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### These strings are used inside the Accessibility panel.

accessibility-learn-more = Mear ynfo

accessibility-text-label-header = Tekstlabels en -namen

accessibility-keyboard-header = Toetseboerd

## Text entries that are used as text alternative for icons that depict accessibility isses.

## These strings are used in the overlay displayed when running an audit in the accessibility panel

accessibility-progress-initializing = Inisjalisearje…
    .aria-valuetext = Inisjalisearje…

# This string is displayed in the audit progress bar in the accessibility panel.
# Variables:
#   $nodeCount (Integer) - The number of nodes for which the audit was run so far.
accessibility-progress-progressbar =
    { $nodeCount ->
        [one] Kontrolearjen { $nodeCount } node
       *[other] Kontrolearjen { $nodeCount } nodes

accessibility-progress-finishing = Ofronde…
    .aria-valuetext = Ofronde…

## Text entries that are used as text alternative for icons that depict accessibility issues.

accessibility-warning =
    .alt = Warskôging

accessibility-fail =
    .alt = Flater

accessibility-best-practices =
    .alt = Goede foarbylden

## Text entries for a paragraph used in the accessibility panel sidebar's checks section
## that describe that currently selected accessible object has an accessibility issue
## with its text label or accessible name.

accessibility-text-label-issue-area = Brûk it attribút <code>alt</code> om <div>area</div>-eleminten dy’t it attribút <span>href</span> hawwe te labeljen. <a>Mear ynfo</a>

accessibility-text-label-issue-dialog = Dialogen soene labeld wêze moatte. <a>Mear ynfo</a>

accessibility-text-label-issue-document-title = Dokuminten moatte in <code>title</code> hawwe. <a>Mear ynfo</a>

accessibility-text-label-issue-embed = Ynsluten ynhâld moat labele wurde. <a>Mear ynfo</a>

accessibility-text-label-issue-figure = Ofbyldingen mei opsjonele byskriften moatte labele wurde. <a>Mear ynfo</a>

accessibility-text-label-issue-fieldset = <code>fieldset</code>-eleminten moatte labele wurde. <a>Mear ynfo</a>

accessibility-text-label-issue-fieldset-legend2 = Brûk in elemint <code>legend</code> om in <span>fieldset</span> te labeljen. <a>Mear ynfo</a>

accessibility-text-label-issue-form = Formuliereleminten moatte labele wurde. <a>Mear ynfo</a>

accessibility-text-label-issue-form-visible = Formuliereleminten moatte in sichtber tekstlabel hawwe. <a>Mear ynfo</a>

accessibility-text-label-issue-frame = <code>frame</code>-eleminten moatte labele wurde. <a>Mear ynfo</a>

accessibility-text-label-issue-glyph = Brûk it attribút <code>alt</code> om <span>mglyph</span>-eleminten te labeljen. <a>Mear ynfo</a>

accessibility-text-label-issue-heading = Kopteksten moatte labele wurde. <a>Mear ynfo</a>

accessibility-text-label-issue-heading-content = Kopteksten moatte sichtbere tekstynhâld hawwe. <a>Mear ynfo</a>

accessibility-text-label-issue-iframe = Brûk it attribút <code>title</code> om <span>iframe</span>-ynhâld te beskriuwen. <a>Mear ynfo</a>

accessibility-text-label-issue-image = Ynhâld mei ôfbyldingen moat labele wurde. <a>Mear ynfo</a>

accessibility-text-label-issue-interactive = Ynteraktive eleminten moatte labele wurde. <a>Mear ynfo</a>

accessibility-text-label-issue-optgroup-label2 = Brûk in attribút <code>label</code> om in <span>optgroup</span> te labeljen. <a>Mear ynfo</a>

accessibility-text-label-issue-toolbar = Arkbalken moatte labele wurde as der mear as ien arkbalke is. <a>Mear ynfo</a>

## Text entries for a paragraph used in the accessibility panel sidebar's checks section
## that describe that currently selected accessible object has a keyboard accessibility
## issue.

accessibility-keyboard-issue-semantics = Fokusbere eleminten moatte ynteraktive semantyk hawwe. <a>Mear ynfo</a>

accessibility-keyboard-issue-tabindex = Foarkom gebrûk fan in <code>tabindex</code>-attribút grutter as nul. <a>Mear ynfo</a>

accessibility-keyboard-issue-action = Ynteraktive eleminten moatte aktivearre wurde kinne mei in toetseboerd. <a>Mear ynfo</a>

accessibility-keyboard-issue-focusable = Ynteraktive eleminten moatte in fokus krije kinne. <a>Mear ynfo</a>

accessibility-keyboard-issue-focus-visible = In elemint dy’t in fokus krije kin mist mooglik de fokusstyl. <a>Mear ynfo</a>

accessibility-keyboard-issue-mouse-only = Klikbere eleminten moatte fokus krije kinne en ynteraktive semantyk hawwe. <a>Mear ynfo</a>