/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "mozilla/ArrayUtils.h" #include "inLayoutUtils.h" #include "gfxTextRun.h" #include "mozilla/dom/HTMLSlotElement.h" #include "nsArray.h" #include "nsContentList.h" #include "nsString.h" #include "nsIContentInlines.h" #include "nsIScrollableFrame.h" #include "mozilla/dom/Document.h" #include "mozilla/dom/DocumentInlines.h" #include "mozilla/dom/HTMLTemplateElement.h" #include "ChildIterator.h" #include "nsComputedDOMStyle.h" #include "mozilla/EventStateManager.h" #include "nsAtom.h" #include "nsBlockFrame.h" #include "nsPresContext.h" #include "nsRange.h" #include "mozilla/PresShell.h" #include "mozilla/PresShellInlines.h" #include "mozilla/StyleSheetInlines.h" #include "mozilla/dom/CharacterData.h" #include "mozilla/dom/CSSBinding.h" #include "mozilla/dom/Element.h" #include "mozilla/dom/CSSStyleRule.h" #include "mozilla/dom/CSSKeyframesRule.h" #include "mozilla/dom/Highlight.h" #include "mozilla/dom/HighlightRegistry.h" #include "mozilla/dom/InspectorUtilsBinding.h" #include "mozilla/dom/LinkStyle.h" #include "mozilla/dom/ToJSValue.h" #include "nsCSSProps.h" #include "nsCSSValue.h" #include "nsColor.h" #include "mozilla/ServoStyleSet.h" #include "nsLayoutUtils.h" #include "nsNameSpaceManager.h" #include "nsStyleUtil.h" #include "nsQueryObject.h" #include "mozilla/ServoBindings.h" #include "mozilla/ServoStyleRuleMap.h" #include "mozilla/ServoCSSParser.h" #include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_layout.h" #include "mozilla/dom/InspectorUtils.h" #include "mozilla/dom/InspectorFontFace.h" #include "mozilla/gfx/Matrix.h" using namespace mozilla; using namespace mozilla::css; using namespace mozilla::dom; namespace mozilla { namespace dom { static already_AddRefed GetCleanComputedStyleForElement( dom::Element* aElement, PseudoStyleType aPseudo, nsAtom* aFunctionalPseudoParameter) { MOZ_ASSERT(aElement); Document* doc = aElement->GetComposedDoc(); if (!doc) { return nullptr; } PresShell* presShell = doc->GetPresShell(); if (!presShell) { return nullptr; } nsPresContext* presContext = presShell->GetPresContext(); if (!presContext) { return nullptr; } presContext->EnsureSafeToHandOutCSSRules(); return nsComputedDOMStyle::GetComputedStyle(aElement, aPseudo, aFunctionalPseudoParameter); } /* static */ void InspectorUtils::GetAllStyleSheets(GlobalObject& aGlobalObject, Document& aDocument, bool aDocumentOnly, nsTArray>& aResult) { // Get the agent, then user and finally xbl sheets in the style set. PresShell* presShell = aDocument.GetPresShell(); nsTHashSet sheetSet; if (presShell) { ServoStyleSet* styleSet = presShell->StyleSet(); if (!aDocumentOnly) { const StyleOrigin kOrigins[] = {StyleOrigin::UserAgent, StyleOrigin::User}; for (const auto origin : kOrigins) { for (size_t i = 0, count = styleSet->SheetCount(origin); i < count; i++) { aResult.AppendElement(styleSet->SheetAt(origin, i)); } } } AutoTArray nonDocumentSheets; styleSet->AppendAllNonDocumentAuthorSheets(nonDocumentSheets); // The non-document stylesheet array can have duplicates due to adopted // stylesheets. nsTHashSet sheetSet; for (StyleSheet* sheet : nonDocumentSheets) { if (sheetSet.EnsureInserted(sheet)) { aResult.AppendElement(sheet); } } } // Get the document sheets. for (size_t i = 0; i < aDocument.SheetCount(); i++) { aResult.AppendElement(aDocument.SheetAt(i)); } for (auto& sheet : aDocument.AdoptedStyleSheets()) { if (sheetSet.EnsureInserted(sheet)) { aResult.AppendElement(sheet); } } } bool InspectorUtils::IsIgnorableWhitespace(CharacterData& aDataNode) { if (!aDataNode.TextIsOnlyWhitespace()) { return false; } // Okay. We have only white space. Let's check the white-space // property now and make sure that this isn't preformatted text... if (nsIFrame* frame = aDataNode.GetPrimaryFrame()) { return !frame->StyleText()->WhiteSpaceIsSignificant(); } // empty inter-tag text node without frame, e.g., in between \n return true; } /* static */ nsINode* InspectorUtils::GetParentForNode(nsINode& aNode, bool aShowingAnonymousContent) { if (nsINode* parent = aNode.GetParentNode()) { return parent; } if (aNode.IsDocument()) { return inLayoutUtils::GetContainerFor(*aNode.AsDocument()); } if (aShowingAnonymousContent) { if (auto* frag = DocumentFragment::FromNode(aNode)) { // This deals with shadow roots and HTMLTemplateElement.content. return frag->GetHost(); } } return nullptr; } /* static */ void InspectorUtils::GetChildrenForNode(nsINode& aNode, bool aShowingAnonymousContent, bool aIncludeAssignedNodes, bool aIncludeSubdocuments, nsTArray>& aResult) { if (aIncludeSubdocuments) { if (auto* doc = inLayoutUtils::GetSubDocumentFor(&aNode)) { aResult.AppendElement(doc); // XXX Do we really want to early-return? return; } } if (!aShowingAnonymousContent || !aNode.IsContent()) { for (nsINode* child = aNode.GetFirstChild(); child; child = child->GetNextSibling()) { aResult.AppendElement(child); } return; } if (auto* tmpl = HTMLTemplateElement::FromNode(aNode)) { aResult.AppendElement(tmpl->Content()); // XXX Do we really want to early-return? return; } if (auto* element = Element::FromNode(aNode)) { if (auto* shadow = element->GetShadowRoot()) { aResult.AppendElement(shadow); } } nsIContent* parent = aNode.AsContent(); if (auto* node = nsLayoutUtils::GetMarkerPseudo(parent)) { aResult.AppendElement(node); } if (auto* node = nsLayoutUtils::GetBeforePseudo(parent)) { aResult.AppendElement(node); } if (aIncludeAssignedNodes) { if (auto* slot = HTMLSlotElement::FromNode(aNode)) { for (nsINode* node : slot->AssignedNodes()) { aResult.AppendElement(node); } } } for (nsIContent* node = parent->GetFirstChild(); node; node = node->GetNextSibling()) { aResult.AppendElement(node); } AutoTArray anonKids; nsContentUtils::AppendNativeAnonymousChildren(parent, anonKids, nsIContent::eAllChildren); for (nsIContent* node : anonKids) { aResult.AppendElement(node); } if (auto* node = nsLayoutUtils::GetAfterPseudo(parent)) { aResult.AppendElement(node); } } /* static */ void InspectorUtils::GetCSSStyleRules(GlobalObject& aGlobalObject, Element& aElement, const nsAString& aPseudo, bool aIncludeVisitedStyle, nsTArray>& aResult) { auto [type, functionalPseudoParameter] = nsCSSPseudoElements::ParsePseudoElement(aPseudo, CSSEnabledState::ForAllContent); if (!type) { return; } RefPtr computedStyle = GetCleanComputedStyleForElement( &aElement, *type, functionalPseudoParameter); if (!computedStyle) { // This can fail for elements that are not in the document or // if the document they're in doesn't have a presshell. Bail out. return; } if (aIncludeVisitedStyle) { if (auto* styleIfVisited = computedStyle->GetStyleIfVisited()) { computedStyle = styleIfVisited; } } Document* doc = aElement.OwnerDoc(); PresShell* presShell = doc->GetPresShell(); if (!presShell) { return; } AutoTArray rawRuleList; Servo_ComputedValues_GetStyleRuleList(computedStyle, &rawRuleList); AutoTArray maps; { ServoStyleSet* styleSet = presShell->StyleSet(); ServoStyleRuleMap* map = styleSet->StyleRuleMap(); maps.AppendElement(map); } // Now shadow DOM stuff... if (auto* shadow = aElement.GetShadowRoot()) { maps.AppendElement(&shadow->ServoStyleRuleMap()); } // Now NAC: for (auto* el = aElement.GetClosestNativeAnonymousSubtreeRootParentOrHost(); el; el = el->GetClosestNativeAnonymousSubtreeRootParentOrHost()) { if (auto* shadow = el->GetShadowRoot()) { maps.AppendElement(&shadow->ServoStyleRuleMap()); } } for (auto* shadow = aElement.GetContainingShadow(); shadow; shadow = shadow->Host()->GetContainingShadow()) { maps.AppendElement(&shadow->ServoStyleRuleMap()); } // Rules from the assigned slot. for (auto* slot = aElement.GetAssignedSlot(); slot; slot = slot->GetAssignedSlot()) { if (auto* shadow = slot->GetContainingShadow()) { maps.AppendElement(&shadow->ServoStyleRuleMap()); } } // Find matching rules in the table. for (const StyleLockedStyleRule* rawRule : Reversed(rawRuleList)) { CSSStyleRule* rule = nullptr; for (ServoStyleRuleMap* map : maps) { rule = map->Lookup(rawRule); if (rule) { break; } } if (rule) { aResult.AppendElement(rule); } else { #ifdef DEBUG aElement.Dump(); printf_stderr("\n\n----\n\n"); computedStyle->DumpMatchedRules(); nsAutoCString str; Servo_StyleRule_Debug(rawRule, &str); printf_stderr("\n\n----\n\n"); printf_stderr("%s\n", str.get()); MOZ_CRASH_UNSAFE_PRINTF( "We should be able to map raw rule %p to a rule in one of the %zu " "maps: %s\n", rawRule, maps.Length(), str.get()); #endif } } } /* static */ uint32_t InspectorUtils::GetRuleLine(GlobalObject& aGlobal, css::Rule& aRule) { uint32_t line = aRule.GetLineNumber(); if (StyleSheet* sheet = aRule.GetStyleSheet()) { if (auto* link = LinkStyle::FromNodeOrNull(sheet->GetOwnerNode())) { line += link->GetLineNumber(); } } return line; } /* static */ uint32_t InspectorUtils::GetRuleColumn(GlobalObject& aGlobal, css::Rule& aRule) { return aRule.GetColumnNumber(); } /* static */ uint32_t InspectorUtils::GetRelativeRuleLine(GlobalObject& aGlobal, css::Rule& aRule) { // Rule lines are 0-based, but inspector wants 1-based. return aRule.GetLineNumber() + 1; } void InspectorUtils::GetRuleIndex(GlobalObject& aGlobal, css::Rule& aRule, nsTArray& aResult) { css::Rule* currentRule = &aRule; do { css::Rule* parentRule = currentRule->GetParentRule(); dom::CSSRuleList* ruleList = nullptr; if (parentRule) { if (parentRule->IsGroupRule()) { ruleList = static_cast(parentRule)->CssRules(); } else if (parentRule->Type() == StyleCssRuleType::Keyframes) { ruleList = static_cast(parentRule)->CssRules(); } else { MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Unknown parent rule type?"); } } else if (StyleSheet* sheet = currentRule->GetStyleSheet()) { ruleList = sheet->GetCssRulesInternal(); } if (!ruleList) { return; } bool found = false; for (uint32_t i = 0, len = ruleList->Length(); i < len; ++i) { css::Rule* rule = ruleList->Item(i); if (currentRule == rule) { found = true; aResult.InsertElementAt(0, i); break; } } if (!found) { return; } currentRule = parentRule; } while (currentRule); } /* static */ bool InspectorUtils::HasRulesModifiedByCSSOM(GlobalObject& aGlobal, StyleSheet& aSheet) { return aSheet.HasModifiedRulesForDevtools(); } static uint32_t CollectAtRules(ServoCSSRuleList& aRuleList, Sequence>& aResult) { uint32_t len = aRuleList.Length(); uint32_t ruleCount = len; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) { css::Rule* rule = aRuleList.GetRule(i); // This collect rules we want to display in Devtools Style Editor toolbar. // When adding a new StyleCssRuleType, put it in the "default" list, and // file a new bug with // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=DevTools&component=Style%20Editor&short_desc=Consider%20displaying%20new%20XXX%20rule%20type%20in%20at-rules%20sidebar // so the DevTools team gets notified and can decide if it should be // displayed. switch (rule->Type()) { case StyleCssRuleType::Media: case StyleCssRuleType::Supports: case StyleCssRuleType::LayerBlock: case StyleCssRuleType::Property: case StyleCssRuleType::Container: { Unused << aResult.AppendElement(OwningNonNull(*rule), fallible); break; } case StyleCssRuleType::Style: case StyleCssRuleType::Import: case StyleCssRuleType::Document: case StyleCssRuleType::LayerStatement: case StyleCssRuleType::FontFace: case StyleCssRuleType::Page: case StyleCssRuleType::Keyframes: case StyleCssRuleType::Keyframe: case StyleCssRuleType::Margin: case StyleCssRuleType::Namespace: case StyleCssRuleType::CounterStyle: case StyleCssRuleType::FontFeatureValues: case StyleCssRuleType::FontPaletteValues: case StyleCssRuleType::Scope: case StyleCssRuleType::StartingStyle: break; } if (rule->IsGroupRule()) { ruleCount += CollectAtRules( *static_cast(rule)->CssRules(), aResult); } } return ruleCount; } void InspectorUtils::GetStyleSheetRuleCountAndAtRules( GlobalObject& aGlobal, StyleSheet& aSheet, InspectorStyleSheetRuleCountAndAtRulesResult& aResult) { aResult.mRuleCount = CollectAtRules(*aSheet.GetCssRulesInternal(), aResult.mAtRules); } /* static */ bool InspectorUtils::IsInheritedProperty(GlobalObject& aGlobalObject, Document& aDocument, const nsACString& aPropertyName) { return Servo_Property_IsInherited(aDocument.EnsureStyleSet().RawData(), &aPropertyName); } /* static */ void InspectorUtils::GetCSSPropertyNames(GlobalObject& aGlobalObject, const PropertyNamesOptions& aOptions, nsTArray& aResult) { CSSEnabledState enabledState = aOptions.mIncludeExperimentals ? CSSEnabledState::IgnoreEnabledState : CSSEnabledState::ForAllContent; auto appendProperty = [enabledState, &aResult](uint32_t prop) { nsCSSPropertyID cssProp = nsCSSPropertyID(prop); if (nsCSSProps::IsEnabled(cssProp, enabledState)) { aResult.AppendElement( NS_ConvertASCIItoUTF16(nsCSSProps::GetStringValue(cssProp))); } }; uint32_t prop = 0; for (; prop < eCSSProperty_COUNT_no_shorthands; ++prop) { if (!nsCSSProps::PropHasFlags(nsCSSPropertyID(prop), CSSPropFlags::Inaccessible)) { appendProperty(prop); } } if (aOptions.mIncludeShorthands) { for (; prop < eCSSProperty_COUNT; ++prop) { appendProperty(prop); } } if (aOptions.mIncludeAliases) { for (prop = eCSSProperty_COUNT; prop < eCSSProperty_COUNT_with_aliases; ++prop) { appendProperty(prop); } } } /* static */ void InspectorUtils::GetCSSPropertyPrefs(GlobalObject& aGlobalObject, nsTArray& aResult) { for (const auto* src = nsCSSProps::kPropertyPrefTable; src->mPropID != eCSSProperty_UNKNOWN; src++) { PropertyPref& dest = *aResult.AppendElement(); dest.mName.Assign( NS_ConvertASCIItoUTF16(nsCSSProps::GetStringValue(src->mPropID))); dest.mPref.AssignASCII(src->mPref); } } /* static */ void InspectorUtils::GetSubpropertiesForCSSProperty(GlobalObject& aGlobal, const nsACString& aProperty, nsTArray& aResult, ErrorResult& aRv) { nsCSSPropertyID propertyID = nsCSSProps::LookupProperty(aProperty); if (propertyID == eCSSProperty_UNKNOWN) { aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_FAILURE); return; } if (propertyID == eCSSPropertyExtra_variable) { aResult.AppendElement(NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(aProperty)); return; } if (!nsCSSProps::IsShorthand(propertyID)) { nsString* name = aResult.AppendElement(); CopyASCIItoUTF16(nsCSSProps::GetStringValue(propertyID), *name); return; } for (const nsCSSPropertyID* props = nsCSSProps::SubpropertyEntryFor(propertyID); *props != eCSSProperty_UNKNOWN; ++props) { nsString* name = aResult.AppendElement(); CopyASCIItoUTF16(nsCSSProps::GetStringValue(*props), *name); } } /* static */ bool InspectorUtils::CssPropertyIsShorthand(GlobalObject& aGlobalObject, const nsACString& aProperty, ErrorResult& aRv) { bool found; bool isShorthand = Servo_Property_IsShorthand(&aProperty, &found); if (!found) { aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_FAILURE); } return isShorthand; } // This should match the constants in specified_value_info.rs // // Once we can use bitflags in consts, we can also cbindgen that and use them // here instead. static uint8_t ToServoCssType(InspectorPropertyType aType) { switch (aType) { case InspectorPropertyType::Color: return 1; case InspectorPropertyType::Gradient: return 1 << 1; case InspectorPropertyType::Timing_function: return 1 << 2; default: MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Unknown property type?"); return 0; } } bool InspectorUtils::Supports(GlobalObject&, const nsACString& aDeclaration, const SupportsOptions& aOptions) { return Servo_CSSSupports(&aDeclaration, aOptions.mUserAgent, aOptions.mChrome, aOptions.mQuirks); } bool InspectorUtils::CssPropertySupportsType(GlobalObject& aGlobalObject, const nsACString& aProperty, InspectorPropertyType aType, ErrorResult& aRv) { bool found; bool result = Servo_Property_SupportsType(&aProperty, ToServoCssType(aType), &found); if (!found) { aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_FAILURE); return false; } return result; } /* static */ void InspectorUtils::GetCSSValuesForProperty(GlobalObject& aGlobalObject, const nsACString& aProperty, nsTArray& aResult, ErrorResult& aRv) { bool found; Servo_Property_GetCSSValuesForProperty(&aProperty, &found, &aResult); if (!found) { aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_FAILURE); } } /* static */ void InspectorUtils::RgbToColorName(GlobalObject&, uint8_t aR, uint8_t aG, uint8_t aB, nsACString& aColorName) { Servo_SlowRgbToColorName(aR, aG, aB, &aColorName); } /* static */ void InspectorUtils::ColorToRGBA(GlobalObject&, const nsACString& aColorString, const Document* aDoc, Nullable& aResult) { nscolor color = NS_RGB(0, 0, 0); ServoStyleSet* styleSet = nullptr; if (aDoc) { if (PresShell* ps = aDoc->GetPresShell()) { styleSet = ps->StyleSet(); } } if (!ServoCSSParser::ComputeColor(styleSet, NS_RGB(0, 0, 0), aColorString, &color)) { aResult.SetNull(); return; } InspectorRGBATuple& tuple = aResult.SetValue(); tuple.mR = NS_GET_R(color); tuple.mG = NS_GET_G(color); tuple.mB = NS_GET_B(color); tuple.mA = nsStyleUtil::ColorComponentToFloat(NS_GET_A(color)); } /* static */ void InspectorUtils::ColorTo(GlobalObject&, const nsACString& aFromColor, const nsACString& aToColorSpace, Nullable& aResult) { nsCString resultColor; nsTArray resultComponents; bool resultAdjusted = false; if (!ServoCSSParser::ColorTo(aFromColor, aToColorSpace, &resultColor, &resultComponents, &resultAdjusted)) { aResult.SetNull(); return; } auto& result = aResult.SetValue(); result.mColor.AssignASCII(resultColor); result.mComponents = std::move(resultComponents); result.mAdjusted = resultAdjusted; } /* static */ bool InspectorUtils::IsValidCSSColor(GlobalObject& aGlobalObject, const nsACString& aColorString) { return ServoCSSParser::IsValidCSSColor(aColorString); } /* static */ bool InspectorUtils::SetContentState(GlobalObject& aGlobalObject, Element& aElement, uint64_t aState, ErrorResult& aRv) { RefPtr esm = inLayoutUtils::GetEventStateManagerFor(aElement); ElementState state(aState); if (!esm || !EventStateManager::ManagesState(state)) { aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); return false; } return esm->SetContentState(&aElement, state); } /* static */ bool InspectorUtils::RemoveContentState(GlobalObject& aGlobalObject, Element& aElement, uint64_t aState, bool aClearActiveDocument, ErrorResult& aRv) { RefPtr esm = inLayoutUtils::GetEventStateManagerFor(aElement); ElementState state(aState); if (!esm || !EventStateManager::ManagesState(state)) { aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); return false; } bool result = esm->SetContentState(nullptr, state); if (aClearActiveDocument && state == ElementState::ACTIVE) { EventStateManager* activeESM = static_cast( EventStateManager::GetActiveEventStateManager()); if (activeESM == esm) { EventStateManager::ClearGlobalActiveContent(nullptr); } } return result; } /* static */ uint64_t InspectorUtils::GetContentState(GlobalObject& aGlobalObject, Element& aElement) { // NOTE: if this method is removed, // please remove GetInternalValue from ElementState return aElement.State().GetInternalValue(); } /* static */ void InspectorUtils::GetUsedFontFaces(GlobalObject& aGlobalObject, nsRange& aRange, uint32_t aMaxRanges, bool aSkipCollapsedWhitespace, nsLayoutUtils::UsedFontFaceList& aResult, ErrorResult& aRv) { nsresult rv = aRange.GetUsedFontFaces(aResult, aMaxRanges, aSkipCollapsedWhitespace); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { aRv.Throw(rv); } } static ElementState GetStatesForPseudoClass(const nsAString& aStatePseudo) { if (aStatePseudo.IsEmpty() || aStatePseudo[0] != u':') { return ElementState(); } NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8 statePseudo(Substring(aStatePseudo, 1)); return ElementState(Servo_PseudoClass_GetStates(&statePseudo)); } /* static */ void InspectorUtils::GetCSSPseudoElementNames(GlobalObject& aGlobalObject, nsTArray& aResult) { const auto kPseudoCount = static_cast(PseudoStyleType::CSSPseudoElementsEnd); for (size_t i = 0; i < kPseudoCount; ++i) { PseudoStyleType type = static_cast(i); if (!nsCSSPseudoElements::IsEnabled(type, CSSEnabledState::ForAllContent)) { continue; } auto& string = *aResult.AppendElement(); // Use two semi-colons (though internally we use one). string.Append(u':'); nsAtom* atom = nsCSSPseudoElements::GetPseudoAtom(type); string.Append(nsDependentAtomString(atom)); } } /* static */ void InspectorUtils::AddPseudoClassLock(GlobalObject& aGlobalObject, Element& aElement, const nsAString& aPseudoClass, bool aEnabled) { ElementState state = GetStatesForPseudoClass(aPseudoClass); if (state.IsEmpty()) { return; } aElement.LockStyleStates(state, aEnabled); } /* static */ void InspectorUtils::RemovePseudoClassLock(GlobalObject& aGlobal, Element& aElement, const nsAString& aPseudoClass) { ElementState state = GetStatesForPseudoClass(aPseudoClass); if (state.IsEmpty()) { return; } aElement.UnlockStyleStates(state); } /* static */ bool InspectorUtils::HasPseudoClassLock(GlobalObject& aGlobalObject, Element& aElement, const nsAString& aPseudoClass) { ElementState state = GetStatesForPseudoClass(aPseudoClass); if (state.IsEmpty()) { return false; } ElementState locks = aElement.LockedStyleStates().mLocks; return locks.HasAllStates(state); } /* static */ void InspectorUtils::ClearPseudoClassLocks(GlobalObject& aGlobalObject, Element& aElement) { aElement.ClearStyleStateLocks(); } /* static */ void InspectorUtils::ParseStyleSheet(GlobalObject& aGlobalObject, StyleSheet& aSheet, const nsACString& aInput, ErrorResult& aRv) { aSheet.ReparseSheet(aInput, aRv); } bool InspectorUtils::IsCustomElementName(GlobalObject&, const nsAString& aName, const nsAString& aNamespaceURI) { if (aName.IsEmpty()) { return false; } int32_t namespaceID; nsNameSpaceManager::GetInstance()->RegisterNameSpace(aNamespaceURI, namespaceID); RefPtr nameElt = NS_Atomize(aName); return nsContentUtils::IsCustomElementName(nameElt, namespaceID); } bool InspectorUtils::IsElementThemed(GlobalObject&, Element& aElement) { // IsThemed will check if the native theme supports the widget using // ThemeSupportsWidget which in turn will check that the widget is not // already styled by content through nsNativeTheme::IsWidgetStyled. We // assume that if the native theme styles the widget and the author did not // override the appropriate styles, the theme will provide focus styling. nsIFrame* frame = aElement.GetPrimaryFrame(FlushType::Frames); return frame && frame->IsThemed(); } Element* InspectorUtils::ContainingBlockOf(GlobalObject&, Element& aElement) { nsIFrame* frame = aElement.GetPrimaryFrame(FlushType::Frames); if (!frame) { return nullptr; } nsIFrame* cb = frame->GetContainingBlock(); if (!cb) { return nullptr; } return Element::FromNodeOrNull(cb->GetContent()); } void InspectorUtils::GetBlockLineCounts(GlobalObject& aGlobal, Element& aElement, Nullable>& aResult) { nsBlockFrame* block = do_QueryFrame(aElement.GetPrimaryFrame(FlushType::Layout)); if (!block) { aResult.SetNull(); return; } // If CSS columns were specified on the actual block element (rather than an // ancestor block, GetPrimaryFrame will return its ColumnSetWrapperFrame, and // we need to drill down to the actual block that contains the lines. if (block->IsColumnSetWrapperFrame()) { nsIFrame* firstChild = block->PrincipalChildList().FirstChild(); if (!firstChild->IsColumnSetFrame()) { aResult.SetNull(); return; } block = do_QueryFrame(firstChild->PrincipalChildList().FirstChild()); if (!block || block->GetContent() != &aElement) { aResult.SetNull(); return; } } nsTArray result; do { result.AppendElement(block->Lines().size()); block = static_cast(block->GetNextInFlow()); } while (block); aResult.SetValue(std::move(result)); } static bool FrameHasSpecifiedSize(const nsIFrame* aFrame) { auto wm = aFrame->GetWritingMode(); const nsStylePosition* stylePos = aFrame->StylePosition(); return stylePos->ISize(wm).IsLengthPercentage() || stylePos->BSize(wm).IsLengthPercentage(); } static bool IsFrameOutsideOfAncestor(const nsIFrame* aFrame, const nsIFrame* aAncestorFrame, const nsRect& aAncestorRect) { nsRect frameRectInAncestorSpace = nsLayoutUtils::TransformFrameRectToAncestor( aFrame, aFrame->ScrollableOverflowRect(), RelativeTo{aAncestorFrame}, nullptr, nullptr, false, nullptr); // We use nsRect::SaturatingUnionEdges because it correctly handles the case // of a zero-width or zero-height frame, which we still want to consider as // contributing to the union. nsRect unionizedRect = frameRectInAncestorSpace.SaturatingUnionEdges(aAncestorRect); // If frameRectInAncestorSpace is inside aAncestorRect then union of // frameRectInAncestorSpace and aAncestorRect should be equal to aAncestorRect // hence if it is equal, then false should be returned. return !(unionizedRect == aAncestorRect); } static void AddOverflowingChildrenOfElement(const nsIFrame* aFrame, const nsIFrame* aAncestorFrame, const nsRect& aRect, nsSimpleContentList& aList) { MOZ_ASSERT(aFrame, "we assume the passed-in frame is non-null"); for (const auto& childList : aFrame->ChildLists()) { for (const nsIFrame* child : childList.mList) { // We want to identify if the child or any of its children have a // frame that is outside of aAncestorFrame. Ideally, child would have // a frame rect that encompasses all of its children, but this is not // guaranteed by the frame tree. So instead we first check other // conditions that indicate child is an interesting frame: // // 1) child has a specified size // 2) none of child's children are implicated // // If either of these conditions are true, we *then* check if child's // frame is outside of aAncestorFrame, and if so, we add child's content // to aList. if (FrameHasSpecifiedSize(child) && IsFrameOutsideOfAncestor(child, aAncestorFrame, aRect)) { aList.MaybeAppendElement(child->GetContent()); continue; } uint32_t currListLength = aList.Length(); AddOverflowingChildrenOfElement(child, aAncestorFrame, aRect, aList); // If child is a leaf node, length of aList should remain same after // calling AddOverflowingChildrenOfElement on it. if (currListLength == aList.Length() && IsFrameOutsideOfAncestor(child, aAncestorFrame, aRect)) { aList.MaybeAppendElement(child->GetContent()); } } } } already_AddRefed InspectorUtils::GetOverflowingChildrenOfElement( GlobalObject& aGlobal, Element& aElement) { RefPtr list = new nsSimpleContentList(&aElement); const nsIScrollableFrame* scrollFrame = aElement.GetScrollFrame(); // Element must have a nsIScrollableFrame if (!scrollFrame) { return list.forget(); } auto scrollPortRect = scrollFrame->GetScrollPortRect(); const nsIFrame* outerFrame = do_QueryFrame(scrollFrame); const nsIFrame* scrolledFrame = scrollFrame->GetScrolledFrame(); AddOverflowingChildrenOfElement(scrolledFrame, outerFrame, scrollPortRect, *list); return list.forget(); } /* static */ void InspectorUtils::GetRegisteredCssHighlights(GlobalObject& aGlobalObject, Document& aDocument, bool aActiveOnly, nsTArray& aResult) { for (auto const& iter : aDocument.HighlightRegistry().HighlightsOrdered()) { const RefPtr& highlightName = iter.first(); const RefPtr& highlight = iter.second(); if (!aActiveOnly || highlight->Size() > 0) { aResult.AppendElement(highlightName->GetUTF16String()); } } } /* static */ void InspectorUtils::GetCSSRegisteredProperties( GlobalObject& aGlobalObject, Document& aDocument, nsTArray& aResult) { nsTArray result; ServoStyleSet& styleSet = aDocument.EnsureStyleSet(); // Update the rules before looking up @property rules. styleSet.UpdateStylistIfNeeded(); Servo_GetRegisteredCustomProperties(styleSet.RawData(), &result); for (const auto& propDef : result) { InspectorCSSPropertyDefinition& property = *aResult.AppendElement(); // Servo does not include the "--" prefix in the property definition name. // Add it back as it's easier for DevTools to handle them _with_ "--". property.mName.AssignLiteral("--"); property.mName.Append(nsAtomCString(propDef.name.AsAtom())); property.mSyntax.Append(propDef.syntax); property.mInherits = propDef.inherits; if (propDef.has_initial_value) { property.mInitialValue.Append(propDef.initial_value); } else { property.mInitialValue.SetIsVoid(true); } property.mFromJS = propDef.from_js; } } /* static */ void InspectorUtils::GetRuleBodyText(GlobalObject&, const nsACString& aInitialText, nsACString& aBodyText) { Servo_GetRuleBodyText(&aInitialText, &aBodyText); } /* static */ void InspectorUtils::ReplaceBlockRuleBodyTextInStylesheet( GlobalObject&, const nsACString& aStyleSheetText, uint32_t aLine, uint32_t aColumn, const nsACString& aNewBodyText, nsACString& aNewStyleSheetText) { Servo_ReplaceBlockRuleBodyTextInStylesheetText( &aStyleSheetText, aLine, aColumn, &aNewBodyText, &aNewStyleSheetText); } } // namespace dom } // namespace mozilla