# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. ### Speech Dispatches is the name of a speech synthesis tool and shouldn’t be ### localized (https://freebsoft.org/speechd). speech-dispatcher-lib-missing = Jūs nevarat izmantot runas sintēzi, jo trūkst runas dispečera bibliotēkas. speech-dispatcher-lib-too-old = Jūs nevarat izmantot runas sintēzi, jo runas dispečers ir jāatjaunina. speech-dispatcher-missing-symbol = Jūs nevarat izmantot runas sintēzi, jo runas dispečera bibliotēka ir bojāta. speech-dispatcher-open-fail = Jūs nevarat izmantot runas sintēzi, jo runas dispečers neatveras. speech-dispatcher-no-voices = Jūs nevarat izmantot runas sintēzi, jo programmā Speech Dispecher nav pieejamas balsis. speech-dispatcher-dismiss-button = .label = Vairs nerādīt .accesskey = V