#include #include #include #include #ifndef _CUBEB_MEDIA_LIBRARY_H_ #define _CUBEB_MEDIA_LIBRARY_H_ typedef int32_t (*get_output_latency_ptr)(uint32_t * latency, int stream_type); struct media_lib { void * libmedia; get_output_latency_ptr get_output_latency; }; typedef struct media_lib media_lib; media_lib * cubeb_load_media_library() { media_lib ml = {}; ml.libmedia = dlopen("libmedia.so", RTLD_LAZY); if (!ml.libmedia) { return nullptr; } // Get the latency, in ms, from AudioFlinger. First, try the most recent // signature. status_t AudioSystem::getOutputLatency(uint32_t* latency, // audio_stream_type_t streamType) ml.get_output_latency = (get_output_latency_ptr)dlsym( ml.libmedia, "_ZN7android11AudioSystem16getOutputLatencyEPj19audio_stream_type_t"); if (!ml.get_output_latency) { // In case of failure, try the signature from legacy version. // status_t AudioSystem::getOutputLatency(uint32_t* latency, int streamType) ml.get_output_latency = (get_output_latency_ptr)dlsym( ml.libmedia, "_ZN7android11AudioSystem16getOutputLatencyEPji"); if (!ml.get_output_latency) { return nullptr; } } media_lib * rv = nullptr; rv = (media_lib *)calloc(1, sizeof(media_lib)); assert(rv); *rv = ml; return rv; } void cubeb_close_media_library(media_lib * ml) { dlclose(ml->libmedia); ml->libmedia = NULL; ml->get_output_latency = NULL; free(ml); } uint32_t cubeb_get_output_latency_from_media_library(media_lib * ml) { uint32_t latency = 0; const int audio_stream_type_music = 3; int32_t r = ml->get_output_latency(&latency, audio_stream_type_music); if (r) { return 0; } return latency; } #endif // _CUBEB_MEDIA_LIBRARY_H_