# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import datetime import os import posixpath import shutil import signal import subprocess import sys import tempfile import time import traceback from contextlib import closing import mozcrash import reftestcommandline from mozdevice import ADBDeviceFactory, RemoteProcessMonitor from output import OutputHandler from runreftest import RefTest, ReftestResolver, build_obj from six.moves.urllib_request import urlopen # We need to know our current directory so that we can serve our test files from it. SCRIPT_DIRECTORY = os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__))) class RemoteReftestResolver(ReftestResolver): def absManifestPath(self, path): script_abs_path = os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIRECTORY, path) if os.path.exists(script_abs_path): rv = script_abs_path elif os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(path)): rv = os.path.abspath(path) else: print("Could not find manifest %s" % script_abs_path, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) return os.path.normpath(rv) def manifestURL(self, options, path): # Dynamically build the reftest URL if possible, beware that # args[0] should exist 'inside' webroot. It's possible for # this url to have a leading "..", but reftest.js will fix # that. Use the httpdPath to determine if we are running in # production or locally. If we are running the jsreftests # locally, strip text up to jsreftest. We want the docroot of # the server to include a link jsreftest that points to the # test-stage location of the test files. The desktop oriented # setup has already created a link for tests which points # directly into the source tree. For the remote tests we need # a separate symbolic link to point to the staged test files. if "jsreftest" not in path or os.environ.get("MOZ_AUTOMATION"): relPath = os.path.relpath(path, SCRIPT_DIRECTORY) else: relPath = "jsreftest/" + path.split("jsreftest/")[-1] return "http://%s:%s/%s" % (options.remoteWebServer, options.httpPort, relPath) class ReftestServer: """Web server used to serve Reftests, for closer fidelity to the real web. It is virtually identical to the server used in mochitest and will only be used for running reftests remotely. Bug 581257 has been filed to refactor this wrapper around httpd.js into it's own class and use it in both remote and non-remote testing.""" def __init__(self, options, scriptDir, log): self.log = log self.utilityPath = options.utilityPath self.xrePath = options.xrePath self.profileDir = options.serverProfilePath self.webServer = options.remoteWebServer self.httpPort = options.httpPort self.scriptDir = scriptDir self.httpdPath = os.path.abspath(options.httpdPath) if options.remoteWebServer == "": # probably running an Android emulator and will # not be visible from host shutdownServer = "" else: shutdownServer = self.webServer self.shutdownURL = "http://%(server)s:%(port)s/server/shutdown" % { "server": shutdownServer, "port": self.httpPort, } def start(self): "Run the Refest server, returning the process ID of the server." env = dict(os.environ) env["XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK"] = "warn" bin_suffix = "" if sys.platform in ("win32", "msys", "cygwin"): env["PATH"] = env["PATH"] + ";" + self.xrePath bin_suffix = ".exe" else: if "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" not in env or env["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] is None: env["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = self.xrePath else: env["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = ":".join( [self.xrePath, env["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"]] ) args = [ "-g", self.xrePath, "-e", "const _PROFILE_PATH = '%(profile)s';const _SERVER_PORT = " "'%(port)s'; const _SERVER_ADDR ='%(server)s'; " "const _HTTPD_PATH = '%(httpdPath)s';" % { "httpdPath": self.httpdPath.replace("\\", "\\\\"), "profile": self.profileDir.replace("\\", "\\\\"), "port": self.httpPort, "server": self.webServer, }, "-f", os.path.join(self.scriptDir, "server.js"), ] xpcshell = os.path.join(self.utilityPath, "xpcshell" + bin_suffix) if not os.access(xpcshell, os.F_OK): raise Exception("xpcshell not found at %s" % xpcshell) if RemoteProcessMonitor.elf_arm(xpcshell): raise Exception( "xpcshell at %s is an ARM binary; please use " "the --utility-path argument to specify the path " "to a desktop version." % xpcshell ) self._process = subprocess.Popen([xpcshell] + args, env=env) pid = self._process.pid if pid < 0: self.log.error( "TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | remotereftests.py | Error starting server." ) return 2 self.log.info("INFO | remotereftests.py | Server pid: %d" % pid) def ensureReady(self, timeout): assert timeout >= 0 aliveFile = os.path.join(self.profileDir, "server_alive.txt") i = 0 while i < timeout: if os.path.exists(aliveFile): break time.sleep(1) i += 1 else: self.log.error( "TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | remotereftests.py | " "Timed out while waiting for server startup." ) self.stop() return 1 def stop(self): if hasattr(self, "_process"): try: with closing(urlopen(self.shutdownURL)) as c: c.read() rtncode = self._process.poll() if rtncode is None: self._process.terminate() except Exception: self.log.info("Failed to shutdown server at %s" % self.shutdownURL) traceback.print_exc() self._process.kill() class RemoteReftest(RefTest): use_marionette = False resolver_cls = RemoteReftestResolver def __init__(self, options, scriptDir): RefTest.__init__(self, options.suite) self.run_by_manifest = False self.scriptDir = scriptDir self.localLogName = options.localLogName verbose = False if ( options.log_mach_verbose or options.log_tbpl_level == "debug" or options.log_mach_level == "debug" or options.log_raw_level == "debug" ): verbose = True print("set verbose!") expected = options.app.split("/")[-1] self.device = ADBDeviceFactory( adb=options.adb_path or "adb", device=options.deviceSerial, test_root=options.remoteTestRoot, verbose=verbose, run_as_package=expected, ) if options.remoteTestRoot is None: options.remoteTestRoot = posixpath.join(self.device.test_root, "reftest") options.remoteProfile = posixpath.join(options.remoteTestRoot, "profile") options.remoteLogFile = posixpath.join(options.remoteTestRoot, "reftest.log") options.logFile = options.remoteLogFile self.remoteProfile = options.remoteProfile self.remoteTestRoot = options.remoteTestRoot if not options.ignoreWindowSize: parts = self.device.get_info("screen")["screen"][0].split() width = int(parts[0].split(":")[1]) height = int(parts[1].split(":")[1]) if width < 1366 or height < 1050: self.error( "ERROR: Invalid screen resolution %sx%s, " "please adjust to 1366x1050 or higher" % (width, height) ) self._populate_logger(options) self.outputHandler = OutputHandler( self.log, options.utilityPath, options.symbolsPath ) self.SERVER_STARTUP_TIMEOUT = 90 self.remoteCache = os.path.join(options.remoteTestRoot, "cache/") # Check that Firefox is installed expected = options.app.split("/")[-1] if not self.device.is_app_installed(expected): raise Exception("%s is not installed on this device" % expected) self.device.run_as_package = expected self.device.clear_logcat() self.device.rm(self.remoteCache, force=True, recursive=True) procName = options.app.split("/")[-1] self.device.stop_application(procName) if self.device.process_exist(procName): self.log.error("unable to kill %s before starting tests!" % procName) def findPath(self, paths, filename=None): for path in paths: p = path if filename: p = os.path.join(p, filename) if os.path.exists(self.getFullPath(p)): return path return None def startWebServer(self, options): """Create the webserver on the host and start it up""" remoteXrePath = options.xrePath remoteUtilityPath = options.utilityPath paths = [options.xrePath] if build_obj: paths.append(os.path.join(build_obj.topobjdir, "dist", "bin")) options.xrePath = self.findPath(paths) if options.xrePath is None: print( "ERROR: unable to find xulrunner path for %s, " "please specify with --xre-path" % (os.name) ) return 1 paths.append("bin") paths.append(os.path.join("..", "bin")) xpcshell = "xpcshell" if os.name == "nt": xpcshell += ".exe" if options.utilityPath: paths.insert(0, options.utilityPath) options.utilityPath = self.findPath(paths, xpcshell) if options.utilityPath is None: print( "ERROR: unable to find utility path for %s, " "please specify with --utility-path" % (os.name) ) return 1 options.serverProfilePath = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.server = ReftestServer(options, self.scriptDir, self.log) retVal = self.server.start() if retVal: return retVal retVal = self.server.ensureReady(self.SERVER_STARTUP_TIMEOUT) if retVal: return retVal options.xrePath = remoteXrePath options.utilityPath = remoteUtilityPath return 0 def stopWebServer(self, options): self.server.stop() def killNamedProc(self, pname, orphans=True): """Kill processes matching the given command name""" try: import psutil except ImportError as e: self.log.warning("Unable to import psutil: %s" % str(e)) self.log.warning("Unable to verify that %s is not already running." % pname) return self.log.info("Checking for %s processes..." % pname) for proc in psutil.process_iter(): try: if proc.name() == pname: procd = proc.as_dict(attrs=["pid", "ppid", "name", "username"]) if proc.ppid() == 1 or not orphans: self.log.info("killing %s" % procd) try: os.kill( proc.pid, getattr(signal, "SIGKILL", signal.SIGTERM) ) except Exception as e: self.log.info( "Failed to kill process %d: %s" % (proc.pid, str(e)) ) else: self.log.info("NOT killing %s (not an orphan?)" % procd) except Exception: # may not be able to access process info for all processes continue def createReftestProfile(self, options, **kwargs): profile = RefTest.createReftestProfile( self, options, server=options.remoteWebServer, port=options.httpPort, **kwargs ) profileDir = profile.profile prefs = {} prefs["reftest.remote"] = True prefs["datareporting.policy.dataSubmissionPolicyBypassAcceptance"] = True # move necko cache to a location that can be cleaned up prefs["browser.cache.disk.parent_directory"] = self.remoteCache prefs["layout.css.devPixelsPerPx"] = "1.0" # Because Fennec is a little wacky (see bug 1156817) we need to load the # reftest pages at 1.0 zoom, rather than zooming to fit the CSS viewport. prefs["apz.allow_zooming"] = False # Set the extra prefs. profile.set_preferences(prefs) try: self.device.push(profileDir, options.remoteProfile) # make sure the parent directories of the profile which # may have been created by the push, also have their # permissions set to allow access. self.device.chmod(options.remoteTestRoot, recursive=True) except Exception: print("Automation Error: Failed to copy profiledir to device") raise return profile def environment(self, env=None, crashreporter=True, **kwargs): # Since running remote, do not mimic the local env: do not copy os.environ if env is None: env = {} if crashreporter: env["MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT"] = "1" env["MOZ_CRASHREPORTER"] = "1" env["MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_SHUTDOWN"] = "1" else: env["MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_DISABLE"] = "1" # Crash on non-local network connections by default. # MOZ_DISABLE_NONLOCAL_CONNECTIONS can be set to "0" to temporarily # enable non-local connections for the purposes of local testing. # Don't override the user's choice here. See bug 1049688. env.setdefault("MOZ_DISABLE_NONLOCAL_CONNECTIONS", "1") # Send an env var noting that we are in automation. Passing any # value except the empty string will declare the value to exist. # # This may be used to disabled network connections during testing, e.g. # Switchboard & telemetry uploads. env.setdefault("MOZ_IN_AUTOMATION", "1") # Set WebRTC logging in case it is not set yet. env.setdefault("R_LOG_LEVEL", "6") env.setdefault("R_LOG_DESTINATION", "stderr") env.setdefault("R_LOG_VERBOSE", "1") return env def buildBrowserEnv(self, options, profileDir): browserEnv = RefTest.buildBrowserEnv(self, options, profileDir) # remove desktop environment not used on device if "XPCOM_MEM_BLOAT_LOG" in browserEnv: del browserEnv["XPCOM_MEM_BLOAT_LOG"] return browserEnv def runApp( self, options, cmdargs=None, timeout=None, debuggerInfo=None, symbolsPath=None, valgrindPath=None, valgrindArgs=None, valgrindSuppFiles=None, **profileArgs ): if cmdargs is None: cmdargs = [] if self.use_marionette: cmdargs.append("-marionette") binary = options.app profile = self.createReftestProfile(options, **profileArgs) # browser environment env = self.buildBrowserEnv(options, profile.profile) rpm = RemoteProcessMonitor( binary, self.device, self.log, self.outputHandler, options.remoteLogFile, self.remoteProfile, ) startTime = datetime.datetime.now() status = 0 profileDirectory = self.remoteProfile + "/" cmdargs.extend(("-no-remote", "-profile", profileDirectory)) pid = rpm.launch( binary, debuggerInfo, None, cmdargs, env=env, e10s=options.e10s, ) self.log.info("remotereftest.py | Application pid: %d" % pid) if not rpm.wait(timeout): status = 1 self.log.info( "remotereftest.py | Application ran for: %s" % str(datetime.datetime.now() - startTime) ) crashed = self.check_for_crashes(symbolsPath, rpm.last_test_seen) if crashed: status = 1 self.cleanup(profile.profile) return status def check_for_crashes(self, symbols_path, last_test_seen): """ Pull any minidumps from remote profile and log any associated crashes. """ try: dump_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() remote_crash_dir = posixpath.join(self.remoteProfile, "minidumps") if not self.device.is_dir(remote_crash_dir): return False self.device.pull(remote_crash_dir, dump_dir) crashed = mozcrash.log_crashes( self.log, dump_dir, symbols_path, test=last_test_seen ) finally: try: shutil.rmtree(dump_dir) except Exception as e: self.log.warning( "unable to remove directory %s: %s" % (dump_dir, str(e)) ) return crashed def cleanup(self, profileDir): self.device.rm(self.remoteTestRoot, force=True, recursive=True) self.device.rm(self.remoteProfile, force=True, recursive=True) self.device.rm(self.remoteCache, force=True, recursive=True) RefTest.cleanup(self, profileDir) def run_test_harness(parser, options): reftest = RemoteReftest(options, SCRIPT_DIRECTORY) parser.validate_remote(options) parser.validate(options, reftest) # Hack in a symbolic link for jsreftest in the SCRIPT_DIRECTORY # which is the document root for the reftest web server. This # allows a separate redirection for the jsreftests which must # run through the web server using the staged tests files and # the desktop which will use the tests symbolic link to find # the JavaScript tests. jsreftest_target = str(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIRECTORY, "jsreftest")) if os.environ.get("MOZ_AUTOMATION"): os.system("ln -s ../jsreftest " + jsreftest_target) else: jsreftest_source = os.path.join( build_obj.topobjdir, "dist", "test-stage", "jsreftest" ) if not os.path.islink(jsreftest_target): os.symlink(jsreftest_source, jsreftest_target) # Despite our efforts to clean up servers started by this script, in practice # we still see infrequent cases where a process is orphaned and interferes # with future tests, typically because the old server is keeping the port in use. # Try to avoid those failures by checking for and killing servers before # trying to start new ones. reftest.killNamedProc("ssltunnel") reftest.killNamedProc("xpcshell") # Start the webserver retVal = reftest.startWebServer(options) if retVal: return retVal retVal = 0 try: if options.verify: retVal = reftest.verifyTests(options.tests, options) else: retVal = reftest.runTests(options.tests, options) except Exception: print("Automation Error: Exception caught while running tests") traceback.print_exc() retVal = 1 reftest.stopWebServer(options) return retVal if __name__ == "__main__": parser = reftestcommandline.RemoteArgumentsParser() options = parser.parse_args() sys.exit(run_test_harness(parser, options))