# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # Callout dialog primary button to advance to next screen callout-primary-advance-button-label = Hurrengoa # Callout dialog primary button to complete the feature tour callout-primary-complete-button-label = Ulertu dut! ## Firefox View feature tour strings # "Tab pickup" refers to the section in Firefox View that displays open # tabs from other devices callout-firefox-view-tab-pickup-title = Egin salto gailuen artean fitxa-bilketarekin callout-firefox-view-tab-pickup-subtitle = Hartu zure telefonoko fitxak di-da batean eta ireki itzazu hemen. callout-firefox-view-recently-closed-title = Itzuli itxitako zure fitxetara ziztu bizian callout-firefox-view-recently-closed-subtitle = Itxitako zure fitxa guztiak hemen agertuko dira magikoki. Ez kezkatu gehiago nahigabe gune bat ixteaz. callout-firefox-view-colorways-title = Gehitu kolore ukitu bat # "Shade" refer to different color options in each colorway. callout-firefox-view-colorways-subtitle = Aukeratu kolore-konbinazioekin ongien datorkizun ñabardura. { -brand-product-name }(e)n bakarrik. callout-firefox-view-colorways-reminder-title = Arakatu gure azken kolore-konbinazioak # “Shades” refers to the different color options in each colorways callout-firefox-view-colorways-reminder-subtitle = Eman kolorea nabigatzaileari ahots independenteek inspiratutako itzaldura ikoniko hauekin. Soilik { -brand-product-name }(e)n. ## Continuous Onboarding - Firefox View: Tab pick up # “Boost your browsing” refers to the added benefit the user receives from having # access to the same browsing experience when moving from one browser to another. # Alternative: ”Improve your browsing experience with tab pickup” continuous-onboarding-firefox-view-tab-pickup-title = Eman bultzada zure nabigazioari fitxa-bilketarekin continuous-onboarding-firefox-view-tab-pickup-subtitle = Izan irekitako zure fitxen sarbidea edozein gailutatik. Gainera sinkronizatu zure laster-markak, pasahitzak eta gehiago. continuous-onboarding-firefox-view-tab-pickup-primary-button-label = Hasi erabiltzen ## PDF.js Feature Tour Strings callout-pdfjs-edit-title = Editatu PDFak gure testu-tresna berriarekin callout-pdfjs-edit-body-a = Bete inprimakiak, gehitu iruzkinak edo hartu oharrak zuzenean { -brand-short-name }(e)n. callout-pdfjs-edit-body-b = Ez ibili lineako editoreen bila. Bete inprimakiak, gehitu iruzkinak edo hartu oharrak zuzenean { -brand-short-name }(e)n. callout-pdfjs-edit-button = Hurrengoa callout-pdfjs-draw-title = Sinatu dokumentuak gure marrazketa-tresna berriarekin # “Mark up” refers to the process of “annotating” or adding free hand text or diagramming to the document. callout-pdfjs-draw-body-a = Markatu PDFak eta gorde zure aldaketak. # “Mark up” refers to the process of “annotating” or adding free hand text or diagramming to the document. callout-pdfjs-draw-body-b = Inprimatze eta eskaneatze gehiagorik ez. Markatu PDFak eta gorde zure aldaketak. callout-pdfjs-draw-button = Ulertuta!