# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE These strings are used inside the Memory Tools
# which is available from the Web Developer sub-menu -> 'Memory'.
# The correct localization of this file might be to keep it in
# English, or another language commonly spoken among web developers.
# You want to make that choice consistent across the developer tools.
# A good criteria is the language in which you'd find the best
# documentation on web development on the web.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE These strings are used inside the Memory Tools
# which is available from the Browser Tools sub-menu -> 'Memory'.
# The correct localization of this file might be to keep it in
# English, or another language commonly spoken among web developers.
# You want to make that choice consistent across the developer tools.
# A good criteria is the language in which you'd find the best
# documentation on web development on the web.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (snapshot.io.save): The label for the link that saves a
# snapshot to disk.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (snapshot.io.delete): The label for the link that deletes
# a snapshot

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (snapshot.io.save.window): The title for the window
# displayed when saving a snapshot to disk.
snapshot.io.save.window=Gorde egoera-irudia

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (snapshot.io.import.window): The title for the window
# displayed when importing a snapshot form disk.
snapshot.io.import.window=Inportatu egoera-argazkia

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (snapshot.io.filter): The title for the filter used to
# filter file types (*.fxsnapshot)
snapshot.io.filter=Firefoxen egoera-argazkiak

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (aggregate.mb): The label annotating the number of bytes (in
# megabytes) in a snapshot. %S represents the value, rounded to 2 decimal
# points.
aggregate.mb=%S MB

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (snapshot-title.loading): The title for a snapshot before
# it has a creation time to display.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (checkbox.recordAllocationStacks): The label describing the
# boolean checkbox whether or not to record call stacks.
checkbox.recordAllocationStacks=Grabatu deien pilak

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (checkbox.recordAllocationStacks.tooltip): The tooltip for
# the label describing the boolean checkbox whether or not to record call
# stacks.
checkbox.recordAllocationStacks.tooltip=Txandakatu objektu bat esleitzen denean deien pilak grabatzea. Objektuak beraien deien pilen arabera multzokatu eta etiketatzeko gai izango dira ondorengo egoera-argazkiak baina bakarrik aukera hau txandakatu eta gero sortutako objektuekin. Deien pilak grabatzeak errendimenduan eragin negatiboa dauka.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbar.displayBy): The label describing the select menu
# options of the display options.
toolbar.displayBy=Taldekatu honela:

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbar.displayBy.tooltip): The tooltip for the label
# describing the select menu options of the display options.
toolbar.displayBy.tooltip=Aldatu objektuak nola taldekatzen diren

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbar.pop-view): The text in the button to go back to the
# previous view.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbar.pop-view.label): The text for the label for the
# button to go back to the previous view.
toolbar.pop-view.label=Itzuli agregatuetara

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbar.viewing-individuals): The text letting the user
# know that they are viewing individual nodes from a census group.
toolbar.viewing-individuals=⁂ Multzoko norbanakoak ikusten

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (censusDisplays.coarseType.tooltip): The tooltip for the
# "coarse type" display option.
censusDisplays.coarseType.tooltip=Taldekatu elementuak motaren arabera

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (censusDisplays.allocationStack.tooltip): The tooltip for
# the "call stack" display option.
censusDisplays.allocationStack.tooltip=Taldekatu elementuak objektua esleitu zenean grabatutako JavaScript pilaren arabera

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (censusDisplays.invertedAllocationStack.tooltip): The
# tooltip for the "inverted call stack" display option.
censusDisplays.invertedAllocationStack.tooltip=Taldekatu elementuak objektua sortu zenean grabatutako JavaScript pila alderantzikatuaren arabera

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbar.labelBy): The label describing the select menu
# options of the label options.
toolbar.labelBy=Etiketatu honela:

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbar.labelBy): The tooltip for the label describing the
# select menu options of the label options.
toolbar.labelBy.tooltip=Aldatu objektuak nola etiketatzen diren

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dominatorTreeDisplays.coarseType.tooltip): The tooltip for
# the "coarse type" dominator tree display option.
dominatorTreeDisplays.coarseType.tooltip=Etiketatu objektuak dagozkien kategoria orokorren arabera

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dominatorTreeDisplays.allocationStack.tooltip): The
# tooltip for the "call stack" dominator tree display option.
dominatorTreeDisplays.allocationStack.tooltip=Etiketatu objektuak esleitzean grabatu zen JavaScript pilaren arabera

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (treeMapDisplays.coarseType.tooltip): The tooltip for
# the "coarse type" tree map display option.
treeMapDisplays.coarseType.tooltip=Etiketatu objektuak dagozkien kategoria orokorren arabera

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbar.view): The label for the view selector in the
# toolbar.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbar.view.tooltip): The tooltip for the label for the
# view selector in the toolbar.
toolbar.view.tooltip=Aldatu metaren egoera-irudiaren ikuspegia

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbar.view.census): The label for the census view option
# in the toolbar.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbar.view.census.tooltip): The tooltip for the label for
# the census view option in the toolbar.
toolbar.view.census.tooltip=Ikusi egoera-irudiaren edukien laburpena objektuak multzoetan agregatuz

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbar.view.dominators): The label for the dominators view
# option in the toolbar.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbar.view.dominators.tooltip): The tooltip for the label
# for the dominators view option in the toolbar.
toolbar.view.dominators.tooltip=Ikusi zuhaitz dominatzailea eta azaleratu egoera-irudiko egitura handienak

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbar.view.treemap): The label for the tree map option
# in the toolbar.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbar.view.treemap.tooltip): The tooltip for the label for
# the tree map view option in the toolbar.
toolbar.view.treemap.tooltip=Ikusi memoria-erabilera: bloke handiagoek memoria-erabilera handiagoa adierazten dute

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (take-snapshot): The label describing the button that
# initiates taking a snapshot, either as the main label, or a tooltip.
take-snapshot=Hartu egoera-irudia

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (import-snapshot): The label describing the button that
# initiates importing a snapshot.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (clear-snapshots.tooltip): The tooltip for the button that
# deletes existing snapshot.
clear-snapshots.tooltip=Ezabatu egoera-irudi guztiak

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (diff-snapshots.tooltip): The tooltip for the button that
# initiates selecting two snapshots to diff with each other.
diff-snapshots.tooltip=Alderatu egoera-argazkiak

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (filter.placeholder): The placeholder text used for the
# memory tool's filter search box.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (filter.tooltip): The tooltip text used for the memory
# tool's filter search box.
filter.tooltip=Iragazi egoera-irudiaren edukiak

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tree-item.view-individuals.tooltip): The tooltip for the
# button to view individuals in this group.
tree-item.view-individuals.tooltip=Ikusi multzo honetako norbanako nodoak eta beraien bide eustarriak

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tree-item.load-more): The label for the links to fetch the
# lazily loaded sub trees in the dominator tree view.
tree-item.load-more=Kargatu gehiago…

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tree-item.rootlist): The label for the root of the
# dominator tree.
tree-item.rootlist=ZB erroak

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tree-item.nostack): The label describing the row in the heap tree
# that represents a row broken down by call stack when no stack was available.
tree-item.nostack=(ez dago pilarik erabilgarri)

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tree-item.nofilename): The label describing the row in the
# heap tree that represents a row broken down by filename when no filename was
# available.
tree-item.nofilename=(ez dago fitxategi-izenik erabilgarri)

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tree-item.root): The label describing the row in the heap tree
# that represents the root of the tree when inverted.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tree-item.percent2): A percent of bytes or count displayed in the tree view.
# there are two "%" after %S to escape and display "%"

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (diffing.baseline): The name of the baseline snapshot in a
# diffing comparison.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (diffing.comparison): The name of the snapshot being
# compared to the baseline in a diffing comparison.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (diffing.prompt.selectBaseline): The prompt to select the
# first snapshot when doing a diffing comparison.
diffing.prompt.selectBaseline=Hautatu oinarri-lerroaren egoera-argazkia

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (diffing.prompt.selectComparison): The prompt to select the
# second snapshot when doing a diffing comparison.
diffing.prompt.selectComparison=Hautatu oinarri-lerroarekin alderatzeko egoera-argazkia

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (diffing.state.error): The label describing the diffing
# state ERROR, used in the snapshot list when an error occurs while diffing two
# snapshots.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (diffing.state.error.full): The text describing the diffing
# state ERROR, used in the main view when an error occurs while diffing two
# snapshots.
diffing.state.error.full=Errorea gertatu da egoera-argazkiak alderatzean.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (diffing.state.taking-diff): The label describing the diffin
# state TAKING_DIFF, used in the snapshots list when computing the difference
# between two snapshots.
diffing.state.taking-diff=Diferentzia kalkulatzen…

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (diffing.state.taking-diff.full): The label describing the
# diffing state TAKING_DIFF, used in the main view when computing the difference
# between two snapshots.
diffing.state.taking-diff.full=Diferentzia kalkulatzen…

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (diffing.state.selecting): The label describing the diffing
# state SELECTING.
diffing.state.selecting=Hautatu alderatzeko bi egoera-argazki

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (diffing.state.selecting.full): The label describing the
# diffing state SELECTING, used in the main view when selecting snapshots to
# diff.
diffing.state.selecting.full=Hautatu alderatzeko bi egoera-argazki

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dominatorTree.state.computing): The label describing the
# dominator tree state COMPUTING.
dominatorTree.state.computing=Dominatzaileen txostena sortzen…

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dominatorTree.state.computing): The label describing the
# dominator tree state COMPUTING, used in the dominator tree view.
dominatorTree.state.computing.full=Dominatzaileen txostena sortzen…

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dominatorTree.state.fetching): The label describing the
# dominator tree state FETCHING.
dominatorTree.state.fetching=Tamainak kalkulatzen…

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dominatorTree.state.fetching): The label describing the
# dominator tree state FETCHING, used in the dominator tree view.
dominatorTree.state.fetching.full=Dominatzailearen eustarrien tamaina kalkulatzen…

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dominatorTree.state.incrementalFetching): The label
# describing the dominator tree state INCREMENTAL_FETCHING.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dominatorTree.state.incrementalFetching): The label describing the
# dominator tree state INCREMENTAL_FETCHING, used in the dominator tree view.
dominatorTree.state.incrementalFetching.full=Gehiago eskuratzen…

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dominatorTree.state.error): The label describing the
# dominator tree state ERROR.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dominatorTree.state.error): The label describing the
# dominator tree state ERROR, used in the dominator tree view.
dominatorTree.state.error.full=Errorea gertatu da zuhaitz dominatzailea prozesatzean

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (snapshot.state.saving.full): The label describing the
# snapshot state SAVING, used in the main heap view.
snapshot.state.saving.full=Egoera-irudia gordetzen…

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (snapshot.state.reading.full): The label describing the
# snapshot state READING, and SAVED, due to these states being combined
# visually, used in the main heap view.
snapshot.state.reading.full=Egoera-irudia irakurtzen…

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (snapshot.state.saving-census.full): The label describing
# the snapshot state SAVING, used in the main heap view.
snapshot.state.saving-census.full=Agregatuen txostena sortzen…

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (snapshot.state.saving-tree-map.full): The label describing
# the snapshot state SAVING, used in the main heap view.
snapshot.state.saving-tree-map.full=Zuhaitz-mapa gordetzen…

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (snapshot.state.error.full): The label describing the
# snapshot state ERROR, used in the main heap view.
snapshot.state.error.full=Errorea gertatu da egoera-argazkia prozesatzean.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (individuals.state.error): The short message displayed when
# there is an error fetching individuals from a group.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (individuals.state.error.full): The longer message displayed
# when there is an error fetching individuals from a group.
individuals.state.error.full=Errorea gertatu da multzoko norbanakoak eskuratzean

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (individuals.state.fetching): The short message displayed
# while fetching individuals.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (individuals.state.fetching.full): The longer message
# displayed while fetching individuals.
individuals.state.fetching.full=Multzoko norbanakoak eskuratzen…

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (individuals.field.node): The header label for an individual
# node.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (individuals.field.node.tooltip): The tooltip for the header
# label for an individual node.
individuals.field.node.tooltip=Egoera-argazkiko norbanako nodoa

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (snapshot.state.saving): The label describing the snapshot
# state SAVING, used in the snapshot list view
snapshot.state.saving=Egoera-irudia gordetzen…

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (snapshot.state.importing): The label describing the
# snapshot state IMPORTING, used in the snapshot list view
snapshot.state.importing=Egoera-argazkia inportatzen…

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (snapshot.state.reading): The label describing the snapshot
# state READING, and SAVED, due to these states being combined visually, used in
# the snapshot list view.
snapshot.state.reading=Egoera-irudia irakurtzen…

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (snapshot.state.saving-census): The label describing the
# snapshot state SAVING, used in snapshot list view.
snapshot.state.saving-census=Txostena gordetzen…

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (snapshot.state.saving-census): The label describing the
# snapshot state SAVING, used in snapshot list view.
snapshot.state.saving-tree-map=Zuhaitz-mapa gordetzen…

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (snapshot.state.error): The label describing the snapshot
# state ERROR, used in the snapshot list view.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (heapview.no-difference): Message displayed when there is no
# difference between two snapshots.
heapview.no-difference=Ezberdintasunik ez oinarri-lerroaren eta alderaketaren artean.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (heapview.none-match): Message displayed when there are no
# matches when filtering.
heapview.none-match=Bat datorrenik ez.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (heapview.none-match): Message displayed when there report
# is empty.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (heapview.noAllocationStacks): The message displayed to
# users when selecting a display by "call stack" but no call stacks
# were recorded in the heap snapshot.
heapview.noAllocationStacks=Ez da deien pilarik aurkitu. Grabatu deien pilak egoera-irudia hartu aurretik.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (heapview.field.retainedSize): The name of the column in the
# dominator tree view for retained byte sizes.
heapview.field.retainedSize=Bildutako tamaina (Byteak)

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (heapview.field.retainedSize.tooltip): The tooltip for the
# column header in the dominator tree view for retained byte sizes.
heapview.field.retainedSize.tooltip=Objektuaren beraren tamainaren eta honek bizirik mantentzen dituen beste objektuen tamainen batura

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (heapview.field.shallowSize): The name of the column in the
# dominator tree view for shallow byte sizes.
heapview.field.shallowSize=Azaleko tamaina (Byteak)

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (heapview.field.shallowSize.tooltip): The tooltip for the
# column header in the dominator tree view for shallow byte sizes.
heapview.field.shallowSize.tooltip=Objektuaren beraren tamaina

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dominatortree.field.label): The name of the column in the
# dominator tree for an object's label.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dominatortree.field.label.tooltip): The tooltip for the column
# header in the dominator tree view for an object's label.
dominatortree.field.label.tooltip=Memoriako objektu baten etiketa

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (heapview.field.bytes): The name of the column in the heap
# view for bytes.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (heapview.field.bytes.tooltip): The tooltip for the column
# header in the heap view for bytes.
heapview.field.bytes.tooltip=Multzo honek hartutako byte kopurua, azpimultzoak salbu

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (heapview.field.count): The name of the column in the heap
# view for count.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (heapview.field.count.tooltip): The tooltip for the column
# header in the heap view for count.
heapview.field.count.tooltip=Talde honetako objektu atzigarrien kopurua, azpitaldeak salbu

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (heapview.field.totalbytes): The name of the column in the
# heap view for total bytes.
heapview.field.totalbytes=Byteak guztira

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (heapview.field.totalbytes.tooltip): The tooltip for the
# column header in the heap view for total bytes.
heapview.field.totalbytes.tooltip=Multzo honek hartutako byte kopurua, azpimultzoak barne

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (heapview.field.totalcount): The name of the column in the
# heap view for total count.
heapview.field.totalcount=Kopurua guztira

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (heapview.field.totalcount.tooltip): The tooltip for the
# column header in the heap view for total count.
heapview.field.totalcount.tooltip=Talde honetako objektu atzigarrien kopurua, azpitaldeak barne

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (heapview.field.name): The name of the column in the heap
# view for name.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (heapview.field.name.tooltip): The tooltip for the column
# header in the heap view for name.
heapview.field.name.tooltip=Talde honen izena

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (shortest-paths.header): The header label for the shortest
# paths pane.
shortest-paths.header=Bide eustarriak (zabor biltzailearen erroetatik)

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (shortest-paths.select-node): The message displayed in the
# shortest paths pane when a node is not yet selected.
shortest-paths.select-node=Hautatu nodoa bere bide eustarriak ikusteko

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tree-map.node-count): The label for the count value of a
# node in the tree map