# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # DO NOT ADD THINGS OTHER THAN ERROR MESSAGES HERE. # This file gets parsed into a JS dictionary of all known error message ids in # gen_aboutneterror_codes.py . If we end up needing fluent attributes or # refactoring them in some way, the script will need updating. psmerr-ssl-disabled = לא ניתן להתחבר בצורה מאובטחת מכיוון שפרוטוקול ה־SSL נוטרל. psmerr-ssl2-disabled = לא ניתן להתחבר בצורה מאובטחת מכיוון שהאתר משתמש בגרסה ישנה ולא מאובטחת של פרוטוקול ה־SSL. # This is a multi-line message. psmerr-hostreusedissuerandserial = קיבלת אישור אבטחה שגוי. אנא צור קשר עם מנהל השרת או איש הקשר שצוין באישור האבטחה ותן להם את הפרטים הבאים: אישור האבטחה שלך מכיל את אותו המספר הסידורי כמו אישור אבטחה אחר שהונפק על־ידי רשות אישורי האבטחה. אנא השג אישור אבטחה חדש המכיל מספר סידורי ייחודי. ssl-error-export-only-server = לא ניתן לתקשר בצורה מאובטחת. נקודת הקצה לא תומכת בהצפנה ברמה גבוהה. ssl-error-us-only-server = לא ניתן ליצור קשר בצורה מאובטחת. הצד השני דורש אבטחה ברמה גבוהה שאין בה תמיכה. ssl-error-no-cypher-overlap = לא ניתן ליצור קשר בצורה מאובטחת עם הצד השני: אין אלגוריתמים חופפים של הצפנה. ssl-error-no-certificate = לא ניתן למצוא את האישור או המפתח שנדרש לאימות. ssl-error-bad-certificate = לא ניתן לתקשר בצורה מאובטחת עם הצד השני: האישור של הצד השני נדחה. ssl-error-bad-client = השרת נתקל בנתונים פגומים מצד הלקוח. ssl-error-bad-server = הלקוח נתקל בנתונים פגומים מצד השרת. ssl-error-unsupported-certificate-type = אישור אבטחה מסוג לא נתמך. ssl-error-unsupported-version = עמית משתמש בגרסה לא נתמכת של פרוטוקול האבטחה. ssl-error-wrong-certificate = אימות לקוח נכשל: המפתח הפרטי במסד נתוני המפתחות אינו תואם את המפתח הציבורי במסד הנתונים של אישורי האבטחה. ssl-error-bad-cert-domain = לא ניתן לתקשר עם עמית בצורה מאובטחת: שם המתחם המבוקש לא תואם את אישור האבטחה של השרת. ssl-error-post-warning = קוד שגיאת SSL לא מזוהה. ssl-error-ssl2-disabled = עמית תומך רק ב־SSL גרסה 2, שמנוטרלת מקומית. ssl-error-bad-mac-read = עמית SSL קיבל רשומה עם קוד אימות הודעה פגום. ssl-error-bad-mac-alert = עמית SSL מדווח על קוד אימות הודעה פגום. ssl-error-bad-cert-alert = עמית SSL אינו יכול לאמת את אישור האבטחה שלך. ssl-error-revoked-cert-alert = אישור האבטחה נדחה על־ידי עמית SSL בטענה שהוא בוטל. ssl-error-expired-cert-alert = אישור האבטחה נדחה על־ידי עמית SSL בטענה שהוא פג תוקף. ssl-error-ssl-disabled = לא ניתן להתחבר: SSL מנוטרל. ssl-error-fortezza-pqg = לא ניתן להתחבר: הצד השני ב־SSL הוא שם מתחם FORTEZZA נוסף. ssl-error-unknown-cipher-suite = התבקשה ערכת צפני SSL בלתי ידועה. ssl-error-no-ciphers-supported = No cipher suites are present and enabled in this program. ssl-error-bad-block-padding = SSL received a record with bad block padding. ssl-error-rx-record-too-long = SSL received a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length. ssl-error-tx-record-too-long = SSL attempted to send a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length. ssl-error-rx-malformed-hello-request = SSL received a malformed Hello Request handshake message. ssl-error-rx-malformed-client-hello = SSL received a malformed Client Hello handshake message. ssl-error-rx-malformed-server-hello = SSL received a malformed Server Hello handshake message. ssl-error-rx-malformed-certificate = SSL received a malformed Certificate handshake message. ssl-error-rx-malformed-server-key-exch = SSL received a malformed Server Key Exchange handshake message. ssl-error-rx-malformed-cert-request = SSL received a malformed Certificate Request handshake message. ssl-error-rx-malformed-hello-done = SSL received a malformed Server Hello Done handshake message. ssl-error-rx-malformed-cert-verify = SSL received a malformed Certificate Verify handshake message. ssl-error-rx-malformed-client-key-exch = SSL received a malformed Client Key Exchange handshake message. ssl-error-rx-malformed-finished = SSL received a malformed Finished handshake message. ssl-error-rx-malformed-change-cipher = SSL received a malformed Change Cipher Spec record. ssl-error-rx-malformed-alert = SSL received a malformed Alert record. ssl-error-rx-malformed-handshake = SSL received a malformed Handshake record. ssl-error-rx-malformed-application-data = SSL received a malformed Application Data record. ssl-error-rx-unexpected-hello-request = SSL received an unexpected Hello Request handshake message. ssl-error-rx-unexpected-client-hello = SSL received an unexpected Client Hello handshake message. ssl-error-rx-unexpected-alert = SSL received an unexpected Alert record. ssl-error-rx-unexpected-handshake = SSL received an unexpected Handshake record. ssl-error-rx-unexpected-application-data = SSL received an unexpected Application Data record. ssl-error-rx-unknown-record-type = SSL received a record with an unknown content type. ssl-error-rx-unknown-handshake = SSL received a handshake message with an unknown message type. ssl-error-rx-unknown-alert = SSL received an alert record with an unknown alert description. ssl-error-close-notify-alert = עמית SSL סגר את החיבור הזה. ssl-error-handshake-unexpected-alert = SSL peer was not expecting a handshake message it received. ssl-error-decompression-failure-alert = SSL peer was unable to successfully decompress an SSL record it received. ssl-error-handshake-failure-alert = SSL peer was unable to negotiate an acceptable set of security parameters. ssl-error-illegal-parameter-alert = SSL peer rejected a handshake message for unacceptable content. ssl-error-unsupported-cert-alert = SSL peer does not support certificates of the type it received. ssl-error-certificate-unknown-alert = SSL peer had some unspecified issue with the certificate it received. ssl-error-generate-random-failure = SSL experienced a failure of its random number generator. ssl-error-sign-hashes-failure = Unable to digitally sign data required to verify your certificate. ssl-error-extract-public-key-failure = SSL was unable to extract the public key from the peer's certificate. ssl-error-server-key-exchange-failure = Unspecified failure while processing SSL Server Key Exchange handshake. ssl-error-client-key-exchange-failure = Unspecified failure while processing SSL Client Key Exchange handshake. ssl-error-encryption-failure = Bulk data encryption algorithm failed in selected cipher suite. ssl-error-decryption-failure = Bulk data decryption algorithm failed in selected cipher suite. ssl-error-socket-write-failure = Attempt to write encrypted data to underlying socket failed. ssl-error-md5-digest-failure = פונקצית תמצית המסר באמצעות MD5 כשלה. ssl-error-sha-digest-failure = פונקצית תמצית המסר באמצעות SHA-1 כשלה. ssl-error-mac-computation-failure = MAC computation failed. ssl-error-sym-key-context-failure = Failure to create Symmetric Key context. ssl-error-sym-key-unwrap-failure = Failure to unwrap the Symmetric key in Client Key Exchange message. ssl-error-pub-key-size-limit-exceeded = SSL Server attempted to use domestic-grade public key with export cipher suite. ssl-error-iv-param-failure = PKCS11 code failed to translate an IV into a param. ssl-error-init-cipher-suite-failure = Failed to initialize the selected cipher suite. ssl-error-session-key-gen-failure = Client failed to generate session keys for SSL session. ssl-error-no-server-key-for-alg = Server has no key for the attempted key exchange algorithm. ssl-error-token-insertion-removal = PKCS#11 token was inserted or removed while operation was in progress. ssl-error-token-slot-not-found = No PKCS#11 token could be found to do a required operation. ssl-error-no-compression-overlap = Cannot communicate securely with peer: no common compression algorithm(s). ssl-error-handshake-not-completed = Cannot initiate another SSL handshake until current handshake is complete. ssl-error-bad-handshake-hash-value = Received incorrect handshakes hash values from peer. ssl-error-cert-kea-mismatch = The certificate provided cannot be used with the selected key exchange algorithm. ssl-error-no-trusted-ssl-client-ca = No certificate authority is trusted for SSL client authentication. ssl-error-decryption-failed-alert = הצד השני לא הצליח לפענח את רשומת ה־SSL שקיבל. ssl-error-record-overflow-alert = הצד השני קיבל רשומת SSL שאינה מורשית עוד. ssl-error-unknown-ca-alert = הצד השני לא מכיר וסומך על רשות האישורים שהנפיקה את האישור שלך. ssl-error-access-denied-alert = הצד השני קיבל אישור תקף אך הגישה נדחיתה. ssl-error-decode-error-alert = הצד השני לא הצליח לפענח את הודעת לחיצת היד של ה־SSL. ssl-error-decrypt-error-alert = הצד השני מדווח על כשל באימות חתימה או החלפת מפתחות. ssl-error-export-restriction-alert = הצד השני מדווח על משא ומתן שאינו תואם לתקינה. ssl-error-protocol-version-alert = Peer reports incompatible or unsupported protocol version. ssl-error-insufficient-security-alert = Server requires ciphers more secure than those supported by client. ssl-error-internal-error-alert = Peer reports it experienced an internal error. ssl-error-user-canceled-alert = Peer user canceled handshake. ssl-error-no-renegotiation-alert = Peer does not permit renegotiation of SSL security parameters. ssl-error-server-cache-not-configured = SSL server cache not configured and not disabled for this socket. ssl-error-unsupported-extension-alert = SSL peer does not support requested TLS hello extension. ssl-error-certificate-unobtainable-alert = SSL peer could not obtain your certificate from the supplied URL. ssl-error-unrecognized-name-alert = SSL peer has no certificate for the requested DNS name. ssl-error-bad-cert-status-response-alert = SSL peer was unable to get an OCSP response for its certificate. ssl-error-bad-cert-hash-value-alert = SSL peer reported bad certificate hash value. ssl-error-rx-unexpected-new-session-ticket = SSL received an unexpected New Session Ticket handshake message. ssl-error-rx-malformed-new-session-ticket = SSL received a malformed New Session Ticket handshake message. ssl-error-decompression-failure = SSL received a compressed record that could not be decompressed. ssl-error-renegotiation-not-allowed = Renegotiation is not allowed on this SSL socket. ssl-error-unsafe-negotiation = Peer attempted old style (potentially vulnerable) handshake. ssl-error-rx-unexpected-uncompressed-record = SSL received an unexpected uncompressed record. ssl-error-weak-server-ephemeral-dh-key = ה־SSL קיבלת מפתח דיפי־הלמן קצר מועד בהודעת לחיצת היד של החלפת מפתחות השרתים. ssl-error-next-protocol-data-invalid = SSL קיבל נתוני הרחבת NPN לא חוקיים. ssl-error-feature-not-supported-for-ssl2 = תכונת SSL שאינה נתמכת בחיבורי SSL 2.0. ssl-error-feature-not-supported-for-servers = תכונת SSL שאינה נתמכת בשרתים. ssl-error-feature-not-supported-for-clients = תכונת SSL שאינה נתמכת בלקוחות. ssl-error-invalid-version-range = טווח גרסאות ה־SSL אינו תקין. ssl-error-cipher-disallowed-for-version = עמית ה־SSL בחר בערכת הצפנה שאינה מורשית עבור גרסת הפרוטוקול הנבחרת. ssl-error-rx-malformed-hello-verify-request = ה־SSL קיבל הודעת לחיצת יד פגומה מסוג Hello Verify Request. ssl-error-rx-unexpected-hello-verify-request = ה־SSL קיבל הודעת לחיצת יד בלתי צפויה מסוג Hello Verify Request. ssl-error-feature-not-supported-for-version = תכונת ה־SSL לא נתמכת עבור גרסת הפרוטוקול. ssl-error-rx-unexpected-cert-status = ה־SSL קיבל הודעת לחיצת יד בלתי צפויה מסוג Certificate Status. ssl-error-unsupported-hash-algorithm = נעשה שימוש באלגוריתם גיבוב בלתי נתמך על־ידי העמית ל־TLS. ssl-error-digest-failure = פונקצית תמצית המסר כשלה. ssl-error-incorrect-signature-algorithm = אלגוריתם החתימה שצוין ברכיב החתום דיגיטלית שגוי. ssl-error-next-protocol-no-callback = הרחבת פרוטוקול המשא ומתן הבאה הופעלה, אך הקריאה החוזרת נמחקה לפני שהתגלה בה צורך. ssl-error-next-protocol-no-protocol = השרת לא תומך באף אחד מהפרוטוקולים שהלקוח פרסם בהרחבת ה־ALPN שלו. ssl-error-inappropriate-fallback-alert = השרת דחה את לחיצת היד כיוון שהלקוח שנמך לגרסת TLS נמוכה מאלו שהשרת תומך בהן. ssl-error-weak-server-cert-key = אישור השרת כלל תעודה ציבורית שהייתה חלשה מדי. ssl-error-rx-short-dtls-read = אין מספיק מקום במאגר לרשומת DTLS. ssl-error-no-supported-signature-algorithm = לא הוגדר אלגוריתם חתימת TLS נתמך. ssl-error-unsupported-signature-algorithm = העמית השתמש בצירוף בלתי נתמך של חתימה ואלגוריתם גיבוב. ssl-error-missing-extended-master-secret = העמית ניסה להמשיך ללא הרחבת extended_master_secret נכונה. ssl-error-unexpected-extended-master-secret = העמית ניסה להמשיך עם הרחבת extended_master_secret בלתי צפויה. sec-error-io = An I/O error occurred during security authorization. sec-error-library-failure = security library failure. sec-error-bad-data = security library: received bad data. sec-error-output-len = security library: output length error. sec-error-input-len = security library has experienced an input length error. sec-error-invalid-args = security library: invalid arguments. sec-error-invalid-algorithm = security library: invalid algorithm. sec-error-invalid-ava = security library: invalid AVA. sec-error-invalid-time = Improperly formatted time string. sec-error-bad-der = security library: improperly formatted DER-encoded message. sec-error-bad-signature = Peer's certificate has an invalid signature. sec-error-expired-certificate = Peer's Certificate has expired. sec-error-revoked-certificate = Peer's Certificate has been revoked. sec-error-unknown-issuer = Peer's Certificate issuer is not recognized. sec-error-bad-key = Peer's public key is invalid. sec-error-bad-password = The security password entered is incorrect. sec-error-retry-password = New password entered incorrectly. Please try again. sec-error-no-nodelock = security library: no nodelock. sec-error-bad-database = security library: bad database. sec-error-no-memory = security library: memory allocation failure. sec-error-untrusted-issuer = Peer's certificate issuer has been marked as not trusted by the user. sec-error-untrusted-cert = Peer's certificate has been marked as not trusted by the user. sec-error-duplicate-cert = Certificate already exists in your database. sec-error-duplicate-cert-name = Downloaded certificate's name duplicates one already in your database. sec-error-adding-cert = Error adding certificate to database. sec-error-filing-key = Error refiling the key for this certificate. sec-error-no-key = The private key for this certificate cannot be found in key database sec-error-cert-valid = This certificate is valid. sec-error-cert-not-valid = This certificate is not valid. sec-error-cert-no-response = Cert Library: No Response sec-error-expired-issuer-certificate = The certificate issuer's certificate has expired. Check your system date and time. sec-error-crl-expired = The CRL for the certificate's issuer has expired. Update it or check your system date and time. sec-error-crl-bad-signature = The CRL for the certificate's issuer has an invalid signature. sec-error-crl-invalid = לרשימת ביטולי האישורים החדשה יש תבנית לא חוקית. sec-error-extension-value-invalid = Certificate extension value is invalid. sec-error-extension-not-found = Certificate extension not found. sec-error-ca-cert-invalid = Issuer certificate is invalid. sec-error-path-len-constraint-invalid = Certificate path length constraint is invalid. sec-error-cert-usages-invalid = Certificate usages field is invalid. sec-internal-only = **Internal ONLY module** sec-error-invalid-key = המפתח אינו תומך בפעולה המבוקשת. sec-error-unknown-critical-extension = Certificate contains unknown critical extension. sec-error-old-crl = New CRL is not later than the current one. sec-error-no-email-cert = Not encrypted or signed: you do not yet have an email certificate. sec-error-no-recipient-certs-query = Not encrypted: you do not have certificates for each of the recipients. sec-error-not-a-recipient = Cannot decrypt: you are not a recipient, or matching certificate and private key not found. sec-error-pkcs7-keyalg-mismatch = Cannot decrypt: key encryption algorithm does not match your certificate. sec-error-pkcs7-bad-signature = אימות החתימה נכשל: לא נמצא חותם, נמצאו יותר מדי חותמים או שהנתונים פגומים או בלתי תקניים. sec-error-unsupported-keyalg = Unsupported or unknown key algorithm. sec-error-decryption-disallowed = Cannot decrypt: encrypted using a disallowed algorithm or key size. sec-error-no-krl = No KRL for this site's certificate has been found. sec-error-krl-expired = The KRL for this site's certificate has expired. sec-error-krl-bad-signature = The KRL for this site's certificate has an invalid signature. sec-error-revoked-key = The key for this site's certificate has been revoked. sec-error-krl-invalid = New KRL has an invalid format. sec-error-need-random = security library: need random data. sec-error-no-module = security library: no security module can perform the requested operation. sec-error-no-token = The security card or token does not exist, needs to be initialized, or has been removed. sec-error-read-only = security library: read-only database. sec-error-no-slot-selected = No slot or token was selected. sec-error-cert-nickname-collision = A certificate with the same nickname already exists. sec-error-key-nickname-collision = A key with the same nickname already exists. sec-error-safe-not-created = error while creating safe object sec-error-baggage-not-created = error while creating baggage object sec-error-bad-export-algorithm = Required algorithm is not allowed. sec-error-exporting-certificates = Error attempting to export certificates. sec-error-importing-certificates = Error attempting to import certificates. sec-error-pkcs12-decoding-pfx = Unable to import. Decoding error. File not valid. sec-error-pkcs12-invalid-mac = Unable to import. Invalid MAC. Incorrect password or corrupt file. sec-error-pkcs12-unsupported-mac-algorithm = Unable to import. MAC algorithm not supported. sec-error-pkcs12-unsupported-transport-mode = Unable to import. Only password integrity and privacy modes supported. sec-error-pkcs12-corrupt-pfx-structure = Unable to import. File structure is corrupt. sec-error-pkcs12-unsupported-pbe-algorithm = Unable to import. Encryption algorithm not supported. sec-error-pkcs12-unsupported-version = Unable to import. File version not supported. sec-error-pkcs12-privacy-password-incorrect = Unable to import. Incorrect privacy password. sec-error-pkcs12-cert-collision = Unable to import. Same nickname already exists in database. sec-error-user-cancelled = The user pressed cancel. sec-error-pkcs12-duplicate-data = Not imported, already in database. sec-error-message-send-aborted = Message not sent. sec-error-inadequate-key-usage = Certificate key usage inadequate for attempted operation. sec-error-inadequate-cert-type = Certificate type not approved for application. sec-error-cert-addr-mismatch = Address in signing certificate does not match address in message headers. sec-error-pkcs12-unable-to-import-key = Unable to import. Error attempting to import private key. sec-error-pkcs12-importing-cert-chain = Unable to import. Error attempting to import certificate chain. sec-error-pkcs12-unable-to-locate-object-by-name = Unable to export. Unable to locate certificate or key by nickname. sec-error-pkcs12-unable-to-export-key = Unable to export. Private Key could not be located and exported. sec-error-pkcs12-unable-to-write = Unable to export. Unable to write the export file. sec-error-pkcs12-unable-to-read = Unable to import. Unable to read the import file. sec-error-pkcs12-key-database-not-initialized = Unable to export. Key database corrupt or deleted. sec-error-keygen-fail = Unable to generate public/private key pair. sec-error-invalid-password = Password entered is invalid. Please pick a different one. sec-error-retry-old-password = Old password entered incorrectly. Please try again. sec-error-bad-nickname = Certificate nickname already in use. sec-error-not-fortezza-issuer = Peer FORTEZZA chain has a non-FORTEZZA Certificate. sec-error-cannot-move-sensitive-key = A sensitive key cannot be moved to the slot where it is needed. sec-error-js-invalid-module-name = שם מודול לא חוקי. sec-error-js-invalid-dll = Invalid module path/filename sec-error-js-add-mod-failure = לא ניתן להוסיף מודול sec-error-js-del-mod-failure = לא ניתן למחוק מודול sec-error-old-krl = New KRL is not later than the current one. sec-error-ckl-conflict = New CKL has different issuer than current CKL. Delete current CKL. sec-error-cert-not-in-name-space = הרשות המאשרת לאישור אבטחה זה אינה מורשית להנפיק אישור אבטחה בשם זה. sec-error-krl-not-yet-valid = The key revocation list for this certificate is not yet valid. sec-error-crl-not-yet-valid = The certificate revocation list for this certificate is not yet valid. sec-error-unknown-cert = The requested certificate could not be found. sec-error-unknown-signer = The signer's certificate could not be found. sec-error-cert-bad-access-location = The location for the certificate status server has invalid format. sec-error-ocsp-unknown-response-type = The OCSP response cannot be fully decoded; it is of an unknown type. sec-error-ocsp-bad-http-response = The OCSP server returned unexpected/invalid HTTP data. sec-error-ocsp-malformed-request = The OCSP server found the request to be corrupted or improperly formed. sec-error-ocsp-server-error = The OCSP server experienced an internal error. sec-error-ocsp-try-server-later = The OCSP server suggests trying again later. sec-error-ocsp-request-needs-sig = The OCSP server requires a signature on this request. sec-error-ocsp-unauthorized-request = The OCSP server has refused this request as unauthorized. sec-error-ocsp-unknown-response-status = The OCSP server returned an unrecognizable status. sec-error-ocsp-unknown-cert = The OCSP server has no status for the certificate. sec-error-ocsp-not-enabled = You must enable OCSP before performing this operation. sec-error-ocsp-no-default-responder = You must set the OCSP default responder before performing this operation. sec-error-ocsp-malformed-response = The response from the OCSP server was corrupted or improperly formed. sec-error-ocsp-unauthorized-response = The signer of the OCSP response is not authorized to give status for this certificate. sec-error-ocsp-future-response = The OCSP response is not yet valid (contains a date in the future). sec-error-ocsp-old-response = The OCSP response contains out-of-date information. sec-error-digest-not-found = The CMS or PKCS #7 Digest was not found in signed message. sec-error-unsupported-message-type = The CMS or PKCS #7 Message type is unsupported. sec-error-module-stuck = PKCS #11 module could not be removed because it is still in use. sec-error-bad-template = Could not decode ASN.1 data. Specified template was invalid. sec-error-crl-not-found = No matching CRL was found. sec-error-reused-issuer-and-serial = אתה מנסה לייבא אישור אבטחה בעל אותו המנפיק/מספר סידורי כמו אישור שכבר קיים, אך הוא אינו אותו האישור. sec-error-busy = NSS could not shutdown. Objects are still in use. sec-error-extra-input = DER-encoded message contained extra unused data. sec-error-unsupported-elliptic-curve = Unsupported elliptic curve. sec-error-unsupported-ec-point-form = Unsupported elliptic curve point form. sec-error-unrecognized-oid = Unrecognized Object Identifier. sec-error-ocsp-invalid-signing-cert = Invalid OCSP signing certificate in OCSP response. sec-error-revoked-certificate-crl = Certificate is revoked in issuer's certificate revocation list. sec-error-revoked-certificate-ocsp = Issuer's OCSP responder reports certificate is revoked. sec-error-crl-invalid-version = Issuer's Certificate Revocation List has an unknown version number. sec-error-crl-v1-critical-extension = Issuer's V1 Certificate Revocation List has a critical extension. sec-error-crl-unknown-critical-extension = Issuer's V2 Certificate Revocation List has an unknown critical extension. sec-error-unknown-object-type = Unknown object type specified. sec-error-incompatible-pkcs11 = PKCS #11 driver violates the spec in an incompatible way. sec-error-no-event = No new slot event is available at this time. sec-error-crl-already-exists = CRL already exists. sec-error-not-initialized = NSS is not initialized. sec-error-token-not-logged-in = The operation failed because the PKCS#11 token is not logged in. sec-error-ocsp-responder-cert-invalid = Configured OCSP responder's certificate is invalid. sec-error-ocsp-bad-signature = OCSP response has an invalid signature. sec-error-out-of-search-limits = Cert validation search is out of search limits sec-error-invalid-policy-mapping = Policy mapping contains anypolicy sec-error-policy-validation-failed = Cert chain fails policy validation sec-error-unknown-aia-location-type = Unknown location type in cert AIA extension sec-error-bad-http-response = Server returned bad HTTP response sec-error-bad-ldap-response = Server returned bad LDAP response sec-error-failed-to-encode-data = Failed to encode data with ASN1 encoder sec-error-bad-info-access-location = Bad information access location in cert extension sec-error-libpkix-internal = אירעה שגיאה פנימית ב־Libpkix במהלך אימות אישור האבטחה. sec-error-pkcs11-general-error = A PKCS #11 module returned CKR_GENERAL_ERROR, indicating that an unrecoverable error has occurred. sec-error-pkcs11-function-failed = A PKCS #11 module returned CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED, indicating that the requested function could not be performed. Trying the same operation again might succeed. sec-error-pkcs11-device-error = A PKCS #11 module returned CKR_DEVICE_ERROR, indicating that a problem has occurred with the token or slot. sec-error-bad-info-access-method = Unknown information access method in certificate extension. sec-error-crl-import-failed = Error attempting to import a CRL. sec-error-expired-password = פג תוקף הססמה. sec-error-locked-password = הססמה ננעלה. sec-error-unknown-pkcs11-error = שגיאת PKCS #11 לא ידועה. sec-error-bad-crl-dp-url = כתובת לא חוקית או לא נתמכת בשם נקודת ההפצה של CRL. sec-error-cert-signature-algorithm-disabled = אישור האבטחה נחתם על־ידי אלגוריתם חתימה שנוטרל מכיוון שאינו מאובטח. mozilla-pkix-error-ca-cert-used-as-end-entity = השרת משתמש באישור עם הרחבת אילוצים בסיסית שגורמת לו להזדהות בתור רשות אישורים. זה לא אמור לקרות אם האישור הונפק כראוי. mozilla-pkix-error-inadequate-key-size = השרת הציג אישור עם גודל מפתח קטן מכדי לקיים חיבור מאובטח. mozilla-pkix-error-not-yet-valid-certificate = השרת הציג אישור שאינו תקף עוד. mozilla-pkix-error-not-yet-valid-issuer-certificate = נעשה שימוש באישור שאינו תקף עדיין לצורך הנפקת אישור השרת. mozilla-pkix-error-signature-algorithm-mismatch = אלגוריתם החתימה בשדה החתימה של האישור אינו תואם לאלגוריתם שבשדה ה־signatureAlgorithm שלו. mozilla-pkix-error-ocsp-response-for-cert-missing = תגובת ה־OCSP אינה כוללת את מצב האישור בהליכי אימות. mozilla-pkix-error-validity-too-long = השרת הציג אישור שאינו תקף כבר במשך זמן רב. mozilla-pkix-error-required-tls-feature-missing = תכונת ה־TLS הנדרשת חסרה. mozilla-pkix-error-invalid-integer-encoding = השרת הציג אישור שמכיל קידוד שגוי של מספר שלם וחיובי. הסיבות הנפוצות לכך הן מספרי סידוריים שליליים, שאריות שליליות של RSA וקידודים ארוכים מהנדרש. mozilla-pkix-error-additional-policy-constraint-failed = אילוץ מדיניות נוסף נכשל בעת אימות האישור הזה. mozilla-pkix-error-self-signed-cert = האישור אינו מהימן מכיוון שהוא נחתם עצמית. xp-java-remove-principal-error = Couldn't remove the principal xp-java-delete-privilege-error = Couldn't delete the privilege xp-java-cert-not-exists-error = This principal doesn't have a certificate xp-sec-fortezza-bad-card = Fortezza card has not been properly initialized. Please remove it and return it to your issuer. xp-sec-fortezza-no-card = No Fortezza cards Found xp-sec-fortezza-none-selected = No Fortezza card selected xp-sec-fortezza-more-info = Please select a personality to get more info on xp-sec-fortezza-person-not-found = Personality not found xp-sec-fortezza-no-more-info = No more information on that Personality xp-sec-fortezza-bad-pin = Invalid Pin xp-sec-fortezza-person-error = Couldn't initialize Fortezza personalities.