# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. about-reader-loading = 載入中… about-reader-load-error = 無法自頁面載入文章 about-reader-color-scheme-light = 亮色調 .title = 亮色主題 about-reader-color-scheme-dark = 暗色調 .title = 暗色主題 about-reader-color-scheme-sepia = 棕褐色調 .title = 棕褐色調主題 about-reader-color-scheme-auto = 自動 .title = 自動色彩布景 about-reader-color-theme-light = 亮色 .title = 亮色佈景主題 about-reader-color-theme-dark = 暗色 .title = 暗色佈景主題 about-reader-color-theme-sepia = 懷舊風 .title = 懷舊風佈景主題 about-reader-color-theme-auto = 自動 .title = 自動色調佈景主題 about-reader-color-theme-gray = 灰暗 .title = 灰暗佈景主題 about-reader-color-theme-contrast = 對比 .title = 對比色佈景主題 about-reader-color-theme-custom = 自訂色彩 .title = 自訂色彩佈景主題 about-reader-color-light-theme = 亮色 .title = 亮色佈景主題 about-reader-color-dark-theme = 暗色 .title = 暗色佈景主題 about-reader-color-sepia-theme = 懷舊風 .title = 懷舊風佈景主題 about-reader-color-auto-theme = 自動 .title = 自動切換佈景主題 about-reader-color-gray-theme = 灰色 .title = 灰色佈景主題 about-reader-color-contrast-theme = 高對比 .title = 高對比度佈景主題 # An estimate for how long it takes to read an article, # expressed as a range covering both slow and fast readers. # Variables: # $rangePlural (String): The plural category of the range, using the same set as for numbers. # $range (String): The range of minutes as a localised string. Examples: "3-7", "~1". about-reader-estimated-read-time = { $range } 分鐘 ## These are used as tooltips in Type Control about-reader-toolbar-minus = .title = 縮小文字 about-reader-toolbar-plus = .title = 放大文字 about-reader-toolbar-contentwidthminus = .title = 縮小內容寬度 about-reader-toolbar-contentwidthplus = .title = 放大內容寬度 about-reader-toolbar-lineheightminus = .title = 縮小行高 about-reader-toolbar-lineheightplus = .title = 增加行高 ## These are the styles of typeface that are options in the reader view controls. about-reader-font-type-serif = 襯線字 about-reader-font-type-sans-serif = 無襯線字 about-reader-font-type-monospace = 等寬 ## Reader View toolbar buttons about-reader-toolbar-close = 關閉閱讀模式 about-reader-toolbar-type-controls = 字體控制 about-reader-toolbar-color-controls = 色彩 about-reader-toolbar-text-layout-controls = 文字與版面 about-reader-toolbar-theme-controls = 佈景主題 about-reader-toolbar-savetopocket = 儲存到 { -pocket-brand-name } ## Reader View colors menu about-reader-colors-menu-header = 佈景主題 about-reader-fxtheme-tab = 預設 about-reader-customtheme-tab = 自訂 ## These are used as labels for the custom theme color pickers. ## The .title element is used to make the editing functionality ## clear and give context for screen reader users. about-reader-custom-colors-foreground = 文字 .title = 編輯色彩 about-reader-custom-colors-background = 背景 .title = 編輯色彩 about-reader-custom-colors-unvisited-links = 未拜訪鏈結 .title = 編輯色彩 about-reader-custom-colors-visited-links = 已拜訪鏈結 .title = 編輯色彩 about-reader-custom-colors-selection-highlight = 為閱讀功能加上強調效果 .title = 編輯色彩 about-reader-custom-colors-reset-button = 重設為預設值 about-reader-reset-button = 重設為預設值 ## Reader View improved text and layout menu about-reader-text-header = 文字 about-reader-text-size-label = 文字大小 about-reader-font-type-selector-label = 字型 about-reader-font-weight-selector-label = 文字粗細 about-reader-font-weight-light = 細 about-reader-font-weight-regular = 一般 about-reader-font-weight-bold = 粗 about-reader-layout-header = 版面 about-reader-slider-label-spacing-standard = 標準 about-reader-slider-label-spacing-wide = 寬闊 about-reader-content-width-label = .label = 內容寬度 about-reader-line-spacing-label = .label = 行距 about-reader-advanced-layout-header = 進階 about-reader-slider-label-width-narrow = 窄小 about-reader-slider-label-width-wide = 寬闊 about-reader-slider-label-spacing-narrow = 窄小 about-reader-character-spacing-label = .label = 字元間距 about-reader-word-spacing-label = .label = 文字間距 about-reader-text-alignment-label = 文字對齊方式 about-reader-text-alignment-left = .title = 文字置左 about-reader-text-alignment-center = .title = 文字置中 about-reader-text-alignment-right = .title = 文字置右