# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. ### These strings are used in DevTools’ performance-new panel, about:profiling, and ### the remote profiling panel. There are additional profiler strings in the appmenu.ftl ### file that are used for the profiler popup. perftools-intro-title = Stillingar afkastavaktar ## All of the headings for the various sections. perftools-heading-settings = Fullar stillingar perftools-heading-features = Eiginleikar perftools-heading-features-disabled = Óvirkir eiginleikar perftools-heading-features-experimental = Á tilraunastigi perftools-heading-threads = Þræðir perftools-heading-threads-jvm = JVM-þræðir ## ## The controls for the interval at which the profiler samples the code. ## # The size of the memory buffer used to store things in the profiler. perftools-range-entries-label = Stærð biðminnis: perftools-devtools-threads-label = Þræðir: perftools-devtools-settings-label = Stillingar ## Various statuses that affect the current state of profiling, not typically displayed. ## These are shown briefly when the user is waiting for the profiler to respond. ## perftools-button-restart = Endurræsa perftools-button-add-directory = Bæta við möppu perftools-button-remove-directory = Fjarlægja valið perftools-button-edit-settings = Breyta stillingum… ## These messages are descriptions of the threads that can be enabled for the profiler. ## ## Onboarding UI labels. These labels are displayed in the new performance panel UI, when ## devtools.performance.new-panel-onboarding preference is true. perftools-onboarding-close-button = .aria-label = Loka kynningarskilaboðunum ## Profiler presets # Presets and their l10n IDs are defined in the file # devtools/client/performance-new/shared/background.jsm.js # The same labels and descriptions are also defined in appmenu.ftl. perftools-presets-web-developer-label = Vefhönnun perftools-presets-web-developer-description = Sú forstilling sem mælt er með fyrir villuleit flestra vefforrita, með litlum fórnarkostnaði í afköstum. perftools-presets-graphics-label = Myndefni perftools-presets-graphics-description = Sú forstilling sem mælt er með til að rannsaka myndrænar villur í { -brand-shorter-name }. perftools-presets-media-label = Margmiðlunargögn perftools-presets-media-description2 = Sú forstilling sem mælt er með til að rannsaka hljóð- og myndvandamál í { -brand-shorter-name }. perftools-presets-networking-label = Netvinnsla perftools-presets-networking-description = Sú forstilling sem mælt er með til að rannsaka netkerfisvillur í { -brand-shorter-name }. # "Power" is used in the sense of energy (electricity used by the computer). perftools-presets-power-label = Orka perftools-presets-power-description = Forstilling til að rannsaka orkunotkunarvillur í { -brand-shorter-name }, með lágum afkastakostnaði. perftools-presets-custom-label = Sérsniðið ##