# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. InvalidChild=Man okel ta retab'al: <%1$S> man nik'ulutäj ta achi'el ralk'wal <%2$S>. ChildCountIncorrect=Man ütz ta chi etal: man ütz ta ri kajilab'al alk'walaxela' pa <%1$S/> retal. DuplicateMprescripts=Man okel ta chi etalin: jotöl chuwäch jun chupam . # LOCALIZATION NOTE: The first child of is the base, that is the element to which scripts are attached. NoBase=Man okel ta chi etalin: Oyob'en jun ruxe' ch'akulal pa . Man xilitäj ta. SubSupMismatch=Man oke ta chi etalin: Man e tz'aqät ta ri k'ulaj richin ri xetz'ib'/witz'ib' pa . # LOCALIZATION NOTE: When localizing the single quotes ('), follow the conventions in css.properties for your target locale. AttributeParsingError=Xsach toq ninik'öx ri ejqalem '%1$S' richin ri b'anikil '%2$S' pa <%3$S/>. Xch'aqïx kan ri b'anikil. AttributeParsingErrorNoTag=Xsach toq ninik'öx ri ejqalem '%1$S' richin ri b'anikil '%2$S'. Xch'aqïx kan ri b'anikil. LengthParsingError=Xsach toq xunik'oj ri rejqalem rub'anikil MathML '%1$S' achi'el raqän. Xch'aqïx kan ri rub'anikil.