# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # LOCALIZATION NOTE These strings are used inside the Inspector # which is available from the Browser Tools sub-menu -> 'Inspect'. # # The correct localization of this file might be to keep it in # English, or another language commonly spoken among web developers. # You want to make that choice consistent across the developer tools. # A good criteria is the language in which you'd find the best # documentation on web development on the web. inspector.panelLabel.markupView=마크업 보기 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (markupView.more.showing) # When there are too many nodes to load at once, we will offer to # show all the nodes. markupView.more.showing=몇몇 노드는 숨겨져 있습니다. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (markupView.more.showAll2): Semi-colon list of plural forms. # See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals markupView.more.showAll2=노드 #1개 더 보기 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (markupView.whitespaceOnly.label) # Used in the badge that appears when whitespace-only text nodes are displayed in the # inspector. markupView.whitespaceOnly.label=공백 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (markupView.unavailableChildren.label) # Used in the badge that appears when the Browser Toolbox is in "parent-process" # mode and the markup view cannot display the children from a content browser. markupView.unavailableChildren.label=사용할 수 없음 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (markupView.unavailableChildren.title) # Title for the badge that appears when the Browser Toolbox is in "parent-process" # mode and the markup view cannot display the children from a content browser. markupView.unavailableChildren.title=이 요소의 자식은 현재 브라우저 도구상자 모드에서 사용할 수 없음 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (markupView.whitespaceOnly) # Used in a tooltip that appears when the user hovers over whitespace-only text nodes in # the inspector. %S in the content will be replaced by the whitespace characters used in # the text node. markupView.whitespaceOnly=공백 문자만 있는 텍스트 노드: %S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (markupView.display.flex.tooltiptext2) # Used in a tooltip that appears when the user hovers over the display type button in # the markup view. markupView.display.flex.tooltiptext2=이 요소는 블록 요소처럼 동작하며 flexbox 모델에 따라 내용을 배치합니다. 이 요소에 대한 flexbox 오버레이를 전환하려면 누르세요. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (markupView.display.inlineFlex.tooltiptext2) # Used in a tooltip that appears when the user hovers over the display type button in # the markup view. markupView.display.inlineFlex.tooltiptext2=이 요소는 인라인 요소처럼 동작하며 flexbox 모델에 따라 내용을 배치합니다. 이 요소에 대한 flexbox 오버레이를 전환하려면 누르세요. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (markupView.display.grid.tooltiptext2) # Used in a tooltip that appears when the user hovers over the display type button in # the markup view. markupView.display.grid.tooltiptext2=이 요소는 블록 요소처럼 동작하며 그리드 모델에 따라 내용을 배치합니다. 이 요소에 대한 그리드 오버레이를 전환하려면 누르세요. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (markupView.display.inlineGrid.tooltiptext2) # Used in a tooltip that appears when the user hovers over the display type button in # the markup view. markupView.display.inlineGrid.tooltiptext2=이 요소는 인라인 요소처럼 동작하며 그리드 모델에 따라 내용을 배치합니다. 이 요소에 대한 그리드 오버레이를 전환하려면 누르세요. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (markupView.display.subgrid.tooltiptext) # Used in a tooltip that appears when the user hovers over the display type button in # the markup view. markupView.display.subgrid.tooltiptiptext=이 요소는 그리드 모델에 따라서 안의 콘텐츠를 배치하지만 열과 행의 정의는 부모 그리드 컨테이너를 따릅니다. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (markupView.display.flowRoot.tooltiptext) # Used in a tooltip that appears when the user hovers over the display type button in # the markup view. markupView.display.flowRoot.tooltiptext=이 요소는 새로운 블록 형태의 문맥을 형성하는 블록 요소 박스를 생성합니다. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (markupView.display.contents.tooltiptext2) # Used in a tooltip that appears when the user hovers over the display type button in # the markup view. markupView.display.contents.tooltiptext2=이 요소는 박스를 생성하지 않지만 안의 내용을 표시합니다. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (markupView.event.tooltiptext) # Used in a tooltip that appears when the user hovers over 'event' badge in # the markup view. markupView.event.tooltiptext=이벤트 리스너 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (markupView.event.tooltiptext) # Used in a tooltip that appears when the user hovers over 'event' badge in # the markup view. markupView.event.tooltiptext2=이 요소에 대한 이벤트 리스너를 표시하려면 누르세요 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (markupView.custom.tooltiptext) # Used in a tooltip that appears when the user hovers over 'custom' badge in # the markup view. Only displayed on custom elements with a shadow root attached. markupView.custom.tooltiptext=사용자 지정 요소 정의 보기 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (markupView.newAttribute.label) # This is used to speak the New Attribute button when editing a tag # and a screen reader user tabs to it. This string is not visible onscreen. markupView.newAttribute.label=새 속성 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (markupView.revealLink.tooltip) # Used as a tooltip for an icon in the markup view when displaying elements inserted in # nodes in a custom component. When clicking on the icon, the corresponding # non-slotted container will be selected markupView.revealLink.tooltip=표시 #LOCALIZATION NOTE: Used in the image preview tooltip when the image could not be loaded previewTooltip.image.brokenImage=이미지를 읽어들이지 못했음 # LOCALIZATION NOTE: Used in color picker tooltip when the eyedropper is disabled for # non-HTML documents eyedropper.disabled.title=HTM이 아닌 문서에서 사용할 수 없음 #LOCALIZATION NOTE: Used in the event tooltip to allow the debugger to be opened eventsTooltip.openInDebugger=디버거에서 열기 # LOCALIZATION NOTE: Used in the event tooltip for the toggle button. # Parameter is the event type (e.g. "click") eventsTooltip.toggleButton.label="%S" 이벤트 리스너 코드 #LOCALIZATION NOTE: Used in the event tooltip to allow the debugger to be opened eventsTooltip.openInDebugger2=디버거에서 "%S" 열기 #LOCALIZATION NOTE: Used in the event tooltip when a script's filename cannot be detected eventsTooltip.unknownLocation=알 수 없는 위치 #LOCALIZATION NOTE: Used in the mouseover tooltip when hovering "Unknown location." eventsTooltip.unknownLocationExplanation=이 리스너의 원래 위치를 감지할 수 없습니다. 코드가 Babel과 같은 유틸리티에 의해 변환되었을 수 있습니다. # LOCALIZATION NOTE: Label for the checkbox in the event tooltip that toggles event listeners # Parameter is the event type (e.g. "click") eventsTooltip.toggleListenerLabel="%S" 이벤트 리스너 활성화 #LOCALIZATION NOTE: Used in the tooltip for Bubbling eventsTooltip.Bubbling=버블링 #LOCALIZATION NOTE: Used in the tooltip for Capturing eventsTooltip.Capturing=캡처링 # LOCALIZATION NOTE: Title of the iframe we use in the event tooltip to display the code of # the event listener. Parameter is the event type (e.g. "click") eventsTooltip.codeIframeTitle="%S" 이벤트 리스너 코드 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (allTabsMenuButton.tooltip): The tooltip that gets # displayed when hovering over the tabs overflow button. allTabsMenuButton.tooltip=모든 탭 표시 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspector.showThreePaneMode): This is the tooltip for the button # that toggles on the 3 pane inspector mode. inspector.showThreePaneMode=3 창 검사기 표시 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspector.hideThreePaneMode): This is the tooltip for the button # that toggles off the 3 pane inspector mode. inspector.hideThreePaneMode=3 창 검사기 숨기기 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspector.searchResultsCount2): This is the label that # will show up next to the inspector search box. %1$S is the current result # index and %2$S is the total number of search results. For example: "3 of 9". # This won't be visible until the search box is updated in Bug 835896. inspector.searchResultsCount2=%1$S / %2$S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspector.searchResultsNone): This is the label that # will show up next to the inspector search box when no matches were found # for the given string. # This won't be visible until the search box is updated in Bug 835896. inspector.searchResultsNone=일치하는 것이 없음 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspector.menu.openUrlInNewTab.label): This is the label of # a menu item in the inspector contextual-menu that appears when the user right- # clicks on the attribute of a node in the inspector that is a URL, and that # allows to open that URL in a new tab. inspector.menu.openUrlInNewTab.label=링크를 새 탭에서 열기 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspector.menu.copyUrlToClipboard.label): This is the label # of a menu item in the inspector contextual-menu that appears when the user # right-clicks on the attribute of a node in the inspector that is a URL, and # that allows to copy that URL in the clipboard. inspector.menu.copyUrlToClipboard.label=링크 주소 복사 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspector.menu.selectElement.label): This is the label of a # menu item in the inspector contextual-menu that appears when the user right- # clicks on the attribute of a node in the inspector that is the ID of another # element in the DOM (like with