# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.titleTemplate1): This is the template # used to format the title of the toolbox. # The URL of the page being targeted: %1$S. toolbox.titleTemplate1=உருவாக்குநர் கருவிகள் - %1$S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.titleTemplate2): This is the template # used to format the title of the toolbox. # The page title or other name for the thing being targeted: %1$S # The URL of the page being targeted: %2$S. toolbox.titleTemplate2=உருவாக்குநர் கருவிகள் - %1$S - %2$S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.defaultTitle): This is used as the tool # name when no tool is selected. toolbox.defaultTitle=உருவாக்குநர் கருவிகள் # LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.label): This is used as the label for the # toolbox as a whole toolbox.label=உருவாக்குநர் கருவிகள் # LOCALIZATION NOTE (options.toolNotSupportedMarker): This is the template # used to add a * marker to the label for the Options Panel tool checkbox for the # tool which is not supported for the current toolbox target. # The name of the tool: %1$S. options.toolNotSupportedMarker=%1$S * # LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.pickButton.tooltip) # This is the tooltip of the element picker button in the toolbox toolbar. # %S is the keyboard shortcut that toggles the element picker. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.pickButton.mac.tooltip) # Like toolbox.pickButton.tooltip, but for macOS there are two possible keyboard # shortcuts: Cmd+Shift+C or Cmd+Opt+C # LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.elementPicker.key) # Key shortcut used to toggle the element picker. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.elementPicker.mac.key) # Key shortcut used to toggle the element picker for macOS. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.noContentProcessForTab.message) # Used as a message in the alert displayed when trying to open a browser # content toolbox and there is no content process running for the current tab # LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.viewCssSourceInStyleEditor.label) # Used as a message in either tooltips or contextual menu items to open the # corresponding URL as a css file in the Style-Editor tool. # DEV NOTE: Mostly used wherever toolbox.viewSourceInStyleEditor is used. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.viewJsSourceInDebugger.label) # Used as a message in either tooltips or contextual menu items to open the # corresponding URL as a js file in the Debugger tool. # DEV NOTE: Mostly used wherever toolbox.viewSourceInDebugger is used. toolbox.viewJsSourceInDebugger.label=கோப்பை வழுநீக்கியில் திற # LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.help.key) # Key shortcut used to open the options panel toolbox.help.key=F1 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.nextTool.key) # Key shortcut used to select the next tool toolbox.nextTool.key=CmdOrCtrl+] # LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.previousTool.key) # Key shortcut used to select the previous tool toolbox.previousTool.key=CmdOrCtrl+[ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.zoom*.key) # Key shortcuts used to zomm in/out or reset the toolbox # Should match fullZoom*Cmd.commandkey values from browser.dtd toolbox.zoomIn.key=CmdOrCtrl+Plus toolbox.zoomIn2.key=CmdOrCtrl+= toolbox.zoomOut.key=CmdOrCtrl+- toolbox.zoomOut2.key= toolbox.zoomReset.key=CmdOrCtrl+0 toolbox.zoomReset2.key= # LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.reload*.key) # Key shortcuts used to reload the page toolbox.reload.key=CmdOrCtrl+R toolbox.reload2.key=F5 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.forceReload*.key) # Key shortcuts used to force reload of the page by bypassing caches toolbox.forceReload.key=CmdOrCtrl+Shift+R toolbox.forceReload2.key=CmdOrCtrl+F5 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.toggleHost.key) # Key shortcut used to move the toolbox in bottom or side of the browser window toolbox.toggleHost.key=CmdOrCtrl+Shift+D # LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.closeToolbox.key) Key shortcut used to close the toolbox # LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.toggleToolbox.key) Key shortcut used to toggle the toolbox # LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.toggleToolboxOSX.key) Key shortcut used to toggle the toolbox # LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.toggleToolboxF12.key) Key shortcut used to toggle the toolbox # LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.frames.tooltip): This is the label for # the iframes menu list that appears only when the document has some. # It allows you to switch the context of the whole toolbox. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.frames.disabled.tooltip): This is the title # displayed as a tooltip of the iframes menu button, when disabled. The button # is normally hidden when no frames are available. But if the user is on the # DevTools Options panel, the button is always shown for discoverability. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.showFrames.key) # Key shortcut used to show frames menu when 'frames' button is focused toolbox.showFrames.key=Alt+Down # LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.meatballMenu.button.tooltip): This is the tooltip # for the "..." button on the developer tools toolbox. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.meatballMenu.noautohide.label): This is the label # in the "..." menu in the toolbox to force the popups/panels to stay visible on # blur. # This is only visible in the browser toolbox as it is meant for # addon developers and Firefox contributors. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.closebutton.tooltip): This is the tooltip for # the close button the developer tools toolbox. toolbox.closebutton.tooltip=உருவாகுநர் கருவிகளை மூடு # LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.sourceMapFailure): This is shown in the web console # when there is a failure to fetch or parse a source map. # The text of the error: %1$S # The URL that caused DevTools to try to fetch a source map: %2$S # The URL of the source map itself: %3$S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.sourceMapSourceFailure): This is shown in # the web console when there is a failure to fetch or parse an # original source that was mentioned in a source map. # The text of the error: %1$S # The URL of the source: %2$S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.options.enableNewDebugger.label): Label of the options panel # checkbox to enable the new debugger frontend. Displayed only in Nightly and local # builds. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.debugTargetInfo.runtimeLabel): This is displayed as a toolbox # header in about:devtools-toolbox. about:devtools-toolbox is used for instance when # inspecting tabs in about:debugging. # e.g. Mozilla Fennec (65.0a1) # The name of runtime: %1$S # The version of runtime: %2$S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.debugTargetInfo.runtimeLabel.thisFirefox): this is displayed # as a toolbox header in about:devtools-toolbox, when inspecting the current Firefox runtime # (for instance, when inspecting one of its tabs in about:debugging) # e.g. This Firefox (65.0a1) # The version of runtime: %S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.debugTargetInfo.runtimeLabelWithDeviceName): This is displayed # as a toolbox header in about:devtools-toolbox. about:devtools-toolbox is used for # instance when inspecting tabs in about:debugging. # e.g. Mozilla Fennec on Pixel 2 (65.0a1) # The name of runtime: %1$S # The version of runtime: %2$S # The device name of runtime: %3$S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.debugTargetInfo.tabTitleRemote): # Used as the tab title for about:devtools-toolbox when connected to a remote target. # The connection type (see toolbox.debugTargetInfo.connection.*): %1$S # The target type (see toolbox.debugTargetInfo.targetType.*): %2$S # The target name (retrieved from DevTools, eg the extension's name): %3$S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.debugTargetInfo.tabTitleLocal): # Used as the tab title for about:devtools-toolbox when connected to This Firefox. # The target type (see toolbox.debugTargetInfo.targetType.*): %1$S # The target name (retrieved from DevTools, eg the extension's name): %2$S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.debugTargetInfo.tabTitleError): # Used as the tab title for about:devtools-toolbox when it failed to connect to the # target. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.debugTargetInfo.targetLabel): This is displayed as a toolbox # header in about:devtools-toolbox. about:devtools-toolbox is used for instance when # inspecting tabs in about:debugging. # e.g. Internet for people, not profit — Mozilla (tab) # The name of debug target: %1$S # The type of debug target: %2$S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.debugTargetInfo.type.tab): This is displayed as a toolbox # header in about:devtools-toolbox. about:devtools-toolbox is used for instance when # inspecting tabs in about:debugging. # Currently, we support only this type. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.debugTargetInfo.connection.*): This is displayed in the # toolbox header in about:devtools-toolbox, to indicate how the connection to the # runtime being inspected was made. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.debugTargetInfo.targetType.*): This is displayed as the # alt attribute for an icon in the toolbox header in about:devtools-toolbox, # to indicate what is the type of the debug target being inspected. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (browserToolbox.statusMessage): This is the label # shown next to status details when the Browser Toolbox fails to connect or # appears to be taking a while to do so. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.replay.jumpMessage): This is the label # shown in the web replay timeline marker # LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.debugTargetErrorPage.title): This is the title # for the Error view shown by the toolbox when a connection to a debug target # could not be made # LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.debugTargetErrorPage.description): This is the # text that appears in the Error view and explains to the user that an error # has happened while trying to connect to a debug target