// Seeks to the given time and then removes the SVG document's class to trigger // a reftest snapshot. If pauseFlag is true, animations will be paused. function setTimeAndSnapshot(timeInSeconds, pauseFlag) { var svg = document.documentElement; if (pauseFlag) { svg.pauseAnimations(); } svg.setCurrentTime(timeInSeconds); svg.removeAttribute("class"); } // Seeks to the given time and then removes the SVG document's class to trigger // a reftest snapshot after waiting at least minWaitTimeInSeconds. function setTimeAndWaitToSnapshot(seekTimeInSeconds, minWaitTimeInSeconds) { var svg = document.documentElement; svg.setCurrentTime(seekTimeInSeconds); var timeToTakeSnapshot = window.performance.now() + minWaitTimeInSeconds * 1000; requestAnimationFrame(function takeSnapshot(currentTime) { if (currentTime > timeToTakeSnapshot) { svg.removeAttribute("class"); } else { requestAnimationFrame(takeSnapshot); } }); }