# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. malformedURI2=Gonnae mak siccar that the URL is richt and gie it anither shot. fileNotFound=The file %S cannae be fund. Gonnae mak shair the airtin is richt and gie it anither shot. fileAccessDenied=The file at %S is no readable. dnsNotFound2=%S couldnae be fund. Gonnae check the nemme and gie it anither shot. unknownProtocolFound=Ane o the follaein (%S) isnae a registered protocol or isnae allooed in this context. connectionFailure=The connection wis refuised when ettlin fur tae get in touch wi %S. netInterrupt=The connection tae %S has been cut aff aw o a sudden. Some data micht no hae been flittit. netTimeout=The operation timed oot when ettlin fur tae get in touch wi %S. redirectLoop=Redirection leemit for this URL owergaen. No able tae load the speirt-efter page. This is mebbe doon tae cookies that are blockit. confirmRepostPrompt=Tae kythe this page, the application maun send information that will dae-ower onie action (sic as a sairch or order confirmation) that wis duin afore. resendButton.label=Resend unknownSocketType=This document cannae be kythed unless ye instaw the Personal Siccarness Manager (PSM). Doonload and instaw PSM and gie it anither shottie, or get in touch wi yer system admeenistrator. netReset=The document conteens nae data. notCached=This document isnae available oniemair. netOffline=Thon document cannae be kythed while affline. Tae gang online, uncheck Wirk Affline fae the File menu. isprinting=The document cannae chynge while Prentin or in Prent Preview. deniedPortAccess=Ingang tae the port nummer gien has been disabled for reasons o siccarness. proxyResolveFailure=The proxy server ye've confeegurt couldnae be airtit-oot. Gonnae check yer proxy settins and gie it anither shot. proxyConnectFailure=The connection wis refuised when ettling fur tae get in touch wi the proxy server ye've confeegurt. Gonnae check yer proxy settins and gie it anither shot. contentEncodingError=The page ye're ettlin tae luik at cannae be shawn acause it yaises a form o compression that's either no suithfest or no supportit. unsafeContentType=The page ye're ettlin tae luik at cannae be kythed acause it's conteened in a file type that's mebbe no siccar tae open. Gonnae get in touch wi the wabsite owners fur tae lat them ken aboot this problem. malwareBlocked=The site at %S has been reportit as an onding site and has been blockit based on yer siccarness preferences. harmfulBlocked=The site at %S has been reportit as ane that micht be hairmfu and has been blockit based on yer siccarness preferences. unwantedBlocked=The site at %S has been reportit as servin no wantit saftware and has been blockit based on yer siccarness preferences. deceptiveBlocked=This wab page at %S has been reportit as a bewgowkin site and has been blockit based on yer siccarness preferences. cspBlocked=This page has a content siccarness policy that staps it fae bein loadit in this wey. xfoBlocked=This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that staps it fae bein loadit in this context. corruptedContentErrorv2=The site at %S has unnergaen a netwark protocol violation that cannae be pit richt. sslv3Used=The siccarness o yer data on %S couldnae be guaranteed acause it yaises SSLv3, a braken siccarness protocol. weakCryptoUsed=The owner o %S hasnae confeegurt their wabsite richt. Tae stap yer information fae gettin pauchelt, the connection tae this wabsite hasnae been estaiblisht. inadequateSecurityError=The wabsite ettlet at negotiatin a level o siccarness that wisnae guid eneuch. blockedByPolicy=Yer organisation has blockit ingang tae this page or wabsite. networkProtocolError=Firefox has unnergaen a netwark protocol violation that cannae be pit richt.