# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. about-httpsonly-title-alert = HTTPS-Only Mode Alert about-httpsonly-title-site-not-available = Secure Site Not Available # Variables: # $websiteUrl (String) - Url of the website that failed to load. Example: www.example.com about-httpsonly-explanation-unavailable2 = You’ve enabled HTTPS-Only Mode for enhanced security, and a HTTPS version of { $websiteUrl } is not available. about-httpsonly-explanation-question = What could be causing this? about-httpsonly-explanation-nosupport = Most likely, the web site simply does not support HTTPS. about-httpsonly-explanation-risk = It’s also possible that an attacker is involved. If you decide to visit the web site, you should not enter any sensitive information like passwords, emails, or credit card details. about-httpsonly-explanation-continue = If you continue, HTTPS-Only Mode will be turned off temporarily for this site. about-httpsonly-button-continue-to-site = Continue to HTTP Site about-httpsonly-button-go-back = Go Back about-httpsonly-link-learn-more = Learn More… ## Suggestion Box that only shows up if a secure connection to www can be established ## Variables: ## $websiteUrl (String) - Url of the website that can be securely loded with these alternatives. Example: example.com ## Suggestion Box that only shows up if a secure connection to www can be established ## Variables: ## $websiteUrl (String) - Url of the website that can be securely loaded with these alternatives. Example: example.com about-httpsonly-suggestion-box-header = Possible Alternative about-httpsonly-suggestion-box-www-text = There is a secure version of www.{ $websiteUrl }. You can visit this page instead of { $websiteUrl }. about-httpsonly-suggestion-box-www-button = Go to www.{ $websiteUrl }