# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # LOCALIZATION NOTE # The correct localization of this file might be to keep it in # English, or another language commonly spoken among web developers. # You want to make that choice consistent across the developer tools. # A good criteria is the language in which you'd find the best # documentation on web development on the web. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (multiProcessBrowserConsole.title): Title of the Browser # Console window when the pref `devtools.browsertoolbox.scope` is set to "everything". This # Browser Console will log messages from all processes, not just the the parent # process. multiProcessBrowserConsole.title=Console dal navigadôr multiprocès # LOCALIZATION NOTE (parentProcessBrowserConsole.title): Title used for # the Browser Console when the pref `devtools.browsertoolbox.scope` is set to "parent-process". parentProcessBrowserConsole.title=Console dal navigadôr dal procès gjenitôr # LOCALIZATION NOTE (timestampFormat): %1$02S = hours (24-hour clock), # %2$02S = minutes, %3$02S = seconds, %4$03S = milliseconds. timestampFormat=%02S:%02S:%02S,%03S ConsoleAPIDisabled=Lis API di regjistrazion de Console web (console.log, console.info, console.warn, console.error) a son stadis disativadis di un script di cheste pagjine. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webConsoleXhrIndicator): the indicator displayed before # a URL in the Web Console that was requested using an XMLHttpRequest. webConsoleXhrIndicator=XHR # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webConsoleMoreInfoLabel): the more info tag displayed # after security related web console messages. webConsoleMoreInfoLabel=Plui informazions… # LOCALIZATION NOTE (stacktrace.anonymousFunction): this string is used to # display JavaScript functions that have no given name - they are said to be # anonymous. Test console.trace() in the webconsole. stacktrace.anonymousFunction= # LOCALIZATION NOTE (stacktrace.asyncStack): this string is used to # indicate that a given stack frame has an async parent. # %S is the "Async Cause" of the frame. stacktrace.asyncStack=(Asinc.: %S) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (timeLog): this string is used to display the result of # the console.timeLog() call. Parameters: %1$S is the name of the timer, %2$S # is the number of milliseconds. timeLog=%1$S: %2$Sms # LOCALIZATION NOTE (console.timeEnd): this string is used to display the result of # the console.timeEnd() call. Parameters: %1$S is the name of the timer, %2$S # is the number of milliseconds. console.timeEnd=%1$S: %2$Sms – temporizadôr terminât # LOCALIZATION NOTE (consoleCleared): this string is displayed when receiving a # call to console.clear() to let the user know the previous messages of the # console have been removed programmatically. consoleCleared=La console e je stade netade. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (preventedConsoleClear): this string is displayed when receiving a # call to console.clear() when the user has the "Persist logs" option enabled, to let the # user know the console method call was ignored. # "Persist Logs" should be kept in sync with webconsole.console.settings.menu.item.enablePersistentLogs.label preventedConsoleClear=console.clear() nol è stât eseguît par vie de opzion “Regjistri persistent” # LOCALIZATION NOTE (noCounterLabel): this string is used to display # count-messages with no label provided. noCounterLabel= # LOCALIZATION NOTE (counterDoesntExist): this string is displayed when # console.countReset() is called with a counter that doesn't exist. counterDoesntExist=Il contadôr “%S” nol esist. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (noGroupLabel): this string is used to display # console.group messages with no label provided. noGroupLabel= maxTimersExceeded=Al è stât superât il numar massim ametût di temporizadôrs in cheste pagjine. timerAlreadyExists=Il temporizadôr “%S” al esist za. timerDoesntExist=Il temporizadôr “%S” nol esist. timerJSError=No si à rivât a elaborâ il non dal temporizadôr. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (connectionTimeout): message displayed when the Remote Web # Console fails to connect to the server due to a timeout. connectionTimeout=Conession scjadude. Controle la console dai erôrs di dutis dôs lis bandis par eventuâi messaçs di erôr. Torne vierç la Console web par tornâ a provâ. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (propertiesFilterPlaceholder): this is the text that # appears in the filter text box for the properties view container. propertiesFilterPlaceholder=Filtre lis proprietâts # LOCALIZATION NOTE (messageRepeats.tooltip2): the tooltip text that is displayed # when you hover the red bubble that shows how many times a message is repeated # in the web console output. # This is a semi-colon list of plural forms. # See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals # #1 number of message repeats # example: 3 repeats messageRepeats.tooltip2=Ripetût #1 volte;Ripetût #1 voltis # LOCALIZATION NOTE (openNodeInInspector): the text that is displayed in a # tooltip when hovering over the inspector icon next to a DOM Node in the console # output openNodeInInspector=Fâs clic par selezionâ il grop tal ispetôr # LOCALIZATION NOTE (selfxss.msg): the text that is displayed when # a new user of the developer tools pastes code into the console # %1 is the text of selfxss.okstring selfxss.msg=Avertiment di trufe: fâs atenzion tal tacâ robis/codiç che no tu capissis. Chest al podarès permeti a malintenzionâts di robâ la tô identitât o cjapâ il control dal computer. Scrîf ‘%S’ chi sot (nol covente fracâ invie) par ativâ la funzion tache. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (selfxss.okstring): the string to be typed # in by a new user of the developer tools when they receive the sefxss.msg prompt. # Please avoid using non-keyboard characters here selfxss.okstring=permet funzion tache # LOCALIZATION NOTE (evaluationNotifcation.noOriginalVariableMapping.msg): the text for the notification message that is displayed # in the console when the debugger is paused in a non-pretty printed original file and original variable mapping is turned off. # `Show original variables` should be kept in sync with the checkbox label in the Scopes panel header. evaluationNotifcation.noOriginalVariableMapping.msg=La mapadure dai nons origjinâi des variabilis e je disativade tal strument di debug. Al è pussibil che i risultâts de valutazion no sedin precîs. Fâs clic te casele “Mostre variabilis origjinâls” tal panel ambits dal debugger par ativâle. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (messageToggleDetails): the text that is displayed when # you hover the arrow for expanding/collapsing the message details. For # console.error() and other messages we show the stacktrace. messageToggleDetails=Mostre/plate detais dal messaç. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (groupToggle): the text that is displayed when # you hover the arrow for expanding/collapsing the messages of a group. groupToggle=Mostre/plate grup. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (table.index, table.iterationIndex, table.key, table.value): # the column header displayed in the console table widget. table.index=(tabele) table.iterationIndex=(tabele iterazion) table.key=Clâf table.value=Valôrs # LOCALIZATION NOTE (level.error, level.warn, level.info, level.log, level.debug, level.jstracer): # tooltip for icons next to console output. # "level.jstracer" isn't related to console.api call, but rather to the JavaScript Tracer, # each item represents a function call being logged in the console. level.error=Erôr level.warn=Avertiment level.info=Informazion level.log=Regjistri level.debug=Debug level.jstracer=Clamade di funzion # LOCALIZATION NOTE (logpoint.title) # Tooltip shown for logpoints sent from the debugger logpoint.title=Ponts di regjistrazion dal strument pal debug # LOCALIZATION NOTE (logtrace.title) # Tooltip shown for JavaScript tracing logs logtrace.title=Segnadure stant daûr a JavaScript # LOCALIZATION NOTE (blockedReason.title) # Tooltip shown for blocked network events sent from the network panel blockedrequest.label=Blocât di DevTools # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.disableIcon.title) # Tooltip shown for disabled console messages webconsole.disableIcon.title=Chest messaç nol è plui atîf, i detais dal messaç no son disponibii # LOCALIZATION NOTE (command.title) # Tooltip shown for console input evaluated code displayed in the console output command.title=Codiç valutât # LOCALIZATION NOTE (result.title) # Tooltip shown for evaluation result displayed in the console output result.title=Risultât valutazion # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.find.key) # Key shortcut used to focus the search box on upper right of the console webconsole.find.key=CmdOrCtrl+F # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.close.key) # Key shortcut used to close the Browser console (doesn't work in regular web console) webconsole.close.key=CmdOrCtrl+W # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.clear.key*) # Key shortcut used to clear the console output webconsole.clear.key=Ctrl+Shift+L webconsole.clear.keyOSX=Ctrl+L webconsole.clear.alternativeKeyOSX=Cmd+K # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.menu.copyURL.label) # Label used for a context-menu item displayed for network message logs. Clicking on it # copies the URL displayed in the message to the clipboard. webconsole.menu.copyURL.label=Copie posizion dal colegament webconsole.menu.copyURL.accesskey=z # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.menu.openURL.label) # Label used for a context-menu item displayed for network message logs. Clicking on it # opens the URL displayed in a new browser tab. webconsole.menu.openURL.label=Vierç l'URL intune gnove schede webconsole.menu.openURL.accesskey=u # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.menu.openInNetworkPanel.label) # Label used for a context-menu item displayed for network message logs. Clicking on it # opens the network message in the Network panel webconsole.menu.openInNetworkPanel.label=Vierç tal panel de rêt webconsole.menu.openInNetworkPanel.accesskey=R # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.menu.resendNetworkRequest.label) # Label used for a context-menu item displayed for network message logs. Clicking on it # resends the network request webconsole.menu.resendNetworkRequest.label=Torne mande la richieste webconsole.menu.resendNetworkRequest.accesskey=h # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.menu.openNodeInInspector.label) # Label used for a context-menu item displayed for DOM Node logs. Clicking on it will # reveal that specific DOM Node in the Inspector. webconsole.menu.openNodeInInspector.label=Rivele tal ispetôr webconsole.menu.openNodeInInspector.accesskey=V # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.menu.storeAsGlobalVar.label) # Label used for a context-menu item displayed for object/variable logs. Clicking on it # creates a new global variable pointing to the logged variable. webconsole.menu.storeAsGlobalVar.label=Salve come variabile globâl webconsole.menu.storeAsGlobalVar.accesskey=S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.menu.copyMessage.label) # Label used for a context-menu item displayed for any log. Clicking on it will copy the # content of the log (or the user selection, if any). webconsole.menu.copyMessage.label=Copie il messaç webconsole.menu.copyMessage.accesskey=C # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.menu.copyObject.label) # Label used for a context-menu item displayed for object/variable log. Clicking on it # will copy the object/variable. webconsole.menu.copyObject.label=Copie l'ogjet webconsole.menu.copyObject.accesskey=o # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.menu.openInSidebar.label) # Label used for a context-menu item displayed for object/variable logs. Clicking on it # opens the webconsole sidebar for the logged variable. webconsole.menu.openInSidebar.label1=Ispezione l'ogjet te sbare laterâl webconsole.menu.openInSidebar.accesskey=r # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.menu.copyAllMessages.label) # Label used for a context-menu item displayed on the output. Clicking on it # copies the entire output of the console to the clipboard. webconsole.menu.copyAllMessages.label=Copie ducj i Messaçs webconsole.menu.copyAllMessages.accesskey=M # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.menu.saveAllMessagesFile.label) # Label used for a context-menu item displayed on the output. Clicking on it # opens a file picker to allow the user save a file containing # the output of the console. webconsole.menu.saveAllMessagesFile.label=Salve ducj i messaçs suntun File webconsole.menu.saveAllMessagesFile.accesskey=F # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.clearButton.tooltip) # Label used for the tooltip on the clear logs button in the console top toolbar bar. # Clicking on it will clear the content of the console. webconsole.clearButton.tooltip=Nete il contignût jessût te Console web # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.toggleFilterButton.tooltip) # Label used for the tooltip on the toggle filter bar button in the console top # toolbar bar. Clicking on it will toggle the visibility of an additional bar which # contains filter buttons. webconsole.toggleFilterButton.tooltip=Comute la sbare dai filtris # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.filterInput.placeholder) # Label used for for the placeholder on the filter input, in the console top toolbar. webconsole.filterInput.placeholder=Filtre la jessude # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.errorsFilterButton.label) # Label used as the text of the "Errors" button in the additional filter toolbar. # It shows or hides error messages, either inserted in the page using # console.error() or as a result of a javascript error.. webconsole.errorsFilterButton.label=Erôrs # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.warningsFilterButton.label) # Label used as the text of the "Warnings" button in the additional filter toolbar. # It shows or hides warning messages, inserted in the page using console.warn(). webconsole.warningsFilterButton.label=Avertiments # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.logsFilterButton.label) # Label used as the text of the "Logs" button in the additional filter toolbar. # It shows or hides log messages, inserted in the page using console.log(). webconsole.logsFilterButton.label=Regjistris # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.infoFilterButton.label) # Label used as the text of the "Info" button in the additional filter toolbar. # It shows or hides info messages, inserted in the page using console.info(). webconsole.infoFilterButton.label=Informazions # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.debugFilterButton.label) # Label used as the text of the "Debug" button in the additional filter toolbar. # It shows or hides debug messages, inserted in the page using console.debug(). webconsole.debugFilterButton.label=Debug # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.cssFilterButton.label) # Label used as the text of the "CSS" button in the additional filter toolbar. # It shows or hides CSS warning messages, inserted in the page by the browser # when there are CSS errors in the page. webconsole.cssFilterButton.label=CSS # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.cssFilterButton.inactive.tooltip) # Label used as the tooltip of the "CSS" button in the additional filter toolbar, when the # filter is inactive (=unchecked). webconsole.cssFilterButton.inactive.tooltip=Si tornarà a analizâ i sfueis di stîl par controlâ se a son erôrs. Inzorne la pagjine par viodi ancje i erôrs dai sfueis di stîl modificâts dal Javascript. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.xhrFilterButton.label) # Label used as the text of the "XHR" button in the additional filter toolbar. # It shows or hides messages displayed when the page makes an XMLHttpRequest or # a fetch call. webconsole.xhrFilterButton.label=XHR # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.requestsFilterButton.label) # Label used as the text of the "Requests" button in the additional filter toolbar. # It shows or hides messages displayed when the page makes a network call, for example # when an image or a scripts is requested. webconsole.requestsFilterButton.label=Richiestis # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.filteredMessagesByText.label) # Text on the filter input displayed when some console messages are hidden because the # user has filled in the input. # This is a semi-colon list of plural forms. # See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals # example: 345 hidden. webconsole.filteredMessagesByText.label=#1 platât;#1 platâts # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.filteredMessagesByText.tooltip) # Tooltip on the filter input "hidden" text, displayed when some console messages are # hidden because the user has filled in the input. # This is a semi-colon list of plural forms. # See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals # example: 345 items hidden by text filter. webconsole.filteredMessagesByText.tooltip=#1 element platât dal filtri di test;#1 elements platâts dal filtri di test # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.console.settings.menu.menuButton.tooltip) # Tooltip for the filter bar preferences menu. This menu will display multiple perefences for the # filter bar, such as enabling the compact toolbar mode, enable the timestamps, persist logs, etc webconsole.console.settings.menu.button.tooltip=Impostazions de Console # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.console.settings.menu.item.compactToolbar.label) # Label for the `Compact Toolbar` preference option. This will turn the message filters buttons # into a Menu Button, making the filter bar more compact. webconsole.console.settings.menu.item.compactToolbar.label=Sbare dai struments compate # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.console.settings.menu.item.timestamps.label) # Label for enabling the timestamps in the Web Console. webconsole.console.settings.menu.item.timestamps.label=Mostre marche temporâl # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.console.settings.menu.item.timestamps.tooltip) webconsole.console.settings.menu.item.timestamps.tooltip=Se tu ativis cheste opzion i comants e la jessude inte Console web a visualizaran la marche temporâl (date e ore) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.console.settings.menu.item.warningGroups.label) # Label for grouping the similar messages in the Web Console webconsole.console.settings.menu.item.warningGroups.label=Met dongje i messaçs simii # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.console.settings.menu.item.warningGroups.tooltip) webconsole.console.settings.menu.item.warningGroups.tooltip=Cuant che al è atîf, i messaçs simii a vegnin metûts adun in grups # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.console.settings.menu.item.autocomplete.label) # Label for enabling autocomplete for input in the Web Console webconsole.console.settings.menu.item.autocomplete.label=Abilite il completament automatic # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.console.settings.menu.item.autocomplete.tooltip) webconsole.console.settings.menu.item.autocomplete.tooltip=Se tu ativis cheste opzion la imission di test e visualizarà sugjeriments dulinvie che tu scrivis # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.console.settings.menu.item.enablePersistentLogs.label) webconsole.console.settings.menu.item.enablePersistentLogs.label=Conserve i regjistris # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.console.settings.menu.item.enablePersistentLogs.tooltip) webconsole.console.settings.menu.item.enablePersistentLogs.tooltip=Se tu ativis cheste opzion la jessude no vignarà netade ogni volte che tu navighis suntune gnove pagjine # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.console.settings.menu.item.instantEvaluation.label) webconsole.console.settings.menu.item.instantEvaluation.label=Valutazion imediade # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.console.settings.menu.item.instantEvaluation.tooltip) webconsole.console.settings.menu.item.instantEvaluation.tooltip=Se tu ativis cheste opzion la imission e vignarà valutade daurman intant che tu le scrivis # LOCALIZATION NOTE (browserconsole.enableNetworkMonitoring.label) # Label used in the browser console / browser toolbox console. This label is used for a checkbox that # allows the user enable monitoring of network requests. browserconsole.enableNetworkMonitoring.label=Ative monitorament rêt # LOCALIZATION NOTE (browserconsole.enableNetworkMonitoring.tooltip) # Tooltip for the "Enable Network Monitoring" check item. browserconsole.enableNetworkMonitoring.tooltip=Abilite chest par tacâ a scoltâ lis richiestis de rêt # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.navigated): this string is used in the console when the # current inspected page is navigated to a new location. # Parameters: %S is the new URL. webconsole.navigated=Spostât su %S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.closeSplitConsoleButton.tooltip): This is the tooltip for # the close button of the split console. webconsole.closeSplitConsoleButton.tooltip=Siere la Console dividude (Esc) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.closeSidebarButton.tooltip): This is the tooltip for # the close button of the sidebar. webconsole.closeSidebarButton.tooltip=Siere la sbare laterâl # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.reverseSearch.input.placeHolder): # This string is displayed in the placeholder of the reverse search input in the console. webconsole.reverseSearch.input.placeHolder=Cîr te cronologjie # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.reverseSearch.result.closeButton.tooltip): # This string is displayed in the tooltip of the close button in the reverse search toolbar. # A keyboard shortcut will be shown inside the latter pair of brackets. webconsole.reverseSearch.closeButton.tooltip=Siere (%S) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.reverseSearch.results): # This string is displayed in the reverse search UI when there are at least one result # to the search. # This is a semi-colon list of plural forms. # See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals # #1 index of current search result displayed. # #2 total number of search results. webconsole.reverseSearch.results=#2 risultât;#1 di #2 risultâts # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.reverseSearch.noResult): # This string is displayed in the reverse search UI when there is no results to the search. webconsole.reverseSearch.noResult=Nissun risultât # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.reverseSearch.result.previousButton.tooltip): # This string is displayed in the tooltip of the "previous result" button in the reverse search toolbar. # A keyboard shortcut will be shown inside the latter pair of brackets. webconsole.reverseSearch.result.previousButton.tooltip=Risultât precedent (%S) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.reverseSearch.result.nextButton.tooltip): # This string is displayed in the tooltip of the "next result" button in the reverse search toolbar. # A keyboard shortcut will be shown inside the latter pair of brackets. webconsole.reverseSearch.result.nextButton.tooltip=Risultât sucessîf (%S) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.confirmDialog.getter.label) # Label used for the "invoke getter" confirm dialog that appears in the console when # a user tries to autocomplete a property with a getter. # Example: given the following object `x = {get y() {}}`, when the user types `x.y.`, it # would return "Invoke getter y to retrieve the property list?". # Parameters: %S is the name of the getter. webconsole.confirmDialog.getter.label=Invocâ getter %S par recuperâ la liste des proprietâts? # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.confirmDialog.getter.invokeButtonLabelWithShortcut) # Label used for the confirm button in the "invoke getter" dialog that appears in the # console when a user tries to autocomplete a property with a getter. # A keyboard shortcut will be shown inside the latter pair of brackets. webconsole.confirmDialog.getter.invokeButtonLabelWithShortcut=Invoche (%S) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.confirmDialog.getter.closeButton.tooltip) # Label used as the tooltip for the close button in the "invoke getter" dialog that # appears in the console when a user tries to autocomplete a property with a getter. # A keyboard shortcut will be shown inside the latter pair of brackets. webconsole.confirmDialog.getter.closeButton.tooltip=Siere (%S) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.cssWarningElements.label) # Label for the list of HTML elements matching the selector associated # with the CSS warning. Parameters: %S is the CSS selector. webconsole.cssWarningElements.label=Elements che a corispuindin al seletôr: %S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.message.componentDidCatch.label) # Label displayed when the webconsole couldn't handle a given packet. # Parameters: %S is the URL to file a bug about the error. webconsole.message.componentDidCatch.label=[ERÔR DEVTOOLS] Nus displâs, no rivìn a visualizâ il messaç. Cheste robe no varès di sucedi - par plasê segnale un erôr su %S cui metadâts dal messaç inte descrizion. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.message.commands.copyValueToClipboard) # Label displayed when the string is copied to the clipboard as a result of a copy command, # in the console, for example, copy({hello: "world"}). webconsole.message.commands.copyValueToClipboard=La stringhe e je stade copiade intes notis. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.message.commands.startTracingToWebConsole) # Label displayed when :trace command was executed and the JavaScript tracer started to log to the web console. webconsole.message.commands.startTracingToWebConsole=Regjistri di segnadure dal comant :trace su console Web # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.message.commands.startTracingToStdout) # Label displayed when :trace command was executed and the JavaScript tracer started to log to stdout. webconsole.message.commands.startTracingToStdout=Inviât regjistri di segnadure dal comant trace su stdout # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.message.commands.startTracingToProfiler) # Label displayed when :trace command was executed and the JavaScript tracer will open the profiler showing all the traces, # but only on stop. webconsole.message.commands.startTracingToProfiler=Inviât segnadure tal Profiladôr. I segns a vignaran visualizâts tal profiladôr cuant che al vignarà fermât. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.message.commands.stopTracing) # Label displayed when the JavaScript tracer stopped webconsole.message.commands.stopTracing=Segnadure dal comant trace fermade # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.message.commands.stopTracingWithReason) # Label displayed when the JavaScript tracer stopped with a particular reason # which isn't user explicit stop request. Can be reaching the max-depth option, or an infinite loop. webconsole.message.commands.stopTracingWithReason=Segnadure interote (motîf: %S) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.error.commands.copyError): # the error that is displayed when the "copy" command can't stringify an object # "copy" should not be translated, because is a function name. # Parameters: %S is the original error message webconsole.error.commands.copyError=Il comant `copy` al à falît, nol è pussibil rindi l'ogjet tant che stringhe: %S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.message.commands.blockedUR) # Label displayed when the :block command is successful # Parameters: %S is the URL filter webconsole.message.commands.blockedURL=Lis richiestis a URL che a contegnin “%S” cumò a son blocadis # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.message.commands.unblockedURL) # Label displayed when the :unblock command is successful # Parameters: %S is the URL filter webconsole.message.commands.unblockedURL=Gjavât filtri di bloc “%S” # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.messages.commands.blockArgMissing) # Message displayed when no filter is passed to block/unblock command webconsole.messages.commands.blockArgMissing=Nol jere specificât nissun filtri # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.message.componentDidCatch.copyButton.label) # Label displayed on the button next to the message we display when the webconsole # couldn't handle a given packet (See webconsole.message.componentDidCatch.label). webconsole.message.componentDidCatch.copyButton.label=Copie i metadâts dal messaç intes notis # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.editor.toolbar.executeButton.label) # Label used for the text of the execute button, in the editor toolbar, which is # displayed when the editor mode is enabled (devtools.webconsole.input.editor=true). webconsole.editor.toolbar.executeButton.label=Eseguìs # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.editor.toolbar.reverseSearchButton.openReverseSearch.tooltip) # Label used for the tooltip on the reverse search button for opening the Reverse Search UI. # The Reverse Search is a feature that mimics the bash-like reverse search of # command history in WebConsole, searching commands from the last item backwards. # Parameters: %S is the keyboard shortcut. webconsole.editor.toolbar.reverseSearchButton.openReverseSearch.tooltip=Vierç la ricercje invertide te cronologjie (%S) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.editor.toolbar.reverseSearchButton.closeReverseSearch.tooltip) # Label used for the tooltip on the reverse search button for closing the Reverse Search UI. # The Reverse Search is a feature that mimics the bash-like reverse search of # command history in WebConsole, searching commands from the last item backwards. # Parameters: %S is the keyboard shortcut. webconsole.editor.toolbar.reverseSearchButton.closeReverseSearch.tooltip=Siere la ricercje invertide te cronologjie (%S) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.editor.toolbar.executeButton.tooltip) # Label used for the tooltip on the execute button, in the editor toolbar, which is # displayed when the editor mode is enabled (devtools.webconsole.input.editor=true). # Parameters: %S is the keyboard shortcut. webconsole.editor.toolbar.executeButton.tooltip=Eseguìs la espression (%S). Chest nol netarà l'input. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.editor.toolbar.prettyPrintButton.tooltip) # Label used for the tooltip on the prettyPrint button, in the editor toolbar, which is # displayed when the editor mode is enabled (devtools.webconsole.input.editor=true). webconsole.editor.toolbar.prettyPrintButton.tooltip=Formate e rangje la espression # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.editor.toolbar.executeButton.tooltip) # Label used for the tooltip on the history previous expression, in the editor toolbar, # which is displayed when the editor mode is enabled (devtools.webconsole.input.editor=true). webconsole.editor.toolbar.history.prevExpressionButton.tooltip=Espression precedente # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.editor.toolbar.executeButton.tooltip) # Label used for the tooltip on the history next expression, in the editor toolbar, # which is displayed when the editor mode is enabled (devtools.webconsole.input.editor=true). webconsole.editor.toolbar.history.nextExpressionButton.tooltip=Espression sucessive # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.editor.toolbar.closeButton.tooltip2) # Label used for the tooltip on the close button, in the editor toolbar, which is # displayed when the editor mode is enabled (devtools.webconsole.input.editor=true). # Parameters: %S is the keyboard shortcut. webconsole.editor.toolbar.closeButton.tooltip2=Torne ae modalitât in linie (%S) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.input.openEditorButton.tooltip2) # Label used for the tooltip on the open editor button, in console input, which is # displayed when the console is in regular mode. # Parameters: %S is the keyboard shortcut. webconsole.input.openEditorButton.tooltip2=Passe ae modalitât editôr multi-linie (%S) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.warningGroup.messageCount.tooltip): the tooltip text # displayed when you hover a warning group badge (i.e. repeated warning messages for a # given category, for example Content Blocked messages) in the web console output. # This is a semi-colon list of plural forms. # See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals # #1 number of message in the group. # example: 3 messages webconsole.warningGroup.messageCount.tooltip=#1 messaç;#1 messaçs # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.input.editor.onboarding.label): the text that is displayed # when displaying the multiline-input mode for the first time, until the user dismiss the # text. # Parameters: %1$S is Enter key, %2$S is the shortcut to evaluate the expression ( # Ctrl+Enter or Cmd+Enter on OSX). webconsole.input.editor.onboarding.label=Lavore svelt sul codiç cu la gnove modalitât editôr multi-linie. Dopre %1$S par zontâ gnovis riis e %2$S par eseguî il codiç. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.input.editor.onboarding.dismiss.label): the text that is # displayed in the multiline-input mode onboarding UI to dismiss it. webconsole.input.editor.onboarding.dismiss.label=Capît! # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.enterKey): The text that will be used to represent the # Enter key in the editor onboarding UI, as well as on the Editor toolbar "Run" button # tooltip. webconsole.enterKey=Invie # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.input.openJavaScriptFile): This is a label # used for opening a file in the console input (Ctrl+O or Cmd+O on OSX while # being focused on the input). webconsole.input.openJavaScriptFile=Vierç un file JavaScript # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.input.openJavaScriptFileFilter): # This string is displayed as a filter when opening a file in the console input. webconsole.input.openJavaScriptFileFilter=Files JavaScript # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.input.selector.top): This is the term used # to describe the primary thread of execution in the page webconsole.input.selector.top=Principâl # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.input.selector.tooltip): This is the tooltip # shown when users select a thread that they want to evaluate an # expression for. webconsole.input.selector.tooltip=Selezione il contest di valutazion # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.group.cookieSameSiteLaxByDefaultEnabled2): do not translate 'SameSite'. webconsole.group.cookieSameSiteLaxByDefaultEnabled2=Cualchi cookie nol sta doprant ben l'atribût “SameSite“, duncje nol funzionarà come che al varès # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.group.cookieSameSiteLaxByDefaultDisabled2): do not translate 'SameSite'. webconsole.group.cookieSameSiteLaxByDefaultDisabled2=Cualchi cookie nol sta doprant ben l'atribût racomandât “SameSite” # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.group.csp): do not translate # 'Content-Security-Policy', as that's the name of the header. webconsole.group.csp=Avîs Content-Security-Policy