# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # NOTE: New strings should use the about-logins- prefix. about-logins-page-title = 我的密码 about-logins-login-filter = .placeholder = 搜索登录信息 .key = F create-new-login-button = .title = 新建登录信息 about-logins-page-title-name = 密码 about-logins-login-filter2 = .placeholder = 搜索密码 .key = F create-login-button = .title = 添加密码 fxaccounts-sign-in-text = 跨设备使用已保存的密码 fxaccounts-sign-in-sync-button = 登录同步服务 fxaccounts-avatar-button = .title = 管理账户 ## The ⋯ menu that is in the top corner of the page menu = .title = 打开菜单 # This menuitem is only visible on Windows and macOS about-logins-menu-menuitem-import-from-another-browser = 从其他浏览器导入… about-logins-menu-menuitem-import-from-a-file = 从文件导入… about-logins-menu-menuitem-export-logins = 导出登录信息… about-logins-menu-menuitem-remove-all-logins = 移除所有登录信息… about-logins-menu-menuitem-export-logins2 = 导出密码… about-logins-menu-menuitem-remove-all-logins2 = 移除所有密码… menu-menuitem-preferences = { PLATFORM() -> [windows] 选项 *[other] 偏好设置 } about-logins-menu-menuitem-help = 帮助 ## Login List login-list = .aria-label = 匹配搜索词的登录信息 # Variables # $count (number) - Number of logins login-list-count = { $count -> *[other] { $count } 条登录信息 } # Variables # $count (number) - Number of filtered logins # $total (number) - Total number of logins login-list-filtered-count = { $count } / { $total } 条登录信息 # Variables # $count (number) - Number of logins login-list-count2 = { $count } 个密码 # Variables # $count (number) - Number of filtered logins # $total (number) - Total number of logins login-list-filtered-count2 = { $count }/{ $total } 个密码 login-list-sort-label-text = 顺序: login-list-name-option = 名称(A-Z) login-list-name-reverse-option = 名称(Z-A) login-list-username-option = 用户名(A-Z) login-list-username-reverse-option = 用户名(Z-A) about-logins-login-list-alerts-option = 警报 login-list-last-changed-option = 最后修改 login-list-last-used-option = 上次使用 login-list-intro-title = 未找到登录信息 login-list-intro-title2 = 没有已保存的密码 login-list-intro-description = 保存到 { -brand-product-name } 的密码会显示在这里。 about-logins-login-list-empty-search-title = 未找到登录信息 about-logins-login-list-empty-search-title2 = 找不到相关密码 about-logins-login-list-empty-search-description = 没有符合您搜索条件的结果。 login-list-item-title-new-login = 新建登录信息 login-list-item-subtitle-new-login = 输入您的登录凭据 login-list-item-title-new-login2 = 添加密码 login-list-item-subtitle-missing-username = (无用户名) about-logins-list-item-breach-icon = .title = 发生数据外泄的网站 about-logins-list-item-vulnerable-password-icon = .title = 弱密码 about-logins-list-section-breach = 发生数据外泄的网站 about-logins-list-section-vulnerable = 弱密码 about-logins-list-section-nothing = 暂无警报 about-logins-list-section-today = 今天 about-logins-list-section-yesterday = 昨天 about-logins-list-section-week = 最近 7 天 ## Introduction screen about-logins-login-intro-heading-logged-out2 = 在寻找您保存的登录信息?请开启同步或进行导入。 about-logins-login-intro-heading-logged-in = 未找到同步的登录信息。 login-intro-description = 若您曾在其他设备上将登录信息保存到 { -brand-product-name },请按以下步骤操作: login-intro-instructions-fxa = 在您保存登录信息的设备,注册或登录 { -fxaccount-brand-name } about-logins-login-intro-heading-message = 集中一处,安全保存密码 login-intro-description2 = 所有保存到 { -brand-product-name } 的密码都受加密保护。我们还会关注外泄事件动态,并在您的账户受影响时向您发出警报。详细了解 login-intro-instructions-fxa2 = 在您保存登录信息的设备上注册或登录账户。 login-intro-instructions-fxa-settings = 前往“设置”>“同步”>“开启同步…”,勾选“登录名和密码”复选框。 login-intro-instructions-fxa-passwords-help = 若需更多帮助,请访问密码支持页面。 about-logins-intro-browser-only-import = 若登录信息保存在其他浏览器,您可以导入到 { -brand-product-name } about-logins-intro-import2 = 若您的登录信息并未保存在 { -brand-product-name },可以从另一浏览器文件导入 about-logins-intro-import3 = 选择上方的加号按钮即可添加密码,也可以从其他浏览器从文件导入密码。 ## Login login-item-new-login-title = 新建登录信息 # Header for adding a password about-logins-login-item-new-login-title = 添加密码 login-item-edit-button = 编辑 about-logins-login-item-remove-button = 移除 login-item-origin-label = 网址 login-item-tooltip-message = 请确保其与您所登录的网站地址精确匹配。 about-logins-origin-tooltip2 = 请输入完整地址,确保其与需登录网站的地址一致。 # Variables # $webTitle (String) - Website title of the password being changed. about-logins-edit-password-tooltip = 请确保此处填写的密码是您当前所用的密码。在此处更改密码后,{ $webTitle } 上的密码并不会随之更改。 about-logins-add-password-tooltip = 请确保此处填写的密码是您当前所用的密码。 login-item-origin = .placeholder = https://www.example.com login-item-username-label = 用户名 about-logins-login-item-username = .placeholder = (无用户名) login-item-copy-username-button-text = 复制 login-item-copied-username-button-text = 已复制! login-item-password-label = 密码 login-item-password-reveal-checkbox = .aria-label = 显示密码 login-item-copy-password-button-text = 复制 login-item-copied-password-button-text = 已复制! login-item-save-changes-button = 保存更改 about-logins-login-item-save-changes-button = 保存 login-item-save-new-button = 保存 login-item-cancel-button = 取消 ## The date is displayed in a timeline showing the password evolution. ## A label is displayed under the date to describe the type of change. ## (e.g. updated, created, etc.) # Variables # $datetime (date) - Event date login-item-timeline-point-date = { DATETIME($datetime, day: "numeric", month: "short", year: "numeric") } login-item-timeline-action-created = 创建 login-item-timeline-action-updated = 更新 login-item-timeline-action-used = 用于登录 ## OS Authentication dialog about-logins-os-auth-dialog-caption = { -brand-full-name } ## The macOS strings are preceded by the operating system with "Firefox is trying to " ## and includes subtitle of "Enter password for the user "xxx" to allow this." These ## notes are only valid for English. Please test in your respected locale. # This message can be seen when attempting to edit a login in about:logins on Windows. about-logins-edit-login-os-auth-dialog-message-win = 请输入 Windows 登录凭据,以继续编辑登录信息。这有助于保护您的账户安全。 # This message can be seen when attempting to edit a login in about:logins # On MacOS, only provide the reason that account verification is needed. Do not put a complete sentence here. about-logins-edit-login-os-auth-dialog-message-macosx = 编辑保存的登录信息 # This message can be seen when attempting to edit a login in about:logins on Windows. about-logins-edit-login-os-auth-dialog-message2-win = 请输入 Windows 登录凭据,以编辑密码。这有助于保护您的账户安全。 # This message can be seen when attempting to edit a login in about:logins # On MacOS, only provide the reason that account verification is needed. Do not put a complete sentence here. about-logins-edit-login-os-auth-dialog-message2-macosx = 编辑保存的密码 # This message can be seen when attempting to reveal a password in about:logins on Windows. about-logins-reveal-password-os-auth-dialog-message-win = 请输入 Windows 登录凭据,以查看密码。这有助于保护您的账户安全。 # This message can be seen when attempting to reveal a password in about:logins # On MacOS, only provide the reason that account verification is needed. Do not put a complete sentence here. about-logins-reveal-password-os-auth-dialog-message-macosx = 显示保存的密码 # This message can be seen when attempting to copy a password in about:logins on Windows. about-logins-copy-password-os-auth-dialog-message-win = 请输入 Windows 登录凭据,以复制密码。这有助于保护您的账户安全。 # This message can be seen when attempting to copy a password in about:logins # On MacOS, only provide the reason that account verification is needed. Do not put a complete sentence here. about-logins-copy-password-os-auth-dialog-message-macosx = 复制保存的密码 # This message can be seen when attempting to export a password in about:logins on Windows. about-logins-export-password-os-auth-dialog-message-win = 请输入 Windows 登录凭据,以继续导出登录信息。这有助于保护您的账户安全。 # This message can be seen when attempting to export a password in about:logins # On MacOS, only provide the reason that account verification is needed. Do not put a complete sentence here. about-logins-export-password-os-auth-dialog-message-macosx = 导出保存的登录名和密码 # This message can be seen when attempting to export a password in about:logins on Windows. about-logins-export-password-os-auth-dialog-message2-win = 请输入 Windows 登录凭据,以导出密码。这有助于保护您的账户安全。 # This message can be seen when attempting to export a password in about:logins # On MacOS, only provide the reason that account verification is needed. Do not put a complete sentence here. about-logins-export-password-os-auth-dialog-message2-macosx = 导出保存的密码 ## Primary Password notification about-logins-primary-password-notification-message = 请输入主密码以查看保存的账号和密码 master-password-reload-button = .label = 登录 .accesskey = L ## Dialogs confirmation-dialog-cancel-button = 取消 confirmation-dialog-dismiss-button = .title = 取消 about-logins-confirm-remove-dialog-title = 要移除此登录信息吗? confirm-delete-dialog-message = 此操作不可撤销。 # Title for modal to confirm the removal of one saved password about-logins-confirm-delete-dialog-title = 确定要移除密码吗? # Message for modal to confirm the removal of one saved password about-logins-confirm-delete-dialog-message = 此操作不可撤销。 about-logins-confirm-remove-dialog-confirm-button = 移除 ## Variables ## $count (number) - Number of items about-logins-confirm-remove-all-dialog-confirm-button-label = { $count -> [1] 移除 *[other] 全部移除 } about-logins-confirm-remove-all-dialog-checkbox-label = { $count -> [1] 是的,移除此登录信息 *[other] 是的,移除这些登录信息 } about-logins-confirm-remove-all-dialog-title = { $count -> [one] 要移除 { $count } 条登录信息吗? *[other] 要移除全部共 { $count } 条登录信息吗? } about-logins-confirm-remove-all-dialog-message = { $count -> *[other] 将移除您保存在 { -brand-short-name } 的登录信息,以及在此显示的任何数据外泄警报。此操作不可撤销。 } about-logins-confirm-remove-all-sync-dialog-title = { $count -> *[other] 要从所有设备移除 { $count } 条登录信息吗? } about-logins-confirm-remove-all-sync-dialog-message = { $count -> *[other] 将在您所有与 { -fxaccount-brand-name }同步的设备上,移除保存在 { -brand-short-name } 的登录信息,以及在此显示的任何数据外泄警报。此操作不可撤销。 } # Checkbox for modal to confirm the removal of saved passwords about-logins-confirm-remove-all-dialog-checkbox-label2 = { $count -> [1] 是,移除密码 *[other] 是,移除密码 } # Title for modal to confirm the removal of all saved passwords when user is NOT synced about-logins-confirm-remove-all-dialog-title2 = 确定移除 { $count } 个密码吗? # Message for modal to confirm the removal of saved passwords when user is NOT synced about-logins-confirm-remove-all-dialog-message2 = { $count -> [1] 将移除保存在 { -brand-short-name } 中的全部密码,以及所有数据外泄警报。此操作不可撤销。 *[other] 将移除保存在 { -brand-short-name } 中的全部密码,以及所有数据外泄警报。此操作不可撤销。 } # Title for modal to confirm the removal of all saved passwords when user IS SYNCED about-logins-confirm-remove-all-sync-dialog-title2 = 确定在所有设备上移除共 { $count } 个密码吗? # Message for modal to confirm the removal of saved passwords when user IS synced. about-logins-confirm-remove-all-sync-dialog-message3 = { $count -> [1] 将在您所有受同步的设备上,移除保存在 { -brand-short-name } 中的全部密码,以及在此显示的所有数据外泄警报。此操作不可撤销。 *[other] 将在您所有受同步的设备上,移除保存在 { -brand-short-name } 中的全部密码,以及在此显示的所有数据外泄警报。此操作不可撤销。 } ## about-logins-confirm-export-dialog-title = 导出登录名和密码 about-logins-confirm-export-dialog-message = 您的密码将存为可读文本(如 BadP@ssw0rd),因此任何可以打开导出文件的人都可以看到密码。 about-logins-confirm-export-dialog-confirm-button = 导出… about-logins-confirm-export-dialog-title2 = 导出密码注意事项 about-logins-confirm-export-dialog-message2 = 密码导出后,将以明文形式保存在文件中。 建议在使用完毕后删除文件,防止其他使用此设备的人看到您的密码。 about-logins-confirm-export-dialog-confirm-button2 = 继续导出 about-logins-alert-import-title = 导入完成 about-logins-alert-import-message = 更多信息见:导入摘要报告 confirm-discard-changes-dialog-title = 要丢弃未保存的更改吗? confirm-discard-changes-dialog-message = 将失去所有未保存的更改。 confirm-discard-changes-dialog-confirm-button = 丢弃 ## Breach Alert notification about-logins-breach-alert-title = 网站信息外泄 breach-alert-text = 自您上次更新这份登录信息后,该网站上的密码已遭泄露或窃取。立即更改您的密码以保障账户安全。 about-logins-breach-alert-date = 此外泄事件发生于:{ DATETIME($date, day: "numeric", month: "long", year: "numeric") } # Variables: # $hostname (String) - The hostname of the website associated with the login, e.g. "example.com" about-logins-breach-alert-link = 前往 { $hostname } ## Vulnerable Password notification about-logins-vulnerable-alert-title = 弱密码 about-logins-vulnerable-alert-text2 = 此密码已用于另一个可能已遭外泄的账号。重复使用登录信息会使您的所有账号面临风险。请更改此密码。 # Variables: # $hostname (String) - The hostname of the website associated with the login, e.g. "example.com" about-logins-vulnerable-alert-link = 前往 { $hostname } about-logins-vulnerable-alert-learn-more-link = 详细了解 ## Error Messages # This is an error message that appears when a user attempts to save # a new login that is identical to an existing saved login. # Variables: # $loginTitle (String) - The title of the website associated with the login. about-logins-error-message-duplicate-login-with-link = 已存在具有该用户名的 { $loginTitle } 条目。要转至现有条目吗? # This is a generic error message. about-logins-error-message-default = 尝试保存该密码时发生错误。 ## Login Export Dialog # Title of the file picker dialog about-logins-export-file-picker-title = 导出登录信息文件 # The default file name shown in the file picker when exporting saved logins. # This must end in .csv about-logins-export-file-picker-default-filename = 登录信息.csv # Title of the file picker dialog about-logins-export-file-picker-title2 = 从 { -brand-short-name } 导出的密码 # The default file name shown in the file picker when exporting saved logins. # This must end in .csv about-logins-export-file-picker-default-filename2 = passwords.csv about-logins-export-file-picker-export-button = 导出 # A description for the .csv file format that may be shown as the file type # filter by the operating system. about-logins-export-file-picker-csv-filter-title = { PLATFORM() -> [macos] CSV 文档 *[other] CSV 文件 } ## Login Import Dialog # Title of the file picker dialog about-logins-import-file-picker-title = 导入登录信息文件 # Title of the file picker dialog about-logins-import-file-picker-title2 = 将密码导入 { -brand-short-name } about-logins-import-file-picker-import-button = 导入 # A description for the .csv file format that may be shown as the file type # filter by the operating system. about-logins-import-file-picker-csv-filter-title = { PLATFORM() -> [macos] CSV 文档 *[other] CSV 文件 } # A description for the .tsv file format that may be shown as the file type # filter by the operating system. TSV is short for 'tab separated values'. about-logins-import-file-picker-tsv-filter-title = { PLATFORM() -> [macos] TSV 文件 *[other] TSV 文件 } ## ## Variables: ## $count (number) - The number of affected elements about-logins-import-dialog-title = 导入完成 about-logins-import-dialog-items-added = { $count -> *[other] 新增的登录信息: { $count } } about-logins-import-dialog-items-modified = { $count -> *[other] 更新的现有登录信息: { $count } } about-logins-import-dialog-items-no-change = { $count -> *[other] 重复的登录信息: { $count }(未导入) } about-logins-import-dialog-items-added2 = 已添加新密码:{ $count } 个 about-logins-import-dialog-items-modified2 = 已更新现有项:{ $count } 个 about-logins-import-dialog-items-no-change2 = 发现的重复项:{ $count } 个(未导入) about-logins-import-dialog-items-error = { $count -> *[other] 错误: { $count } (未导入) } about-logins-import-dialog-done = 完成 about-logins-import-dialog-error-title = 导入出错 about-logins-import-dialog-error-conflicting-values-title = 一登录信息中出现多个冲突值 about-logins-import-dialog-error-conflicting-values-description = 例如:一登录信息中出现多个用户名、密码、网址等等。 about-logins-import-dialog-error-file-format-title = 文件格式问题 about-logins-import-dialog-error-file-format-description = 列标题不正确或缺失。请确保文件中包含正确的用户名、密码和网址列。 about-logins-import-dialog-error-file-permission-title = 无法读取文件 about-logins-import-dialog-error-file-permission-description = { -brand-short-name } 无权读取文件。请尝试更改文件权限。 about-logins-import-dialog-error-unable-to-read-title = 无法解析文件 about-logins-import-dialog-error-unable-to-read-description = 请确保已选择 CSV 或 TSV 文件。 about-logins-import-dialog-error-no-logins-imported = 未导入任何登录信息 about-logins-import-dialog-error-learn-more = 详细了解 about-logins-import-dialog-error-try-import-again = 再次尝试导入… about-logins-import-dialog-error-cancel = 取消 about-logins-import-report-title = 导入摘要 about-logins-import-report-description = 导入到 { -brand-short-name } 的登录名和密码。 about-logins-import-report-description2 = 密码已导入 { -brand-short-name }。 # # Variables: # $number (number) - The number of the row about-logins-import-report-row-index = 第 { $number } 行 about-logins-import-report-row-description-no-change = 重复:与现有登录信息完全一致 about-logins-import-report-row-description-modified = 更新的现有登录信息 about-logins-import-report-row-description-added = 新增的登录信息 about-logins-import-report-row-description-no-change2 = 重复:与现有项完全一致 about-logins-import-report-row-description-modified2 = 已更新现有项 about-logins-import-report-row-description-added2 = 已添加新密码 about-logins-import-report-row-description-error = 错误:缺少字段 ## ## Variables: ## $field (String) - The name of the field from the CSV file for example url, username or password about-logins-import-report-row-description-error-multiple-values = 错误:{ $field } 对应多个值 about-logins-import-report-row-description-error-missing-field = 错误:缺少“{ $field }” ## ## Variables: ## $count (number) - The number of affected elements about-logins-import-report-added = { $count -> *[other]
{ $count }
} about-logins-import-report-modified = { $count -> *[other]
{ $count }
} about-logins-import-report-no-change = { $count -> *[other]
{ $count }
} about-logins-import-report-added2 =
{ $count }
about-logins-import-report-modified2 =
{ $count }
about-logins-import-report-no-change2 =
{ $count }
about-logins-import-report-error = { $count -> *[other]
{ $count }
} ## Logins import report page about-logins-import-report-page-title = 导入摘要报告