# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. toolbar-button-firefox-view = .label = { -firefoxview-brand-name } .tooltiptext = { -firefoxview-brand-name } toolbar-button-firefox-view-2 = .label = { -firefoxview-brand-name } .tooltiptext = Ogled nedavnega brskanja v drugih oknih in napravah menu-tools-firefox-view = .label = { -firefoxview-brand-name } .accesskey = F firefoxview-page-title = { -firefoxview-brand-name } firefoxview-page-heading = .heading = { -firefoxview-brand-name } firefoxview-page-label = .label = { -firefoxview-brand-name } firefoxview-close-button = .title = Zapri .aria-label = Zapri firefoxview-empty-state-icon = .alt = Pozor: # Used instead of the localized relative time when a timestamp is within a minute or so of now firefoxview-just-now-timestamp = Pravkar # This is a headline for an area in the product where users can resume and re-open tabs they have previously viewed on other devices. firefoxview-tabpickup-header = Sinhronizirani zavihki firefoxview-tabpickup-description = Odprite strani z drugih naprav. # Variables: # $percentValue (Number): the percentage value for setup completion firefoxview-tabpickup-progress-label = { $percentValue }% dokončano firefoxview-tabpickup-step-signin-header = Brez težav preklapljajte med napravami firefoxview-tabpickup-step-signin-description = Če želite tukaj prikazati zavihke s telefona, se prijavite ali ustvarite račun. firefoxview-tabpickup-step-signin-primarybutton = Nadaljuj firefoxview-syncedtabs-signin-header = Zajemite zavihke od koderkoli firefoxview-syncedtabs-signin-description = Če želite svoje zavihke videti ne glede na to, kje uporabljate { -brand-product-name }, se prijavite v svoj račun. Če računa še nimate, vas bomo popeljali skozi korake za prijavo. firefoxview-syncedtabs-signin-primarybutton = Prijavite se ali ustvarite račun firefoxview-tabpickup-adddevice-header = Sinhronizirajte { -brand-product-name } s telefonom ali tablico firefoxview-tabpickup-adddevice-description = Prenesite { -brand-product-name } za mobilne naprave in se prijavite vanj. firefoxview-tabpickup-adddevice-learn-how = Poglejte, kako firefoxview-tabpickup-adddevice-primarybutton = Prenesi { -brand-product-name } za mobilne naprave firefoxview-syncedtabs-adddevice-header = Prijavite se v { -brand-product-name } na drugih napravah firefoxview-syncedtabs-adddevice-description = Če želite svoje zavihke videti ne glede na to, kje uporabljate { -brand-product-name }, se prijavite v vseh svojih napravah. Spoznajte, kako povezati dodatne naprave. firefoxview-syncedtabs-adddevice-primarybutton = Preizkusite { -brand-product-name } za mobilne naprave firefoxview-tabpickup-synctabs-header = Vklopi sinhronizacijo zavihkov firefoxview-tabpickup-synctabs-description = { -brand-short-name(sklon: "dajalnik") } dovoli skupno rabo zavihkov med napravami. firefoxview-tabpickup-synctabs-learn-how = Poglejte, kako firefoxview-tabpickup-synctabs-primarybutton = Sinhroniziraj odprte zavihke firefoxview-syncedtabs-synctabs-header = Spremeni nastavitve sinhronizacije firefoxview-syncedtabs-synctabs-description = Za ogled zavihkov z drugih naprav se morajo odprti zavihki sinhronizirati. firefoxview-syncedtabs-synctabs-checkbox = Dovoli sinhronizacijo odprtih zavihkov firefoxview-syncedtabs-loading-header = Sinhronizacija v teku firefoxview-syncedtabs-loading-description = Ko se bo končala, se bodo prikazali vsi zavihki, ki jih imate odprte na drugih napravah. Vrnite se čez nekaj trenutkov. firefoxview-tabpickup-fxa-admin-disabled-header = Vaša organizacija je onemogočila sinhronizacijo firefoxview-tabpickup-fxa-admin-disabled-description = { -brand-short-name } ne more sinhronizirati zavihkov med napravami, ker je skrbnik onemogočil sinhronizacijo. firefoxview-tabpickup-fxa-disabled-by-policy-description = { -brand-short-name } ne more sinhronizirati zavihkov med napravami, ker je vaša organizacija onemogočila sinhronizacijo. firefoxview-tabpickup-network-offline-header = Preverite svojo povezavo z internetom firefoxview-tabpickup-network-offline-description = Če uporabljate požarni zid ali posredniški strežnik, preverite, ali ima { -brand-short-name } dovoljenje za dostop do spleta. firefoxview-tabpickup-network-offline-primarybutton = Poskusi znova firefoxview-tabpickup-sync-error-header = Imamo težave s sinhronizacijo firefoxview-tabpickup-generic-sync-error-description = { -brand-short-name } trenutno ne more vzpostaviti povezave s storitvijo sinhronizacije. Poskusite znova čez nekaj trenutkov. firefoxview-tabpickup-sync-error-primarybutton = Poskusi znova firefoxview-tabpickup-sync-disconnected-header = Vklopite sinhronizacijo za nadaljevanje firefoxview-tabpickup-sync-disconnected-description = Za zajem zavihkov morate v { -brand-short-name(sklon: "mestnik") } omogočiti sinhronizacijo. firefoxview-tabpickup-sync-disconnected-primarybutton = Vklopi sinhronizacijo v nastavitvah firefoxview-tabpickup-password-locked-header = Za ogled zavihkov vnesite glavno geslo firefoxview-tabpickup-password-locked-description = Za zajem zavihkov morate vnesti glavno geslo { -brand-short-name(sklon: "rodilnik") }. firefoxview-tabpickup-password-locked-link = Več o tem firefoxview-tabpickup-password-locked-primarybutton = Vnesite glavno geslo firefoxview-syncedtab-password-locked-link = Več o tem firefoxview-tabpickup-signed-out-header = Prijavite se, da se ponovno povežete firefoxview-tabpickup-signed-out-description = Za ponovno vzpostavitev povezave in zajem zavihkov se prijavite v { -fxaccount-brand-name }. firefoxview-tabpickup-signed-out-description2 = Za ponovno vzpostavitev povezave in zajem zavihkov se prijavite v račun. firefoxview-tabpickup-signed-out-primarybutton = Prijava firefoxview-tabpickup-syncing = Počakajte, da se zavihki sinhronizirajo. Trajalo bo samo trenutek. firefoxview-mobile-promo-header = Zajemite zavihke s telefona ali tablice firefoxview-mobile-promo-description = Za ogled najnovejših mobilnih zavihkov se prijavite v { -brand-product-name(sklon: "tozilnik") } v sistemu iOS ali Android. firefoxview-mobile-promo-primarybutton = Prenesi { -brand-product-name } za mobilne naprave firefoxview-mobile-confirmation-header = 🎉 Opravljeno! firefoxview-mobile-confirmation-description = Zdaj lahko zajamete zavihke iz { -brand-product-name(sklon: "rodilnik") } na tablici ali telefonu. firefoxview-closed-tabs-title = Nedavno zaprto firefoxview-closed-tabs-description2 = Ponovno odprite strani, ki ste jih zaprli v tem oknu. firefoxview-closed-tabs-placeholder-header = Ni nedavno zaprtih zavihkov firefoxview-closed-tabs-placeholder-body = Tukaj lahko najdete zavihke, ki ste jih zaprli v tem oknu. firefoxview-closed-tabs-placeholder-body2 = Tukaj lahko najdete zavihke, ki ste jih zaprli. # Variables: # $tabTitle (string) - Title of tab being dismissed firefoxview-closed-tabs-dismiss-tab = .title = Zapri { $tabTitle } # refers to the last tab that was used firefoxview-pickup-tabs-badge = Zadnja dejavnost # Variables: # $targetURI (string) - URL that will be opened in the new tab firefoxview-tabs-list-tab-button = .title = Odpri { $targetURI } v novem zavihku firefoxview-try-colorways-button = Preizkusite barvne kombinacije firefoxview-change-colorway-button = Spremeni barvno kombinacijo # Variables: # $intensity (String): Colorway intensity # $collection (String): Colorway Collection name firefoxview-colorway-description = { $intensity } · { $collection } firefoxview-synced-tabs-placeholder-header = Tu ni še ničesar firefoxview-synced-tabs-placeholder-body = Ko naslednjič odprete stran v { -brand-product-name(sklon: "mestnik") } na drugi napravi, si jo lahko ogledate tudi tukaj. firefoxview-collapse-button-show = .title = Prikaži seznam firefoxview-collapse-button-hide = .title = Skrij seznam firefoxview-overview-nav = Nedavno brskanje .title = Nedavno brskanje firefoxview-overview-header = Nedavno brskanje .title = Nedavno brskanje ## History in this context refers to browser history firefoxview-history-nav = Zgodovina .title = Zgodovina firefoxview-history-header = Zgodovina firefoxview-history-context-delete = Izbriši iz zgodovine .accesskey = I ## Open Tabs in this context refers to all open tabs in the browser firefoxview-opentabs-nav = Odprti zavihki .title = Odprti zavihki firefoxview-opentabs-header = Odprti zavihki ## Recently closed tabs in this context refers to recently closed tabs from all windows firefoxview-recently-closed-nav = Nedavno zaprti zavihki .title = Nedavno zaprti zavihki firefoxview-recently-closed-header = Nedavno zaprti zavihki ## Tabs from other devices refers in this context refers to synced tabs from other devices firefoxview-synced-tabs-nav = Zavihki z drugih naprav .title = Zavihki z drugih naprav firefoxview-synced-tabs-header = Zavihki z drugih naprav ## # Used for a link in collapsible cards, in the ’Recent browsing’ page of Firefox View firefoxview-view-all-link = Prikaži vse # Variables: # $winID (Number) - The index of the owner window for this set of tabs firefoxview-opentabs-window-header = .title = Okno { $winID } # Variables: # $winID (Number) - The index of the owner window (which is currently focused) for this set of tabs firefoxview-opentabs-current-window-header = .title = Okno { $winID } (trenutno) firefoxview-opentabs-focus-tab = .title = Preklopi na ta zavihek firefoxview-show-more = Prikaži več firefoxview-show-less = Prikaži manj firefoxview-show-all = Prikaži vse firefoxview-search-text-box-clear-button = .title = Počisti # Placeholder for the input field to search in recent browsing ("search" is a verb). firefoxview-search-text-box-recentbrowsing = .placeholder = Išči # Placeholder for the input field to search in history ("search" is a verb). firefoxview-search-text-box-history = .placeholder = Iskanje po zgodovini # Placeholder for the input field to search in recently closed tabs ("search" is a verb). firefoxview-search-text-box-recentlyclosed = .placeholder = Iskanje po nedavno zaprtih zavihkih # Placeholder for the input field to search in tabs from other devices ("search" is a verb). firefoxview-search-text-box-syncedtabs = .placeholder = Iskanje po sinhroniziranih zavihkih # Placeholder for the input field to search in open tabs ("search" is a verb). firefoxview-search-text-box-opentabs = .placeholder = Iskanje po odprtih zavihkih # "Search" is a noun (as in "Results of the search for") # Variables: # $query (String) - The search query used for searching through browser history. firefoxview-search-results-header = Rezultati iskanja za "{ $query }" # Variables: # $count (Number) - The number of visits matching the search query. firefoxview-search-results-count = { $count -> [one] { $count } spletno mesto [two] { $count } spletni mesti [few] { $count } spletna mesta *[other] { $count } spletnih mest } # Message displayed when a search is performed and no matching results were found. # Variables: # $query (String) - The search query. firefoxview-search-results-empty = Ni rezultatov za "{ $query }" firefoxview-sort-history-by-date-label = Razvrsti po datumu firefoxview-sort-history-by-site-label = Razvrsti po spletnem mestu firefoxview-sort-open-tabs-by-recency-label = Razvrsti po nedavni dejavnosti firefoxview-sort-open-tabs-by-order-label = Razvrsti po vrstnem redu zavihkov # Variables: # $url (string) - URL that will be opened in the new tab firefoxview-opentabs-tab-row = .title = Preklopi na { $url } ## Variables: ## $date (string) - Date to be formatted based on locale firefoxview-history-date-today = Danes – { DATETIME($date, dateStyle: "full") } firefoxview-history-date-yesterday = Včeraj – { DATETIME($date, dateStyle: "full") } firefoxview-history-date-this-month = { DATETIME($date, dateStyle: "full") } firefoxview-history-date-prev-month = { DATETIME($date, month: "long", year: "numeric") } # When history is sorted by site, this heading is used in place of a domain, in # order to group sites that do not come from an outside host. # For example, this would be the heading for all file:/// URLs in history. firefoxview-history-site-localhost = (krajevne datoteke) ## firefoxview-show-all-history = Prikaži vso zgodovino firefoxview-view-more-browsing-history = Prikaži več zgodovine brskanja ## Message displayed in Firefox View when the user has no history data firefoxview-history-empty-header = Vrnite se tja, kjer ste bili firefoxview-history-empty-description = Med brskanjem bodo strani, ki jih obiščete, navedene tukaj. firefoxview-history-empty-description-two = Varstvo vaše zasebnosti je v središču našega delovanja. Zato lahko v nastavitvah zgodovine odločate, katero dejavnost naj si { -brand-short-name } zapomni. ## # Button text for choosing a browser within the ’Import history from another browser’ banner firefoxview-choose-browser-button = Izberite brskalnik .title = Izberite brskalnik ## Message displayed in Firefox View when the user has chosen to never remember History firefoxview-dont-remember-history-empty-header = Nič za prikaz firefoxview-dont-remember-history-empty-description = Varstvo vaše zasebnosti je srž našega delovanja. Zato lahko odločate, katero dejavnost naj si { -brand-short-name } zapomni. firefoxview-dont-remember-history-empty-description-two = Pri trenutnih nastavitvah si { -brand-short-name } ne zapomni vašega brskanja. Če želite to spremeniti, v nastavitvah izberite shranjevanje zgodovine. ## # This label is read by screen readers when focusing the close button for the "Import history from another browser" banner in Firefox View firefoxview-import-history-close-button = .aria-label = Zapri .title = Zapri ## Text displayed in a dismissable banner to import bookmarks/history from another browser firefoxview-import-history-header = Uvozi zgodovino iz drugega brskalnika firefoxview-import-history-description = Naj { -brand-short-name } postane vaš brskalnik za vsakodnevna opravila. Uvozite zgodovino brskanja, zaznamke in ostalo. ## Message displayed in Firefox View when the user has no recently closed tabs data firefoxview-recentlyclosed-empty-header = Ste prehitro zaprli zavihek? firefoxview-recentlyclosed-empty-description = Tu najdete zavihke, ki ste jih pred kratkim zaprli, in jih lahko hitro znova odprete. firefoxview-recentlyclosed-empty-description-two = Starejše zavihke poiščite v zgodovini brskanja. ## This message is displayed below the name of another connected device when it doesn't have any open tabs. firefoxview-syncedtabs-device-notabs = Na tej napravi ni odprtih zavihkov firefoxview-syncedtabs-connect-another-device = Poveži drugo napravo firefoxview-pinned-tabs = .title = Pripeti zavihki firefoxview-tabs = .title = Zavihki ## These tooltips will be displayed when hovering over a pinned tab on the Open Tabs page ## Variables: ## $tabTitle (string) - Title of pinned tab that will be opened when selected firefoxview-opentabs-pinned-tab = .title = Preklopi na { $tabTitle } # This tooltip will be shown for a pinned tab whose URL is currently bookmarked. firefoxview-opentabs-bookmarked-pinned-tab = .title = Preklopi na (zaznamek) { $tabTitle } ## These tooltips will be displayed when hovering over an unpinned Open Tab ## Variables: ## $url (string) - URL of tab that will be opened when selected # This tooltip will be shown for an unpinned tab whose URL is currently bookmarked. firefoxview-opentabs-bookmarked-tab = .title = (Med zaznamki) { $url }