# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. contentanalysis-alert-title = 內容分析 # Variables: # $content - Description of the content being warned about, such as "clipboard" or "aFile.txt" contentanalysis-slow-agent-notification = 內容分析功能花了很長一段時間才能回應資源「{ $content }」 contentanalysis-slow-agent-dialog-header = 正在掃描 # Variables: # $agent - The name of the DLP agent doing the analysis # $filename - Name of the file being analyzed, such as "aFile.txt" contentanalysis-slow-agent-dialog-body-file = { $agent } 正在確認「{ $filename }」是否符合貴組織的資料政策,可能會需要一點時間。 # Variables: # $agent - The name of the DLP agent doing the analysis contentanalysis-slow-agent-dialog-body-clipboard = { $agent } 正在確認您貼上的內容是否符合貴組織的資料政策,可能會需要一點時間。 # Note that this is shown when the user drag and drops text into the browser. # Variables: # $agent - The name of the DLP agent doing the analysis contentanalysis-slow-agent-dialog-body-dropped-text = { $agent } 正在確認您放下的文字是否符合貴組織的資料政策,可能會需要一點時間。 # Variables: # $agent - The name of the DLP agent doing the analysis contentanalysis-slow-agent-dialog-body-print = { $agent } 正在確認您列印的內容是否符合貴組織的資料政策,可能會需要一點時間。 contentanalysis-operationtype-clipboard = 剪貼簿 contentanalysis-operationtype-dropped-text = 已放下文字 contentanalysis-operationtype-print = 列印 # $filename - The filename associated with the request, such as "aFile.txt" contentanalysis-customdisplaystring-description = 上傳「{ $filename }」 contentanalysis-warndialogtitle = 此內容可能不安全 # Variables: # $content - Description of the content being warned about, such as "clipboard" or "aFile.txt" contentanalysis-warndialogtext = 您的組織所使用的資料外洩防護軟體,將此內容標示為不安全:{ $content },還是要使用嗎? contentanalysis-warndialog-response-allow = 使用內容 contentanalysis-warndialog-response-deny = 取消 contentanalysis-notification-title = 內容分析 # Variables: # $content - Description of the content being reported, such as "clipboard" or "aFile.txt" # $response - The response received from the content analysis agent, such as "REPORT_ONLY" contentanalysis-genericresponse-message = 內容分析功能已對下列資源回覆 { $response }:{ $content } # Variables: # $content - Description of the content being blocked, such as "clipboard" or "aFile.txt" contentanalysis-block-message = 您的組織所使用的資料外洩防護軟體封鎖了此內容:{ $content }。 # Variables: # $content - Description of the content being blocked, such as "clipboard" or "aFile.txt" contentanalysis-error-message = 與資料外洩防護軟體溝通時發生錯誤。對下列資源的傳輸遭拒:{ $content }。 # Variables: # $agent - The name of the DLP agent doing the analysis # $content - Description of the content being blocked, such as "clipboard" or "aFile.txt" contentanalysis-unspecified-error-message = 與 { $agent } 溝通時發生錯誤。拒絕傳輸下列資源:{ $content }。 # Variables: # $agent - The name of the DLP agent doing the analysis # $content - Description of the content being blocked, such as "clipboard" or "aFile.txt" contentanalysis-no-agent-connected-message = 無法連線至 { $agent }。拒絕傳輸下列資源:{ $content }。 # Variables: # $agent - The name of the DLP agent doing the analysis # $content - Description of the content being blocked, such as "clipboard" or "aFile.txt" contentanalysis-invalid-agent-signature-message = { $agent } 的簽章驗證失敗。拒絕傳輸下列資源:{ $content }。 # Variables: # $agent - The name of the DLP agent doing the analysis # $content - Localized text describing the content being blocked, such as "Paste denied." contentanalysis-unspecified-error-message-content = 與 { $agent } 溝通時發生錯誤,{ $content } # Variables: # $agent - The name of the DLP agent doing the analysis # $content - Localized text describing the content being blocked, such as "Paste denied." contentanalysis-no-agent-connected-message-content = 無法連線至 { $agent },{ $content } # Variables: # $agent - The name of the DLP agent doing the analysis # $content - Localized text describing the content being blocked, such as "Paste denied." contentanalysis-invalid-agent-signature-message-content = { $agent } 簽章驗證失敗,{ $content } # Variables: # $filename - Name of the file that was blocked, such as "aFile.txt" contentanalysis-error-message-upload-file = 上傳「{ $filename }」被拒絕。 contentanalysis-error-message-dropped-text = 被拒絕拖放檔案。 contentanalysis-error-message-clipboard = 被拒絕貼上。 contentanalysis-error-message-print = 被拒絕列印。 contentanalysis-block-dialog-title-upload-file = 您未被允許上傳此檔案 # Variables: # $filename - Name of the file that was blocked, such as "aFile.txt" contentanalysis-block-dialog-body-upload-file = 根據您組織的資料保護政策,您未被允許上傳檔案「{ $filename }」。若需更多資訊,請聯絡您的管理員。 contentanalysis-block-dialog-title-clipboard = 您未被允許貼上此內容 contentanalysis-block-dialog-body-clipboard = 根據您組織的資料保護政策,您未被允許貼上此內容。若需更多資訊,請聯絡您的管理員。 contentanalysis-block-dialog-title-dropped-text = 您未被允許放下此內容 contentanalysis-block-dialog-body-dropped-text = 根據您組織的資料保護政策,您未被允許拖放此內容。若需更多資訊,請聯絡您的管理員。 contentanalysis-block-dialog-title-print = 您未被允許列印此文件 contentanalysis-block-dialog-body-print = 根據您組織的資料保護政策,您未被允許列印此文件。若需更多資訊,請聯絡您的管理員。 contentanalysis-inprogress-quit-title = 要離開 { -brand-shorter-name } 嗎? contentanalysis-inprogress-quit-message = 有幾項操作正在進行中,若您現在離開 { -brand-shorter-name },將不會完成這些操作。 contentanalysis-inprogress-quit-yesbutton = 對,離開