# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. title-label = Aboot Plugins installed-plugins-label = Instawed plugins no-plugins-are-installed-label = Nae instawed plugins fund deprecation-description = Sowt missin? Some plugins arenae supportit onie mair. Learn More. deprecation-description2 = .message = Sowt missin? Some plugins arenae supportit onie mair. ## The information of plugins ## ## Variables: ## $pluginLibraries: the plugin library ## $pluginFullPath: path of the plugin ## $version: version of the plugin file-dd = File: { $pluginLibraries } path-dd = Path: { $pluginFullPath } version-dd = Version: { $version } ## These strings describe the state of plugins ## ## Variables: ## $blockListState: show some special state of the plugin, such as blocked, outdated state-dd-enabled = State: Enabled state-dd-enabled-block-list-state = State: Enabled ({ $blockListState }) state-dd-Disabled = State: Disabled state-dd-Disabled-block-list-state = State: Disabled ({ $blockListState }) mime-type-label = MIME Type description-label = Description suffixes-label = Suffixes ## Gecko Media Plugins (GMPs) plugins-gmp-license-info = Licence information plugins-gmp-privacy-info = Privacy Information plugins-openh264-name = OpenH264 Video Codec providit by Cisco Systems, Inc. plugins-openh264-description = This plugin is automatically instawed by Mozilla fur tae haud tae the WebRTC specification and tae enable WebRTC caws wi devices that need the H.264 video codec. Veesit https://www.openh264.org/ tae hae a luik at the codec soorce code and lairn mair aboot how it's implementit. plugins-widevine-name = Widevine Content Decryption Module providit by Google Inc. plugins-widevine-description = This plugin enables playback o encryptit media in keepin wi the Encryptit Media Extensions specification. Encryptit media is fur ordinar yaised by sites fur tae bield against copyin o premium media content. Veesit https://www.w3.org/TR/encrypted-media/ fur mair information on Encryptit Media Extensions.