# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. ### Localization for Developer Tools options ## Default Developer Tools section # The heading options-select-default-tools-label = 默认的开发者工具 # The label for the explanation of the * marker on a tool which is currently not supported # for the target of the toolbox. options-tool-not-supported-label = * 不支持当前的工具箱目标 # The label for the heading of group of checkboxes corresponding to the developer tools # added by add-ons. This heading is hidden when there is no developer tool installed by add-ons. options-select-additional-tools-label = 附加组件安装的开发者工具 # The label for the heading of group of checkboxes corresponding to the default developer # tool buttons. options-select-enabled-toolbox-buttons-label = 可用的工具箱按钮 # The label for the heading of the radiobox corresponding to the theme options-select-dev-tools-theme-label = 主题 ## Inspector section # The heading options-context-inspector = 查看器 # The label for the checkbox option to show user agent styles options-show-user-agent-styles-label = 显示浏览器样式 options-show-user-agent-styles-tooltip = .title = 启用此选项将显示由浏览器加载的默认样式。 # The label for the checkbox option to enable collapse attributes options-collapse-attrs-label = 截短 DOM 属性 options-collapse-attrs-tooltip = .title = 截短查看器中的长属性 # The label for the checkbox option to enable the "drag to update" feature options-inspector-draggable-properties-label = 点击并拖动编辑大小值 options-inspector-draggable-properties-tooltip = .title = 在查看器规则视图中单击并拖动编辑大小值。 # The label for the checkbox option to enable simplified highlighting on page elements # within the inspector for users who enabled prefers-reduced-motion = reduce options-inspector-simplified-highlighters-label = 通过 prefers-reduced-motion 使用更简明的高亮显示。 options-inspector-simplified-highlighters-tooltip = .title = 设置 prefers-reduced-motion 首选项启用简化的高亮显示。在突出显示的元素周围绘制线条而不是填充矩形,以避免闪烁效果。 # The label for the checkbox option to make the Enter key move the focus to the next input # when editing a property name or value in the Inspector rules view options-inspector-rules-focus-next-on-enter-label = 按下 Enter 时聚焦下一个输入部分 options-inspector-rules-focus-next-on-enter-tooltip = .title = 启用后,在编辑选择器、属性名称或值时按下 Enter 键会将焦点移动到下一个输入部分。 ## "Default Color Unit" options for the Inspector options-default-color-unit-label = 默认颜色单位 options-default-color-unit-authored = 按原单位 options-default-color-unit-hex = Hex options-default-color-unit-hsl = HSL(A) options-default-color-unit-rgb = RGB(A) options-default-color-unit-hwb = HWB options-default-color-unit-name = 颜色名 ## Style Editor section # The heading options-styleeditor-label = 样式编辑器 # The label for the checkbox that toggles autocompletion of css in the Style Editor options-stylesheet-autocompletion-label = 自动补全 CSS options-stylesheet-autocompletion-tooltip = .title = 在样式编辑器中自动补全您输入的 CSS 属性、值和选择器 ## Screenshot section # The heading options-screenshot-label = 截图行为 # Label for the checkbox that toggles screenshot to clipboard feature options-screenshot-clipboard-only-label = 截图仅保存到剪贴板 options-screenshot-clipboard-tooltip2 = .title = 直接将截图保存到剪贴板 # Label for the checkbox that toggles the camera shutter audio for screenshot tool options-screenshot-audio-label = 播放相机快门声 options-screenshot-audio-tooltip = .title = 截图时播放相机快门声 ## Editor section # The heading options-sourceeditor-label = 编辑器首选项 options-sourceeditor-detectindentation-tooltip = .title = 基于源内容推测缩进 options-sourceeditor-detectindentation-label = 检测缩进 options-sourceeditor-autoclosebrackets-tooltip = .title = 自动插入关闭括号 options-sourceeditor-autoclosebrackets-label = 自动关闭括号 options-sourceeditor-expandtab-tooltip = .title = 使用空格而非制表符缩进 options-sourceeditor-expandtab-label = 使用空格缩进 options-sourceeditor-tabsize-label = 制表符宽度 options-sourceeditor-keybinding-label = 按键绑定 options-sourceeditor-keybinding-default-label = 默认设置 ## Advanced section # The heading (this item is also used in perftools.ftl) options-context-advanced-settings = 高级设置 # The label for the checkbox that toggles the HTTP cache on or off options-disable-http-cache-label = 禁用 HTTP 缓存(工具箱打开时) options-disable-http-cache-tooltip = .title = 开启此选项将对所有已打开工具箱的标签页禁用 HTTP 缓存。Service Worker 不会受此选项影响。 # The label for checkbox that toggles JavaScript on or off options-disable-javascript-label = 禁用 JavaScript * options-disable-javascript-tooltip = .title = 启用这个选项将对当前标签页禁用 JavaScript。如果关闭了该标签页或者工具箱,则这个设置就不再有效。 # The label for checkbox that toggles chrome debugging, i.e. the devtools.chrome.enabled preference options-enable-chrome-label = 启用浏览器界面及附加组件的调试工具箱 options-enable-chrome-tooltip = .title = 打开此选项将允许您使用在浏览器上下文的开发者工具(通过 工具 > Web 开发者 > 浏览器工具箱)和从“附加组件管理器”调试附加组件 # The label for checkbox that toggles remote debugging, i.e. the devtools.debugger.remote-enabled preference options-enable-remote-label = 启用远程调试 options-enable-remote-tooltip2 = .title = 启用此选项将允许远程调试此浏览器实例 # The label for checkbox that enables F12 as a shortcut to open DevTools options-enable-f12-label = 使用 F12 键打开或关闭开发者工具 options-enable-f12-tooltip = .title = 开启此选项后, 将绑定 F12 键用于打开或关闭开发者工具箱 # The label for checkbox that toggles custom formatters for objects options-enable-custom-formatters-label = 启用自定义格式化程序 options-enable-custom-formatters-tooltip = .title = 打开此选项,将允许网站自行定义 DOM 对象的格式化程序 # The label for checkbox that toggles the service workers testing over HTTP on or off. options-enable-service-workers-http-label = 启用 Service Workers over HTTP(在工具箱打开时) options-enable-service-workers-http-tooltip = .title = 开启此选项时,将对所有标签页在工具箱打开时启用 Service Workers over HTTP。 # The label for the checkbox that toggles source maps in all tools. options-source-maps-label = 启用源映射 options-source-maps-tooltip = .title = 如果您启用此选项,工具中的源代码将被映射。 # The message shown for settings that trigger page reload options-context-triggers-page-refresh = * 仅限当前会话,将重新加载当前页面