz'a' { screenshots-meta-key }-V richin natz'äm. screenshots-request-error-title = Man nisamäj ta. screenshots-request-error-details = ¡Takuyu! Man yojtikïr ta niqayäk ri awachib'al. Tatojtob'ej jumej. screenshots-connection-error-title = Man yojtikïr ta yojok pari taq chapoj awachib'al. screenshots-connection-error-details = Tanik'oj awokem pa K'amaya'l. We yatok pa K'amaya'l, rik'in jub'a' xtuya' k'ayewal pa rusamaj ri { -screenshots-brand-name }. screenshots-login-error-details = Man xkatikïr ta xtayäk ri awachib'al ruma jun ruk'ayewal toq nisamäj ri { -screenshots-brand-name }. Tatojtob'ej chik pa jun mej. screenshots-unshootable-page-error-title = Man yojtikïr ta nichap ruwachib'al re ruxaq re'. screenshots-unshootable-page-error-details = Re re' man pa rub'eyal ta chi ruxaq Ajk'amaya'l, ruma ri' man yojtikïr ta niqachäp ruwachib'al. screenshots-empty-selection-error-title = Yalan ko'öl ri acha'oj screenshots-private-window-error-title = Echupun ri { -screenshots-brand-name } pa Ichinan Okem pa K'amaya'l screenshots-private-window-error-details = Takuyu' chi qe ruma ri k'ayewal. Tajin niqasamajij re rub'anikil re' richin ri ch'aqa' chik taq ruwäch. screenshots-generic-error-title = ¡Itz! Itzel xe'el ri { -screenshots-brand-name }. screenshots-generic-error-details = Man öj jikïl chi rij ri xk'ulwachitäj. ¿La nawajo' natojtob'ej chik o nachäp ruwachib'al jun chik ruxaq? screenshots-too-large-error-title = Ri chapoj ruwäch xqupïx ruma yalan nïm