# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. page-title = Fankle-fixin Information page-subtitle = This page conteens technical information that micht be yaisefu whan yer ettlin at solvin a problem. Gin yer luikin fur answers tae common speirins aboot { -brand-short-name }, hae a glisk at oor support website. crashes-title = Crash Reports crashes-id = Report ID crashes-send-date = Submittit crashes-all-reports = Aw Crash Reports crashes-no-config = This application hasnae been confeegurt fur tae kythe crash reports. support-addons-title = Eik-ons support-addons-name = Nemme support-addons-type = Type support-addons-enabled = Enabled support-addons-version = Version support-addons-id = ID security-software-title = Siccarness Saftware security-software-type = Type security-software-name = Nemme security-software-antivirus = Antivirus security-software-antispyware = Antispywaur security-software-firewall = Firewaw features-title = { -brand-short-name } Featurs features-name = Nemme features-version = Version features-id = ID processes-title = Remote Processes processes-type = Type processes-count = Coont app-basics-title = Application Basics app-basics-name = Nemme app-basics-version = Version app-basics-build-id = Build ID app-basics-distribution-id = Distreebution ID app-basics-update-channel = Update Channel # This message refers to the folder used to store updates on the device, # as in "Folder for updates". "Update" is a noun, not a verb. app-basics-update-dir = { PLATFORM() -> [linux] Update Directory *[other] Update Folder } app-basics-update-history = Update Historie app-basics-show-update-history = Kythe Update Historie # Represents the path to the binary used to start the application. app-basics-binary = Application Binary app-basics-profile-dir = { PLATFORM() -> [linux] Profile Directory *[other] Profile Folder } app-basics-enabled-plugins = Enabled Plugins app-basics-build-config = Build Confeeguration app-basics-user-agent = Yaiser Agent app-basics-os = OS app-basics-os-theme = OS Theme # Rosetta is Apple's translation process to run apps containing x86_64 # instructions on Apple Silicon. This should remain in English. app-basics-rosetta = Rosetta Owerset app-basics-memory-use = Memory Yaise app-basics-performance = Performance app-basics-service-workers = Registert Service Wirkers app-basics-third-party = Third-pairty Modules app-basics-profiles = Profiles app-basics-launcher-process-status = Launcher Process app-basics-multi-process-support = Multiprocess Windaes app-basics-fission-support = Fission Windaes app-basics-remote-processes-count = Remote Processes app-basics-enterprise-policies = Enterprise Policies app-basics-location-service-key-google = Google Airtin Service Key app-basics-safebrowsing-key-google = Google Saufstravaigin Key app-basics-key-mozilla = Mozilla Airtin Service Key app-basics-safe-mode = Sauf Mode show-dir-label = { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Kythe in Finder [windows] Open Folder *[other] Open Directory } environment-variables-title = Environment Shoogleables environment-variables-name = Nemme environment-variables-value = Vailue experimental-features-title = Newfangelt Featurs experimental-features-name = Nemme experimental-features-value = Vailue modified-key-prefs-title = Important Modified Preferences modified-prefs-name = Nemme modified-prefs-value = Vailue user-js-title = user.js Preferences user-js-description = Your profile folder conteens a user.js file, that includes preferences that wirnae makkit by { -brand-short-name }. locked-key-prefs-title = Important Locked Preferences locked-prefs-name = Nemme locked-prefs-value = Vailue graphics-title = Graphics graphics-features-title = Featurs graphics-diagnostics-title = Diagnostics graphics-failure-log-title = Failure Log graphics-gpu1-title = GPU #1 graphics-gpu2-title = GPU #2 graphics-decision-log-title = Deceesion Log graphics-crash-guards-title = Crash Guard Disabled Featurs graphics-workarounds-title = Warkaroonds # Windowing system in use on Linux (e.g. X11, Wayland). graphics-window-protocol = Windae Protocol # Desktop environment in use on Linux (e.g. GNOME, KDE, XFCE, etc). graphics-desktop-environment = Desktap Environment place-database-title = Places Database place-database-integrity = Integrity place-database-verify-integrity = Trystmak Integrity a11y-title = Accessibility a11y-activated = Activatit a11y-force-disabled = Stap Accessibility a11y-handler-used = Accessible Handler Yaised a11y-instantiator = Accessibility Instantiator library-version-title = Leebrar Versions copy-text-to-clipboard-label = Copy text tae clipbuird copy-raw-data-to-clipboard-label = Copy raw data tae clipbuird sandbox-title = Sandbox sandbox-sys-call-log-title = Rejectit System Caws sandbox-sys-call-index = # sandbox-sys-call-age = Seconds Syne sandbox-sys-call-pid = PID sandbox-sys-call-tid = TID sandbox-sys-call-proc-type = Process Type sandbox-sys-call-number = Syscall sandbox-sys-call-args = Airguments troubleshoot-mode-title = Diagnose issues restart-in-troubleshoot-mode-label = Fankle-fixin Mode… clear-startup-cache-title = Try dichtin the stertup cache clear-startup-cache-label = Dicht stertup cache… startup-cache-dialog-title2 = Restert { -brand-short-name } tae dicht stertup cache? startup-cache-dialog-body2 = This willnae chynge yer settins or remuive extensions. restart-button-label = Restert ## Media titles audio-backend = Soond Backend max-audio-channels = Max Chainnels sample-rate = Preferred Saumple Rate roundtrip-latency = Roondtrip latency (staunart deviation) media-title = Media media-output-devices-title = Ootpit Devices media-input-devices-title = Inpit Devices media-device-name = Nemme media-device-group = Group media-device-vendor = Dealer media-device-state = State media-device-preferred = Preferred media-device-format = Format media-device-channels = Chainnels media-device-rate = Rate media-device-latency = Latency media-capabilities-title = Media Capabilities # List all the entries of the database. media-capabilities-enumerate = Enumerate database ## Codec support table ## intl-title = Internationalization & Localization intl-app-title = Application Settins intl-locales-requested = Requestit Locales intl-locales-available = Locales At Haun intl-locales-supported = App Locales intl-locales-default = Default Locale intl-os-title = Operatin System intl-os-prefs-system-locales = System Locales intl-regional-prefs = Regional Preferences ## Remote Debugging ## ## The Firefox remote protocol provides low-level debugging interfaces ## used to inspect state and control execution of documents, ## browser instrumentation, user interaction simulation, ## and for subscribing to browser-internal events. ## ## See also https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/remote/ remote-debugging-title = Remote Bugdichtin (Chromium Protocol) remote-debugging-accepting-connections = Acceptin Connections remote-debugging-url = URL ## # Variables # $days (Integer) - Number of days of crashes to log report-crash-for-days = { $days -> [one] Crash Reports fur the Past { $days } Day *[other] Crash Reports fur the Past { $days } Days } # Variables # $minutes (integer) - Number of minutes since crash crashes-time-minutes = { $minutes -> [one] { $minutes } meenit syne *[other] { $minutes } meenits syne } # Variables # $hours (integer) - Number of hours since crash crashes-time-hours = { $hours -> [one] { $hours } oors syne *[other] { $hours } oors syne } # Variables # $days (integer) - Number of days since crash crashes-time-days = { $days -> [one] { $days } day syne *[other] { $days } days syne } # Variables # $reports (integer) - Number of pending reports pending-reports = { $reports -> [one] Aw Crash Reports (includin { $reports } pendin crash in the gien time range) *[other] Aw Crash Reports (includin { $reports } pendin crashes in the gien time range) } raw-data-copied = Raw data copied tae clipbuird text-copied = Text copied tae clipbuird ## The verb "blocked" here refers to a graphics feature such as "Direct2D" or "OpenGL layers". blocked-driver = Blockit fur yer graphics driver version. blocked-gfx-card = Blockit fur yer graphics caird acause o unresolvit driver issues. blocked-os-version = Blockit for yer operatin system version. blocked-mismatched-version = Blockit fur yer graphics driver version mismatch atween registry and DLL. # Variables # $driverVersion - The graphics driver version string try-newer-driver = Blockit fur yer graphics driver version. Try updatin yer graphics driver tae version { $driverVersion } or newer. # "ClearType" is a proper noun and should not be translated. Feel free to leave English strings if # there are no good translations, these are only used in about:support clear-type-parameters = ClearType Parameters compositing = Compositin hardware-h264 = Haurdware H264 Decodin main-thread-no-omtc = main threid, nae OMTC yes = Aye no = Naw unknown = Unkent virtual-monitor-disp = Virtual Monitor Display ## The following strings indicate if an API key has been found. ## In some development versions, it's expected for some API keys that they are ## not found. found = Fund missing = Missin gpu-process-pid = GPUProcessPid gpu-process = GPUProcess gpu-description = Description gpu-vendor-id = Dealer ID gpu-device-id = Device ID gpu-subsys-id = Subsys ID gpu-drivers = Drivers gpu-ram = RAM gpu-driver-vendor = Driver Dealer gpu-driver-version = Driver Version gpu-driver-date = Driver Date gpu-active = Active webgl1-wsiinfo = WabGL 1 Driver WSI Info webgl1-renderer = WabGL 1 Driver Renderer webgl1-version = WabGL 1 Driver Version webgl1-driver-extensions = WabGL 1 Driver Extensions webgl1-extensions = WabGL 1 Extensions webgl2-wsiinfo = WabGL 2 Driver WSI Info webgl2-renderer = WabGL 2 Driver Renderer webgl2-version = WabGL 2 Driver Version webgl2-driver-extensions = WabGL 2 Driver Extensions webgl2-extensions = WebGL 2 Extensions # Variables # $bugNumber (string) - Bug number on Bugzilla support-blocklisted-bug = Blocklistit due tae kent issues: bug { $bugNumber } # Variables # $failureCode (string) - String that can be searched in the source tree. unknown-failure = Blocklistit; failure code { $failureCode } d3d11layers-crash-guard = D3D11 Compositor glcontext-crash-guard = OpenGL wmfvpxvideo-crash-guard = WMF VPX Video Decoder reset-on-next-restart = Reset on Neist Restert gpu-process-kill-button = Stap GPU Process gpu-device-reset = Device Reset gpu-device-reset-button = Trigger Device Reset uses-tiling = Yaises Tilin content-uses-tiling = Yaises Tilin (Content) off-main-thread-paint-enabled = Aff Main Threid Pentin Enabled off-main-thread-paint-worker-count = Aff Main Threid Pentin Wirker Coont target-frame-rate = Target Frame Rate min-lib-versions = Expectit minimum version loaded-lib-versions = Version in yaise has-seccomp-bpf = Seccomp-BPF (System Caw Filterin) has-seccomp-tsync = Seccomp Threid Synchronization has-user-namespaces = Yaiser Nemmespaces has-privileged-user-namespaces = Yaiser Nemmespaces fur preevileged processes can-sandbox-content = Content Process Sandboxin can-sandbox-media = Media Plugin Sandboxin content-sandbox-level = Content Process Sandbox Level effective-content-sandbox-level = Effective Content Process Sandbox Level content-win32k-lockdown-state = Win32k Lockdoon State fur Content Process sandbox-proc-type-content = content sandbox-proc-type-file = file content sandbox-proc-type-media-plugin = media plugin sandbox-proc-type-data-decoder = data decoder startup-cache-title = Stertup Cache startup-cache-disk-cache-path = Disk Cache Path startup-cache-ignore-disk-cache = Dinnae Tak Tent O Disk Cache startup-cache-found-disk-cache-on-init = Fund Disk Cache on Init startup-cache-wrote-to-disk-cache = Scrievit tae Disk Cache launcher-process-status-0 = Enabled launcher-process-status-1 = Disabled due tae failure launcher-process-status-2 = Disabled wi force launcher-process-status-unknown = Unkent status # Variables # $remoteWindows (integer) - Number of remote windows # $totalWindows (integer) - Number of total windows multi-process-windows = { $remoteWindows }/{ $totalWindows } # Variables # $fissionWindows (integer) - Number of remote windows # $totalWindows (integer) - Number of total windows fission-windows = { $fissionWindows }/{ $totalWindows } fission-status-experiment-control = Disabled by experiment fission-status-experiment-treatment = Enabled by experiment fission-status-disabled-by-e10s-env = Disabled by environment fission-status-enabled-by-env = Enabled by environment fission-status-disabled-by-env = Disabled by environment fission-status-enabled-by-default = Enabled as staunart fission-status-disabled-by-default = Disabled by default fission-status-enabled-by-user-pref = Enabled by yaiser fission-status-disabled-by-user-pref = Disabled by yaiser fission-status-disabled-by-e10s-other = E10s disabled fission-status-enabled-by-rollout = Enabled by phased roll-oot async-pan-zoom = Asynchronous Pan/Zoom apz-none = nane wheel-enabled = wheel inpit enabled touch-enabled = touch inpit enabled drag-enabled = scrollbaur drag enabled keyboard-enabled = keybuird enabled autoscroll-enabled = autoscroll enabled zooming-enabled = smooth pinch-zoom enabled ## Variables ## $preferenceKey (string) - String ID of preference wheel-warning = async wheel inpit disabled due tae unsupportit pref: { $preferenceKey } touch-warning = async touch inpit disabled due tae unsupportit pref: { $preferenceKey } ## Strings representing the status of the Enterprise Policies engine. policies-inactive = No active policies-active = Active policies-error = Mishanter ## Printing section support-printing-title = Prentin support-printing-troubleshoot = Fankle-fixin support-printing-clear-settings-button = Dicht saved prent settins support-printing-modified-settings = Modified prent settins support-printing-prefs-name = Nemme support-printing-prefs-value = Vailue ## Normandy sections support-remote-experiments-title = Remote Experiments support-remote-experiments-name = Nemme support-remote-experiments-branch = Experiment Brainch support-remote-experiments-see-about-studies = See about:studies fur mair information, includin hoo tae disable individual experiments or tae disable { -brand-short-name } fae runnin this sort o experiment in the future. support-remote-features-title = Remote Featurs support-remote-features-name = Nemme support-remote-features-status = Status