# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, # You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # Roles menubar = 菜单栏 scrollbar = 滚动条 grip = 抓手 alert = 警告 menupopup = 弹出菜单 document = 文档 pane = 窗格 dialog = 对话框 separator = 分隔符 toolbar = 工具栏 statusbar = 状态栏 table = 表格 columnheader = 列标题 rowheader = 行标题 column = 列 row = 行 cell = 单元格 link = 链接 list = 列表 listitem = 列表项 outline = 大纲 outlineitem = 大纲项 pagetab = 标签页 propertypage = 属性页 graphic = 图表 switch = 切换 pushbutton = 按钮 checkbutton = 复选按钮 radiobutton = 单选按钮 combobox = 组合框 progressbar = 进度条 slider = 滑动块 spinbutton = 旋钮 diagram = 图表 animation = 动画 equation = 等式 buttonmenu = 按钮菜单 whitespace = 空白 pagetablist = 标签页列表 canvas = Canvas checkmenuitem = 复选菜单项 passwordtext = 密码文本 radiomenuitem = 单选菜单项 textcontainer = 文本容器 togglebutton = 切换按钮 treetable = 树状表 header = 页眉 footer = 页脚 paragraph = 段落 entry = 条目 caption = 标题 heading = 题目 section = 章节 form = 表单 comboboxlist = 组合框列表 comboboxoption = 组合框选项 imagemap = 图像映射 listboxoption = 列表框选项 listbox = 列表框 flatequation = 平面方程 gridcell = 网格 note = 注释 figure = 小节 definitionlist = 定义列表 term = 使用条款 definition = 定义 mathmltable = 数学表格 mathmlcell = 单元格 mathmlenclosed = 已关闭 mathmlfraction = 分数 mathmlfractionwithoutbar = 无分数线分数 mathmlroot = 根 mathmlscripted = 脚本 mathmlsquareroot = 平方根 # More sophisticated roles which are not actual numeric roles textarea = 文本区 base = 基数 close-fence = 闭区间 denominator = 分母 numerator = 分子 open-fence = 开区间 overscript = 上标 presubscript = 前下标 presuperscript = 前上标 root-index = 根指数 subscript = 下标 superscript = 上标 underscript = 下标 # More sophisticated object descriptions headingLevel = 标题级别 %S # Landmark announcements banner = 横幅 complementary = 补充 contentinfo = 内容信息 main = 主要 navigation = 导航 search = 搜索 region = 区域 stateRequired = 必需