# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. crashreporter-title = Poročevalec o sesutju crashreporter-crash-message = { -brand-short-name } je naletel na težavo in se je sesul. crashreporter-plea = Če nam želite pomagati pri odkrivanju in odpravljanju težave, nam lahko pošljete poročilo o sesutju. # $details (String) - the reason that a crash report cannot be submitted crashreporter-error-details = Podrobnosti: { $details } crashreporter-no-run-message = Program se zažene po sesutju in ponudnika programa obvesti o težavi. Ni namenjen neposrednemu zaganjanju. crashreporter-button-details = Podrobnosti ... crashreporter-view-report-title = Vsebina poročila crashreporter-comment-prompt = Dodaj komentar (komentarji so javno vidni) crashreporter-report-info = To poročilo vsebuje tudi tehnične podatke o stanju programa, ko se je sesul. crashreporter-submit-status = Vaše poročilo o sesutju bo poslano pred izhodom ali ponovnim zagonom. crashreporter-submit-in-progress = Pošiljanje poročila … crashreporter-submit-success = Poročilo uspešno poslano! crashreporter-submit-failure = Pri pošiljanju poročila je prišlo do napake. crashreporter-resubmit-status = Ponovno pošiljanje poročil, ki je prej spodletelo... crashreporter-button-quit = Zapri { -brand-short-name } crashreporter-button-restart = Ponovno zaženi { -brand-short-name } crashreporter-button-ok = V redu crashreporter-button-close = Zapri # $id (String) - the crash id from the server, typically a UUID crashreporter-crash-identifier = ID poročila: { $id } # Error strings