# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. create-profile-window2 = .title = Mak Profile Helpender .style = min-width: 45em; min-height: 32em; ## First wizard page create-profile-first-page-header2 = { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Introduction *[other] Walcome tae the { create-profile-window2.title } } profile-creation-explanation-1 = { -brand-short-name } stores information aboot yer settins and preferences in yer personal profile. profile-creation-explanation-2 = If ye're sharin this copy o { -brand-short-name } with ither yaisers, yese can yaise profiles fur tae keep ilka yaiser’s information separate. Tae dae thon, ilka yaiser should mak his or her ain profile. profile-creation-explanation-3 = If ye're the anely body yaisin this copy o { -brand-short-name }, ye maun hae at least the ane profile. If ye want, ye can mak a wheen o profiles fur yersel fur tae store different sets o settins and preferences. Likesay, ye micht want tae hae separate profiles fur business and personal yaise. profile-creation-explanation-4 = { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Tae stert makkin yer profile, click Haud Forrit. *[other] Tae stert makkin yer profile, click Neist. } ## Second wizard page create-profile-last-page-header2 = { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Feenish *[other] Feenishin the { create-profile-window2.title } } profile-creation-intro = If ye mak a wheen o profiles ye can tell them apairt by the profile nemmes. Ye micht yaise the nemme providit here or yaise ane o yer ain. profile-prompt = Inpit new profile nemme: .accesskey = I profile-default-name = .value = Staunart Yaiser profile-directory-explanation = Yer yaiser settins, preferences and ither yaiser-relatit data will be stored in: create-profile-choose-folder = .label = Wale Folder… .accesskey = W create-profile-use-default = .label = Yaise Staunart Folder .accesskey = Y