# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, # You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # Roles menubar = bara do menû scrollbar = bara de scorimento grip = preiza alert = alarme menupopup = menû popup document = documento pane = riquaddro dialog = dialogo separator = separatô toolbar = bara di strumenti statusbar = bara de stato table = tabella columnheader = testâ da colònna rowheader = testâ da riga column = colònna row = riga cell = çella link = colegamento list = lista listitem = lista d'ògetti outline = feua da linia outlineitem = ògetto feua da linia pagetab = tab da pagina propertypage = propietæ da pagina graphic = grafico switch = interutô pushbutton = pomello checkbutton = pomello check radiobutton = pomello radio combobox = combo box progressbar = bara do progresso slider = slider spinbutton = pomello spin diagram = diagramma animation = animaçion equation = ecoaçion buttonmenu = pomello menu whitespace = spaçio gianco pagetablist = lista di tab da pagina canvas = canvas checkmenuitem = contròlla i ògetti do menû passwordtext = canpo paròlla segreta radiomenuitem = ògetti do menû radio textcontainer = contenitô de testo togglebutton = pomello toggle treetable = tabella a erbo header = testâ footer = fondo paragraph = paragrafo entry = intrâ caption = titolo heading = testâ section = sescion form = da comboboxlist = lista de combo box comboboxoption = inpostaçioin da combo box imagemap = mappa da inmagine listboxoption = inpostaçioin da list box listbox = list box flatequation = flat equation gridcell = çella da griglia note = nòtta figure = figua definitionlist = elenco definiçioin term = termine definition = definiçion mathmltable = tabella matematica mathmlcell = çella mathmlenclosed = drento mathmlfraction = fraçion mathmlfractionwithoutbar = fraçion sensa bara mathmlroot = reixe mathmlscripted = corsivo mathmlsquareroot = reixe quadrâ # More sophisticated roles which are not actual numeric roles textarea = area de testo base = baze close-fence = elemento de seramento denominator = denominatô numerator = numeratô open-fence = elemento de avertua overscript = sorviascrito presubscript = pre-sottascrito presuperscript = pre-sorviascrito root-index = indice reixe subscript = pedice superscript = apice underscript = sottascrito # More sophisticated object descriptions headingLevel = levello da testâ %S # Landmark announcements banner = banner complementary = conplementâ contentinfo = info contegnui main = prinçipâ navigation = navegaçion search = riçerca stateRequired = obligatöio