# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. addons-page-title = 附加元件管理員 search-header = .placeholder = 在 addons.mozilla.org 搜尋 .searchbuttonlabel = 搜尋 ## Variables ## $domain - Domain name where add-ons are available (e.g. addons.mozilla.org) list-empty-get-extensions-message = 到 { $domain } 安裝擴充套件與佈景主題 list-empty-get-dictionaries-message = 到 { $domain } 安裝字典 list-empty-get-language-packs-message = 到 { $domain } 安裝語言套件 ## list-empty-installed = .value = 您並未安裝任何此類型的附加元件 list-empty-available-updates = .value = 找不到更新 list-empty-recent-updates = .value = 您最近沒有更新任何附加元件 list-empty-find-updates = .label = 檢查更新 list-empty-button = .label = 了解更多附加元件的相關資訊 help-button = 附加元件支援 sidebar-help-button-title = .title = 附加元件支援 addons-settings-button = { -brand-short-name } 選項 sidebar-settings-button-title = .title = { -brand-short-name } 選項 show-unsigned-extensions-button = .label = 無法驗證某些擴充套件 show-all-extensions-button = .label = 顯示所有擴充套件 detail-version = .label = 版本 detail-last-updated = .label = 最近更新時間 addon-detail-description-expand = 顯示更多 addon-detail-description-collapse = 顯示較少 detail-contributions-description = 這個元件的開發者希望您透過小小的捐獻協助其後續開發。 detail-contributions-button = 贊助 .title = 贊助這個元件的開發 .accesskey = C detail-update-type = .value = 自動更新 detail-update-default = .label = 預設 .tooltiptext = 只自動安裝預設值為自動更新的更新版本 detail-update-automatic = .label = 開啟 .tooltiptext = 自動安裝更新 detail-update-manual = .label = 關閉 .tooltiptext = 不要自動安裝更新 # Used as a description for the option to allow or block an add-on in private windows. detail-private-browsing-label = 於隱私視窗中執行 # Some add-ons may elect to not run in private windows by setting incognito: not_allowed in the manifest. This # cannot be overridden by the user. detail-private-disallowed-label = 不允許於隱私瀏覽視窗運作 detail-private-disallowed-description2 = 此擴充套件不會於隱私瀏覽中運作。了解更多 # Some special add-ons are privileged, run in private windows automatically, and this permission can't be revoked detail-private-required-label = 自動於隱私瀏覽視窗運作 detail-private-required-description2 = 此擴充套件可於隱私瀏覽模式中獲得您的線上行為。了解更多 detail-private-browsing-on = .label = 允許 .tooltiptext = 在隱私瀏覽模式中啟用 detail-private-browsing-off = .label = 不允許 .tooltiptext = 在隱私瀏覽模式中停用 detail-home = .label = 網站首頁 detail-home-value = .value = { detail-home.label } detail-repository = .label = 附加元件設定檔 detail-repository-value = .value = { detail-repository.label } detail-check-for-updates = .label = 檢查更新 .accesskey = f .tooltiptext = 檢查此附加元件是否有更新版本 detail-show-preferences = .label = { PLATFORM() -> [windows] 選項 *[other] 偏好設定 } .accesskey = { PLATFORM() -> [windows] O *[other] P } .tooltiptext = { PLATFORM() -> [windows] 修改此附加元件的選項 *[other] 修改此附加元件的偏好設定 } detail-rating = .value = 評分 addon-restart-now = .label = 立刻重新啟動 disabled-unsigned-heading = .value = 已停用某些附加元件 disabled-unsigned-description = 以下原件尚未經過驗證,無法在 { -brand-short-name } 使用。您可以或是請開發者申請驗證。 disabled-unsigned-learn-more = 了解我們為了保護您的線上安全作了哪些努力。 disabled-unsigned-devinfo = 有興趣想要驗證附加元件的開發者可繼續閱讀我們的。 plugin-deprecation-description = 少了點東西嗎?{ -brand-short-name } 已不再支援某些外掛程式。 legacy-warning-show-legacy = 顯示傳統擴充套件 legacy-extensions = .value = 傳統擴充套件 legacy-extensions-description = 這些擴充套件不符合 { -brand-short-name } 目前的標準,已被停用。 private-browsing-description2 = { -brand-short-name } 將調整擴充套件於隱私瀏覽模式中運作的方式。預設情況下,任何新安裝至 { -brand-short-name } 的擴充套件都無法在隱私瀏覽視窗中執行。我們這樣做是為了確保您的隱私瀏覽過程更加私密;除非您在設定中允許,否則擴充套件將無法在隱私瀏覽模式中運作,也無法在該模式中存取您的線上行為。 addon-category-discover = 推薦項目 addon-category-discover-title = .title = 推薦項目 addon-category-extension = 擴充套件 addon-category-extension-title = .title = 擴充套件 addon-category-theme = 佈景主題 addon-category-theme-title = .title = 佈景主題 addon-category-plugin = 外掛程式 addon-category-plugin-title = .title = 外掛程式 addon-category-dictionary = 字典 addon-category-dictionary-title = .title = 字典 addon-category-locale = 語言套件 addon-category-locale-title = .title = 語言套件 addon-category-available-updates = 可用的更新 addon-category-available-updates-title = .title = 可用的更新 addon-category-recent-updates = 最近的更新 addon-category-recent-updates-title = .title = 最近的更新 addon-category-sitepermission = 網站權限 addon-category-sitepermission-title = .title = 網站權限 # String displayed in about:addons in the Site Permissions section # Variables: # $host (string) - DNS host name for which the webextension enables permissions addon-sitepermission-host = { $host } 的網站權限 ## These are global warnings extensions-warning-safe-mode = 所有附加元件於安全模式中都已停用。 extensions-warning-check-compatibility = 已停止檢查附加元件相容性,您可能有不相容的附加元件。 extensions-warning-safe-mode2 = .message = 所有附加元件於安全模式中都已停用。 extensions-warning-check-compatibility2 = .message = 已停止檢查附加元件相容性,您可能有不相容的附加元件。 extensions-warning-check-compatibility-button = 開啟 .title = 開啟附加元件相容性檢查 extensions-warning-update-security = 已停止檢查附加元件安全性,更新程式可能不安全。 extensions-warning-update-security2 = .message = 已停止檢查附加元件安全性,更新程式可能不安全。 extensions-warning-update-security-button = 開啟 .title = 開啟附加元件更新安全性檢查 extensions-warning-imported-addons2 = .message = 請完成已匯入 { -brand-short-name } 的擴充套件的安裝步驟。 extensions-warning-imported-addons-button = 安裝擴充套件 ## Strings connected to add-on updates addon-updates-check-for-updates = 檢查更新 .accesskey = C addon-updates-view-updates = 檢視最近的更新 .accesskey = V # This menu item is a checkbox that toggles the default global behavior for # add-on update checking. addon-updates-update-addons-automatically = 自動更新附加元件 .accesskey = A ## Specific add-ons can have custom update checking behaviors ("Manually", ## "Automatically", "Use default global behavior"). These menu items reset the ## update checking behavior for all add-ons to the default global behavior ## (which itself is either "Automatically" or "Manually", controlled by the ## extensions-updates-update-addons-automatically.label menu item). addon-updates-reset-updates-to-automatic = 重設所有附加元件的自動更新設定 .accesskey = R addon-updates-reset-updates-to-manual = 將所有附加元件設定成手動更新 .accesskey = R ## Status messages displayed when updating add-ons addon-updates-updating = 正在更新附加元件 addon-updates-installed = 已更新您的附加元件。 addon-updates-none-found = 找不到更新 addon-updates-manual-updates-found = 檢視可用的更新 ## Add-on install/debug strings for page options menu addon-install-from-file = 從檔案安裝附加元件… .accesskey = I addon-install-from-file-dialog-title = 請選擇要安裝的附加元件 addon-install-from-file-filter-name = 附加元件 addon-open-about-debugging = 對附加元件除錯 .accesskey = B ## Extension shortcut management # This is displayed in the page options menu addon-manage-extensions-shortcuts = 管理擴充套件快速鍵 .accesskey = S shortcuts-no-addons = 您並未啟用任何擴充套件。 shortcuts-no-commands = 下列擴充套件沒有快速鍵: shortcuts-input = .placeholder = 輸入快速鍵 # Accessible name for a trashcan icon button that removes an existent shortcut shortcuts-remove-button = .aria-label = 移除捷徑 shortcuts-browserAction2 = 開啟工具列按鈕 shortcuts-pageAction = 啟用頁面操作 shortcuts-sidebarAction = 切換側邊欄 shortcuts-modifier-mac = 包含 Ctrl、Alt 或 ⌘ shortcuts-modifier-other = 包含 Ctrl 或 Alt shortcuts-invalid = 無效的快速鍵 shortcuts-letter = 按下一個字母 shortcuts-system = 無法蓋過 { -brand-short-name } 的快速鍵 # String displayed in warning label when there is a duplicate shortcut shortcuts-duplicate = 快速鍵重複 # String displayed when a keyboard shortcut is already assigned to more than one add-on # Variables: # $shortcut (string) - Shortcut string for the add-on shortcuts-duplicate-warning-message = 有超過一種情況使用 { $shortcut } 作為快捷鍵,重複的快速鍵可能會有無法預期的行為。 # String displayed when a keyboard shortcut is already assigned to more than one add-on # Variables: # $shortcut (string) - Shortcut string for the add-on shortcuts-duplicate-warning-message2 = .message = 有超過一種情況使用 { $shortcut } 作為快捷鍵,重複的快速鍵可能會有無法預期的行為。 # String displayed when a keyboard shortcut is already used by another add-on # Variables: # $addon (string) - Name of the add-on shortcuts-exists = 已由 { $addon } 使用 # Variables: # $numberToShow (number) - Number of other elements available to show shortcuts-card-expand-button = { $numberToShow -> *[other] 顯示另外 { $numberToShow } 個 } shortcuts-card-collapse-button = 顯示更少 header-back-button = .title = 回上一頁 ## Recommended add-ons page # Explanatory introduction to the list of recommended add-ons. The action word # ("recommends") in the final sentence is a link to external documentation. discopane-intro = 擴充套件與佈景主題就是可以在瀏覽器中使用的應用程式,讓您獲得保護登入資訊、下載影片、比價、調整瀏覽器的外觀等等新增功能。這些小程式通常都不是由 Mozilla 開發的。以下是一些 { -brand-product-name } 所推薦,在安全性、效能、功能等方便都表現傑出的精選項目。 # Notice to make user aware that the recommendations are personalized. discopane-notice-recommendations = 某些項目是根據您安裝的其他擴充套件、偏好設定、使用統計推導而出的個人化建議。 # Notice to make user aware that the recommendations are personalized. discopane-notice-recommendations2 = .message = 某些項目是根據您安裝的其他擴充套件、偏好設定、使用統計推導而出的個人化建議。 discopane-notice-learn-more = 了解更多 privacy-policy = 隱私權保護政策 # Refers to the author of an add-on, shown below the name of the add-on. # Variables: # $author (string) - The name of the add-on developer. created-by-author = 作者: { $author } # Shows the number of daily users of the add-on. # Variables: # $dailyUsers (number) - The number of daily users. user-count = 使用者數: { $dailyUsers } install-extension-button = 安裝到 { -brand-product-name } install-theme-button = 安裝佈景主題 # The label of the button that appears after installing an add-on. Upon click, # the detailed add-on view is opened, from where the add-on can be managed. manage-addon-button = 管理 find-more-addons = 看更多附加元件! find-more-themes = 尋找更多佈景主題 # This is a label for the button to open the "more options" menu, it is only # used for screen readers. addon-options-button = .aria-label = 更多選項 ## Add-on actions report-addon-button = 回報 remove-addon-button = 移除 # The link will always be shown after the other text. remove-addon-disabled-button = 無法移除,為什麼? disable-addon-button = 停用 enable-addon-button = 啟用 # This is used for the toggle on the extension card, it's a checkbox and this # is always its label. extension-enable-addon-button-label = .aria-label = 啟用 preferences-addon-button = { PLATFORM() -> [windows] 選項 *[other] 偏好設定 } details-addon-button = 詳細資訊 release-notes-addon-button = 發行公告 permissions-addon-button = 權限 extension-enabled-heading = 啟用 extension-disabled-heading = 停用 theme-enabled-heading = 啟用 theme-disabled-heading2 = 儲存的佈景主題 plugin-enabled-heading = 啟用 plugin-disabled-heading = 停用 dictionary-enabled-heading = 啟用 dictionary-disabled-heading = 停用 locale-enabled-heading = 啟用 locale-disabled-heading = 停用 sitepermission-enabled-heading = 啟用 sitepermission-disabled-heading = 停用 always-activate-button = 總是啟用 never-activate-button = 永不啟用 addon-detail-author-label = 作者 addon-detail-version-label = 版本 addon-detail-last-updated-label = 最近更新時間 addon-detail-homepage-label = 首頁 addon-detail-rating-label = 評分 # Message for add-ons with a staged pending update. install-postponed-message = 將在 { -brand-short-name } 重新啟動後更新此擴充套件。 # Message for add-ons with a staged pending update. install-postponed-message2 = .message = 將在 { -brand-short-name } 重新啟動後更新此擴充套件。 install-postponed-button = 立即更新 # The average rating that the add-on has received. # Variables: # $rating (number) - A number between 0 and 5. The translation should show at most one digit after the comma. five-star-rating = .title = 評分: { NUMBER($rating, maximumFractionDigits: 1) },滿分 5 分 # This string is used to show that an add-on is disabled. # Variables: # $name (string) - The name of the add-on addon-name-disabled = { $name }(已停用) # The number of reviews that an add-on has received on AMO. # Variables: # $numberOfReviews (number) - The number of reviews received addon-detail-reviews-link = { $numberOfReviews -> *[other] { $numberOfReviews } 筆評論 } ## Pending uninstall message bar # Variables: # $addon (string) - Name of the add-on pending-uninstall-description = 已移除 { $addon }。 # Variables: # $addon (string) - Name of the add-on pending-uninstall-description2 = .message = 已移除 { $addon }。 pending-uninstall-undo-button = 還原 addon-detail-updates-label = 允許自動更新 addon-detail-updates-radio-default = 預設 addon-detail-updates-radio-on = 開啟 addon-detail-updates-radio-off = 關閉 addon-detail-update-check-label = 檢查更新 install-update-button = 更新 # aria-label associated to the updates row to help screen readers to announce the group # of input controls being entered. addon-detail-group-label-updates = .aria-label = { addon-detail-updates-label } # This is the tooltip text for the private browsing badge in about:addons. The # badge is the private browsing icon included next to the extension's name. addon-badge-private-browsing-allowed2 = .title = 允許於隱私瀏覽視窗運作 .aria-label = { addon-badge-private-browsing-allowed2.title } addon-detail-private-browsing-help = 允許後,您在隱私瀏覽模式上網時,擴充套件將可得知您的線上行為。了解更多 addon-detail-private-browsing-allow = 允許 addon-detail-private-browsing-disallow = 不允許 # aria-label associated to the private browsing row to help screen readers to announce the group # of input controls being entered. addon-detail-group-label-private-browsing = .aria-label = { detail-private-browsing-label } ## "sites with restrictions" (internally called "quarantined") are special domains ## where add-ons are normally blocked for security reasons. # Used as a description for the option to allow or block an add-on on quarantined domains. addon-detail-quarantined-domains-label = 可於受限網站運作 # Used as help text part of the quarantined domains UI controls row. addon-detail-quarantined-domains-help = 允許後,擴充套件將能夠存取受 { -vendor-short-name } 限制的網站。請只有在信任此擴充套件時才允許。 # Used as label and tooltip text on the radio inputs associated to the quarantined domains UI controls. addon-detail-quarantined-domains-allow = 允許 addon-detail-quarantined-domains-disallow = 不允許 # aria-label associated to the quarantined domains exempt row to help screen readers to announce the group. addon-detail-group-label-quarantined-domains = .aria-label = { addon-detail-quarantined-domains-label } ## This is the tooltip text for the recommended badges for an extension in about:addons. The ## badge is a small icon displayed next to an extension when it is recommended on AMO. addon-badge-recommended2 = .title = { -brand-product-name } 僅推薦符合我們的安全性與效能標準的擴充套件 .aria-label = { addon-badge-recommended2.title } # We hard code "Mozilla" in the string below because the extensions are built # by Mozilla and we don't want forks to display "by Fork". addon-badge-line3 = .title = 由 Mozilla 打造的官方附加元件,符合各種安全性與運作效能標準 .aria-label = { addon-badge-line3.title } addon-badge-verified2 = .title = 我們檢查過此擴充套件,確認符合安全性與運作效能標準 .aria-label = { addon-badge-verified2.title } ## available-updates-heading = 可用的更新 recent-updates-heading = 最近的更新 release-notes-loading = 載入中… release-notes-error = 抱歉,載入發行公告時發生錯誤。 addon-permissions-empty = 此擴充套件並未要求任何權限 addon-permissions-required = 核心功能需要下列權限: addon-permissions-optional = 選用功能需要下列權限: addon-permissions-learnmore = 了解權限的更多資訊 recommended-extensions-heading = 推薦的擴充套件 recommended-themes-heading = 推薦的佈景主題 # Variables: # $hostname (string) - Host where the permissions are granted addon-sitepermissions-required = 讓 { $hostname } 有下列權限: # A recommendation for the Firefox Color theme shown at the bottom of the theme # list view. The "Firefox Color" name itself should not be translated. recommended-theme-1 = 突然有個靈感嗎?使用 Firefox Color 來打造自己的佈景主題。 ## Page headings extension-heading = 管理您的擴充套件 theme-heading = 管理您的佈景主題 plugin-heading = 管理您的外掛程式 dictionary-heading = 管理您的字典 locale-heading = 管理您的語言套件 updates-heading = 管理您的更新 sitepermission-heading = 管理網站權限 discover-heading = 個人化您的 { -brand-short-name } shortcuts-heading = 管理擴充套件快速鍵 default-heading-search-label = 看更多附加元件! addons-heading-search-input = .placeholder = 在 addons.mozilla.org 搜尋 addon-page-options-button = .title = 所有附加元件的工具 ## Detail notifications ## Variables: ## $name (string) - Name of the add-on. # Variables: # $version (string) - Application version. details-notification-incompatible = { $name } 與 { -brand-short-name } { $version } 不相容。 # Variables: # $version (string) - Application version. details-notification-incompatible2 = .message = { $name } 與 { -brand-short-name } { $version } 不相容。 details-notification-incompatible-link = 更多資訊 details-notification-unsigned-and-disabled = 無法驗證 { $name } 於 { -brand-short-name } 使用,已被停用。 details-notification-unsigned-and-disabled2 = .message = 無法驗證 { $name } 於 { -brand-short-name } 使用,已被停用。 details-notification-unsigned-and-disabled-link = 更多資訊 details-notification-unsigned = 無法驗證 { $name } 於 { -brand-short-name } 使用,若要使用請小心。 details-notification-unsigned2 = .message = 無法驗證 { $name } 於 { -brand-short-name } 使用,若要使用請小心。 details-notification-unsigned-link = 更多資訊 details-notification-blocked = 因為安全性或穩定性因素,{ $name } 已被停用。 details-notification-blocked2 = .message = 因為安全性或穩定性因素,{ $name } 已被停用。 details-notification-blocked-link = 更多資訊 details-notification-softblocked = 已知 { $name } 會造成安全性或穩定性問題。 details-notification-softblocked2 = .message = 已知 { $name } 會造成安全性或穩定性問題。 details-notification-softblocked-link = 更多資訊 details-notification-gmp-pending = 即將安裝 { $name }。 details-notification-gmp-pending2 = .message = 即將安裝 { $name }。 ## Gecko Media Plugins (GMPs) plugins-gmp-license-info = 授權資訊 plugins-gmp-privacy-info = 隱私權資訊 plugins-openh264-name = Cisco Systems, Inc. 提供的 OpenH264 視訊解碼器 plugins-openh264-description = 此外掛程式是由 Mozilla 自動安裝,以符合 WebRTC 規範,並讓您能夠與需要使用 H.264 視訊解碼器的裝置溝通。您可至 http://www.openh264.org/ 取得解碼器的原始碼,並了解此實作的相關資訊。 plugins-widevine-name = Google Inc. 提供的 Widevine 內容解碼模組 plugins-widevine-description = 此外掛程式讓您可播放相容於 Encrypted Media Extensions 規格的加密媒體內容。加密媒體內容通常用於防止複製,或是需收費的媒體內容。可到 https://www.w3.org/TR/encrypted-media/ 取得 Encrypted Media Extensions 的更多資訊。