/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ :host { /* Add transition effect to make caret size changing smoother. */ transition-property: width, height, margin-left; position: absolute; z-index: 2147483647; } #image, #text-overlay { width: 100%; /* Override this property in moz-custom-content-container to make dummy touch * listener work. */ pointer-events: auto; } #image { background-position: center top; background-size: 100%; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-origin: content-box; } :host(.normal) #image { background-image: image-set( url("resource://gre-resources/accessiblecaret-normal@1x.png"), url("resource://gre-resources/accessiblecaret-normal@1.5x.png") 1.5x, url("resource://gre-resources/accessiblecaret-normal@2x.png") 2x, url("resource://gre-resources/accessiblecaret-normal@2.25x.png") 2.25x ); } :host(.left) #image, :host(.left) #text-overlay { margin-left: -39%; } :host(.left) > #image { background-image: image-set( url("resource://gre-resources/accessiblecaret-tilt-left@1x.png"), url("resource://gre-resources/accessiblecaret-tilt-left@1.5x.png") 1.5x, url("resource://gre-resources/accessiblecaret-tilt-left@2x.png") 2x, url("resource://gre-resources/accessiblecaret-tilt-left@2.25x.png") 2.25x ); } :host(.right) #image, :host(.right) #text-overlay { margin-left: 41%; } :host(.right) #image { background-image: image-set( url("resource://gre-resources/accessiblecaret-tilt-right@1x.png"), url("resource://gre-resources/accessiblecaret-tilt-right@1.5x.png") 1.5x, url("resource://gre-resources/accessiblecaret-tilt-right@2x.png") 2x, url("resource://gre-resources/accessiblecaret-tilt-right@2.25x.png") 2.25x ); } :host(.none) { display: none; } :host(.hidden) { visibility: hidden; } @media (-moz-platform: android) { #image, #text-overlay { /* border: 0.1px solid red; */ /* Uncomment border to see the touch target. */ padding-left: 59%; /* Enlarge the touch area. ((48-22)/2)px / 22px ~= 59% */ padding-right: 59%; /* Enlarge the touch area. */ margin-left: -59%; } #image { padding-bottom: 59%; /* Enlarge the touch area. */ } :host(.normal) #image { background-image: url("resource://gre-resources/accessiblecaret-normal.svg"); } :host(.left) #image, :host(.left) #text-overlay { margin-left: -109%; } :host(.left) #image { background-image: url("resource://gre-resources/accessiblecaret-tilt-left.svg"); } :host(.right) #image, :host(.right) #text-overlay { margin-left: -12%; } :host(.right) #image { background-image: url("resource://gre-resources/accessiblecaret-tilt-right.svg"); } }