# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # Page title about-processes-title = Ruk'amöl B'ey Tajinïk # The Actions column about-processes-column-action = .title = Taq b'anoj ## Tooltips about-processes-shutdown-process = .title = Keqasäx taq ruwi' chuqa' tik'is tajinïk about-processes-shutdown-tab = .title = Titz'apïx ruwi' ## Column headers about-processes-column-name = B'i'aj about-processes-column-memory-resident = Rupam rujolom about-processes-column-cpu-total = CPU ## Process names ## Variables: ## $pid (String) The process id of this process, assigned by the OS. about-processes-browser-process = { -brand-short-name } ({ $pid }) about-processes-web-process = Komonin Rutajinik Ajk'amaya'l ({ $pid }) about-processes-file-process = Taq yakb'äl ({ $pid }) about-processes-extension-process = Taq K'amal ({ $pid }) about-processes-privilegedabout-process = Chi kij ri taq ruxaq ({ $pid }{ $pid }) about-processes-plugin-process = Taq pluyin ({ $pid }) about-processes-privilegedmozilla-process = { -vendor-short-name } taq ruxaq ({ $pid }) about-processes-gmp-plugin-process = Gecko K'oxom Nak'ab'äl ({ $pid }) about-processes-gpu-process = GPU ({ $pid }) about-processes-vr-process = VR ({ $pid }) about-processes-rdd-process = Sik'inel Tzij ({ $pid }) about-processes-socket-process = K'amab'ey ({ $pid }) about-processes-remote-sandbox-broker-process = Näj Sandbox Broker ({ $pid }) about-processes-fork-server-process = Rukojol Ruk'u'x K'amab'ey ({ $pid }) about-processes-preallocated-process = Ya'on ({ $pid }) about-processes-utility-process = Rokisaxik ({ $pid }) # Unknown process names # Variables: # $pid (String) The process id of this process, assigned by the OS. # $type (String) The raw type for this process. about-processes-unknown-process = Juley: { $type } ({ $pid }) ## Isolated process names ## Variables: ## $pid (String) The process id of this process, assigned by the OS. ## $origin (String) The domain name for this process. about-processes-web-isolated-process = { $origin } ({ $pid }) about-processes-with-coop-coep-process = { $origin } ({ $pid }), xoch'in-jech'en ruxe'el) about-processes-web-isolated-process-private = { $origin } — Ichinan ({ $pid }) about-processes-with-coop-coep-process-private = { $origin } — Ichinan ({ $pid }), xoch'in-jech'en ruxe'el) ## Details within processes # Single-line summary of threads (non-idle process) # Variables: # $number (Number) The number of threads in the process. Typically larger # than 30. We don't expect to ever have processes with less # than 5 threads. # $active (Number) The number of active threads in the process. # The value will be greater than 0 and will never be # greater than $number. # $list (String) Comma separated list of active threads. # Can be an empty string if the process is idle. about-processes-active-threads = { $active -> [one] { $active } tzijïl rub'atz' { $number }: { $list } *[other] { $active } tzijïl taq rub'atz' { $number }: { $list } } # Single-line summary of threads (idle process) # Variables: # $number (Number) The number of threads in the process. Typically larger # than 30. We don't expect to ever have processes with less # than 5 threads. # The process is idle so all threads are inactive. about-processes-inactive-threads = { $number -> [one] { $number } tzijïl rub'atz' *[other] { $number } tzijïl taq rub'atz' } # Thread details # Variables: # $name (String) The name assigned to the thread. # $tid (String) The thread id of this thread, assigned by the OS. about-processes-thread-name-and-id = { $name } .title = Rajilab'al b'ätz': { $tid } # Tab # Variables: # $name (String) The name of the tab (typically the title of the page, might be the url while the page is loading). about-processes-tab-name = Ruwi': { $name } about-processes-preloaded-tab = Samajin chik K'ak'a' Ruwi' # Single subframe # Variables: # $url (String) The full url of this subframe. about-processes-frame-name-one = Achruchi': { $url } # Group of subframes # Variables: # $number (Number) The number of subframes in this group. Always ≥ 1. # $shortUrl (String) The shared prefix for the subframes in the group. about-processes-frame-name-many = Achruchi' ({ $number }): { $shortUrl } ## Utility process actor names ## Displaying CPU (percentage and total) ## Variables: ## $percent (Number) The percentage of CPU used by the process or thread. ## Always > 0, generally <= 200. ## $total (Number) The amount of time used by the process or thread since ## its start. ## $unit (String) The unit in which to display $total. See the definitions ## of `duration-unit-*`. # Common case. about-processes-cpu = { NUMBER($percent, maximumSignificantDigits: 2, style: "percent") } .title = Ronojel ruq'ijul CPU: { NUMBER($total, maximumFractionDigits: 0) }{ $unit } # Special case: data is not available yet. about-processes-cpu-user-and-kernel-not-ready = (netäx) ## Displaying Memory (total and delta) ## Variables: ## $total (Number) The amount of memory currently used by the process. ## $totalUnit (String) The unit in which to display $total. See the definitions ## of `memory-unit-*`. ## $delta (Number) The absolute value of the amount of memory added recently. ## $deltaSign (String) Either "+" if the amount of memory has increased ## or "-" if it has decreased. ## $deltaUnit (String) The unit in which to display $delta. See the definitions ## of `memory-unit-*`. # Common case. about-processes-total-memory-size-changed = { NUMBER($total, maximumFractionDigits: 0) }{ $totalUnit } .title = Rujalik: { $deltaSign }{ NUMBER($delta, maximumFractionDigits: 0) }{ $deltaUnit } # Special case: no change. about-processes-total-memory-size-no-change = { NUMBER($total, maximumFractionDigits: 0) }{ $totalUnit } ## Duration units duration-unit-ns = ns duration-unit-us = µs duration-unit-ms = ms duration-unit-s = s duration-unit-m = m duration-unit-h = h duration-unit-d = d ## Memory units memory-unit-B = B memory-unit-KB = KB memory-unit-MB = MB memory-unit-GB = GB memory-unit-TB = TB memory-unit-PB = PB memory-unit-EB = EB