# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # LOCALIZATION NOTE These strings are used inside the Network Monitor # which is available from the Browser Tools sub-menu -> 'Network Monitor'. # The correct localization of this file might be to keep it in # English, or another language commonly spoken among web developers. # You want to make that choice consistent across the developer tools. # A good criteria is the language in which you'd find the best # documentation on web development on the web. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.security.state.secure) # This string is used as an tooltip for request that was performed over secure # channel i.e. the connection was encrypted. netmonitor.security.state.secure=การเชื่อมต่อที่ใช้ดึงทรัพยากรนี้ปลอดภัย # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.security.state.insecure) # This string is used as an tooltip for request that was performed over insecure # channel i.e. the connection was not https netmonitor.security.state.insecure=การเชื่อมต่อที่ใช้ดึงทรัพยากรนี้ไม่ปลอดภัย # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.security.state.broken) # This string is used as an tooltip for request that failed due to security # issues. netmonitor.security.state.broken=ข้อผิดพลาดความปลอดภัยป้องกันไม่ให้ทรัพยากรถูกโหลด # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.security.state.weak) # This string is used as an tooltip for request that had minor security issues netmonitor.security.state.weak=ทรัพยากรนี้ถูกถ่ายโอนผ่านการเชื่อมต่อที่ใช้การเข้ารหัสที่อ่อนแอ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.security.enabled): # This string is used to indicate that a specific security feature is used by # a connection in the security details tab. # For example: "HTTP Strict Transport Security: Enabled" netmonitor.security.enabled=เปิดใช้งานอยู่ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.security.disabled): # This string is used to indicate that a specific security feature is not used by # a connection in the security details tab. # For example: "HTTP Strict Transport Security: Disabled" netmonitor.security.disabled=ปิดใช้งานอยู่ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.security.hostHeader): # This string is used as a header for section containing security information # related to the remote host. %S is replaced with the domain name of the remote # host. For example: Host example.com netmonitor.security.hostHeader=โฮสต์ %S: # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.security.notAvailable): # This string is used to indicate that a certain piece of information is not # available to be displayed. For example a certificate that has no organization # defined: # Organization: netmonitor.security.notAvailable=<ไม่พร้อมใช้งาน> # LOCALIZATION NOTE (collapseDetailsPane): This is the tooltip for the button # that collapses the network details pane in the UI. collapseDetailsPane=ซ่อนรายละเอียดคำขอ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (collapseActionPane): This is the tooltip for the button # that collapses the network action pane in the UI. collapseActionPane=ซ่อนการกระทำของเครือข่าย # LOCALIZATION NOTE (allTabsMenuButton.tooltip): The tooltip that gets # displayed when hovering over the tabs overflow button. allTabsMenuButton.tooltip=แสดงแท็บทั้งหมด # LOCALIZATION NOTE (headersEmptyText): This is the text displayed in the # headers tab of the network details pane when there are no headers available. headersEmptyText=ไม่มีส่วนหัวสำหรับคำร้องขอนี้ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (headersFilterText): This is the text displayed in the # headers tab of the network details pane for the filtering input. headersFilterText=กรองส่วนหัว # LOCALIZATION NOTE (messagesEmptyText): This is the text displayed in the # WebSockets tab of the network details pane when there are no frames available. messagesEmptyText=ไม่มีข้อความสำหรับคำขอนี้ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (cookiesEmptyText): This is the text displayed in the # cookies tab of the network details pane when there are no cookies available. cookiesEmptyText=ไม่มีคุกกี้สำหรับคำขอนี้ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (cookiesFilterText): This is the text displayed in the # cookies tab of the network details pane for the filtering input. cookiesFilterText=กรองคุกกี้ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (responseEmptyText): This is the text displayed in the # response tab of the network details pane when the response is empty or not # available for shown. responseEmptyText=ไม่มีข้อมูลการตอบกลับที่ใช้ได้สำหรับคำขอนี้ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (paramsNoPayloadText): This is the text displayed in the # request tab of the network details pane when there are no params available. paramsNoPayloadText=ไม่มีเพย์โหลดสำหรับคำร้องขอนี้ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (paramsFilterText): This is the text displayed in the # request tab of the network details pane for the filtering input. paramsFilterText=กรองพารามิเตอร์ของคำขอ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (paramsQueryString): This is the label displayed # in the network details request tab identifying the query string. paramsQueryString=สตริงการสืบค้น # LOCALIZATION NOTE (paramsFormData): This is the label displayed # in the network details request tab identifying the form data. paramsFormData=ข้อมูลแบบฟอร์ม # LOCALIZATION NOTE (paramsPostPayload): This is the label displayed # in the network details request tab identifying the request payload. paramsPostPayload=ส่วนข้อมูลคำขอ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.request.raw): This is the label displayed # on the button in the network details request tab that toggles the # view of the network request between the raw data and the formatted display. netmonitor.request.raw=ดิบ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (requestHeaders): This is the label displayed # in the network details headers tab identifying the request headers. requestHeaders=ส่วนหัวคำร้องขอ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (requestHeadersFromUpload): This is the label displayed # in the network details headers tab identifying the request headers from # the upload stream of a POST request's body. requestHeadersFromUpload=ร้องขอส่วนหัวจากสตรีมการอัปโหลด # LOCALIZATION NOTE (responseHeaders): This is the label displayed # in the network details headers tab identifying the response headers. responseHeaders=ส่วนหัวการตอบสนอง # LOCALIZATION NOTE (requestCookies): This is the label displayed # in the network details request tab identifying the request cookies. requestCookies=คุกกี้คำขอ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (responseCookies): This is the label displayed # in the network details request tab identifying the response cookies. responseCookies=คุกกี้การตอบสนอง # LOCALIZATION NOTE (responsePayload): This is the label displayed # in the network details response tab identifying the response payload. responsePayload=ส่วนข้อมูลการตอบสนอง # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.response.raw): This is the label displayed # on the button in the network details response tab that toggles the # view of the network response between the raw data and the formatted display. netmonitor.response.raw=ดิบ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.response.html): This is the text displayed # in the response tab of the network details pane for an HTML preview. netmonitor.response.html=HTML # LOCALIZATION NOTE (jsonFilterText): This is the text displayed # in the response tab of the network details pane for the JSON filtering input. jsonFilterText=กรองคุณสมบัติ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (jsonScopeName): This is the text displayed # in the response tab of the network details pane for a JSON scope. jsonScopeName=JSON # LOCALIZATION NOTE (jsonpScopeName): This is the text displayed # in the response tab of the network details pane for a JSONP scope. jsonpScopeName=JSONP → callback %S() # LOCALIZATION NOTE (jsonXssiStripped): This is the text displayed # in a notification in the response tab of the network details pane # when a JSON payload had XSSI escape characters which were removed jsonXssiStripped=สตริง “%S” ถูกลบออกจากจุดเริ่มต้นของ JSON ที่แสดงด้านล่าง # LOCALIZATION NOTE (responseTruncated): This is the text displayed # in the response tab of the network details pane when the response is over # the truncation limit and thus was truncated. responseTruncated=การตอบกลับได้ถูกตัดทอนแล้ว # LOCALIZATION NOTE (requestTruncated): This is the text displayed # in the request tab of the network details pane when the request is over # the truncation limit and thus was truncated. requestTruncated=การตอบกลับได้ถูกตัดทอนแล้ว # LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.raced): This is the label displayed # in the network menu specifying the transfer or a request is # raced. %S refers to the current transfer size. networkMenu.raced=%S (ถูกแย่งชิง) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.sortedAsc): This is the tooltip displayed # in the network table toolbar, for any column that is sorted ascending. networkMenu.sortedAsc=เรียงจากน้อยไปมาก # LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.sortedDesc): This is the tooltip displayed # in the network table toolbar, for any column that is sorted descending. networkMenu.sortedDesc=เรียงจากมากไปน้อย # LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.summary.tooltip.perf): A tooltip explaining # what the perf button does networkMenu.summary.tooltip.perf=เริ่มการวิเคราะห์ประสิทธิภาพ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.summary.tooltip.domContentLoaded): A tooltip explaining # what the DOMContentLoaded label displays networkMenu.summary.tooltip.domContentLoaded=เวลาที่เกิดเหตุการณ์ “DOMContentLoad” # LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.summary.tooltip.load): A tooltip explaining # what the load label displays networkMenu.summary.tooltip.load=เวลาที่เกิดเหตุการณ์ “load” # LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.summary.requestsCount2): This label is displayed # in the network table footer providing the number of requests # See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals networkMenu.summary.requestsCount2=#1 คำขอ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.summary.requestsCountEmpty): This label is displayed # in the network table footer when there are no requests networkMenu.summary.requestsCountEmpty=ไม่มีคำขอ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.summary.tooltip.requestsCount): A tooltip explaining # what the requestsCount label displays networkMenu.summary.tooltip.requestsCount=จำนวนคำขอ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.summary.transferred): This label is displayed # in the network table footer providing the transferred size. networkMenu.summary.transferred=ถ่ายโอนแล้ว %S / %S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.summary.tooltip.transferred): A tooltip explaining # what the transferred label displays networkMenu.summary.tooltip.transferred=ขนาด/ขนาดเมื่อถ่ายโอนของคำขอทั้งหมด # LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.summary.finish): This label is displayed # in the network table footer providing the transfer time. networkMenu.summary.finish=เสร็จสิ้น: %S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.summary.tooltip.finish): A tooltip explaining # what the finish label displays networkMenu.summary.tooltip.finish=เวลาทั้งหมดที่ต้องใช้ในการโหลดคำขอทั้งหมด # LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.ws.summary.framesCount2): This label is displayed # in the messages table footer providing the number of frames # See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals networkMenu.ws.summary.framesCount2=#1 ข้อความ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.ws.summary.framesCountEmpty): This label is displayed # in the messages table footer when there are no frames networkMenu.ws.summary.framesCountEmpty=ไม่มีข้อความ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.ws.summary.tooltip.framesCount): A tooltip explaining # what the framesCount label displays networkMenu.ws.summary.tooltip.framesCount=จำนวนข้อความ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.ws.summary.tooltip.framesTotalSize): A tooltip explaining # what the framesTotalSize label displays networkMenu.ws.summary.tooltip.framesTotalSize=ขนาดทั้งหมดของข้อความที่แสดง # LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.ws.summary.label.framesTranferredSize): A label showing # summary size info related to the current list of WS messages # %1$S is the total size of the transferred data, %2$S is the size of sent data, %3$S is the size of received data. networkMenu.ws.summary.label.framesTranferredSize=รวม %1$S, ส่งแล้ว %2$S, ได้รับแล้ว %3$S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.ws.summary.tooltip.framesTotalTime): A tooltip explaining # what framesTotalTime displays networkMenu.ws.summary.tooltip.framesTotalTime=เวลาที่ผ่านไปโดยรวมระหว่างข้อความที่แสดงครั้งแรกและครั้งสุดท้าย # LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.sizeB): This is the label displayed # in the network menu specifying the size of a request (in bytes). networkMenu.sizeB=%S B # LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.size.kB): This is the label displayed # in the network menu specifying the size of a request (in kilobytes). networkMenu.size.kB=%S kB # LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.sizeMB): This is the label displayed # in the network menu specifying the size of a request (in megabytes). networkMenu.sizeMB=%S MB # LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.sizeGB): This is the label displayed # in the network menu specifying the size of a request (in gigabytes). networkMenu.sizeGB=%S GB # LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.sizeUnavailable): This is the label displayed # in the network menu specifying the transferred size of a request is # unavailable. networkMenu.sizeUnavailable=— # LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.sizeUnavailable.title): This is the tooltip # displayed in the network menu specifying that the transferred size of a # request is unavailable. networkMenu.sizeUnavailable.title=ขนาดที่ถ่ายโอนไม่สามารถใช้ได้ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.sizeCached): This is the label displayed # in the network menu and the headers panel specifying the transfer or a request is # cached. networkMenu.sizeCached=ถูกแคช # LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.sizeServiceWorker): This is the label displayed # in the network menu and the headers panel specifying the transferred of a request # computed by a service worker. networkMenu.sizeServiceWorker=Service Worker # LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.blocked2): This is a generic message for a # URL that has been blocked for an unknown reason networkMenu.blocked2=ถูกปิดกั้น # LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.blockedby): This is a generic message for a # URL that has been blocked by an extension # %S is the extension name. networkMenu.blockedby=ปิดกั้นอยู่โดย %S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.blockedTooltip): This is a the text displayed # as a tooltip for the blocked icon in the request list networkMenu.blockedTooltip=ถูกปิดกั้น # LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.totalMS2): This is the label displayed # in the network menu specifying the time for a request to finish (in milliseconds). networkMenu.totalMS2=%S ms # This string is used to concatenate tooltips (netmonitor.waterfall.tooltip.*) # in the requests waterfall for total time (in milliseconds). \\u0020 represents # a whitespace. You can replace this with a different character, e.g. an hyphen # or a period, if a comma doesn't work for your language. netmonitor.waterfall.tooltip.separator=,\u0020 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.waterfall.tooltip.total): This is part of the tooltip # displayed in the requests waterfall for total time (in milliseconds). netmonitor.waterfall.tooltip.total=รวม %S ms # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.waterfall.tooltip.blocked): This is part of the tooltip # displayed in the requests waterfall for blocked time (in milliseconds). netmonitor.waterfall.tooltip.blocked=ถูกปิดกั้น %S ms # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.waterfall.tooltip.dns): This is part of the tooltip # displayed in the requests waterfall for dns time (in milliseconds). netmonitor.waterfall.tooltip.dns=DNS %S ms # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.waterfall.tooltip.ssl): This is part of the tooltip # displayed in the requests waterfall for tls setup time (in milliseconds). netmonitor.waterfall.tooltip.ssl=TLS %S ms # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.waterfall.tooltip.connect): This is part of the tooltip # displayed in the requests waterfall for connect time (in milliseconds). netmonitor.waterfall.tooltip.connect=เชื่อมต่อ %S ms # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.waterfall.tooltip.send): This is part of the tooltip # displayed in the requests waterfall for send time (in milliseconds). netmonitor.waterfall.tooltip.send=ส่ง %S ms # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.waterfall.tooltip.wait): This is part of the tooltip # displayed in the requests waterfall for wait time (in milliseconds). netmonitor.waterfall.tooltip.wait=รอ %S ms # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.waterfall.tooltip.receive): This is part of the tooltip # displayed in the requests waterfall for receive time (in milliseiconds). netmonitor.waterfall.tooltip.receive=รับ %S ms # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.timings.requestTiming): This is the title of the existing # section in Timings side panel. This section contains request timings. netmonitor.timings.requestTiming=การจับเวลาคำขอ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.timings.serverTiming): This is the title of a new section # in Timings side panel. This section contains server timings transferred from the server # through the "Server-Timing" header. netmonitor.timings.serverTiming=การจับเวลาเซิร์ฟเวอร์ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.timings.serviceWorkerTiming): This is the title of a new section # in Timings side panel. This section contains service worker timings transferred from the # service worker. netmonitor.timings.serviceWorkerTiming=การเทียบเวลาของ Service Worker # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.timings.queuedAt): This is relative queued time to the # first request. %S is time expressed in milliseconds or minutes. netmonitor.timings.queuedAt=เข้าคิวแล้ว: %S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.timings.startedAt): Relative to the first request, # when the request actually started. %S is time expressed in milliseconds or minutes. netmonitor.timings.startedAt=เริ่มแล้ว: %S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.timings.downloadedAt): Relative to first request, # when the request actually finished downloading. # %S is time expressed in milliseconds or minutes. netmonitor.timings.downloadedAt=ดาวน์โหลดแล้ว: %S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.timings.noTimings): Message that displays in the # timings pane when thea request has been blocked netmonitor.timings.noTimings=ไม่มีการจับเวลาสำหรับคำร้องขอนี้ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.millisecond): This is the label displayed # in the network menu specifying timing interval divisions (in milliseconds). networkMenu.millisecond=%S ms # LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.second): This is the label displayed # in the network menu specifying timing interval divisions (in seconds). networkMenu.second=%S s # LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.minute): This is the label displayed # in the network menu specifying timing interval divisions (in minutes). networkMenu.minute=%S min # LOCALIZATION NOTE (pieChart.loading): This is the label displayed # for pie charts (e.g., in the performance analysis view) when there is # no data available yet. pieChart.loading=กำลังโหลด # LOCALIZATION NOTE (pieChart.unavailable): This is the label displayed # for pie charts (e.g., in the performance analysis view) when there is # no data available, even after loading it. pieChart.unavailable=ว่างเปล่า # LOCALIZATION NOTE (pieChart.ariaLabel): This is the text used for the aria-label attribute # for SVG pie charts (e.g., in the performance analysis view). pieChart.ariaLabel=แผนภูมิวงกลมแสดงขนาดคำขอแต่ละชนิดเป็นสัดส่วน # LOCALIZATION NOTE (pieChart.sliceAriaLabel): This is the text used for the aria-label attribute # for SVG pie charts slices (e.g., in the performance analysis view). # %1$S is the slice label (e.g. "html") # %2$S is the percentage (e.g. "33.23%"). pieChart.sliceAriaLabel=%1$S: %2$S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (tableChart.loading): This is the label displayed # for table charts (e.g., in the performance analysis view) when there is # no data available yet. tableChart.loading=โปรดรอ… # LOCALIZATION NOTE (tableChart.unavailable): This is the label displayed # for table charts (e.g., in the performance analysis view) when there is # no data available, even after loading it. tableChart.unavailable=ไม่มีข้อมูล # LOCALIZATION NOTE (charts.size.kB): This is the label displayed # in pie or table charts specifying the size of a request (in kilobytes). charts.size.kB=%S kB # LOCALIZATION NOTE (charts.transferredSize.kB): This is the label displayed # in pie or table charts specifying the size of a transferred request (in kilobytes). charts.transferredSize.kB=%S kB # LOCALIZATION NOTE (charts.totalS): This is the label displayed # in pie or table charts specifying the time for a request to finish (in seconds). charts.totalS=%S s # LOCALIZATION NOTE (charts.totalTransferredSize.kB): This is the label displayed # in the performance analysis view for total transferred size, in kilobytes. charts.totalTransferredSize.kB=ขนาดที่ถ่ายโอน: %S kB # LOCALIZATION NOTE (charts.cacheEnabled): This is the label displayed # in the performance analysis view for "cache enabled" charts. charts.cacheEnabled=แคชขั้นต้น # LOCALIZATION NOTE (charts.cacheDisabled): This is the label displayed # in the performance analysis view for "cache disabled" charts. charts.cacheDisabled=แคชที่ว่างเปล่า # LOCALIZATION NOTE (charts.learnMore): This is the label displayed # in the performance analysis view, with a link to external documentation. charts.learnMore=เรียนรู้เพิ่มเติมเกี่ยวกับการวิเคราะห์ประสิทธิภาพ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (charts.totalSize.kB): This is the label displayed # in the performance analysis view for total requests size, in kilobytes. charts.totalSize.kB=ขนาด: %S kB # LOCALIZATION NOTE (charts.totalSeconds): Semi-colon list of plural forms. # See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals # This is the label displayed in the performance analysis view for the # total requests time, in seconds. charts.totalSeconds=เวลา: #1 วินาที # LOCALIZATION NOTE (charts.totalSecondsNonBlocking): Semi-colon list of plural forms. # See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals # This is the label displayed in the performance analysis view for the # total requests time (non-blocking), in seconds. charts.totalSecondsNonBlocking=เวลาที่ไม่ใช่การปิดกั้น: #1 วินาที # LOCALIZATION NOTE (charts.totalCached): This is the label displayed # in the performance analysis view for total cached responses. charts.totalCached=การตอบสนองที่แคชไว้: %S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (charts.totalCount): This is the label displayed # in the performance analysis view for total requests. charts.totalCount=คำขอรวม: %S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (charts.requestsNumber): This is the label for the header column in # the performance analysis view for the number of requests. The label is not visible on screen, # but is set in the DOM for accessibility sake. charts.requestsNumber=จำนวนคำร้องขอ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (charts.size): This is the label displayed # in the header column in the performance analysis view for size of the request. charts.size=ขนาด # LOCALIZATION NOTE (charts.type): This is the label displayed # in the header column in the performance analysis view for type of request. charts.type=ชนิด # LOCALIZATION NOTE (charts.transferred): This is the label displayed # in the header column in the performance analysis view for transferred # size of the request. charts.transferred=ถ่ายโอนแล้ว # LOCALIZATION NOTE (charts.time): This is the label displayed # in the header column in the performance analysis view for time of request. charts.time=เวลา # LOCALIZATION NOTE (charts.nonBlockingTime): This is the label displayed # in the header column in the performance analysis view for non blocking # time of request. charts.nonBlockingTime=เวลาที่ไม่ใช่การปิดกั้น # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netRequest.originalFileURL.tooltip): This is the tooltip # displayed for the file's original URL value displayed in the file column of # a request. netRequest.originalFileURL.tooltip=ต้นฉบับ: %S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netRequest.decodedFileURL.tooltip): This is the tooltip # displayed for the file's decoded URL value displayed in the file column of # a request. netRequest.decodedFileURL.tooltip=ถอดรหัส: %S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (certmgr.subjectinfo.label): # A label used for a certificate section in security tab. # This section displays Name and organization who has been assigned the fingerprints certmgr.subjectinfo.label=ออกให้ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (certmgr.certdetail.cn): # A label used for Issued To and Issued By sub-section in security tab certmgr.certdetail.cn=ชื่อสามัญ (CN): # LOCALIZATION NOTE (certmgr.certdetail.o): # A label used for Issued To and Issued By sub-section in security tab certmgr.certdetail.o=องค์กร (O): # LOCALIZATION NOTE (certmgr.certdetail.ou): # A label used for Issued To and Issued By sub-section in security tab certmgr.certdetail.ou=หน่วยงาน (OU): # LOCALIZATION NOTE (certmgr.issuerinfo.label): # A label used for a certificate section in security tab # This section displays Name and organization who issued the fingerprints certmgr.issuerinfo.label=ออกโดย # LOCALIZATION NOTE (certmgr.periodofvalidity.label): # A label used for a certificate section in security tab # This section displays the valid period of this fingerprints certmgr.periodofvalidity.label=ระยะเวลาที่มีผล # LOCALIZATION NOTE (certmgr.begins): # A label used for Period of Validity sub-section in security tab certmgr.begins=เริ่มเมื่อ: # LOCALIZATION NOTE (certmgr.expires): # A label used for Period of Validity sub-section in security tab certmgr.expires=หมดอายุเมื่อ: # LOCALIZATION NOTE (certmgr.fingerprints.label): # A label used for a certificate section in security tab # This section displays the valid period of this fingerprints certmgr.fingerprints.label=ลายนิ้วมือ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (certmgr.certdetail.sha256fingerprint): # A label used for Fingerprints sub-section in security tab certmgr.certdetail.sha256fingerprint=ลายนิ้วมือ SHA-256: # LOCALIZATION NOTE (certmgr.certdetail.sha1fingerprint): # A label used for Fingerprints sub-section in security tab certmgr.certdetail.sha1fingerprint=ลายนิ้วมือ SHA1: # LOCALIZATION NOTE (certmgr.certificateTransparency.label): # This string is used as a label in the security tab. certmgr.certificateTransparency.label=ความโปร่งใส: # LOCALIZATION NOTE (certmgr.certificateTransparency.status.ok): # This string is used to indicate that there are valid signed certificate # timestamps. This is a property for the 'Transparency' # field in the security tab. certmgr.certificateTransparency.status.ok=การบันทึก SCT ที่ถูกต้อง # LOCALIZATION NOTE (certmgr.certificateTransparency.status.notEnoughSCTS): # This string is used to indicate that there are not enough valid signed # certificate timestamps. This is a property for the 'Transparency' # field in the security tab. certmgr.certificateTransparency.status.notEnoughSCTS=SCT ไม่เพียงพอ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (certmgr.certificateTransparency.status.notDiverseSCTS): # This string is used to indicate that there ar not enough diverse signed # certificate timestamps. This is a property for the 'Transparency' # field in the security tab. certmgr.certificateTransparency.status.notDiverseSCTS=SCT ไม่หลากหลาย # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.perfNotice1/2/3): These are the labels displayed # in the network table when empty to start performance analysis. netmonitor.perfNotice1=• คลิกที่ปุ่ม netmonitor.perfNotice2=เพื่อเริ่มการวิเคราะห์ประสิทธิภาพ netmonitor.perfNotice3=วิเคราะห์ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.reload1/2/3): These are the labels displayed # in the network table when empty to start logging network requests. netmonitor.reloadNotice1=• ดำเนินการส่งคำขอหรือ netmonitor.reloadNotice2=โหลดใหม่ netmonitor.reloadNotice3=หน้าเพื่อดูข้อมูลโดยละเอียดเกี่ยวกับกิจกรรมเครือข่าย netmonitor.emptyBrowserToolbox=ส่งคำขอเพื่อดูข้อมูลโดยละเอียดเกี่ยวกับกิจกรรมเครือข่าย # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.status3): This is the label displayed # in the network table toolbar, above the "status" column. netmonitor.toolbar.status3=สถานะ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.method): This is the label displayed # in the network table toolbar, above the "method" column. netmonitor.toolbar.method=วิธีการ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.priority): This is the label displayed # in the network table toolbar, above the "priority" column. netmonitor.toolbar.priority=ความสำคัญ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.file): This is the label displayed # in the network table toolbar, above the "file" column. netmonitor.toolbar.file=ไฟล์ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.url): This is the label displayed # in the network table toolbar, above the "url" column. netmonitor.toolbar.url=URL # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.protocol): This is the label displayed # in the network table toolbar, above the "protocol" column. netmonitor.toolbar.protocol=โพรโทคอล # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.domain): This is the label displayed # in the network table toolbar, above the "domain" column. netmonitor.toolbar.domain=โดเมน # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.remoteip): This is the label displayed # in the network table toolbar, above the "remoteip" column. netmonitor.toolbar.remoteip=IP ระยะไกล # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.initiator): This is the label displayed # in the network table toolbar, above the "initiator" column. netmonitor.toolbar.initiator=ตัวเริ่มต้น # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.type): This is the label displayed # in the network table toolbar, above the "type" column. netmonitor.toolbar.type=ชนิด # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.cookies): This is the label displayed # in the network table toolbar, above the "cookies" column. netmonitor.toolbar.cookies=คุกกี้ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.setCookies): This is the label displayed # in the network table toolbar, above the "set cookies" column. # Set-Cookie is a HTTP response header. This string is the plural form of it. # See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Set-Cookie netmonitor.toolbar.setCookies=Set-Cookies # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.scheme): This is the label displayed # in the network table toolbar, above the "scheme" column. netmonitor.toolbar.scheme=แบบแผน # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.startTime): This is the label displayed # in the network table toolbar, above the "start time" column, which is the time # from start of 1st request until the start of this request. netmonitor.toolbar.startTime=เวลาเริ่ม # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.endTime): This is the label displayed # in the network table toolbar, above the "end time" column, which is the time # from start of 1st request until the end of this response. netmonitor.toolbar.endTime=เวลาสิ้นสุด # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.responseTime): This is the label displayed # in the network table toolbar, above the "response time" column, which is the time # from start of 1st request until the beginning of download of this response. netmonitor.toolbar.responseTime=เวลาตอบสนอง # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.duration): This is the label displayed # in the network table toolbar, above the "duration" column, which is the time # from start of this request until the end of this response. netmonitor.toolbar.duration=ระยะเวลา # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.latency): This is the label displayed # in the network table toolbar, above the "latency" column, which is the time # from end of this request until the beginning of download of this response. netmonitor.toolbar.latency=เวลาแฝง # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.transferred): This is the label displayed # in the network table toolbar, above the "transferred" column and in general # section of the headers panel, which is the compressed / encoded size. netmonitor.toolbar.transferred=ถ่ายโอนแล้ว # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.contentSize): This is the label displayed # in the network table toolbar, above the "size" column, which is the # uncompressed / decoded size. netmonitor.toolbar.contentSize=ขนาด # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.waterfall): This is the label displayed # in the network table toolbar, above the "waterfall" column. netmonitor.toolbar.waterfall=เส้นเวลา # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.ws.toolbar.size): This is the label displayed # in the messages table header, above the "size" column. netmonitor.ws.toolbar.size=ขนาด # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.ws.toolbar.data): This is the label displayed # in the messages table header, above the "data" column. netmonitor.ws.toolbar.data=ข้อมูล # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.ws.toolbar.opCode): This is the label displayed # in the messages table header, above the "opCode" column. netmonitor.ws.toolbar.opCode=OpCode # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.ws.toolbar.maskBit): This is the label displayed # in the messages table header, above the "maskBit" column. netmonitor.ws.toolbar.maskBit=MaskBit # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.ws.toolbar.finBit): This is the label displayed # in the messages table header, above the "finBit" column. netmonitor.ws.toolbar.finBit=FinBit # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.ws.toolbar.time): This is the label displayed # in the messages table header, above the "time" column. netmonitor.ws.toolbar.time=เวลา # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.ws.toolbar.eventName): This is the label displayed # in the messages table header, above the "eventName" column. netmonitor.ws.toolbar.eventName=ชื่อเหตุการณ์ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.ws.toolbar.retry): This is the label displayed # in the messages table header, above the "retry" column. netmonitor.ws.toolbar.retry=ลองใหม่ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.ws.toolbar.lastEventId): This is the label displayed # in the messages table header, above the "lastEventId" column. netmonitor.ws.toolbar.lastEventId=ID เหตุการณ์ล่าสุด # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.ws.toolbar.clear): This is the label displayed # in the messages panel toolbar for the "Clear" button. netmonitor.ws.toolbar.clear=ล้าง # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.ws.toolbar.filterFreetext.label): This is the label # displayed in the messages panel toolbar for the frames filtering textbox. netmonitor.ws.toolbar.filterFreetext.label=กรองข้อความ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.ws.toolbar.filterFreetext.key): This is the # shortcut key to focus on the messages panel toolbar messages filtering textbox netmonitor.ws.toolbar.filterFreetext.key=CmdOrCtrl+E # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.ws.toolbar.resetColumns): This is the label # displayed in the messages panel table header context menu. netmonitor.ws.toolbar.resetColumns=กลับค่าเดิมของคอลัมน์ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.ws.context.all): This is the label displayed # on the context menu that shows "All" WebSocket frames. netmonitor.ws.context.all=ทั้งหมด # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.ws.context.all.accesskey): This is the access key # for the "All" menu item displayed in the context menu in the websocket toolbar. netmonitor.ws.context.all.accesskey=ท # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.ws.context.sent): This is the label displayed # on the context menu that shows "Sent" WebSocket frames. netmonitor.ws.context.sent=ส่ง # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.ws.context.sent.accesskey): This is the access key # for the "Sent" menu item displayed in the context menu in the websocket toolbar. netmonitor.ws.context.sent.accesskey=ส # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.ws.context.received): This is the label displayed # on the context menu that shows "Received" WebSocket frames. netmonitor.ws.context.received=รับ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.ws.context.received.accesskey): This is the access key # for the "Received" menu item displayed in the context menu in the websocket toolbar. netmonitor.ws.context.received.accesskey=ร # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.ws.context.controlFrames): This is the label displayed # on the context menu that shows "Control Frames" WebSocket frames. netmonitor.ws.context.controlFrames=การควบคุม # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.ws.context.controlFrames.accesskey): This is the access key # for the "Control Frames" menu item displayed in the context menu in the websocket toolbar. netmonitor.ws.context.controlFrames.accesskey=ค # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.ws.context.copyFrame): This is the label displayed # on the context menu that shows "Copy Message". netmonitor.ws.context.copyFrame=คัดลอกข้อความ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.ws.context.copyFrame.accesskey): This is the access key # for the "Copy Message" menu item displayed in the context menu of a WebSocket frame. netmonitor.ws.context.copyFrame.accesskey=ค # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.ws.context.copyFrameAsBase64): This is the label displayed # on the context menu that shows "Copy as Base64" displayed in the context menu of a binary WebSocket frame. netmonitor.ws.context.copyFrameAsBase64=คัดลอกเป็น Base64 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.ws.context.copyFrameAsBase64.accesskey): This is the access key # for the "Copy as Base64" menu item displayed in the context menu of a binary WebSocket frame. netmonitor.ws.context.copyFrameAsBase64.accesskey=B # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.ws.context.copyFrameAsHex): This is the label displayed # on the context menu that shows "Copy as Hex" displayed in the context menu of a binary WebSocket frame. netmonitor.ws.context.copyFrameAsHex=คัดลอกเป็นเลขฐานสิบหก # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.ws.context.copyFrameAsHex.accesskey): This is the access key # for the "Copy as Hex" menu item displayed in the context menu of a binary WebSocket frame. netmonitor.ws.context.copyFrameAsHex.accesskey=ส # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.ws.context.copyFrameAsText): This is the label displayed # on the context menu that shows "Copy as Text" displayed in the context menu of a binary WebSocket frame. netmonitor.ws.context.copyFrameAsText=คัดลอกเป็นข้อความ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.ws.context.copyFrameAsText.accesskey): This is the access key # for the "Copy as Text" menu item displayed in the context menu of a binary WebSocket frame. netmonitor.ws.context.copyFrameAsText.accesskey=ข # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.ws.connection.closed): This is the text displayed in the # websocket messages panel when the connection is closed netmonitor.ws.connection.closed=ปิดการเชื่อมต่อ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.ws.type.sent): This is the label used as # accessible text for the "sent" type icon in the websocket table's "data" column. netmonitor.ws.type.sent=ส่ง # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.ws.type.received): This is the label used as # accessible text for the "received" type icon in the websocket table's "data" column. netmonitor.ws.type.received=รับ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.ws.rawData.header): This is the label displayed # in the messages panel identifying the raw data. netmonitor.ws.rawData.header=ข้อมูลดิบ (%S) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.search.toolbar.inputPlaceholder): This is the label # displayed in the search toolbar for the search input as the placeholder. netmonitor.search.toolbar.inputPlaceholder=ค้นหาในทรัพยากร… # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.search.toolbar.close): This is the label # displayed in the search toolbar to close the search panel. netmonitor.search.toolbar.close=ปิดแผงการค้นหา # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.search.toolbar.clear): This is the label # displayed in the search toolbar to clear the search panel. netmonitor.search.toolbar.clear=ล้างผลลัพธ์การค้นหา # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.search.toolbar.caseSensitive): This is the label # displayed in the search toolbar to do a case sensitive search. netmonitor.search.toolbar.caseSensitive=ตัวพิมพ์ใหญ่เล็กตรงกัน # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.search.status.labels.fetching): This is the label # displayed in the search results status bar when status is set to fetching. netmonitor.search.status.labels.fetching=กำลังค้นหา… # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.search.status.labels.canceled): This is the label # displayed in the search results status bar when status is set to cancelled. netmonitor.search.status.labels.canceled=ยกเลิกการค้นหาแล้ว # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.search.status.labels.done): This is the label # displayed in the search results status bar when status is set to done. # %1$S is the number of matching lines in search results (netmonitor.search.status.labels.matchingLines) # %2$S is the number of files in which matching lines were found (netmonitor.search.status.labels.fileCount) netmonitor.search.status.labels.done=สิ้นสุดการค้นหาแล้ว %1$S %2$S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.search.status.labels.matchingLines): Semi-colon list of plural forms. # This is the label displayed in the search results status bar showing matching lines found. # See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals # #1 is the number of matching lines found netmonitor.search.status.labels.matchingLines=พบ #1 บรรทัดที่ตรงกัน # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.search.status.labels.fileCount): Semi-colon list of plural forms. # This is the label displayed in the search results status bar showing file count # See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals # #1 is the number of files in which matching lines were found netmonitor.search.status.labels.fileCount=ใน #1 ไฟล์ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.search.status.labels.error): This is the label # displayed in the search results status bar when status is set to error. netmonitor.search.status.labels.error=มีข้อผิดพลาดในการค้นหา # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.requestBlocking): This is the tooltip displayed # over the toolbar's Request Blocking button netmonitor.toolbar.requestBlocking=การปิดกั้นคำขอ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.actionbar.requestBlocking2): This is the label displayed # in the action bar's request blocking tab netmonitor.actionbar.requestBlocking2=การปิดกั้น # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.actionbar.enableBlocking): This is the label displayed # in request blocking tab to represent if requests blocking should be enabled netmonitor.actionbar.enableBlocking=เปิดใช้งานการปิดกั้นคำขอ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.actionbar.blockSearchPlaceholder): This is the # placeholder text for the request addition form netmonitor.actionbar.blockSearchPlaceholder=ปิดกั้นทรัพยากรเมื่อ URL มี # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.actionbar.removeBlockedUrl): This is the # tooltip shown over the remove button for blocked URL item netmonitor.actionbar.removeBlockedUrl=ลบรูปแบบ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.actionbar.requestBlockingUsageNotice): This is the # usage notice displayed when network blocking list is empty netmonitor.actionbar.requestBlockingUsageNotice=เพิ่มรูปแบบ URL ที่นี่เพื่อปิดกั้นคำขอที่ตรงกัน # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.actionbar.requestBlockingAddNotice): This is the # add notice that explains ways to add blocking pattern that is displayed when # network blocking list is empty netmonitor.actionbar.requestBlockingAddNotice=เริ่มโดยเพิ่มรูปแบบหรือลากแถวจากตารางเครือข่าย # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.requestBlockingMenu.removeAllBlockedUrls): This is the # context menu item for removing all blocked URLs netmonitor.requestBlockingMenu.removeAllBlockedUrls=เอาออกทั้งหมด # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.requestBlockingMenu.enableAllBlockedUrls): This is the # context menu item for enabling all blocked URLs netmonitor.requestBlockingMenu.enableAllBlockedUrls=เปิดใช้งานทั้งหมด # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.requestBlockingMenu.disableAllBlockedUrls): This is the # context menu item for disabling all blocked URLs netmonitor.requestBlockingMenu.disableAllBlockedUrls=ปิดใช้งานทั้งหมด # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.actionbar.search): This is the label displayed # in the action bar's search tab netmonitor.actionbar.search=ค้นหา # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.actionbar.HTTPCustomRequest): This is the label displayed # in the action bar's edit and resend tab netmonitor.actionbar.HTTPCustomRequest=คำขอใหม่ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (messagesTruncated): This is the text displayed # in the messages panel when the number of messages is over the # truncation limit. # See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals netmonitor.ws.truncated-messages.warning=#1 ข้อความได้ถูกตัดทอนเพื่อประหยัดหน่วยความจำ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (disableMessagesTruncation): This is the text displayed # in the messages panel checkbox label for toggling message truncation. toggleMessagesTruncation=เก็บข้อความในอนาคตทั้งหมด # LOCALIZATION NOTE (toggleMessagesTruncation.title): This is the title used # to describe the checkbox used to toggle message truncation. toggleMessagesTruncation.title=เก็บข้อความในอนาคตทั้งหมดหรือแสดงข้อความที่ถูกตัดทอนต่อไป # LOCALIZATION NOTE (messageDataTruncated): This is the text displayed # to describe to describe data truncation in the messages panel. messageDataTruncated=ข้อมูลได้ถูกตัดทอนแล้ว # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.tab.headers): This is the label displayed # in the network details pane identifying the headers tab. netmonitor.tab.headers=ส่วนหัว # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.tab.messages): This is the label displayed # in the network details pane identifying the messages tab. netmonitor.tab.messages=ข้อความ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.tab.cookies): This is the label displayed # in the network details pane identifying the cookies tab. netmonitor.tab.cookies=คุกกี้ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.tab.cache): This is the label displayed # in the network details pane identifying the cache tab. netmonitor.tab.cache=แคช # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.tab.params): This is the label displayed # in the network details pane identifying the params tab. netmonitor.tab.params=พารามิเตอร์ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.tab.request): This is the label displayed # in the network details pane identifying the request tab. netmonitor.tab.request=คำขอ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.tab.response): This is the label displayed # in the network details pane identifying the response tab. netmonitor.tab.response=การตอบสนอง # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.tab.timings): This is the label displayed # in the network details pane identifying the timings tab. netmonitor.tab.timings=การจับเวลา # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.tab.stackTrace): This is the label displayed # in the network details pane identifying the stack-trace tab. netmonitor.tab.stackTrace=การตามรอยสแตก # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.tab.security): This is the label displayed # in the network details pane identifying the security tab. netmonitor.tab.security=ความปลอดภัย # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.filter.all): This is the label displayed # in the network toolbar for the "All" filtering button. netmonitor.toolbar.filter.all=ทั้งหมด # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.filter.html): This is the label displayed # in the network toolbar for the "HTML" filtering button. netmonitor.toolbar.filter.html=HTML # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.filter.css): This is the label displayed # in the network toolbar for the "CSS" filtering button. netmonitor.toolbar.filter.css=CSS # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.filter.js): This is the label displayed # in the network toolbar for the "JS" filtering button. netmonitor.toolbar.filter.js=JS # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.filter.xhr): This is the label displayed # in the network toolbar for the "XHR" filtering button. netmonitor.toolbar.filter.xhr=XHR # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.filter.fonts): This is the label displayed # in the network toolbar for the "Fonts" filtering button. netmonitor.toolbar.filter.fonts=แบบอักษร # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.filter.images): This is the label displayed # in the network toolbar for the "Images" filtering button. netmonitor.toolbar.filter.images=ภาพ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.filter.media): This is the label displayed # in the network toolbar for the "Media" filtering button. netmonitor.toolbar.filter.media=สื่อ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.filter.flash): This is the label displayed # in the network toolbar for the "Flash" filtering button. netmonitor.toolbar.filter.flash=Flash # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.filter.ws): This is the label displayed # in the network toolbar for the "WS" filtering button. netmonitor.toolbar.filter.ws=WS # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.filter.other): This is the label displayed # in the network toolbar for the "Other" filtering button. netmonitor.toolbar.filter.other=อื่น ๆ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.filterFreetext.label): This is the label # displayed in the network toolbar for the url filtering textbox. netmonitor.toolbar.filterFreetext.label=กรอง URL # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.filterFreetext.key): This is the # shortcut key to focus on the toolbar url filtering textbox netmonitor.toolbar.filterFreetext.key=CmdOrCtrl+F # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.search.key): This is the # shortcut key to toggle the search panel netmonitor.toolbar.search.key=CmdOrCtrl+Shift+F # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.copy.key): This is the # shortcut key to copy a selected request url from the network table netmonitor.toolbar.copy.key=CmdOrCtrl+C # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.filterFreetext.learnMore): This is # the title used for MDN icon in filtering textbox netmonitor.toolbar.filterFreetext.learnMore=เรียนรู้เพิ่มเติมเกี่ยวกับการกรอง # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.enablePersistentLogs.label): This is the label # displayed for the checkbox for enabling persistent logs. netmonitor.toolbar.enablePersistentLogs.label=คงรายการบันทึก # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.enablePersistentLogs.tooltip): This is the tooltip # displayed for the checkbox for enabling persistent logs. netmonitor.toolbar.enablePersistentLogs.tooltip=ถ้าคุณเปิดใช้งานตัวเลือกนี้ รายการคำขอจะไม่ถูกล้างในแต่ละครั้งที่คุณนำทางไปยังหน้าใหม่ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.disableCache.label): This is the label # displayed for the checkbox for disabling browser cache. netmonitor.toolbar.disableCache.label=ปิดใช้งานแคช # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.disableCache.tooltip): This is the tooltip # displayed for the checkbox for disabling browser cache. netmonitor.toolbar.disableCache.tooltip=ปิดใช้งานแคช HTTP # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.clear): This is the label displayed # in the network toolbar for the "Clear" button. netmonitor.toolbar.clear=ล้าง # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.toggleRecording): This is the label displayed # in the network toolbar for the toggle recording button. netmonitor.toolbar.toggleRecording=พัก/บันทึกรายการบันทึกเครือข่ายต่อ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.search): This is the tooltip label displayed # in the network toolbar for the search button. netmonitor.toolbar.search=ค้นหา # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.HTTPCustomRequest): This is the tooltip label displayed # in the network toolbar for the new HTTP Custom Request button. netmonitor.toolbar.HTTPCustomRequest=คำขอใหม่ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.resetColumns): This is the label # displayed in the network table header context menu. netmonitor.toolbar.resetColumns=กลับค่าเดิมของคอลัมน์ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.resetSorting): This is the label # displayed in the network table header context menu to reset sorting netmonitor.toolbar.resetSorting=กลับค่าเดิมของการเรียง # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.resizeColumnToFitContent): This is the label # displayed in the network table header context menu to resize a column to fit its content netmonitor.toolbar.resizeColumnToFitContent=ปรับขนาดคอลัมน์ให้พอดีกับเนื้อหา # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.resizeColumnToFitContent.title): This is the title # tooltip displayed when draggable resizer in network table headers is hovered netmonitor.toolbar.resizeColumnToFitContent.title=คลิกสองครั้งเพื่อให้คอลัมน์พอดีกับเนื้อหา # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.timings): This is the label # displayed in the network table header context menu for the timing submenu netmonitor.toolbar.timings=การจับเวลา # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.responseHeaders): This is the # label displayed in the network table header context menu for the # response headers submenu. netmonitor.toolbar.responseHeaders=ส่วนหัวการตอบสนอง # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.headers.toolbar.block): This is the # label displayed in the network details headers tab identifying the # block url toolbar button. netmonitor.headers.toolbar.block=ปิดกั้น # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.headers.address): This is the label displayed # in the network details headers tab identifying the remote address. netmonitor.headers.address=ที่อยู่ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.headers.proxyAddress): This is the label displayed # in the network details headers tab identifying the proxy address. netmonitor.headers.proxyAddress=ที่อยู่พร็อกซี # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.headers.status): This is the label displayed # in the network details headers tab identifying the status code. netmonitor.headers.status=สถานะ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.headers.proxyStatus): This is the label displayed # in the network details headers tab identifying the status code for the proxy. netmonitor.headers.proxyStatus=สถานะพร็อกซี # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.headers.size): This is the label displayed # in the network details headers tab identifying the size. netmonitor.headers.size=ขนาด # LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.headers.sizeDetails): This label is displayed # in the network details headers tab providing the size details. # %1$S is the transferred size, %2$S is the size. netmonitor.headers.sizeDetails=%1$S (ขนาด %2$S) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.headers.version): This is the label displayed # in the network details headers tab identifying the http version. netmonitor.headers.version=รุ่น # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.headers.proxyVersion): This is the label displayed # in the network details headers tab identifying the http version of the proxy. netmonitor.headers.proxyVersion=รุ่นของพร็อกซี # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.summary.learnMore): This is the label displayed # in the network details headers tab, with a link to external documentation for # status codes. netmonitor.summary.learnMore=เรียนรู้เพิ่มเติมเกี่ยวกับรหัสสถานะ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.headers.referrerPolicy): This is the label displayed # in the network details headers tab identifying the referrer policy. netmonitor.headers.referrerPolicy=นโยบาย Referrer # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.headers.contentBlocking): This is the label displayed # in the network details headers tab identifying the content blocking mode. netmonitor.headers.contentBlocking=การปิดกั้น # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.headers.requestPriority): This is the label displayed # in the network details headers tab identifying the request priority. netmonitor.headers.requestPriority=ขอลำดับความสำคัญ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.headers.dns): This is the label displayed # in the network details headers tab identifying the DNS resolution. netmonitor.headers.dns=การแปลงที่อยู่ DNS # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.headers.dns.basic): This is the label value displayed # in the network details headers tab identifying the Basic DNS resolution. netmonitor.headers.dns.basic=ระบบ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.headers.dns.doh): This is the label value displayed # in the network details headers tab identifying the DNS over HTTPS resolution. netmonitor.headers.dns.overHttps=DNS over HTTPS # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.summary.editAndResend): This is the label displayed # on the button in the headers tab that opens a form to edit and resend the currently # displayed request netmonitor.summary.editAndResend=แก้ไขและส่งใหม่ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.headers.raw): This is the label displayed # on the button in the headers tab that toggle view for raw request/response headers # from the currently displayed request netmonitor.headers.raw=ดิบ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.headers.blockedByCORS): This is the message displayed # in the notification shown when a request has been blocked by CORS with a more # specific reason shown in the parenthesis netmonitor.headers.blockedByCORS=เนื้อความการตอบกลับไม่พร้อมใช้งานสำหรับสคริปต์ (เหตุผล: %S) #LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.headers.blockedByCORSTooltip): This is the tooltip # displayed on the learnmore link of the blocked by CORS notification. netmonitor.headers.blockedByCORSTooltip=เรียนรู้เพิ่มเติมเกี่ยวกับข้อผิดพลาด CORS นี้ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.response.name): This is the label displayed # in the network details response tab identifying an image's file name or font face's name. netmonitor.response.name=ชื่อ: # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.response.dimensions): This is the label displayed # in the network details response tab identifying an image's dimensions. netmonitor.response.dimensions=มิติ: # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.response.mime): This is the label displayed # in the network details response tab identifying an image's or font's MIME type. netmonitor.response.mime=ชนิด MIME: # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.response.fontPreviewFailed): This is the notice displayed # in the network details response tab if the font preview could not be generated due to # an error. netmonitor.response.fontPreviewFailed=ไม่สามารถสร้างตัวอย่างแบบอักษรได้ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.timings.blocked): This is the label displayed # in the network details timings tab identifying the amount of time spent # in a "blocked" state. netmonitor.timings.blocked=ถูกปิดกั้น: # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.timings.dns): This is the label displayed # in the network details timings tab identifying the amount of time spent # in a "dns" state. netmonitor.timings.dns=การแปลงที่อยู่ DNS: # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.timings.ssl): This is the label displayed # in the network details timings tab identifying the amount of time spent # in a "tls" handshake state. netmonitor.timings.ssl=การตั้งค่า TLS: # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.timings.connect): This is the label displayed # in the network details timings tab identifying the amount of time spent # in a "connect" state. netmonitor.timings.connect=การเชื่อมต่อ: # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.timings.send): This is the label displayed # in the network details timings tab identifying the amount of time spent # in a "send" state. netmonitor.timings.send=การส่ง: # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.timings.wait): This is the label displayed # in the network details timings tab identifying the amount of time spent # in a "wait" state. netmonitor.timings.wait=การรอ: # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.timings.receive): This is the label displayed # in the network details timings tab identifying the amount of time spent # in a "receive" state. netmonitor.timings.receive=การรับ: # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.timings.launchServiceWorker): This is the label displayed # in the network details timings tab identifying the amount of time spent # during the launch of the service worker. netmonitor.timings.launchServiceWorker=เริ่มการทำงาน: # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.timings.requestToServiceWorker): This is the label displayed # in the network details timings tab identifying the amount of time spent while a request is # made to the service worker. netmonitor.timings.requestToServiceWorker=ดิสแพตช์ fetch: # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.timings.handledByServiceWorker): This is the label displayed # in the network details timings tab identifying the amount of time spent while a request is # handled by the service worker. netmonitor.timings.handledByServiceWorker=จัดการ fetch: # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.timings.learnMore): This is the label displayed # in the network details timings tab, with a link to external documentation netmonitor.timings.learnMore=เรียนรู้เพิ่มเติมเกี่ยวกับการกำหนดเวลา # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.audits.slowIconTooltip): This is the tooltip text displayed # in the network request list file column, on the slow icon button. # %1$S is the waiting time %2$S is the slow threshold. netmonitor.audits.slowIconTooltip=เวลาในการตอบสนองของเซิร์ฟเวอร์ช้า (%1$S) ขีดจำกัดที่แนะนำคือ %2$S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.security.warning.cipher): A tooltip # for warning icon that indicates a connection uses insecure cipher suite. netmonitor.security.warning.cipher=การเข้ารหัสที่ใช้เลิกใช้แล้วและไม่ปลอดภัย # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.security.error): This is the label displayed # in the security tab if a security error prevented the connection. netmonitor.security.error=เกิดข้อผิดพลาด: # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.security.protocolVersion): This is the label displayed # in the security tab describing TLS/SSL protocol version. netmonitor.security.protocolVersion=รุ่นโพรโทคอล: # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.security.cipherSuite): This is the label displayed # in the security tab describing the cipher suite used to secure this connection. netmonitor.security.cipherSuite=ชุดการเข้ารหัส: # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.security.keaGroup): This is the label displayed # in the security tab describing the key exchange group suite used to secure # this connection. netmonitor.security.keaGroup=กลุ่มการแลกเปลี่ยนกุญแจ: # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.security.keaGroup.none): This is the label # displayed in the security tab describing the case when no group was used. netmonitor.security.keaGroup.none=ไม่มี # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.security.keaGroup.custom): This is the label # displayed in the security tab describing the case when a custom group was used. netmonitor.security.keaGroup.custom=กำหนดเอง # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.security.keaGroup.unknown): This is the value # displayed in the security tab describing an unknown group. netmonitor.security.keaGroup.unknown=ไม่ทราบกลุ่ม # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.security.signatureScheme): This is the label # displayed in the security tab describing the signature scheme used by for # the server certificate in this connection. netmonitor.security.signatureScheme=แบบแผนลายเซ็น: # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.security.signatureScheme.none): This is the # label displayed in the security tab describing the case when no signature # was used. netmonitor.security.signatureScheme.none=ไม่มี # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.security.signatureScheme.unknown): This is the # value displayed in the security tab describing an unknown signature scheme. netmonitor.security.signatureScheme.unknown=แบบแผนลายเซ็นที่ไม่รู้จัก # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.security.hsts): This is the label displayed # in the security tab describing the usage of HTTP Strict Transport Security. netmonitor.security.hsts=HTTP Strict Transport Security: # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.security.hpkp): This is the label displayed # in the security tab describing the usage of Public Key Pinning. netmonitor.security.hpkp=Public Key Pinning: # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.security.connection): This is the label displayed # in the security tab describing the section containing information related to # the secure connection. netmonitor.security.connection=การเชื่อมต่อ: # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.security.certificate): This is the label displayed # in the security tab describing the server certificate section. netmonitor.security.certificate=ใบรับรอง: # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.trackingResource.tooltip): This is the label used # in the Network monitor panel as a tooltip for tracking resource icon. netmonitor.trackingResource.tooltip=URL นี้ตรงกับตัวติดตามที่รู้จักและจะถูกปิดกั้นเมื่อเปิดใช้งานการปิดกั้นเนื้อหา # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.trackingResource.enhancedTrackingProtection): This is # the label used in the Network monitor panel for showing enhanced tracking protection. netmonitor.trackingResource.enhancedTrackingProtection=การป้องกันการติดตามแบบพิเศษ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.enhancedTrackingProtection.learnMore): This is the label # displayed in the network details headers tab, with a link to external documentation for # enhanced tracking protection. netmonitor.enhancedTrackingProtection.learnMore=เรียนรู้เพิ่มเติมเกี่ยวกับการป้องกันการติดตามแบบพิเศษ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyValue): This is the label displayed # for the copy sub-menu in the context menu for a request netmonitor.context.copyValue=คัดลอกค่า # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyValue.accesskey): This is the access key # for the copy menu/sub-menu displayed in the context menu for a request netmonitor.context.copyValue.accesskey=ค # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyUrl): This is the label displayed # on the context menu that copies the selected request's url netmonitor.context.copyUrl=คัดลอก URL # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyUrl.accesskey): This is the access key # for the Copy URL menu item displayed in the context menu for a request netmonitor.context.copyUrl.accesskey=ด # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyUrlParams): This is the label displayed # on the context menu that copies the selected request's url parameters netmonitor.context.copyUrlParams=คัดลอกพารามิเตอร์ URL # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyUrlParams.accesskey): This is the access key # for the Copy URL Parameters menu item displayed in the context menu for a request netmonitor.context.copyUrlParams.accesskey=ล # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyRequestData): This is the label displayed # on the context menu that copies the selected request's data netmonitor.context.copyRequestData=คัดลอกข้อมูล %S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyRequestData.accesskey): This is the access key # for the Copy POST/PATCH/PUT/DELETE Data menu item displayed in the context menu for a request netmonitor.context.copyRequestData.accesskey=อ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyAsPowerShell): This is the label displayed # on the context menu that copies the selected request as a PowerShell command. netmonitor.context.copyAsPowerShell=คัดลอกเป็น PowerShell # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyAsPowerShell.accesskey): This is the access key # for the Copy as PowerShell menu item displayed in the context menu for a request netmonitor.context.copyAsPowerShell.accesskey=S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyAsCurl): This is the label displayed # on the context menu that copies the selected request as a cURL command. # The capitalization is part of the official name and should be used throughout all languages. # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CURL netmonitor.context.copyAsCurl=คัดลอกเป็น cURL # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyAsCurl.accesskey): This is the access key # for the Copy as cURL menu item displayed in the context menu for a request netmonitor.context.copyAsCurl.accesskey=ก # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyAsCurl.*): This is the template used to add # a target platform to the label for "Copy as cURL" command # e.g. Copy as cURL (Windows) # Localized label for "Copy as cURL": %S netmonitor.context.copyAsCurl.win=%S (Windows) netmonitor.context.copyAsCurl.win.accesskey=ค netmonitor.context.copyAsCurl.posix=%S (POSIX) netmonitor.context.copyAsCurl.posix.accesskey=P # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyAsFetch): This is the label displayed # on the context menu that copies the selected request as a fetch request. netmonitor.context.copyAsFetch=คัดลอกเป็น Fetch # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyAsFetch.accesskey): This is the access key # for the Copy as fetch menu item displayed in the context menu for a request netmonitor.context.copyAsFetch.accesskey=F # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyRequestHeaders): This is the label displayed # on the context menu that copies the selected item's request headers netmonitor.context.copyRequestHeaders=คัดลอกส่วนหัวคำร้องขอ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyRequestHeaders.accesskey): This is the access key # for the Copy Request Headers menu item displayed in the context menu for a request netmonitor.context.copyRequestHeaders.accesskey=ส # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyResponseHeaders): This is the label displayed # on the context menu that copies the selected item's response headers netmonitor.context.copyResponseHeaders=คัดลอกส่วนหัวการตอบสนอง # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyResponseHeaders.accesskey): This is the access key # for the Copy Response Headers menu item displayed in the context menu for a response netmonitor.context.copyResponseHeaders.accesskey=ว # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyResponse): This is the label displayed # on the context menu that copies the selected response as a string netmonitor.context.copyResponse=คัดลอกการตอบสนอง # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyResponse.accesskey): This is the access key # for the Copy Response menu item displayed in the context menu for a request netmonitor.context.copyResponse.accesskey=ร # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyImageAsDataUri): This is the label displayed # on the context menu that copies the selected image as data uri netmonitor.context.copyImageAsDataUri=คัดลอกภาพเป็น URI ของข้อมูล # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyImageAsDataUri.accesskey): This is the access key # for the Copy Image As Data URI menu item displayed in the context menu for a request netmonitor.context.copyImageAsDataUri.accesskey=ภ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.useAsFetch): This is the label displayed # on the context menu that copies the selected request as a fetch command. netmonitor.context.useAsFetch=ใช้เป็น Fetch ในคอนโซล # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.useAsFetch.accesskey): This is the access key # for the Copy as fetch menu item displayed in the context menu for a request netmonitor.context.useAsFetch.accesskey=F # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.saveImageAs): This is the label displayed # on the context menu that save the Image netmonitor.context.saveImageAs=บันทึกภาพเป็น… # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.saveImageAs.accesskey): This is the access key # for the Copy Image As Data URI menu item displayed in the context menu for a request netmonitor.context.saveImageAs.accesskey=บ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.saveResponseAs): This is the label displayed # on the context menu that saves the response netmonitor.context.saveResponseAs=บันทึกการตอบกลับเป็น # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.saveResponseAs.accesskey): This is the access key # for the Save Response As menu item displayed in the context menu for a request netmonitor.context.saveResponseAs.accesskey=บ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyAll): This is the label displayed # on the context menu that copies all data netmonitor.context.copyAll=คัดลอกทั้งหมด # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyAll.accesskey): This is the access key # for the Copy All menu item displayed in the context menu for a properties view panel netmonitor.context.copyAll.accesskey=ค # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyAllAsHar): This is the label displayed # on the context menu that copies all as HAR format netmonitor.context.copyAllAsHar=คัดลอกทั้งหมดเป็น HAR # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyAllAsHar.accesskey): This is the access key # for the Copy All As HAR menu item displayed in the context menu for a network panel netmonitor.context.copyAllAsHar.accesskey=ด # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.saveAllAsHar): This is the label displayed # on the context menu that saves all as HAR format netmonitor.context.saveAllAsHar=บันทึกทั้งหมดเป็น HAR # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.saveAllAsHar.accesskey): This is the access key # for the Save All As HAR menu item displayed in the context menu for a network panel netmonitor.context.saveAllAsHar.accesskey=H # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.importHar.accesskey): This is the access key # for the Import HAR menu item displayed in the context menu for a network panel netmonitor.context.importHar.accesskey=น # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.har.importHarDialogTitle): This is a label # used for import file open dialog netmonitor.har.importHarDialogTitle=นำเข้าไฟล์ HAR # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.har.importDialogHARFilter): # This string is displayed as a filter for importing HAR file netmonitor.har.importDialogHARFilter=ไฟล์ HAR # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.har.importDialogAllFilter): # This string is displayed as a filter for importing HAR file netmonitor.har.importDialogAllFilter=ไฟล์ทั้งหมด # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.resend.label): This is the label displayed # on the context menu that resends the currently displayed request immediately netmonitor.context.resend.label=ส่งใหม่ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.resend.accesskey): This is the access key # for the "Resend" menu item displayed in the context menu for a request netmonitor.context.resend.accesskey=ส # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.editAndResend): This is the label displayed # on the context menu that opens a form to edit and resend the currently # displayed request netmonitor.context.editAndResend=แก้ไขและส่งใหม่ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.editAndResend.accesskey): This is the access key # for the "Edit and Resend" menu item displayed in the context menu for a request netmonitor.context.editAndResend.accesskey=ก # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.blockURL): This is the label displayed # on the context menu that blocks any requests matching the selected request's URL. netmonitor.context.blockURL=ปิดกั้น URL # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.unblockURL): This is the label displayed # on the context menu that unblocks any requests matching the selected request's URL. netmonitor.context.unblockURL=เลิกปิดกั้น URL # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.newTab): This is the label # for the Open in New Tab menu item displayed in the context menu of the # network container netmonitor.context.newTab=เปิดในแท็บใหม่ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.newTab.accesskey): This is the access key # for the Open in New Tab menu item displayed in the context menu of the # network container netmonitor.context.newTab.accesskey=ป # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.openInDebugger): This is the label # for the Open in Debugger menu item displayed in the context menu of the # network container netmonitor.context.openInDebugger=เปิดในตัวดีบั๊ก # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.openInDebugger.accesskey): This is the access key # for the Open in Debugger menu item displayed in the context menu of the # network container netmonitor.context.openInDebugger.accesskey=ด # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.openInStyleEditor): This is the label # for the Open in Style Editor menu item displayed in the context menu of the # network container netmonitor.context.openInStyleEditor=เปิดในตัวแก้ไขสไตล์ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.openInStyleEditor.accesskey): This is # the access key for the Open in Style Editor menu item displayed in the # context menu of the network container netmonitor.context.openInStyleEditor.accesskey=น # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.perfTools): This is the label displayed # on the context menu that shows the performance analysis tools netmonitor.context.perfTools=เริ่มการวิเคราะห์ประสิทธิภาพ… # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.perfTools.accesskey): This is the access key # for the performance analysis menu item displayed in the context menu for a request netmonitor.context.perfTools.accesskey=ร # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.custom.newRequest): This is the label displayed # as the title of the new custom request form netmonitor.custom.newRequest=คำขอใหม่ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.custom.newRequestMethodLabel): This is the label displayed # above the method text input field of the new custom request form netmonitor.custom.newRequestMethodLabel=วิธีการ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.custom.newRequestUrlLabel): This is the label displayed # above the url text input field of the new custom request form netmonitor.custom.newRequestUrlLabel=URL # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.custom.query): This is the label displayed # above the query string entry in the custom request form netmonitor.custom.query=สตริงการสืบค้น: # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.custom.urlParameters): This is the label displayed # above the query string entry in the custom request form netmonitor.custom.urlParameters=พารามิเตอร์ URL # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.custom.headers): This is the label displayed # above the request headers entry in the custom request form netmonitor.custom.headers=ส่วนหัวคำร้องขอ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.custom.newRequestHeaders): This is the label displayed # above the request headers entry in the new custom request form netmonitor.custom.newRequestHeaders=ส่วนหัว # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.custom.placeholder.name): This is the placeholder displayed # on the input on the headers and query params on new custom request form netmonitor.custom.placeholder.name=ชื่อ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.custom.placeholder.value): This is the placeholder displayed # on the input on the headers and query params on new custom request form netmonitor.custom.placeholder.value=ค่า # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.custom.postBody): This is the label displayed # above the request body entry in the new custom request form netmonitor.custom.postBody=เนื้อหา # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.custom.postBody.placeholder): This is the placeholder displayed # on the textarea body in the new custom request form netmonitor.custom.postBody.placeholder=ส่วนข้อมูล # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.custom.postData): This is the label displayed # above the request body entry in the custom request form netmonitor.custom.postData=เนื้อหาคำขอ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.custom.send): This is the label displayed # on the button which sends the custom request netmonitor.custom.send=ส่ง # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.custom.cancel): This is the label displayed # on the button which cancels and closes the custom request form netmonitor.custom.cancel=ยกเลิก # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.custom.clear): This is the label displayed # on the button which clears the content of the new custom request panel netmonitor.custom.clear=ล้าง # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.custom.removeItem): This is the # tooltip shown over the remove button for headers and query params item netmonitor.custom.removeItem=เอารายการออก # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.backButton): This is the label displayed # on the button which exists the performance statistics view netmonitor.backButton=ย้อนกลับ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.status.tooltip.simple): This is the tooltip of the # column status code, when request is not being cached or is not from a service worker # %1$S is the status code, %2$S is the status text. netmonitor.status.tooltip.simple = %1$S %2$S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.status.tooltip.cached): This is the tooltip of # the column status code, when the request is cached # %1$S is the status code, %2$S is the status text. netmonitor.status.tooltip.cached = %1$S %2$S (ถูกแคช) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.status.tooltip.worker): This is the tooltip of # the column status code, when the request is from a service worker # %1$S is the status code, %2$S is the status text. netmonitor.status.tooltip.worker = %1$S %2$S (Service Worker) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.status.tooltip.cachedworker): This is the tooltip # of the column status code, when the request is cached and is from a service worker # %1$S is the status code, %2$S is the status text. netmonitor.status.tooltip.cachedworker = %1$S %2$S (ถูกแคช, Service Worker) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.label.dropHarFiles): This is a label # rendered within the Network panel when *.har file(s) are dragged # over the content. netmonitor.label.dropHarFiles = ปล่อยไฟล์ HAR ที่นี่ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.label.har): This is a label used # as a tooltip for toolbar drop-down button with HAR actions netmonitor.label.har=การส่งออก/การนำเข้า HAR # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.cache.cache): This is the label text for the parent # node in the TreeView. netmonitor.cache.cache=แคช # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.cache.empty): This is the text displayed when cache # information is not available. netmonitor.cache.empty=ไม่มีข้อมูลแคช # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.cache.notAvailable): This is the text displayed under # a node that has no information available. netmonitor.cache.notAvailable=ไม่พร้อมใช้งาน # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.cache.dataSize): This is the label text for # the datasize of the cached object. netmonitor.cache.dataSize=ขนาดข้อมูล # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.cache.expires): This is the label text for the # expires time of the cached object. netmonitor.cache.expires=หมดอายุ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.cache.fetchCount): This is the label text for the # fetch count of the cached object. netmonitor.cache.fetchCount=จำนวนการดึงข้อมูล # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.cache.lastFetched): This is the label text for the # last fetched date/time of the cached object. netmonitor.cache.lastFetched=ดึงข้อมูลล่าสุด # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.cache.lastModified): This is the label text for the # last modified date/time of the cached object. netmonitor.cache.lastModified=ปรับเปลี่ยนล่าสุดเมื่อ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.cache.device): This is the label text for the device # where a cached object was fetched from (e.g. "disk"). netmonitor.cache.device=อุปกรณ์ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.settings.menuTooltip): This is the tooltip that gets displayed # when the settings menu button is hovered. netmonitor.settings.menuTooltip=การตั้งค่าเครือข่าย # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.settings.importHarTooltip): This is the tooltip that gets displayed # when the HAR import menu item is hovered netmonitor.settings.importHarTooltip=นำเข้าไฟล์ HAR ของข้อมูลเครือข่าย # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.settings.saveHarTooltip): This is the tooltip that gets displayed # when the HAR save menu item is hovered netmonitor.settings.saveHarTooltip=บันทึกข้อมูลเครือข่ายเป็นไฟล์ HAR # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.settings.copyHarTooltip): This is the tooltip that gets displayed # when the HAR copy menu item is hovered netmonitor.settings.copyHarTooltip=คัดลอกข้อมูลเครือข่ายไปยังคลิปบอร์ด