# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. profiles-title = Mu na pròifilean profiles-subtitle = ’S urrainn dhut na pròifilean agad a stiùireadh air an duilleag seo. Tha gach pròifil ’na shaoghal fa leth a thaobh na h-eachdraidh, nan comharran-lìn, roghainnean is tuilleadan. profiles-create = Cruthaich pròifil ùr profiles-restart-title = Ath-thòisich profiles-restart-in-safe-mode = Ath-thòisich leis na tuilleadan à comas… profiles-restart-normal = Ath-thòisich air an dòigh àbhaisteach… profiles-conflict = Rinn lethbhreac eile de { -brand-product-name } atharraichean air pròifilean. Feumaidh tu { -brand-short-name } ath-thòiseachadh mus atharraich thu dad eile. profiles-flush-fail-title = Cha deach na h-atharraichean a shàbhaladh profiles-flush-conflict = { profiles-conflict } profiles-flush-failed = Thachair mearachd ris nach robh dùil agus cha deach na h-atharraichean agad a shàbhaladh ri linn sin. profiles-flush-restart-button = Ath-thòisich { -brand-short-name } # Variables: # $name (String) - Name of the profile profiles-name = Pròifil: { $name } profiles-is-default = A’ phròifil bhunaiteach profiles-rootdir = Am pasgan root # localDir is used to show the directory corresponding to # the main profile directory that exists for the purpose of storing data on the # local filesystem, including cache files or other data files that may not # represent critical user data. (e.g., this directory may not be included as # part of a backup scheme.) # In case localDir and rootDir are equal, localDir is not shown. profiles-localdir = Am pasgan ionadail profiles-current-profile = Tha a’ phròifil seo ’ga chleachdadh is cha ghabh a sguabadh às. profiles-in-use-profile = Tha a’ phròifil seo ’ga chleachdadh ann an aplacaid eile ’s cha ghabh a sguabadh às. profiles-rename = Thoir ainm ùr air profiles-remove = Thoir air falbh profiles-set-as-default = Suidhich mar a’ phròifil bhunaiteach profiles-launch-profile = Cuir gu dol a’ phròifil ann am brabhsair ùr profiles-cannot-set-as-default-title = Cha ghabh bun-roghainn a shuidheachadh profiles-cannot-set-as-default-message = Cha ghabh a’ phròifil bhunaiteach atharrachadh airson { -brand-short-name }. profiles-yes = tha profiles-no = chan eil profiles-rename-profile-title = Thoir ainm ùr air a’ phròifil # Variables: # $name (String) - Name of the profile profiles-rename-profile = Thoir ainm ùr air pròifil { $name } profiles-invalid-profile-name-title = Tha ainm na pròifil mì-dhligheach # Variables: # $name (String) - Name of the profile profiles-invalid-profile-name = Chan eil an t-ainm “{ $name }” ceadaichte airson pròifil. profiles-delete-profile-title = Sguab às a’ phròifil # Variables: # $dir (String) - Path to be displayed profiles-delete-profile-confirm = Ma sguabas tu às pròifil, thèid a chur far liosta nam pròifilean a tha rim faighinn is chan urrainn dhut seo aiseag. ’S urrainn dhut faidhlichean dàta na pròifile a sguabadh às cuideachd, a’ gabhail a-steach nan roghainnean, ceadachasan is dàta eile co-cheangailte ris a’ chleachdaiche. Sguabaidh an roghainn seo às am pasgan “{ $dir }” is chan urrainn dhut seo aiseag. A bheil thu airson faidhlichean dàta na pròifile a sguabadh às? profiles-delete-files = Sguab às na faidhlichean profiles-dont-delete-files = Na sguab às na faidhlichean profiles-delete-profile-failed-title = Mearachd profiles-delete-profile-failed-message = Thachair mearachd fhad ’s a bha sinn a’ feuchainn ris a’ phròifil seo a sguabadh às. profiles-opendir = { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Seall san lorgair [windows] Fosgail pasgan *[other] Fosgail am pasgan }