# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # Map Expat error codes to error strings 1 = sin memoria 2 = error de syntaxe 3 = nulle elemento radice trovate 4 = non ben-formate 5 = token non terminate 6 = character partial 7 = tag discordante 8 = attributo duplicate 9 = datos superflue post le elemento de documento 10 = referentia de identitate con parametro illegal 11 = entitate indefinite 12 = referentia de entitate recursive 13 = entitate asynchrone 14 = referentia a un numero de character non valide 15 = referentia a un entitate binari 16 = referentia a un entitate externe in attributo 17 = XML o declaration de texto non al initio del entitate 18 = codification incognite 19 = le codification specificate in le declaration XML es incorrecte 20 = section CDATA non clause 21 = error in le processo del referentia de entitate externe 22 = le documento non es autonome 23 = stato del interprete inexpectate 24 = entitate declarate in entitate de parametro 27 = prefixo non legate a un spatio de nomine 28 = non debe supprimer le declaration del prefixo 29 = marcation incomplete in entitate de parametro 30 = declaration XML non ben-formate 31 = declaration de texto non ben-formate 32 = character(es) illegal in id public 38 = le prefixo reservate (xhl) non pote haber su declaration cancellate ni esser ligate a un altere nomine de spatio de nomines 39 = le prefixo reservate (xmlns) non debe esser declarate o haber su declaration cancellate 40 = le prefixo non debe esser ligate a un del nomines reservate de spatio de nomines # %1$S is replaced by the Expat error string, may be followed by Expected (see below) # %2$S is replaced by URL # %3$u is replaced by line number # %4$u is replaced by column number XMLParsingError = XML Error de interpretation: %1$S\nLocation: %2$S\nLinea numero %3$u, Columna %4$u: # %S is replaced by a tag name. # This gets appended to the error string if the error is mismatched tag. Expected = . Expectate: .