# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # Map Expat error codes to error strings 1 = 内存不足 2 = 语法错误 3 = 找不到根元素 4 = 格式不佳 5 = 未结束的记号 6 = 不完全的字符 7 = 非配对的标签 8 = 重复属性 9 = 文档元素后存有无效内容 10 = 非法参数实体引用 11 = 未定义的实体 12 = 循环的实体引用 13 = 异步实体 14 = 对无效字符数字的引用 15 = 对二进制实体的引用 16 = 在属性中引用外部实体 17 = XML 或文本声明不在实体的开头 18 = 未知编码方式 19 = XML声明里面指定的编码方式不正确 20 = 未结束的CDATA块 21 = 处理外部实体引用时出错 22 = 文档不独立 23 = 意外的解析器状态 24 = 实体已在参数实体中被定义 27 = 前缀未绑定至命名空间 28 = 不可取消 prefix 声明 29 = 参数项中标记不完整 30 = XML 声明格式不佳 31 = 文本声明格式不佳 32 = public id 中包含非法字符 38 = 保留的前缀(xml)不能被取消声明或者关联到其他名字空间名称 39 = 保留前缀 (xmlns) 不能被声明或取消声明 40 = 前缀不能被关联至保留名字空间名称 # %1$S is replaced by the Expat error string, may be followed by Expected (see below) # %2$S is replaced by URL # %3$u is replaced by line number # %4$u is replaced by column number XMLParsingError = XML 解析错误:%1$S\n位置:%2$S\n行 %3$u,列 %4$u: # %S is replaced by a tag name. # This gets appended to the error string if the error is mismatched tag. Expected = 。预期: