# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. privatebrowsingpage-open-private-window-label = Fosgail uinneag phrìobhaideach .accesskey = p about-private-browsing-search-placeholder = Lorg air an lìon about-private-browsing-info-title = Tha thu ann an uinneag phrìobhaideach about-private-browsing-search-btn = .title = Lorg air an lìon # Variables # $engine (String): the name of the user's default search engine about-private-browsing-handoff = .title = Dèan lorg le { $engine } no cuir a-steach seòladh about-private-browsing-handoff-no-engine = .title = Cuir ann lorg no seòladh # Variables # $engine (String): the name of the user's default search engine about-private-browsing-handoff-text = Dèan lorg le { $engine } no cuir a-steach seòladh about-private-browsing-handoff-text-no-engine = Cuir ann lorg no seòladh about-private-browsing-not-private = Chan eil thu ann an uinneag phrìobhaideach an-dràsta fhèin. about-private-browsing-info-description-private-window = Uinneag phrìobhaideach: Falamhaichidh { -brand-short-name } eachdraidh nan lorg is a’ bhrabhsaidh agad nuair a dhùineas tu na h-uinneagan prìobhaideach air fad. Chan eil sin gad fhàgail gu tur gun urra ge-tà. about-private-browsing-info-description-simplified = Uinneag phrìobhaideach: Falamhaichidh { -brand-short-name } eachdraidh nan lorg is a’ bhrabhsaidh agad nuair a dhùineas tu na h-uinneagan prìobhaideach air fad ach chan eil sin gad fhàgail gu tur gun urra ge-tà. about-private-browsing-learn-more-link = Barrachd fiosrachaidh about-private-browsing-hide-activity = Falaich do ghnìomhachd is ionad, ge be càit an dèan thu brabhsadh about-private-browsing-get-privacy = Dìon do phrìobhaideachd ge be càit an dèan thu brabhsadh about-private-browsing-hide-activity-1 = Falaich do ghnìomhachd brabhsaidh is d’ ionad le { -mozilla-vpn-brand-name }. Gheibh thu ceangal tèarainte le aon bhriogadh, fiù air WiFi poblach. about-private-browsing-prominent-cta = Dìon do phrìobhaideachd le { -mozilla-vpn-brand-name } about-private-browsing-focus-promo-cta = Luchdaich a-nuas { -focus-brand-name } about-private-browsing-focus-promo-header = { -focus-brand-name }: Brabhsadh prìobhaideach air an rathad about-private-browsing-focus-promo-text = Falamhaichidh an aplacaid brabhsaidh phrìobhaideach shònraichte againn an eachdraidh is na briosgaidean agad gach turas. ## The following strings will be used for experiments in Fx99 and Fx100 about-private-browsing-focus-promo-header-b = Dèan brabhsadh prìobhaideach fiù air an fhòn agad about-private-browsing-focus-promo-text-b = Cleachd { -focus-brand-name } airson lorg prìobhaideach a dhèanamh nach eil thu airson ’s gum faic am prìomh bhrabhsair mobile agad e. about-private-browsing-focus-promo-header-c = An ath-cheum de phrìobhaideachd mobile about-private-browsing-focus-promo-text-c = Falamhaichidh { -focus-brand-name } an eachdraidh agad gach turas agus bacaidh e sanasachd is tracaichean. # This string is the title for the banner for search engine selection # in a private window. # Variables: # $engineName (String) - The engine name that will currently be used for the private window. about-private-browsing-search-banner-title = ’S e { $engineName } an t-einnsean-luirg làithreach agad ann an uinneagan prìobhaideach about-private-browsing-search-banner-description = { PLATFORM() -> [windows] Airson einnsean-luirg eile a thaghadh, tadhail air na Roghainnean *[other] Airson einnsean-luirg eile a thaghadh, tadhail air na Roghainnean } about-private-browsing-search-banner-close-button = .aria-label = Dùin about-private-browsing-promo-close-button = .title = Dùin ## Strings used in a “pin promotion” message, which prompts users to pin a private window about-private-browsing-pin-promo-header = Brabhsadh prìobhaideach ann am briogadh about-private-browsing-pin-promo-link-text = { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Cùm air an doca *[other] Prìnich ri bàr nan saothair } about-private-browsing-pin-promo-title = Gun eachdraidh ’s gun bhriosgaidean gan sàbhaladh, air an desktop fhèin. Dèan brabhsadh mar nach eil duine sam bith a’ cumail sùil ort. ## Strings used in a promotion message for cookie banner reduction # Simplified version of the headline if the original text doesn't work # in your language: `See fewer cookie requests`. about-private-browsing-cookie-banners-promo-header = Uam-sa brataichean nam briosgaidean! about-private-browsing-cookie-banners-promo-button = Nas lugha de bhrataichean bhriosgaidean about-private-browsing-cookie-banners-promo-message = Leig le { -brand-short-name } iarrtasan bhriosgaidean a fhreagairt leis fhèin airson ’s nach bris uiread a rudan a-steach ort is tu ri brabhsadh. Mas urrainn dha, diùltaidh { -brand-short-name } gach iarrtas. # Simplified version of the headline if the original text doesn't work # in your language: `{ -brand-short-name } will show fewer cookie requests` about-private-browsing-cookie-banners-promo-heading = Dèiligidh { -brand-short-name } ri brathan nam briosgaidean dhut about-private-browsing-cookie-banners-promo-body = Diùltaidh sinn iomadh brath mu bhriosgaidean a-nis airson ’s gun dèanar nas lugha de thracadh ort agus airson ’s nach fhaic thu mìle ’s a h-aon bhrath mu an dèidhinn. ## Strings for Felt Privacy v1 experiments in 119 about-private-browsing-felt-privacy-v1-info-header = Na fàg lorg sam bith air an uidheam seo about-private-browsing-felt-privacy-v1-info-body = Sguabaidh { -brand-short-name } às na briosgaidean, an eachdraidh is dàta nan làraichean nuair a dhùineas tu an uinneag phrìobhaideach mu dheireadh. about-private-browsing-felt-privacy-v1-info-link = Cò chì mo ghnìomhachd?