# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. screenshot-toolbarbutton = .label = Posnetek zaslona .tooltiptext = Zajemi posnetek zaslona screenshot-shortcut = .key = S screenshots-instructions = Povlecite ali kliknite na strani za izbiro območja. Pritisnite ESC za preklic. screenshots-cancel-button = Prekliči screenshots-save-visible-button = Shrani vidno screenshots-save-page-button = Shrani celotno stran screenshots-download-button = Prenesi screenshots-download-button-tooltip = Prenesi posnetek zaslona screenshots-copy-button = Kopiraj screenshots-copy-button-tooltip = Kopiraj posnetek zaslona v odložišče screenshots-download-button-title = .title = Prenesi posnetek zaslona screenshots-copy-button-title = .title = Kopiraj posnetek zaslona v odložišče screenshots-cancel-button-title = .title = Prekliči screenshots-retry-button-title = .title = Zajemi nov posnetek screenshots-meta-key = { PLATFORM() -> [macos] ⌘ *[other] Ctrl } screenshots-notification-link-copied-title = Povezava kopirana screenshots-notification-link-copied-details = Povezava do vašega posnetka zaslona je bila kopirana v odložišče. Pritisnite { screenshots-meta-key }-V, da jo prilepite. screenshots-notification-image-copied-title = Posnetek kopiran screenshots-notification-image-copied-details = Posnetek zaslona je bil kopiran na odložišče. Pritisnite { screenshots-meta-key }-V, da ga prilepite. screenshots-request-error-title = Ne dela. screenshots-request-error-details = Vašega posnetka nismo uspeli shraniti. Poskusite znova kasneje. screenshots-connection-error-title = Ne moremo vzpostaviti povezave do vaših posnetkov. screenshots-connection-error-details = Preverite svojo internetno povezavo. V kolikor povezava deluje, gre morda za začasno težavo s storitvijo { -screenshots-brand-name }. screenshots-login-error-details = Ne moremo shraniti vašega posnetka, ker je prišlo do težave s storitvijo { -screenshots-brand-name }. Poskusite znova kasneje. screenshots-unshootable-page-error-title = Ne moremo zajeti posnetka te strani. screenshots-unshootable-page-error-details = To ni običajna spletna stran, zato ne morete zajeti njenega zaslonskega posnetka. screenshots-empty-selection-error-title = Vaš izbor je premajhen screenshots-private-window-error-title = { -screenshots-brand-name } je onemogočen v zasebnem načinu brskanja screenshots-private-window-error-details = Oprostite za nevšečnost. To možnost izboljšujemo za prihodnje izdaje. screenshots-generic-error-title = Uf! { -screenshots-brand-name } se je pokvaril. screenshots-generic-error-details = Ne vemo točno, kaj se je pravkar zgodilo. Bi radi poskusili znova ali pa zajeli posnetek kakšne druge strani? screenshots-too-large-error-title = Posnetek zaslona je bil obrezan, ker je bil prevelik screenshots-too-large-error-details = Poskusite izbrati območje, manjše od 32.700 slikovnih pik po daljši strani ali 124.900.000 slikovnih pik skupne površine. screenshots-component-retry-button = .title = Zajemi nov posnetek .aria-label = Zajemi nov posnetek screenshots-component-cancel-button = .title = { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Prekliči (Esc) *[other] Prekliči (Esc) } .aria-label = Prekliči # Variables # $shortcut (String) - A keyboard shortcut for copying the screenshot. screenshots-component-copy-button = .title = Kopiraj ({ $shortcut }) .aria-label = Kopiraj screenshots-component-copy-button-label = Kopiraj # Variables # $shortcut (String) - A keyboard shortcut for saving/downloading the screenshot. screenshots-component-download-button = .title = Prenesi ({ $shortcut }) .aria-label = Prenesi screenshots-component-download-button-label = Prenesi # Variables # $shortcut (String) - A keyboard shortcut for copying the screenshot. screenshots-component-copy-button-2 = Kopiraj .title = Kopiraj ({ $shortcut }) .aria-label = Kopiraj # Variables # $shortcut (String) - A keyboard shortcut for saving/downloading the screenshot. screenshots-component-download-button-2 = Prenesi .title = Prenesi ({ $shortcut }) .aria-label = Prenesi ## The below strings are used to capture keydown events so the strings should ## not be changed unless the keyboard layout in the locale requires it. screenshots-component-download-key = S screenshots-component-copy-key = C ## # This string represents the selection size area # "x" here represents "by" (i.e 123 by 456) # Variables: # $width (Number) - The width of the selection region in pixels # $height (Number) - The height of the selection region in pixels screenshots-overlay-selection-region-size-2 = { $width } x { $height } # This string represents the selection size area # "×" here represents "by" (i.e 123 by 456) # Variables: # $width (Number) - The width of the selection region in pixels # $height (Number) - The height of the selection region in pixels screenshots-overlay-selection-region-size-3 = { $width } × { $height }