/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "ZoomConstraintsClient.h" #include #include "mozilla/layers/APZCCallbackHelper.h" #include "mozilla/layers/ScrollableLayerGuid.h" #include "mozilla/layers/ZoomConstraints.h" #include "mozilla/Preferences.h" #include "mozilla/PresShell.h" #include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_apz.h" #include "mozilla/dom/Document.h" #include "mozilla/dom/Event.h" #include "nsIFrame.h" #include "nsIScrollableFrame.h" #include "nsLayoutUtils.h" #include "nsPoint.h" #include "nsView.h" #include "nsViewportInfo.h" #include "Units.h" #include "UnitTransforms.h" static mozilla::LazyLogModule sApzZoomLog("apz.zoom"); #define ZCC_LOG(...) MOZ_LOG(sApzZoomLog, LogLevel::Debug, (__VA_ARGS__)) NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(ZoomConstraintsClient, nsIDOMEventListener, nsIObserver) #define DOM_META_ADDED u"DOMMetaAdded"_ns #define DOM_META_CHANGED u"DOMMetaChanged"_ns #define FULLSCREEN_CHANGED u"fullscreenchange"_ns #define BEFORE_FIRST_PAINT "before-first-paint"_ns #define COMPOSITOR_REINITIALIZED "compositor-reinitialized"_ns #define NS_PREF_CHANGED "nsPref:changed"_ns using namespace mozilla; using namespace mozilla::dom; using namespace mozilla::layers; ZoomConstraintsClient::ZoomConstraintsClient() : mDocument(nullptr), mPresShell(nullptr), mZoomConstraints(false, false, CSSToParentLayerScale(1.f), CSSToParentLayerScale(1.f)) {} ZoomConstraintsClient::~ZoomConstraintsClient() = default; static nsIWidget* GetWidget(PresShell* aPresShell) { if (!aPresShell) { return nullptr; } if (nsIFrame* rootFrame = aPresShell->GetRootFrame()) { #if defined(MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID) // On Android in cases of about:XX pages loaded in the browser parent // process we need to return the nearest widget since it's the widget owning // an IAPZCTreeManager to communicate with the APZCTreeManager for the // browser. // In bug 1648427 we will apply this code to desktops as well to make // about pages zoomable on desktops, but it will be involving more works, // see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1648427#c7 . return rootFrame->GetNearestWidget(); #else if (nsView* view = rootFrame->GetView()) { return view->GetWidget(); } #endif } return nullptr; } void ZoomConstraintsClient::Destroy() { if (!(mPresShell && mDocument)) { return; } ZCC_LOG("Destroying %p\n", this); if (mEventTarget) { mEventTarget->RemoveEventListener(DOM_META_ADDED, this, false); mEventTarget->RemoveEventListener(DOM_META_CHANGED, this, false); mEventTarget->RemoveSystemEventListener(FULLSCREEN_CHANGED, this, false); mEventTarget = nullptr; } nsCOMPtr observerService = mozilla::services::GetObserverService(); if (observerService) { observerService->RemoveObserver(this, BEFORE_FIRST_PAINT.Data()); observerService->RemoveObserver(this, COMPOSITOR_REINITIALIZED.Data()); } Preferences::RemoveObserver(this, "browser.ui.zoom.force-user-scalable"); if (mGuid) { if (nsIWidget* widget = GetWidget(mPresShell)) { ZCC_LOG("Sending null constraints in %p for { %u, %" PRIu64 " }\n", this, mGuid->mPresShellId, mGuid->mScrollId); widget->UpdateZoomConstraints(mGuid->mPresShellId, mGuid->mScrollId, Nothing()); mGuid = Nothing(); } } mDocument = nullptr; mPresShell = nullptr; } void ZoomConstraintsClient::Init(PresShell* aPresShell, Document* aDocument) { if (!(aPresShell && aDocument)) { return; } mPresShell = aPresShell; mDocument = aDocument; if (nsCOMPtr window = mDocument->GetWindow()) { mEventTarget = window->GetParentTarget(); } if (mEventTarget) { mEventTarget->AddEventListener(DOM_META_ADDED, this, false); mEventTarget->AddEventListener(DOM_META_CHANGED, this, false); mEventTarget->AddSystemEventListener(FULLSCREEN_CHANGED, this, false); } nsCOMPtr observerService = mozilla::services::GetObserverService(); if (observerService) { observerService->AddObserver(this, BEFORE_FIRST_PAINT.Data(), false); observerService->AddObserver(this, COMPOSITOR_REINITIALIZED.Data(), false); } Preferences::AddStrongObserver(this, "browser.ui.zoom.force-user-scalable"); } NS_IMETHODIMP ZoomConstraintsClient::HandleEvent(dom::Event* event) { nsAutoString type; event->GetType(type); if (type.Equals(DOM_META_ADDED)) { ZCC_LOG("Got a dom-meta-added event in %p\n", this); RefreshZoomConstraints(); } else if (type.Equals(DOM_META_CHANGED)) { ZCC_LOG("Got a dom-meta-changed event in %p\n", this); RefreshZoomConstraints(); } else if (type.Equals(FULLSCREEN_CHANGED)) { ZCC_LOG("Got a fullscreen-change event in %p\n", this); RefreshZoomConstraints(); } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP ZoomConstraintsClient::Observe(nsISupports* aSubject, const char* aTopic, const char16_t* aData) { if (SameCOMIdentity(aSubject, ToSupports(mDocument)) && BEFORE_FIRST_PAINT.EqualsASCII(aTopic)) { ZCC_LOG("Got a before-first-paint event in %p\n", this); RefreshZoomConstraints(); } else if (COMPOSITOR_REINITIALIZED.EqualsASCII(aTopic)) { ZCC_LOG("Got a compositor-reinitialized notification in %p\n", this); RefreshZoomConstraints(); } else if (NS_PREF_CHANGED.EqualsASCII(aTopic)) { ZCC_LOG("Got a pref-change event in %p\n", this); // We need to run this later because all the pref change listeners need // to execute before we can be guaranteed that // StaticPrefs::browser_ui_zoom_force_user_scalable() returns the updated // value. RefPtr> event = NewRunnableMethod("ZoomConstraintsClient::RefreshZoomConstraints", this, &ZoomConstraintsClient::RefreshZoomConstraints); mDocument->Dispatch(event.forget()); } return NS_OK; } void ZoomConstraintsClient::ScreenSizeChanged() { ZCC_LOG("Got a screen-size change notification in %p\n", this); RefreshZoomConstraints(); } static mozilla::layers::ZoomConstraints ComputeZoomConstraintsFromViewportInfo( const nsViewportInfo& aViewportInfo, Document* aDocument) { mozilla::layers::ZoomConstraints constraints; constraints.mAllowZoom = aViewportInfo.IsZoomAllowed() && nsLayoutUtils::AllowZoomingForDocument(aDocument); constraints.mAllowDoubleTapZoom = constraints.mAllowZoom && StaticPrefs::apz_allow_double_tap_zooming(); if (constraints.mAllowZoom) { constraints.mMinZoom.scale = aViewportInfo.GetMinZoom().scale; constraints.mMaxZoom.scale = aViewportInfo.GetMaxZoom().scale; } else { constraints.mMinZoom.scale = aViewportInfo.GetDefaultZoom().scale; constraints.mMaxZoom.scale = aViewportInfo.GetDefaultZoom().scale; } return constraints; } void ZoomConstraintsClient::RefreshZoomConstraints() { mZoomConstraints = ZoomConstraints(false, false, CSSToParentLayerScale(1.f), CSSToParentLayerScale(1.f)); nsIWidget* widget = GetWidget(mPresShell); if (!widget) { return; } // Ignore documents which has been removed from the doc shell. if (!mDocument->IsActive()) { return; } uint32_t presShellId = 0; ScrollableLayerGuid::ViewID viewId = ScrollableLayerGuid::NULL_SCROLL_ID; bool scrollIdentifiersValid = APZCCallbackHelper::GetOrCreateScrollIdentifiers( mDocument->GetDocumentElement(), &presShellId, &viewId); if (!scrollIdentifiersValid) { return; } LayoutDeviceIntSize screenSize; if (!nsLayoutUtils::GetDocumentViewerSize(mPresShell->GetPresContext(), screenSize)) { return; } nsViewportInfo viewportInfo = mDocument->GetViewportInfo(ViewAs( screenSize, PixelCastJustification::LayoutDeviceIsScreenForBounds)); mZoomConstraints = ComputeZoomConstraintsFromViewportInfo(viewportInfo, mDocument); if (mDocument->Fullscreen()) { ZCC_LOG("%p is in fullscreen, disallowing zooming\n", this); mZoomConstraints.mAllowZoom = false; mZoomConstraints.mAllowDoubleTapZoom = false; } if (mDocument->IsStaticDocument()) { ZCC_LOG("%p is in print or print preview, disallowing double tap zooming\n", this); mZoomConstraints.mAllowDoubleTapZoom = false; } if (nsContentUtils::IsPDFJS(mDocument->GetPrincipal())) { ZCC_LOG("%p is pdf.js viewer, disallowing double tap zooming\n", this); mZoomConstraints.mAllowDoubleTapZoom = false; } // On macOS the OS can send us a double tap zoom event from the touchpad and // there are no touch screen macOS devices so we never wait to see if a second // tap is coming so we can always allow double tap zooming on mac. We need // this because otherwise the width check usually disables it. bool allow_double_tap_always = false; #ifdef XP_MACOSX allow_double_tap_always = StaticPrefs::apz_mac_enable_double_tap_zoom_touchpad_gesture(); #endif if (!allow_double_tap_always && mZoomConstraints.mAllowDoubleTapZoom) { // If the CSS viewport is narrower than the screen (i.e. width <= // device-width) then we disable double-tap-to-zoom behaviour. CSSToLayoutDeviceScale scale = mPresShell->GetPresContext()->CSSToDevPixelScale(); if ((viewportInfo.GetSize() * scale).width <= screenSize.width) { mZoomConstraints.mAllowDoubleTapZoom = false; } } // We only ever create a ZoomConstraintsClient for an RCD, so the RSF of // the presShell must be the RCD-RSF (if it exists). MOZ_ASSERT(mPresShell->GetPresContext()->IsRootContentDocumentCrossProcess()); if (nsIScrollableFrame* rcdrsf = mPresShell->GetRootScrollFrameAsScrollable()) { ZCC_LOG("Notifying RCD-RSF that it is zoomable: %d\n", mZoomConstraints.mAllowZoom); rcdrsf->SetZoomableByAPZ(mZoomConstraints.mAllowZoom); } ScrollableLayerGuid newGuid(LayersId{0}, presShellId, viewId); if (mGuid && mGuid.value() != newGuid) { ZCC_LOG("Clearing old constraints in %p for { %u, %" PRIu64 " }\n", this, mGuid->mPresShellId, mGuid->mScrollId); // If the guid changes, send a message to clear the old one widget->UpdateZoomConstraints(mGuid->mPresShellId, mGuid->mScrollId, Nothing()); } mGuid = Some(newGuid); ZCC_LOG("Sending constraints %s in %p for { %u, %" PRIu64 " }\n", ToString(mZoomConstraints).c_str(), this, presShellId, viewId); widget->UpdateZoomConstraints(presShellId, viewId, Some(mZoomConstraints)); }