# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # LOCALIZATION NOTE These strings are used in the shared React components, # so files in `devtools/client/shared/components/*`. frame.unknownSource = (sconosciuto) frame.viewsourceindebugger = Visualizza sorgente in Debugger → %S frame.viewsourceinstyleeditor = Visualizza sorgente in Editor stili → %S notificationBox.closeTooltip = Chiudi questo messaggio appErrorBoundary.description = Si è verificato un arresto anomalo del pannello %S. appErrorBoundary.fileBugButton = Apri un bug appErrorBoundary.reloadPanelInfo = Chiudere e riaprire la cassetta degli attrezzi per rimuovere questo errore. searchModifier.regExpModifier = Espressione regolare searchModifier.caseSensitiveModifier = Maiuscole/minuscole searchModifier.wholeWordModifier = Parole intere searchBox.clearButtonTitle = Cancella filtro treeNode.collapseButtonTitle = Comprimi treeNode.expandButtonTitle = Espandi