# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. about-networking-title = Ağ Hakkında about-networking-http = HTTP about-networking-sockets = Sockets about-networking-dns = DNS about-networking-dns-clear-cache-button = DNS önbelleğini temizle about-networking-dns-trr-url = DoH URL’si about-networking-dns-trr-mode = DoH modu about-networking-dns-suffix = DNS soneki about-networking-websockets = WebSockets about-networking-refresh = Yenile about-networking-auto-refresh = 3 saniyede bir otomatik yenile about-networking-hostname = Makine adı about-networking-port = Port about-networking-http-version = HTTP sürümü about-networking-ssl = SSL about-networking-active = Etkin about-networking-idle = Beklemede about-networking-host = Makine about-networking-type = Tür about-networking-sent = Gönderilen about-networking-received = Alınan about-networking-family = Aile about-networking-trr = TRR about-networking-addresses = Adresler about-networking-expires = Zaman aşımı (saniye) about-networking-originAttributesSuffix = İzolasyon anahtarı about-networking-flags = Ek flag’ler about-networking-messages-sent = Gönderilen mesajlar about-networking-messages-received = Alınan mesajlar about-networking-bytes-sent = Gönderilen bayt about-networking-bytes-received = Alınan bayt about-networking-logging = Log Kaydı about-networking-dns-lookup = DNS Çözümleme about-networking-dns-lookup-button = Çözümle about-networking-dns-domain = Alan adı: about-networking-dns-lookup-table-column = IP'ler about-networking-dns-https-rr-lookup-table-column = HTTP RR’leri about-networking-rcwn = RCWN İstatistikleri about-networking-rcwn-status = RCWN durumu about-networking-rcwn-cache-won-count = Önbellek kazanım sayısı about-networking-rcwn-net-won-count = Net kazanım sayısı about-networking-total-network-requests = Toplam ağ isteği sayısı about-networking-rcwn-operation = Önbellek operasyonu about-networking-rcwn-perf-open = Açma about-networking-rcwn-perf-read = Okuma about-networking-rcwn-perf-write = Yazma about-networking-rcwn-perf-entry-open = Kayıt açma about-networking-rcwn-avg-short = Kısa ortalama about-networking-rcwn-avg-long = Uzun ortalama about-networking-rcwn-std-dev-long = Uzun standart sapma about-networking-rcwn-cache-slow = Yavaş önbellek sayısı about-networking-rcwn-cache-not-slow = Yavaş olmayan önbellek sayısı about-networking-networkid = Ağ Kimliği about-networking-networkid-id = Ağ Kimliği # Note: do not translate about:logging, as it is a URL. about-networking-moved-about-logging = Bu sayfa about:logging’e taşındı. ## Link is intended as "network link" about-networking-networkid-is-up = Bağlantı çalışıyor about-networking-networkid-status-known = Bağlantı durumu bilinmiyor ##