/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ // Standard values to use for <img>/<embed> height & width, if requested. var HOST_NODE_HEIGHT = "20"; var HOST_NODE_WIDTH = "30"; // All the possible values of "align" const ALIGN_VALS = ["none", "xMinYMin", "xMinYMid", "xMinYMax", "xMidYMin", "xMidYMid", "xMidYMax", "xMaxYMin", "xMaxYMid", "xMaxYMax"]; // All the possible values of "meetOrSlice" const MEETORSLICE_VALS = [ "meet", "slice" ]; /** * Generates full data URI for an SVG document, with the given parameters * on the SVG element. * * @param aViewboxArr An array of four numbers, representing the * viewBox attribute, or null for no viewBox. * @param aWidth The width attribute, or null for no width. * @param aHeight The height attribute, or null for no height. * @param aAlign The 'align' component of the * preserveAspectRatio attribute, or null for none. * @param aMeetOrSlice The 'meetOrSlice' component of the * preserveAspectRatio attribute, or null for * none. (If non-null, implies non-null value for * aAlign.) * @param aViewParams Parameters to use for the view element. * @param aFragmentIdentifier The SVG fragment identifier. */ function generateSVGDataURI(aViewboxArr, aWidth, aHeight, aAlign, aMeetOrSlice, aViewParams, aFragmentIdentifier) { // prefix var datauri = "data:image/svg+xml," // Begin the SVG tag datauri += "%3Csvg%20xmlns%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2000%2Fsvg%22%20shape-rendering%3D%22crispEdges%22"; // Append the custom chunk from our params // If we're working with views, the align customisation is applied there instead datauri += generateSVGAttrsForParams(aViewboxArr, aWidth, aHeight, aViewParams ? null : aAlign, aMeetOrSlice); // Add 'font-size' just in case the client wants to use ems datauri += "%20font-size%3D%22" + "10px" + "%22"; // Put closing right bracket on SVG tag datauri += "%3E"; if (aViewParams) { // Give the view the id of the fragment identifier datauri += "%3Cview%20id%3D%22" + aFragmentIdentifier + "%22"; // Append the custom chunk from our view params datauri += generateSVGAttrsForParams(aViewParams.viewBox, null, null, aAlign, aViewParams.meetOrSlice); datauri += "%2F%3E"; } // Add the rest of the SVG document datauri += "%3Crect%20x%3D%221%22%20y%3D%221%22%20height%3D%2218%22%20width%3D%2218%22%20stroke-width%3D%222%22%20stroke%3D%22black%22%20fill%3D%22yellow%22%2F%3E%3Ccircle%20cx%3D%2210%22%20cy%3D%2210%22%20r%3D%228%22%20style%3D%22fill%3A%20blue%22%2F%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E"; return datauri; } // Generates just the chunk of a data URI that's relevant to // the given params. function generateSVGAttrsForParams(aViewboxArr, aWidth, aHeight, aAlign, aMeetOrSlice) { var str = ""; if (aViewboxArr) { str += "%20viewBox%3D%22"; for (var i in aViewboxArr) { str += aViewboxArr[i]; if (i != aViewboxArr.length - 1) { str += "%20"; } } str += "%22"; } if (aWidth) { str += "%20width%3D%22" + aWidth + "%22"; } if (aHeight) { str += "%20height%3D%22" + aHeight + "%22"; } if (aAlign) { str += "%20preserveAspectRatio%3D%22" + aAlign; if (aMeetOrSlice) { str += "%20" + aMeetOrSlice; } str += "%22"; } return str; } // Returns a newly-generated element with the given tagname, the given URI // for its |src| attribute, and the given width & height values. function generateHostNode(aHostNodeTagName, aUri, aHostNodeWidth, aHostNodeHeight) { var elem = document.createElement(aHostNodeTagName); elem.setAttribute("src", aUri); if (aHostNodeWidth) { elem.setAttribute("width", aHostNodeWidth); } if (aHostNodeHeight) { elem.setAttribute("height", aHostNodeHeight); } return elem; } // THIS IS THE CHIEF HELPER FUNCTION TO BE CALLED BY CLIENTS function appendSVGArrayWithParams(aSVGParams, aHostNodeTagName) { // These are width & height vals that will be used for the *host node*. // (i.e. the <img> or <embed> node -- not the <svg> node) var hostNodeWidthVals = [ null, HOST_NODE_WIDTH ]; var hostNodeHeightVals = [ null, HOST_NODE_HEIGHT ]; for (var i = 0; i < hostNodeWidthVals.length; i++) { var hostNodeWidth = hostNodeWidthVals[i]; for (var j = 0; j < hostNodeHeightVals.length; j++) { var hostNodeHeight = hostNodeHeightVals[j]; appendSVGSubArrayWithParams(aSVGParams, aHostNodeTagName, hostNodeWidth, hostNodeHeight); } } } // Helper function for above, for a fixed [host-node-width][host-node-height] function appendSVGSubArrayWithParams(aSVGParams, aHostNodeTagName, aHostNodeWidth, aHostNodeHeight) { var rootNode = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; for (var k = 0; k < ALIGN_VALS.length; k++) { var alignVal = ALIGN_VALS[k]; if (!aSVGParams.meetOrSlice) { alignVal = "none"; } // Generate the Data URI var uri = generateSVGDataURI(aSVGParams.viewBox, aSVGParams.width, aSVGParams.height, alignVal, aSVGParams.meetOrSlice, aSVGParams.view, aSVGParams.fragmentIdentifier); if (aSVGParams.fragmentIdentifier) { uri += "#" + aSVGParams.fragmentIdentifier; } // Generate & append the host node element var hostNode = generateHostNode(aHostNodeTagName, uri, aHostNodeWidth, aHostNodeHeight); rootNode.appendChild(hostNode); // Cosmetic: Add a newline when we get halfway through the ALIGN_VALS // and then again when we reach the end if (k + 1 == ALIGN_VALS.length / 2 || k + 1 == ALIGN_VALS.length) { rootNode.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); } } }